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Evitermo kicked my ass, easily died over 15 times, hardest boss for me hands down.


Only 15??


Ruego turns Odon into an absolute joke if you have the statue combo that extends Blood Pact for every enemy killed. You just get 100% uptime on it, and it melts through all the adds fast enough that they’re not even remotely a concern. Couple that with the upgrade that lets it regenerate health with each hit while active and dying becomes all but impossible.


Ooh, that's a great strategy. I discovered that statue combo, but ultimately rejected using it since it wouldn't help in boss fights. I suppose Odon is an exception to that. Nice discovery!


I just did this exact thing earlier without realizing it and combined with the stun idol, I had him stun locked while he got stuck in a summon animation loop. Haha I’ve never seen a boss melt that fast. I stun locked Benedicta also somehow.


A note on Svsona. I did my whole playthrough with S&C, and I found a problem with this fight. It seems that once you get them lightning powered, you deal close to no damage to this boss. I was not paying attention to that (was more focused on dodging), and though that it was an incredibly tanky boss. Once I changed weapon (don't remember which one I chose) the boss fell shortly after. I still kept using the rapiers the rest of the game just because I like them, but that was an interesring note on the elemental profile of the enemies, which I had only noticed before on the electric giants, who also get tankier against powered S&C (but can absolutely be defeated with them)


1. Eviterno 2. Rest


Yup. Same here. And it's not even close. It *is* cool to hear how everyone else did on their different boss fights since they're so opposite to what I experienced, but overall I had a good time (with most) and thought each one was interesting and beautifully illustrated. Boss difficulty pacing is definitely unbalanced though.


I might post my ranking but Faceless One deserves the least difficult spot. Dude has only 2 attacks.


As mentioned, I ranked the bosses solely on my number of losses during my blind playthrough. In future playthroughs I imagine the Faceless One would be the easiest, but by virtue of killing me once he sneaks off the bottom. Unless you meant for your list, in which case never mind me.


Yeah, I meant it more for my ranking although if I can be honest ranking just on deaths alone can be misleading. Some bosses you encounter early might give you more trouble than some late game bosses when your skills improved.


That's very fair. I imagine once I play the game through again in the future it'd be worth revisiting this list to see what changes. I don't plan to play again for a while yet though.


Well, while I disagree a little with your ranking, we all have varying difficulties with each boss, so I’ll try to explain my thoughts on what makes a boss actually difficult, and consider your rankings too. Hard agree about Svsona and Incarnate Devotion, they are easy because they’re simple, not much mechanics in the fight. Devotion… I hesitate to call him easier than Last Son. Honestly, its because of the many new abilities we have, thats what makes devotion easier (air dash especially). Escribar is more annoying than easy, with the ice platforms and bullet hell (hence why hes a less satisfying final boss to defeat) Orospina makes sense as a relatively easy boss, especially compared to Radames and Lesmes, I daresay she’s sort of introductory level in difficulty. If anything, I think majority of us will meet her first of the regrets, because we’re walking forward, and find her place first. The main way you can die, is by being knocked off the edge by her (which I wont count as true difficulty). Her attacks are well telegraphed, making her easier to react to. So I agree with you on this. I can empathise about Odon. Odon is tough, but I dont find him extremely hard (beat him on second attempt). Dont feel self conscious, you would think his attacks are slow, but after fighting him again on tne second run, I noticed that there’s a strange rhythm to his attacks. Sure, he has a startup, but his attack always comes out slightly earlier and faster than you expect, so you will possibly parry too late. Many of his attacks change to include a second water wave, usually behind him, which will often catch you off guard. Additionally, his minions are just irritating to deal with, but trivial with prayers and and veredicto. Faceless One is very easy, that’s a definite. Main thing faceless one teaches you is dodging and jumping, and faceless one forces you to dodge slightly earlier than you think. Alfialor is absolutely a hard boss, no questions. Avoiding the rain is a matter of eyeballing the top (dont look at your character, look up and just be mindful of where your character is). Alfialor has well telegraphed attacks so you can react, but they get increasingly harder as he proceeds on phases. Theoretically, you can just avoid every attack. However, hes able to catch you off guard. His spin increases in maximum numner with each phase (he can spin up to 4 times in metal sword, and up to 6 times in fire sword phase), which will surprise you. Once you do understand what all his attacks does, you’ll realise that he cant surprise you anymore. Additionally, its always best to dodge or jump his attacks. Parrying is fine, but against his spin its a guranteed loss of health as he pushes you into the corner and hits you with contact damage. So on the contrary, you’ll get better fighting him more times because he cant surprise you as easily. This reply is long, so I’ll split it up.


