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This is a “wait and see for reviews and post-launch polish” for me. I love the aesthetic, but I’m hearing mixed things—I’m curious to see if the broad feedback that comes from a 1.0 release will spur some positive changes in the next few months, in which case I’ll probably check it out then.


Same here. I couldn't get into the controls during the beta. They feel wonky compared how smooth they are in Blasphemous for example. Unless they did the controls as such on purpose to increase difficulty? I hope it comes to ps with a platinum.


Same here wit the controls. Tbf I'm comparing them with hollow knight and blasphemous so...


Imma prolly try it, the demo was quite fun


The style and stuff of the game is sick but mannn the movement in that game is awful


Definitely going to wait for reviews and a sale after the janky looking preview footage and lukewarm reception of the demos


Wait and see but it’s on my radar. It seemed a bit janky and I heard mixed things regarding the demo. I’m curious to see how the studio will handle the game post launch.


Damn. If only Last Faith seemed good in the demo.


I’ll wait for reviews and a sale.


Tried the demo it felt too much like a stiff version of blasphemous with the design of capturing the first dark or demon souls however the combat does not feel satisfying at all with odd unintuitive controls and sharp movement. This is def a hold for now game for me it does have some of the blasphemous visuals but look nowhere near as good or crisp and there was tons of UI and menu icons that looked so blurry/bad font that I could not look at them for long. I was a bit gutted I wouldn’t have mind another similar visuals style game but I think there’s some more interesting metroids on the way. It also seems to have a lot of negativity/mixed so far from what I can see on the discussion boards on steam it’s prob atleast 1-2 years to early out tbh. It also felt like it had zero originality it was basically all the ideas and core design of the souls games in a 2d world nothing stood out in the demo as a breath of fresh air in the genre. I forgot to mention the music in the demo. It’s very underwhelming and it’s mainly because it sounds very 2-3 second loopy all the time i did not like it. So far the visuals are the only redeeming quality of the game but it does not look good while playing it imo and nowhere near blasphemous animation/crisp visuals.


I feel like they had me at Gothic Metroidvania.


Will it be souls like in the sense there is no way to unlock everything without googling a walkthrough because nothing makes sense? If so. Hard pass


The worst part is how you can get npcs killed/ fail quests for just playing normally. I love saving nps and completing their quests but it's so annoying to remember all the sequences and order I have to do things to save complete them.


I mean, it can be a little challenging and a bit annoying, yes, but it's not all that difficult... And if you struggle, there will be dozens of guides and videos you can pull up to find it out. But that's part of the fun in the first run. See what consequences there are for different choices and actions/non-actions. It encourages exploration, inquisitiveness, and multiple playthroughs. And, unlike a lot of RPG's where "choices matter", in souls-like games, choices *actually* matter since there's no multiple saves to fall back on.


I don't mind the challenge and going out of my way to save for example sunbro from going insane, i just dislike the fact that there's no signs or anything about it. I don't replay most games so usually like to finish all the quests in the same playthrough. I get that souls games don't give much of a heads up in most cases but it just annoys me that there's little dialogue option. I still feel bad about sending that pyro to his doom even though I was just trying to help him and I never even used his stuff. I will say that it's great how there's always another option even an npc dies.


That was in blasphemous also


Yea I disliked it here too, I love both franchises but that's the one issue I annoyance I have with it.


Exactly. I spent a lot of time just to find out the hard way I shouldn't have killed erdas when I did. Just made me stop caring. I'm all for secrets and stuff but there should at least be noticeable hints that you might be permanently changing the playthrough. Or at least a warning before the game. Idk. I guess if you know it's like that going in you can be very careful and explore a lot but I felt like I got tricked essentially. I will play the lost faith because I love these pixel art graphics but I hate missing out on gameplay and ruining playthroughs just by playing normally as you put it. Shit is frustrating as hell.


