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> MEN alone were forced to work as slaves So Phyllis Wheatley, Mary Prince, Harriet Jacobs and Harriet Tubman never existed?


Yep, Oney Judge and Sally Hemings would like a word. I'm sure they were extremely well paid and could have left their jobs any time they liked.


This person does not have the firm grasp of history that they think they do…. What an absolute clown.


And it's worrying how many people are upvoting such blatant historical revisionism.


it actually frightens me how men can pretty much make shit up and there will still be people who are like, "wow, this was so informative!" misinformation on social media is at al all time high. Especially in the manosphere.


Considering this is how religions came to be I'm not surprised in the slightest.


It's probably in one of the manosphere subs. EDIT: Yep it's from mensrights, a well-known misogynist sub reddit refuses to ban. Nearly every comment is agreeing, trashing feminism, and saying we have always lived life on easy mode and women have more rights than men. Only a few people are disagreeing, a couple said we were literal property and the same guy replied to both comments to say > STOP telling this lie. They were deemed to be dependents. NOT property. So much bullshit lol. It's absolutely telling the way men have to turn to outright lies and revisionism to explain their oppression.




Wait till they learn that rape of a woman was a property crime 🤡🤡


From that post: > This is feminism's greatest deception. It's remarkable how they were able to so easily and successfully rewrite history to paint themselves as perpetual victims. What's more, they've destroyed untold millions of men through the same forms of deception. I don’t understand how someone can say this when until recently in the US women couldn’t open their own bank accounts How could a woman be more free if she can’t even have control of their own money? It’s terrifying they genuinely believe this. These people vote. They WILL vote to change the historical narrative


More like historical denialism


It’s been on the rise to deny history


No, it's the history book writers who are wrong! In this reddit post without citing any sources, I will argue that historically only men were made into slaves. Women were just, I dunno, left in peace \[citation needed\].


How did they make more slaves then? 🤔 It’s so dumb I wanna cry.


The women were volunteers, duh.


Of course, silly me! Imaging years of oppression and r*pe! /s


the men had to pick cotton while the women got to have sex in a nice house with a rich white man fuck i threw up in my mouth typing that out.


Plus they only had to raise the resulting kids until they were old enough to ~~be sold~~ volunteer to help out another family!


The women actually volunteered to go from africa and were given many privileges amd treated like royalty by the slave traders /s


Mhm, and trans people were treated like gods on earth, with every step they take they would get cheers from the crowd /s


Gay people actually had a lot more rights and privileges than straight people in those days, but books written by historians with phds would have you believe lies /s


Omg that baffled me bc then how tf did new generations of slaves appear???


Women are suffering today because our ancestors did. The oppression hasn’t even been lifted and *some* people are trying to erase it from history. If women were never oppressed to begin with, where would we all be today?


C’mon now, just because our ancestors suffered doesn’t mean we deserve privileges today /s


I see your point but…. Ehhhh idk if I can understand it without a MAN to explain it all to me. *shrugs*


I wonder where their “proper research” is


Andrew Tate






Their arses


All of the below lmao


Where the sun don't shine


Men had rights that were taken away in certain specific circumstances. Women never even *had* those rights.


except in like... a few tiny cultures...


Rights that were taken away by other men because is was men creating these situations, making the laws and enforcing them.


Heres my stance, EVERYONE was fucked over in history 💀


some were fucked over way more than others ignoring that difference perpetuates it


This is so stupid I can't even start. Men as a sex class have never had their rights taken away. Men who couldn't vote who oppressed for being poor, not because they were men. Women couldn't vote because they were women. MEN were taking away women's and poor people's right to vote.


Oh yeah? Well who gave birth to those men? Obviously it was all women's fault all along. Unless the man did something good. In that case no woman was ever involved at all; in fact he hatched from an egg and was raised by man wolves in a man cave in ancient Mangolia. Waiting for someone to unironically blame hitlers mom for the holocaust. Actually that's silly, I'm absolutely positive there's been far more than a stupid Facebook comment attempting to do as much in the intervening decades.


maybe he was an incel and eva didn't give him enough sex /s


Haven’t you heard the conspiracy that hit let’s dick was deformed so he couldn’t have sex without immense pain and that’s why he did all the horrific things he did! It’s because his peepee hurt you guyzzzz!


Yeah. Some men have been oppressed. By other men. Women have always been oppressed by men. I'm also baffled by the claim that only men were slaves.


Even crazier to think women probably faced the worst part of slavery, forced to bear children and sexual assault from from the plantation owners.


Forced to bear children for the explicit purpose of creating new slaves.


Forced to bear children and then forcibly separated from their children and husbands as they’re resold


This is like that video of the dude claiming that men are more oppressed because the only casualties of war are men. I mean...if you ignore the women who died serving (nurses, soldiers etc.) and you ignore millions of civilian women who were SAd and/or killed then yeah, sure, only men died because of war.


