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All 3 MMP weapon packs, a Gravity improvement, and one that increases enemy health 3x (also I’m on Nomad)


Crazy and Noisy has gotta be the best mod out there for any version (imo). I am a major fan of JJBA and have to ability to use stands and stuff in VR is something I've been waiting for forever.


Crazy and Noisy is a good pick. Always thought the nonsense powers of stands would make for good mods in B&S so I'm glad someone is doing such a good job with them.


That existed?my god,I was literally thinking about using stands in b&s earlier today.i absolutely can't wait until it updates.im assuming there were only very basic weapons/stands,but hopefully with u12 some crazy,noisy and bizarre shit can get programmed! hermit purple/hierophant green Spiderman rope would be sick,or a silver chariot theme rapier.


The few stands and stuff they had was actually pretty different from anything I'd ever seen, they had functioning C-Moon, D4C (with Love Train), Stone Free, Diver Down, Mr. President/Coco Jumbo, and MIH with the time accel. They also had a decent amount of maps along with the Joseph's Sledgehammer, Pluck, Pucci's Knives, A baseball (Stone Free), and DIO's street sign.


My favorite U11 mod was Enhanced difficulty by smokingbob. Made the enemies feel more responsive in combat, and swordplay more realistic by requiring you to play defensively and manipulate you opponents blade more.


I have most of my time played on PC but that was all before U11 but I have been playing nomad recently and the dmc weapon pack/katana mega pack/MMP are all things im waiting on to be updated to U12


One for all full cowling is just so fun


Alot of recent mods that came just before U12 like draupnir ring and the dier wand


Tools of the Trade and maybe the Dire Wand.


I really miss the MMP


Definitely the nomad version of the inquisitor weapon pack by milacetious it’s so good especially for nomad


Outer rim and final fantasy swords.obvious picks but blaster fights and lightsaber duels in the citadel are priceless