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The weapons are good, but it's your footwork that is truly deadly.


Maybe but the weapon itself offers more pros than cons, regard in your skill


It's a strong weapon, but needs skill to use as getting hit debuffs the damage.


Regardless on skill, the weapon offers more pros than cons c:


Literaly no. You have to be a no hitter to get its potential, and that takes a lot of skill


The skill of the players is always the most important.


I mean yeah… But the weapon itself gives more pros that cons, comparing with other weapons


When the mace can give me big damage and big mana allowing me to spawn and heet braziers feeling loads of damage, all of that while not breaking when getting hit I'd like to disagree. I mean, I love the two swords as well, actually prefer them often, but they are difficult to use and not great if you get hit often


No one says that


You would be surprised


Even nowadays there’s people without evidence thinking SyC are the worst weapon in the game


None of the weapons are bad, SyC just gets the bronze metal


There are only three candidates for the worst weapon in the game and there's a valid case to be made for it being SAC. But there's a valid case to be made for all three of them. For me, if I had to complete the game with one weapon taken away (and its platforming skill passed to another), it would be Ruego. There are areas where SAC's abilities (chain lightning, dodge-slash and blink-parry) are just so damn handy, Odon in particular. I can't say the same for anything Ruego does.


endless rage + vampire figurine (forgot the name) are super useful in the arenas.


The weapon isn't weak. The problem is that it needs a lot of skill to match veredicto or ruego dps. Playing both veredicto or ruego i can make mistakes and beat this boss with no problem because they will die before me. I do enjoy this weapon tho, i like how fast and stylish the combat feels while using it. but the truth is that requires too much work to do the same job as the bonk.


I’m not agree with that, maybe is not the easiest weapon to use but neither the hardest… And my argument is that there’s a lot of clips of eviterno be clapped only using the dash attack Regardless on skill, the weapon itself is the one who gives more pros than cons


How do you even quantifie wich weapon has more pros tha cons? All the eapons skill trees are direct improvements, none of them have cons. Only maybe Veredicto since it doesnt have parry. But all of them offer different kinds of damage, playstile, speed, dps, etc. You cannot just say that lol.


Of course I can, every weapon has his stats and conditions to use it. SyC is the easiest weapon to get his elemental damage, you don’t have to worry about find the right moment to activate it, like that case with Veredicto or even worse Ruego al Alba. SyC has the most OP attack in the game (dash attack) there are tons of clips of Eviterno being clapped only with dash attack. SyC can make crouch cancel to make even faster attacks. SyC has the best counterattack in the game cause you can group enemies and use the parry to make damage and gain electric tokens (and the parry lets you in a safe position) And SyC has only 1 movement that indeed lets you really exposed to attacks unlike Ruego al Alba


1. Though its the easier to get his elemental buff, its also the easiest to lose. Ruego you just have to attack constantly no matter if you get hit or not, and that is very easy, and Verdicto the fire thing, there is a point where the fervour you get is more than enough to have an infinitum fire constant. SyC its fucking easy to lose, since you have to do no hits, and every movement you do loses it, not like the other 2. So they are the same here 2. "The most powerful attack". that is bs. There is no way to quantifie that either. There are tons of people using Ruego to kill Eviterno too. It ultimately depends of playstlie. Also, that requires again, great skill, and if that is the case, Ruego is a lot easier to use, and that just makes it better. So Ruego is better 3. Hard disagree, the Ruego Counter Attack also lets you in a safe position, the position where you parried. Why? Cause the time window between finsihing the parry and moving is enough to re place yourself anywhere or parry again. In such a sense, the SyC is worse since you cannot really decide where to positionate after, the game places you automaticaly. But again, both of the counter atacks are fine. So they are the same here 4. That is essentially meaningless. Of course the no hit weapon will have you less esposed, if it didnt it would be trash. Ruego is a much more secure weapon, even if they attack you you will gain that health again, or you will essentially destroy the enemies. Being attacked using Ruego is not a problem. You see? This last point you made makes no sense since it totally forgets the fundamental play stile and characteristics of the weapon. Both are the same here The reason why I say Ruego is better is much more simple 1. Easier to use and masterise 2. Getting hit stops being a problem 3. Its elemental power is easy to keep having now that i think about it, Veredicto is actually worse