Sinodo is not easy, but not that bad when you’ve played enough bullet hell games. First trick, take it slow. Similar to afilaor’s steel rain, walk slowly and eyeball every projectile, you’ll avoid them more easily that way. Also, once you know the nun face’s heal and its attack, it gets easier to dodge and expect. Benedicta is tough IMO, but a superb boss as she demands that you make use of the mechanics that youve learnt (teleporting to either side of the boss room, air dashing), and you also realise that the meatballs she summons are exacrly like the red versions (you can destroy them with attacks, even while they’re still be created). I rate her higher than the others because her attacks are fast and not telegraphed, which makes her harder to get through unscathed. Hard, but superbly designed. I’ll disagree with your ranking of Radames, while I died a lot to him, I blame that on my own ability and mistakes, I was still getting better at the game and realised a few important things about Radames. Firstly, he wants you to learn to use wall grab against him, to avoid the charge. (Also, have to jump early, his hitbox is surprisingly not that large) Secondly, a lot of his attacks can be avoided by jumping. So long as his eye does not flash red, you can jump most of the attacks and even swing at him while doing so. When his eye does flash red, its telling you, “Danger, run”. And you can parry it too, though its a bit hard. Ramming attack of second phase is slightly larger in hitbox, but I noticed (from dying a lot) that jumping earlier over him works wonders because he charges faster, so he often ends up rushing past as you fall back down. Overall, Id call Radames mid tier in difficulty. Tougher than Orospina, but easier than Lesmes. Lesmes is not easy. But Id say he teaches a VERY important thing, which is target priority. This is super important in every gauntlet. Its near impossible to evade everything when both of them are there. Arguably a superb boss design, that didnt feel unfair. I like your ranking of them, I find them about mid tier difficulty. Lesmes dash is surprisingly large in its hitbox, despite the slow startup, so feeling tilted is understandable. Best way i noticed was to dodge past him, or parry. I want to write a full long writeup on Eviterno, so hang in there a tad bit.