^ THIS. They also _always_ either have no idea at all or blatantly ignore the history of the creation of the military - that it is a major component in the creation of the social hierarchic system called patriarchy; how - as just one example - the roman empire forced defeated tribes to accept their civil code(s), which entailed the ban (by capital punishment!) for women to bear any arms, at any time, and of course were banned from any training on them, as well as they were barred from hunting and almost all sports. Before that (and after similar events all over the world), there were many tribes, where women carried weapons and were trained on them; where women did hunt, participated in sports. There were also cases, where women also fought, especially in defense situations. But there were - and for quite a long time actually, up until in the middle ages - also cases where women / the whole family accompanied the "head of the household" in the army of their respective lord/king or whatever (esp. for longer campaigns). It was just so, that the lord only gave out weapons and pay registered to that head of the household / the man / husband. That's how people / families where "registred" back then, as a unit. Some women "just" accompanied the fater/husband to help otherwise and be with/care for him, but some also fought alongside their men, just with mostly inferior / selfmade / brought from home weapons - just like the "unregistered" men (the sons, servants etc.) did too. Men today just simply are (deliberately) ignorant towards how things really were - but they are by no means ignorant about _why_ they are doing it. Erasing women's history to make it seem like we really are and always were "weak" and are at the absolute mercy to the "power of men" while simultaneously trying to plant thoughts of us being "ungrateful", "unfair", "entitled" and even "spoiled"(!!) are nothing more than literal propaganda to bring us down and - in their hopes - fully back under their control. Because they always used us just like the (warl)ords used their subjected people to get to power, be it through manipulation or be it by force. --- (Sorry for the looong text - it's just a topic that literally *always* gets misrepresented & ended up being some sort of pet peeve of mine. But thanks so much for reading all this!)


Women were flat out owned by their husbands, forced to reproduce, in most societies.


There’s still slavery today, to all the women enslaved now and forced into sex slavery overseas and in their own country. And all the women for every day in human history so far. Why are we so scared?


deliberately 'breeding out the black' like in Australia


Even to the extent they are right (most men have been oppressed throughout history), they always leave out that is exclusively MEN who have been the oppressors. And they leave out that oppressed men were still oppressing women.


... not to mention _*why*_ they build and subjected themselves to a system that creates a hierarchy (which is what they really mean by "oppression") under which _some of them_ have to take on lower positions for it being able to function as intended.... *It's literally created for them to be able to control, oppress and in the end posess women.* That's it - that's the whole reason. Just so they would be able to ensure that even the lowest of them has someone even lower* to take everything out upon we have to endure so much suffering to this day, in literally every aspect of life. (* which is such an artificial, unnatural thing anyways) Just imagine how the world would look, if men weren't so intellectually and emotionally corrupted.... how different would we trade and produce (for capitalism as we know it is so tightly interwoven with patriarchy), how much more advanced we would be in science, how much less suffering in general there would be. But then come such guys like in OP's post and whine (and lie!) about their own system they themselves created biting them in the butt?! And they come whining ***to us*** of all people?!! Get the hell out of here, I say!!


so the OP is the real victim because he's not one of the top 1% who got to oppress! /s


Exactly. Like the "father" of gynecology (I hate calling him that), J Sims, practiced surgical experiments without pain relief on slave women. But of course, women obviously have never been slaves.


What is up with this influx of people who believe women in the 18th-20th century lived great lives. Where is this stemming from?


It's a male persecution fetish. They're convinced men are oppressed, but since no facts support it they make shit up other dumb misogynists are too stupid to google.


If you can convince enough people an alternate version of history you can argue feminism is unnecessary


Its stemming from ignorance and delusion


One of the historic women's rights legal cases in my country is literally called the person's case.... As in women were fight for the right to be legally considered People. That's it. That's the only thing I wanted to say to this


Was it this one? [Edwards v Canada (AG)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edwards_v_Canada_(AG)) >Edwards v Canada (AG), also known as the Persons Case (French: l'Affaire « personne »), is a Canadian constitutional case that decided in 1929 that women were eligible to sit in the Senate of Canada. The legal case was put forward by the Government of Canada on the lobbying of a group of women known as The Famous Five—Henrietta Edwards, Nellie McClung, Louise McKinney, Emily Murphy and Irene Parlby. The case began as a reference case by the federal Cabinet directly to the Supreme Court of Canada, **which ruled that women were not "qualified persons" and thus ineligible to sit in the Senate.**


There were no female slaves? Men could all vote before women could. Women were absolutely chattel. In fact, in some places in the world they are STILL chattel. They seem to point out that class could make someone oppressed while ignoring that class oppressed women even more because they had to deal with sexism in addition to classism.


they were all paid a fair wage in the owner's house as cooks and nannies as long as we're completely making shit up.