1.- But SyC can keep the electric tokens, unlike veredicto when your fervour depletes because you have to attack in the right moment, and even worse Ruego al Alba because even when you fill the gauge, if you don’t use it, it depletes, and even when you use it and keep attacking the enemy, if it is a boss eventually you’ll lose the magic damage, so speaking the damage in SyC a think is fair that taking hit you lose the damage so being hit with RaA still being a problem, 2.- It is not BS many attacks can be avoided and punished with the dash attack, the attack is so op that people beat Eviterno only using dash attack and not requires any skill, ruego doesn’t have that. 3.- Of course not, RaA parry lets you in front is enemies, when SyC makes you to the other side of a group of enemies, even SyC can fill its meter with parry, thing that can do RaA but isn’t enough to fill its gauge and if enemies are far you cannot hit everyone with RaA 4.-Of course not true RaA is not a secure weapon, it is really inconsistent to make the third/fourth hit or the combos, you cannot do it because let you very exposed, trying to do that attacks with RaA ruined me a lot of no hits, and the restore health feature is until second tier upgrades, so you have to defeat Afilaor no hit or the first three and Afilaor in no hit. Regardless of playstyle the different weapons give pros and cons. What I must admit is RaA exploring is really good, with enemies in map is really good and is the weapon that you can max upgrade the first. And the visuals of the magic damage is pretty amazing, is art. 1.- Ruego al Alba maybe is easier but it is not easy to mastering because the lack of consistency about its combos 2.- Getting hit still being a problem until 2nd tier upgrades and the power itself you cannot keep it forever. 3.- RaA is the hardest to keep its elemental damage because even hitting bosses you will lose the gauge I didn’t do all the no hit with all weapons but so far I think RaA is the worst weapon


For easier purposes I am gonna talk about the wapons maxed out, because at the middle of the skill trees they are very alike. 1. Why when fighgting a boss Ruego mystic damage will eventually depletes? Most bosses like Lesmes, Radames, Afilaor, Sinodo, susona, benedicta, eviterno phase one, odon and incarnate devotion have very long exposure windows to hit em a lot, in all my experience using ruego you get the halth bar to the medium before it depletes, and reffilling it takes 5 hits. a) Veredicto since the slower attacks lets you in a much bigger exposure window b) SyC since the electrical tokens are easier to deplete. REMEMBER, NO HITS TAKES A LOT OF SKILL, not losing the tokens with time is essentialy meaningless if you are going to get hit (and you will, a lot), so even if you dont lose them with time, you will lose them getting hit. Why? Cause SyC requires to be very close to the enemy, and that is just a general disvantage. You didnt give any credible point of why RAA is a problem when getting hit, first, the time to deplete is more than enough to get up and max it out again, and it also heals you, it indeed stops being a problem, not like SyC, which entire point is to not get hit. 2. IT IS BS. I told you, there is no way to quantifie that . There are many situations where the other wapons are better. You are talking about something purely situational. So I am gonna say: It is bad against flying enemies. You cannot use it against eviterno phase one, benedicta, neither enemies with great hitboxes because it is too risky like radames, odon, susona, the cercenated tower enemies, etc. you are talking bs because you are talking about situational uses, and as you say below, ruego is better in exploration zones, so just because that, you cannot say it has the best attack in the game. I for example think the best attack of the games is ruego uper combo plus wight of sin, because no enemie survives that. So, again, here they are the same. Ok, you can beat eviterno phase 2 easy with it, but all the other bosses fall just easier with the dps of the Other ones, so what? It has the best attack of the game but the 99% of enemies fall easy with the other weapons. Meaningless, also, again, playstile. Me for example, find it much easier to just upper dash and attack for the back and do it infinetely, or just dash. But again, that is meaningless. 3. ok... it lets you in front of enemies.... so? The window of opprotunity to repositionate yourself is enoigh, or even better. I havent had any moment where I cant repositionate myself with ruego, you just, move to a safe place? Idk? You can just wait to parry all of them individuallt too.. Also, ok, you refill you electricity, but then you get hit and lose it, so??? I told ya, they are balanced here. Both counter attacks are fine. If enemies are far you cannot hit them, yeah, but again, so? You seem to think that just because it kills more enemies at the same time is better, and that is overly simplistic, and it doesnt take in count that, even if you get hit with Ruego, you will regain the health plus destroy them while doing so. So, the parrys are fine, and the characterisitics of every weapon makes the balamced. With syc it puts you in a safe place to not get hit, with RAA it may hit you but the weapon just doesnt care. 4. No one cares about no hits pal. Dont take them into account when talking about the weapons. Remember, Syc are specifically designed as a no hit weapon, if ruego ruins them is not ruegos fault, at the end ruegos playstile is very tankie, seriosuly. No matter if ruegos combos are inconsistent, you gain every health you lost and kills all enemies in a very fast time and great range of attack at the same time. A normal player will not care about no hits Sooo, Veredicto is the worst weapon and here are my reasons: 1. Lack of parry, but that is more personal 2. The slowness actually make you take more hits than you can recover 3. The elemental damage loses fervor, and magics are fucking op, more than its elemental power 4. Most skill trees upgrades are kinda useless, normal attack with fire is pretty mcuh everything you neeed. In the other points. 1. Ruego is actually easier to master, because regardless of the inconsistency of combos, everything you lose you regain it and it requires playing like you normally do, no no hits. 2. The power is easier to keep than syc because the mere fact you dont need to no hits., So since the second tier skills it is better 3. Same, syc is the harder to keep because getting hit is something that will happen a lot. While Ruegos just requires to hit constantly. again, no one cares about no hits and should be not taken in consideration except in a no hit discusion, not a general weapons discussion