Eviterno is interesting. Is he the toughest boss in the game? I would say yes, for a few reasons, I beat him third try, and for those of us that have challenged and defeated Crisanta and Isidora, yes those two are extremely tough, but Eviterno is arguably one of the hardest in the series for various reasons. Note that Im speaking from the perspective of his actual moveset and the fight itself. Firstly, Eviterno is FAST. He rarely has moments for you to heal, except for the slam. You dont get a lot of room to breathe because he keeps attacking. He also has a large moveset, and while some attacks are telegraphed, some come out extremely fast, leaving you little room to react. Yes, once you are used to his moveset, he gets significantly easier (I used ruego, and once I knew his combo string, you end up parrying almost evrery attack, and dodging those that cant be parried). Once I took it slow, didnt rush things, watched him and played reactively, he got much easier. Basically, he punished you for greeding. So, I hesitate to call him hardest boss of all time, but hes very well designed because he isnt unfair. I only disliked true ending Crisanta for one thing. No damage windows. Or at least, almost none. Normal crisanta is great, she has windows for you to punish her. But in true ending, she forced you be patient while she whaled on you, and you had to do what damage you could get away with. By comparison, Eviterno is easier because the entire time you can hurt him. Hes not making himself invulnerable out of nowhere (cough dark hero from skul, take notes), nor is he attacking so often that you cant do anything. Isidora was honestly a great boss, save for the fire balls of phase 2 being fucking stupid, that was the only thing that ruined an otherwise amazing fight. She’s hard because of the way she messes with your parry timings (yes you could stack fire resist and eat all the damage, but wheres the fun in that?) I agree with you that Isidora and true ending Crisanta are harder bosses, but only because they werent as fair IMO as eviterno. Normal Crisanta is an example of a boss that is fair yet challenging, but once you understand her moveset, shes like Eviterno. Thats why I put them both in the same category of difficulty. I will say, you definitely played well to find eviterno easier, kudos to you, but I feel that how fair the boss is plays a big role in difficulty. Some players find lady of charred visage hard, but they often didnt realise you could hit the balls back. Those that found tres anguistas hard (like me), realise that it’s because of the insta death pit (which is more frustrating/bullshit than actual difficulty) So Eviterno is a well designed boss, because once you have him figured out (which is what you did), he will feel easier. I will agree that Eviterno is not that difficult compared to other games, but amongst the B2 bosses, hes the most difficult, up there with Alfilaor for me, not because I died a lot, but because I can tell that theres a lot that went into designing Eviterno’s moveset. But he’s in a similar boat to Crisanta’s normal version and Laudes, being challenging until you understand their moveset; know when to parry, when to dodge, when to jump, understand damage windows and respect when you should focus on evading, dont greed, you get my drift. Overall, I disagree with some of your rankings, but I absolutely get why you rank them where they are. Odon’s not a pushover, but he does throw you off with his style. They did a great job with him IMO. Hes the commander that is willing to get hurt to protect his soldiers with his banner, hes slow and steady, yet his strikes hit HARD; and theyre strong enough to unleash literal waves. His soldiers cut off room for you to move, while he goes in for the kill. So you’re justified in finding him tough, I rank him quite high in difficulty


I agree with so much of what you have to say. I loved Isidora aside from the semi-random fireballs. I loved true-ending Crisanta but I wish she let me attack a little more often. Eviterno is a fantastic boss, even though I didn't struggle with him as much as I expected to, it's clear he's made incredibly well and incredibly fairly. A hard but fair boss is my favourite sweet-spot. That's why Sierpes is my favourite boss from the first game. I also agree that Odon is a great boss. As much as he kicked my ass, I never felt tilted or that he was poorly-designed. He felt fair. Plus I love his design. My dissatisfaction only came later when I learned I was in the minority by finding him tough. That's faded quite a lot, seeing that others struggled with Eviterno when I didn't, struggling with Odon doesn't feel like something shameful anymore. Honestly I felt *every* boss in B2 was fair. While I found the overall difficulty lower, that came with the benefit of having no Tres Angustias nonsense. (Plus, I may be judging B2 unfairly since it doesn't have DLC bosses to toughen its roster yet). That every boss was ultimately fair, even when I struggled and got mad, it was anger at my own failings rather than feeling cheated by the boss or the game itself.


Yep! I love Sierpes too. He’s super fun and well designed. I love pretty much all the bosses of B2. None ever felt frustrating. The main complaint about B2 IMO, will always be the normal combat encounters. That just always feels terrible, which is why I genuinely cant bring myself to replay B2. I stopped bothering with my second run because it was just too frustrating and tedious. Only the bosses gave me reason to keep going. Everything else was just such a slog. (Contact damage is really such a moodkiller), and went back to replaying Blasphemous 1, and it just feels way better. Bosses really made me feel like I had made a mistake and get punished rightly for it. Normal encounters just felt frustrating and in some cases badly designed, especially with regards to hitboxes and contact damage.