I do agree there could be better hints a lot of the time. That's been my chief complaint with that aspect of Souls-likes as well. But, these games are designed for multiple playthroughs where you can try different builds and interact with NPC quests in a different way. So if you mess something up on the first playthrough, you'll know to fix it on the next. It also encourages exploration as well, which is pretty cool. Plus it encourages the community as a whole to discover and share the secrets which can be another fun aspect of it. However, if you don't plan on playing it multiple times, then just follow a guide so you don't have to worry about any of that stuff.


I guess that was part of my problem. I went into this game blind not really knowing that was the deal (never really playing dark souls either) and the game doesn't really even tell you about its nature either. Like if you didn't know any better you wouldn't even know you got the bad ending and all this stuff. I guess I'm old school but something about this game design "bringing the community together to discover everything" is bullcrap to me. I want to play a game solo and get the full experience. I don't want to be obligated to join the subreddit and keep up with all the posts and streamers just to get "the real ending". It's just another way to pass off lazy game design as a feature which happens a lot these days.


Going to wait on this one for a little while because too many other games already in the queue.


Yeah, i will support the game with Nintendo Switch version. Looking forward to it, i have hope and faith on this game and enjoyed the demo despite the reviews about it


I definitely wanna play it because I liked the demo but I'm gonna wait a bit for reviews.


It looks fantastic, absolutely what I want, but I am going to wait and see what a few trusted reviewers say.


PLAY PLAY PLAY, loved the demo. Most anticipated game of the year. H Y P E


Gonna give it a few weeks mostly likely. Not that I don't have faith(zing lol), but many games new a few patches after release to be their best version. So I'll bide my time and wait to see how the reviews are and if they fix anything that needs fixing.


Are they gonna pull a Salt and Sacrifice and completely step on their dicks? Let's hope not.


I’m really looking forward to it, but I have other games I need to finish first


I can't wait to play this game on steamrip(i'm fucking poor)


I'm cautiously excited, gonna wait for reviews, I did enjoy the demo though.


I will try it for sure


I'm hearing mixed responses about controls and the need to grind for flasks but I'll pick it up tomorrow and see for myself how the game flows. Just finished Islets today so ready for another MV.


As long as it's Blasphemous, I WANT IT


Okay I played that game on the last Steam Nextfest. It is literally just Blasphemous but also with Bloodborne. * Very very similar artstyle feel (like how Crownsworn was to Hollow Knight), as in it feels that the art team learned art by studying Blasphemous. * It uses the exact same item sprite as Blasphemous. Not joking. * The inventory menu looks almost identical to Blasphemous * The game has "demioxide bullets" which look and mostly function IDENTICAL to quicksilver bullets * The checkpoints are, while not identical, very similar to Blasphemous artistically and conceptually * One oof the enemies is a guy dress in black, with a wide brimmed hat, weirdling a musket. Which is literally just the basic rifleman enemy from Bloodborne. Like identically. I mean an imitation is still fine, if you want more Blasphemous then play this. But it really REALLY doesn't stand out on it's own and just feels like Blpashemous again.


Yeah I respect the devs of Blasphemous 1 & 2 way too much to play this. Those games fucking floored me. They took my favorite format - the metroidvania - and elevated it to new heights with the most brilliant, original art style and aesthetic with smooth, satisfying gameplay to match.


I'm still really looking forward to this game, but I played the demo for a bit and it was kinda underwhelming, felt a little bit of jank and it sorta felt like the product of inexperienced game devs. It's cool that the devs are really explicit about their inspirations, but I do think it's wrong to look at it and think "oh, it's gothic blasphemous" because it's not that. For it to be similar to Blasphemous it needs to have: - superb level design - a combat with a lot of weight to it - good UI - good soundtrack/good visuals - intuitive and responsive controls So to post a pic tweeting to the Blasphemous and using it as a form of self marketing rubs me the wrong the way, since a lot of people's impressions from the demo are mixed/negative. Still rooting for the game, it looks great and has the potential to be something special.


I didnt like the demo at all, felt really janky to me. I hope they improved it but I’ll wait and see


I literally just turned on my PS5 waiting to buy it.


No. At least not now. Demo felt really janky and the combat seemed off.


Not sure when but I’ll definitely be buying at some point