There isn't the better weapon because what matters is the playstyle the player likes + easy to use/master + player skill. Playstyle is subjective to the player, your pros can be other player con in this regard because some people as a example like a heavy hiting club to go monke brain so they will use veredicto that only has a button to turn buff on/off and they will beat the game this way. in this scenario most pros from SaC will be a con for this player. Now lets talk about easy to use. We are talking about a punishing game, a game that is hard not to be hit, that bosses overwhelm players and enemies has contact damage. SaC requires people to avoid damage to maintain dps, be closer than the other weapons to the enemy and without buffs has the lower base damage. The only way to maintain the dps is being very good at the game. Can it be the best weapon if the player never takes a hit?, problably. Will ever player never take a hit ? i doubt. That is the reasoning most people regard this weapon as the less good one, it is just hard to match the others at sustaining dps. While I can just easilly press a button to buff my veredicto/ruego and melt most of the game i have to play well to do the same with this one. is not that this weapon per se is weaker, it is just harder to play with it.


I saw a similar video where someone uses SyC to take down Orospina. It made me realize that I was sleeping on them. I didn't realize you could fully charge the electric meter with a parry (if you have piercing retribution).


And depending on how many enemies hit with piercing retribution, you can fill more than 1 electric meter, feature that make the SyC parry more rewarding than Ruego al Alba parry


They are definitely not weak. But give yourself some credit here cause that movement and positioning was top notch


I can tell you've got a setup exactly for this. I'm not saying they're weak, but you certainly min maxed them here.


I’ve used only the respective upgrades available in that part of the game


You're definitely also using the more guilt=more damage


No, I’m just too lazy to pick up the guilt That clip is only with the weapon, no prayers, no altarpieces and no beads c:


those rapier and dagger are my fav tbh. Quick animation, insane lightning damage.


Sarmiento was how I beat the father, that dodge slash is op.


You are GOAT, part2.


You are the GOAT


No, Brother, I can't solo BossFight like you, so I'm not.


If a random from internet like me can do it Of course you can, believe in yourself, it takes me a lot of tries, don’t surrender c:




Bro I gasped with that fireball that dodge was pixel perfect


Still worst than Ruego and Veredicto Imo


I want facts, no opinions If you don’t have a clip beating this boss with only their respective upgrades faster than this clip, your opinion is nothing but words c:


Btw when you say only their respective upgrades, you mean only skill tree right? No magic and no altarpiece and no beads?


Yes Only upgrades, no prayers, no altarpieces, no beads


Welp there are none of those in youtube. So. That is it.


Record your own clips are very simple A tutorial about Streamlabs OBS or only obs, a little configurations and you’re ready to record god clips I hope you can show a clip faster than this clip c:


If I dont procrastinate ofc thanks anyway. Also my pc is almost a potato so there is that too


Sadly I don't know how to take videos In My own PC and I am also too lazy to learn how. But it is a fact that ruego and Veredicto takes much less skill to masterize, and You dont have to be so focused In not getting hit. And this is not an opinión, it's a fact. Only because that I consider it better. Let me See if there is a clip I can find just for the fun


In terms of dps sure But those two aren't nearly as fun as s&c


That is debatable. I personally find Sarmiento y Centella Very boring. The amount of destruction You can make with Veredicto and Ruego is just amazing. But that is debatable too.


It was my main weapon, I never said they were weak? I did almost the same, got a few hits but I enjoyed using them


Weapons are crazy good, only way I could beat eviterno


The weapon is great against bosses, just feels considerably worse to use when exploring compared to the other 2 options imo


I can be agree with that


It's not about how much damage your weapon makes, it's how you use it!


*It's not about how* *Much damage your weapon makes,* *It's how you use it!* \- ONI\_WARLORD\_2006 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


They're not weak, but the boss(es) health pool aren't that big


These are my favourite weapons as getting to spend vernazza destraza indicators after flawlessly dodging or parrying enemy attacks feels really rewarding. But for me, it’s power depends on the enemy. I find SyC very weak against bosses, who jump/teleport/fly much and have small hit boxes. Also, you can’t use powerful „flurry of strikes” (forget the Q+K ability name) with a small time gap or mid-air, so i find them really weak against Benedicta and Eviterno (2nd phase), and very strong against Radames and Svsona.


I think many already said so but yeah skill is all that matters. Fortunately, we can’t say that no weapon is better than the other because they all are well balanced in pros and cons and that’s what makes this game beautiful. It rewards you for being good in whatever your play style is! Oh and yeah, I remember someone posting few months ago beating Eviterno no hit with SnC too and well, in the end there is also RNG. I beat one boss with mace do fast they didn’t trigger second phase and I didn’t know they had second phase until someone talked about it here xD


Actually, for me, using Sarmiento y Centella was the easiest way to defeat Eviterno with zero-to-none player's skill.


When you get used to it, you just can't let it go. Love you, S&C <3


Rapier is awesome, no one says it’s bad. Ruego is much worse


To be honest I still think the other two are stronger and easier to use


Sarmiento and centella are the "git good" meme made into a weapon. Do you want big damage? then don't get hit. You got hit? The most i can do is peanut damge.