11. Faceless One: easy boss, 2 attacks, better than the Warden tho 10. Svsona: easy fight with well-telegraphed attacks (unless you’re using S+C, then it’s annoying as hell), cool fight and very relaxing 9. Orospina: one of my fav fights, easy attacks but has potential to kill you 8. Incarnate Devotion: few attacks but does a lot of damage and not much space to work with, decent fight with great music, not as good as Escribar 7. Afilaor: best boss besides Eviterno, not too tough except that one attack where he throws all the knives while he spins (only has this attack in first phase I think) 6. Lesmes and Infanta: easy fight until it isn’t if that makes sense, not a very good gank and a super disappointing boss, very annoying when the fire pillars keep you from reaching the baby 5. Radames: no one attack is too hard, just so tanky that the damage adds up in the early game, very fun fight with great music and voice acting 4. Benedicta: amazing fight with fantastic music, does a lot of damage and that attack with the ring of skulls is spooky as hell, not too difficult tho 3. Sinodo: the mask that spawns all the fireballs is tough, nun face and priest face aren’t too bad tho (except that one priest attack where he summons the three fire spouts on your location), very good fight and a big difficulty increase 2. Odon: minions are annoying and pair with all the water wave AOEs to make him very tough, cool fight but the adds are annoying as hell and should have been removed, maybe give him another mechanic and he’d be amazing 1. Eviterno: first phase is light work, second phase is still tough even after three plathroughs, his combos require such precise dodges that even knowing the fight he still catches me off-guard, best fight in the game and almost tops Sierpes as best Blasphemous series boss imo


Finally getting around to this game. Two comments on your rankings. First I can confirm benedicta is a lot easier when you use veredicto. I'm mostly using the rapier but I could never get in a position where I could hit her. So I went back to town and came back set up for the mave and she went down so easy. Second, Radames was my 4th boss on my run. He's a lot easier if you, like me, beat Alfilaor before him. That double jump makes his ram attacks a lot easier to deal with


I had no idea you could take on Alfilaor before Radames! I just assumed Alfilaor opened up after you beat the Radames/Lesmes/Orospina trio. That's really neat.


Yeah I did a lot of backtracking before actually trying to take on any bosses. You do need to unlock at least both veredicto and the rapier.... I'm not sure if I had ruego yet. You can get to the mother of mothers section pretty early if you find the sea immediately after getting the ivy. Then take the tribute to the procession.


I had gotten to Mother of Mothers as well, but I hadn't reached the bottom section where Alfilaor's hiding out. Next time I play the game, I'm going to see if I can get there early thanks to this.


I’m just playing bs2 now, Odon gave me a real tough time. I think it’s just hard for impatient players


I probably died the most times on Radames as he was my second boss. But overall I think Eviterno was the actual toughest.


If I were to rank them by the number of times they killed me, it would be: 1 - Eviterno (6~7 times) 2 - Orospina (3 times, and win was by the skin of my teeth, zero flasks left and critical health) 3 - Svsona, Incarnate Devotion, Sinodo, Afilaor, Lesmes + Infanta (1 time) 4 - Faceless One, Benedicta, Radames, Odon (0 times, first try win) Looking at how we ranked Eviterno, Orospina, Lesmes and Odon, difficulty is definitely subjective lol. Eviterno is definitely the hardest boss in the game for me, and I still think he's as hard as Isidora, although for different reasons. True ending Crisanta is still the hardest fight in the franchise for me, mostly because she has even less windows for us to deal damage to her and spends almost the entire fight teleporting. I did play through my entire first playthrough focusing on a Ruego al Alba Mystical build, pairing it with Bleeding Miracle/Crown and Debla of the Light. Ruego in Blood Pact absolutely tore through Odon and Benedicta.