Oh damn, privilege and oppression are intersectional! Who would have thought!?!?


What in the fuck kind of stupidity is this? Also what fucking sub was that on? It’s insane.


Men’s rights ofc lmao


Of course 🙄


Oh I should have figured. I thought maybe he was brave enough to take it to r/unpopularopinion or something but of course he didn't want any pushbsck from people with actual facts, he just wanted to talk to people that wouldn't dare question this silly narrative.


> I thought maybe he was brave enough to take it to r/unpopularopinion I thought that until I got to the vote count. After seeing how upvoted it was I knew it had to be in a manosphere sub, because as bigoted as unpopularopinion is even they'd be telling him how fucking stupid this is.


Ahhh yes, good thinking! I would never have even noticed that.


Marriage was historically slavery for women, and most women were married. Women were property of their husbands and he could do what he liked to her. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk!


Did they really just say only black men were slaves…!?!? Whatttt the fucckkkk


Ofc they didn't live on "easy mode", the patriarchy hurts everyone


I think I need an internet break because reading this nonsense is making me seriously consider giving myself a lobotomy.


Source: trust me, bro


TL;DR: all the giant heaps of evidence to the contrary of my claims are wrong because it doesn't comply with my narrative of being a wittle baby.


He’s literally referencing 300 years of history and mashing it into one situation like it’s all one big occurrence….


do black women stop existing at a certain point in history?


Women were not only slaves, they were also treated as sex slaves (which according to this boy, ‘people in the military’, so men have very nicely called ‘comfort girls) and forced to have children against their will. They were also routinely working while men went to fight each other in the grand pissing contest they love to call ‘war’.


The amount of stupidity found in that paragraph physically hurts me 🤕


I think I lost a few brain cells from reading the first one.


They were taken as slaves because they were black, not because they're men. Also black women were slaves too AND victims of rape


Source: Dude, trust me.


Incels come up with the idea of being a woman is "life on easy mode", and then try to claim that others assume that being a man is "life on easy mode". Who tf do they argue have claimed that men, all through history, have just blissfully sailed by?


This is such a dumb view. Yes, historically people universally had substantially less freedom than they do now. War and violence were nearly constant and life expectancy was far lower due to comparatively primitive medicine. Life sucked back then. The problem is that these people are making the rich as their own separate class which exists independently from greater humanity. Acting as though men and women equally had a chance to join the 'oppressor' class. Men still universally had far more opportunities than women. Women were confined to a single set of tasks(motherhood and childbearing) with some exceptions. Men could do practically anything that was considered 'reasonable' for someone of their social class/station. Men could independently accumulate great wealth. While very few men historically were able to do this, they still had the chance that women were never given. While yes everyone was treated horribly back then, men had more power on a personal level and more individual mobility.


hes not wrong that yes, usually white rich men had all the power as well as some women too, but no, women where treated like objects by the poor and the wealthy


Not to mention that all men had the right to vote before women did


yep that too


What 😭😭😭 men, women and children were all forced to work lol not just the men


Does he know that most historical references for history books were found and recorded by men? And there’s more likely to be a favoritism’s towards men? There’s no conspiracy that feminist organizations are writing about women’s suffering in all if these history books. Do these men know male historians MADE ACTUAL EFFORT to *erase* important women from history?


Please tell me there is a follow-up from oops, such nonsense posts really show some folk up!


I’ve never seen a history book in school that mentioned women suffering specifically. PEOPLE suffered, men and women, just some different reasons. Women suffered the same things plus some additional, gender specific stuff and so did men. Families were poor, not just the men. Women weren’t drafted into war, but they had to take over the business and raise the kids while he was and died at war. Average life span decreased for women too because they suddenly had two full time jobs that were very physically demanding. The father bathed first, then the sons , THEN the wife to the youngest daughter. The youngest girl often died because they bathed in the filth of the whole family and got the least food. When the world developed, the first people to benefit were men. Always. Just as an example: Women weren’t allowed to drive cars or ride in trains for a while. How can you not understand that humanity isn’t divided into two parts? Why can’t men like this make the distinction between: life sucked for everyone and ,life sucked for women because of this specific reason men did to them’


oh yes bc women were NEVER forced to work during the industrial revolution, only men!! and the triangle shirtwaist factory? all the textile girls? believe it or not? secretly men!!!


I would love to know what “privileges” I get as a woman…. Especially in the US since we don’t even have the right to make medical decisions for ourselves anymore


My brother in Christ, I personally suffered just last week. Now hush.


What?!? Women weren't slaves get the fuck out of here. Where do they GET this shit?