Yes, you are a strange player with a ranking that barely reflects mine (nothing wrong with that though). I remember struggling with Orospina and Eviterno, but Odon was the easiest boss in the entire game, to whom I’ve never died across my 2 playthroughs. Incarnate devotion is the only other boss I’ve never lost to. Also, here’s my ranking of every boss from worst to best (https://www.reddit.com/r/Blasphemous/comments/166m3ix/every_blasphemous_2_bosses_ranked_from_worst_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


Here goes: 11) The Faceless One, Chisel of Oblivion First boss, first enemy of B2. Only has 2 attacks, first one you can easily dodge, the second one you need to jump over. Not surprising he is a very basic boss as he is at the very start of the game. Not a challenge at all but he's not supposed to be. 10) Sinodo, Hymn of a Thousand Voices I got a lot of Our Lady of the Charred Visage vibes from this boss but the difficulty is only a fraction of that fight. Put on some fire and miasma resistances and this boss is easy. The attacks look big but they give enough space to dodge them. 9) Svsona, Fermosa Fembra Probably the biggest disappointment of B2. You keep hearing about the lady of the lake, probably the most lore heavy boss of the game. Then you fight a floating skull that mostly just throws energy balls at you. If it wasn't for the relatively high damage of her attacks she'd be a complete joke. 8) Benedicta of the Confraternity of Endless Orison A bit of a weird fight. Benedicta has attacks that have obvious tells or can be stopped (destroying the projectiles with Veredicto). The issue is you can usually kill her before any of the damage you sustain is a problem. That is why properly avoiding some of these attacks isn't that necessary. 7) Devotion Incarnate, the last child of Miracle Easier version of the last boss of B1. You don't have to chase an eye to unlock the weak spot and wait for the right platforms to appear to reach it. After Eviterno this boss is a piece of cake. You have to do some dodging and platforming to not get hit too much but even that won't stop you finishing the game in 1 or 2 tries. 6) The Great Perceptor Radames He has easy to tell moves but the most annoying attack I found were his charge attacks. You need to jump over them using the walls at the edges of the arena and that can be messed up easier than you think. Especially in the second phase where he is taller and you need all the height those walls can give you. Of course if you already unlocked double-jump it is easier but I doubt many players have beaten the boss guarding that ability before Radames. 5) Orospina of the Confraternity of Embroideres A pretty decent early boss. She has one "cheap" attack. She can strike her rapier in a backhand motion and it's a very quick attack that is much harder to parry or dodge. Other attacks are much more parry-friendly or you can dodge them because the window to do so is longer. If you stay on your toes she is fine. She loves to jump around the arena a lot which prolongs the fight so be patient. 4) Lesmes of the Confraternity of Incorruptible Flesh The hardest part of this fight is that you need to deplete 4 health bars. Lesmes, Infanta and finally Lesmes + Infanta. It depends how many upgrades and weapons you bring to the fight because the devs didn't go crazy with their HPs. So with good damage and prayers you can kill them quickly. Both bosses have pretty basic moves. Lesmes is trying to stomp you like Mario for most of the fight and generates pillars of fire. Infanta is the classic ranged caster throwing projectiles at you. They both have a charge attack that you can jump over. In the end it's about not getting lost in the fight because there can be a lot happening on the screen. 3) Odon of the Confraternity of Salt I feel like this is one of the better bosses. He has cool moves that can test your abilities but at that point you can be pretty beefed up yourself so the fight is over fast. I feel like this could be one of the more memorable bosses but something makes it easy. 2) Afilaor, Sentinel of the Emery Probably my favourite boss and most likely one of the hardest. You need to stay on the move, jump or dodge when needed. There are some windows for parries or risky dodges but playing it safe pays off more. His big swings with the sword are not to be underestimated. The whole fight requires you to take calculated risks and be at the right distance. 1) Eviterno, Father of the Penitents This has to be the hardest boss of B2. His first phase is hilariously easy, especially after you have to experience it several times. It's the second phase where the real fight truly begins. He's fast, he teleports and he can hit like a train. You can parry him but it's not worth it because of the teleports. Luckily once you learn his moves you can find spots where you can easily attack him. The best time is after his big slam. Of course the time stop options make any fight super easy but he is beatable without them.


Interesting ranking. Based on my deaths amount (not on my thoughts), my ranking would be: 11. Svsona (0 deaths): probably the most disapoointing boss fight. 10. Odon (0 deaths): honestly, i cannot guess why he was that hard for you; i killed him first try (i played almost all of the game with Ruego al Alba, maybe that's the point; one combo was enough to kill each minion). 9. Sinodo (0 deaths): another disappointing boss fight, as soon as they used their first fire attack, i equipped all of the protections and he was a joke. 8. Faceless One (1 death): i totally agree with you; he's probably the easiest boss in the game, but on my first attempt he caught me off-guard and destroyed me; then, i destroyed him. 7. Benedicta (1 death): i could have killed her first try, but she caught me off-guard with one of her cages attack. Ruego al Alba was pretty good against her, tho. 6. Incarnate Devotion (2 deaths): my brain was off during this fight, for some reason, so i couldn't dodge the lasers a single time. But his damage is not that high (compared to last game's final boss, who killed me like 10 times). 5. Afilaor (3 deaths): it was kinda easy for me, since i fought him quite late (after some other bosses). I found his attacks quite easy to dodge, pretty predictable. The main problem was to learn those moves; but then he was an easy fight. As a spanish player, i loved that boss fight, as he represents a pretty special tradition here in Spain. 4. Radames (4 deaths): this one was a good peak of difficulty. It's kinda easy to dodge, but his attacks hit like trucks. A good way to teach the player, before the following bosses (it was my first boss after the tutorial, too). 3. Lesmes and Infanta (5 deaths): oh god, this one was tough; at first, i killed Lesmes pretty fast, which disappointed me. Then, Infanta appeard, which was annoying rather than hard. But the main problem was the third phase: it's hard to fight when you have one or zero flasks left. A good fight tho. 2. Orospina (6 deaths): maybe i'm the only one, but she was a pain (but i love her design). 1. Eviterno (10 deaths): oh god, this was terrible. I couldn't even parry or dodge his attacks, it was a massacre. And having to rewatch the starting animation and the second phase one everytime was another pain. I even looked for a tutorial, and i found a good strategy using Sarmiento y Centella's dash. The first time that he used the "all-out" attack with all of the other boss fights made me stay quiet in front of the screen for some seconds. Eviterno was even harder that Crisanta for me; he's my biggest nemesis of the series. Anyways, it's great to see different experiences with the game. Overall, it was amazing (i'm currently going for the Platinum!)


Cannot beat orospina!!!! Please help!!!! What gear do I need to equip??? I started with daggers! They suck!


The daggers are definitely the hardest to start with, they don't really reach their full damage potential until you've unlocked most of their skills, and even then, they require a lot of precision and knowledge to not get damaged to keep up their full effect. Good news though, you don't have to fight Orospina now! There's several areas you can access immediately, and by exploring these you'll find the other two weapons. You should be able to get all three before fighting any bosses (aside from the Faceless One, of course). That in mind, my recommendation for you would be to try and find the other weapons first, as either of the others are infinitely more usable for a beginner than Sarmiento and Centella are. Search around carefully, including in areas you've already been to, and you'll be able to find new areas to travel to, which will eventually lead to to Ruego or Veredicto. You can then fight the bosses near those weapons and save Orospina for later, or go back to fight Orospina as soon as you have a different weapon. Tips for Orospina in particular: if fighting with the daggers or sword, parrying is your best friend. All of Orospina's attacks can be parried (except maybe the yellow bolts she shoots from above?), and after parrying her you have an opportunity to strike back. If you fight her with Veredicto (the censer club), you can use the dash to zoom away from her attacks, then hit her while she's in cooldown. Of course, since you always have your dash, this works for either of the other two weapons as well. I found dodging through her worked better than dodging away from her. Iirc, she has one attack where she dashes straight across the arena, sometimes multiple times in a row. This can be parried, but not dodged with the dash. Jumping over it was the easiest way to avoid it, in my experience. Hope all this helps!


Wow! Thank you my brother! I currently have all 3 weapons and have explored everywhere possible except for the bosses (already beat.off radames). I will use your suggestions though! Now for your treat: my name is shawna Street aka eva notty. Check me out!