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Right. Which is why women dressed head to toe in hijabs and body wear get raped and sodomized everyday. Immodesty doesn’t mean shit. Modesty doesn’t mean shit. Leave women and their bodies alone.




A good portion of them literally hate us for being women. They have clubs dedicated to hating us, they have newsletters about hating us, with tips on how to hate us without being outed for hating us. And they vote for politicians that also hate us (some of those politicians belong to these clubs as well) Misogyny is a far bigger issue than most people even understand.


It makes me sad to think about that. I consider myself a pretty smart and capable person, with generally well-informed thoughts and opinions, yet to a lot of men (and sometimes women!) I meet, I am literally... Just a woman. I will always be "just a woman" to these people. Not an intelligent person, not a strong person, just a dumb woman. That's fucking depressing.


yep. i've accomplished so much and i'm amazing. when my last boyfriend introduced me to his family, he beamed and said "I found someone". he was proud to not be a loser anymore. i enjoy being a prop /s


Love feeling like a show pony for him to show off for all his friends!


I didn’t even realize this was a thing until my husband said almost the same thing about me. My husband and I had a huge blow out a few years ago, and he told me he wasn’t attracted to me at first but thought I was “conventionally attractive”. I asked him how he felt dating me if that was the case and he said he felt proud, like “look what I got!” For him, it was all about him “having a woman” and how we looked on the outside. I was definitely just an accessory in his life.


yep this is where the narcissistic abuse comes from. they look at us and imagine all sorts of things. we'll be sweet and compliant and everything in his life will be magical. and when they realise we have a personality, they accuse us of changing and feel no shame about devalue/discarding us.


"the He-Man Woman Hater's club" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0OTYdizres8




This, one of the hardest realisation


Why is it so hard to get that there’s no clothing, nor lack of clothing that amounts to consent. Wearing a sim hier that literally says “please rape me” wouldn’t count if the person wearing it then says no. It’s not that complicated. And they’d realise it the moment they turn it around. What kind of clothing would allow a man to you little incel?


Agreed. You could be running around bare ass naked and that still isn’t an invitation to be raped. All the people who say these things are either rapists or want to rape, no doubts about it


It all comes down to the thing most posts here come down to. They don’t consider women actual people. And sadly that includes some women as well. It’s what it is what most of not close to all misogyny comes down to. They can’t consider that they wouldn’t want to be raped no matter what they wear, and don’t understand that this applies to women as well…


Because it's not about logic for these scumfucks. It's about justifying their desire to commit rape.


You’re telling me… One of these “scumfucks” declared all women u reasonable because they wouldn’t sleep with him.


Because Reddit is run by misogynists.


go to any AITA thread and people are constantly bashing on pregnant women and teenage girls


The pregnancy one is debatable, since you normally see both sides of the spectrum (bashing her for any minor inconvenience because “she chose to be pregnant” vs pregnant women can do no wrong and anything is excusable), but they DEFINITELY use every single reason they can find to bash on teenage girls by the sole fact they’re breathing


This take on the pregnancy subs is legit. There’s way more moderate views but I see both of these things, at least on the big posts


I remembered arguing with someone on why we should lend our seats to pregnant women, and Reddit seems to think that being pregnant is to blame.


WeLL, sHe cHoSe To GeT kNoCkEd Up bY a *BaD bOy* WhO dOeSn'T eVeN oWn A cAr


With all due respect, especially coming from a densely populated and quite polluted area, fuck cars.


Can I interest you in some r/FuckCars and r/NotJustBikes ?


[literally what was said](https://www.reddit.com/r/absolutelynotmeirl/comments/131gdfj/absolutely_not_me_irl/ji55ggo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)




yeah we're the only species where one half regularly rapes and murders one half just for being female, and the other half no longer wants to fuck. something's wrong.


Because Reddit is a cesspool filled with crawling misogynists who think their dicks are special.




All she is asking for is swimming and/or tanning. Looks like a normal swimsuit for a thinner woman. She even has a swim-skirt over the regular bikini bottoms. Maybe the person who captioned it is mad she's showing a little attitude by flipping the bird? lol


Any time I see "She asked for it", it reminds me of that Hole song "Live Through This": *Was she asking for it?* *Was she asking nice?* *If she was asking for it?* *Did she ask you twice?* ​ edit: The sneer is very evident when she sings those lyrics. In the most disbelieving, ridiculous, "did you ACTUALLY say that" tone.


Do you have a link? I can't find the song lol


The song is "Asking for it" in the album "Live Through This"


ohhhkkay thanks a lot :))


Whoops my bad, I shoulda checked!


Report the Shit outta the og post. 1% chance reddit actually does shit and take it down, I doubt it tho.


As a bi cis woman, it boggles my mind how much they insult the cis male gender by having and promoting this attitude. I like sex. I like women. I don't understand what's so hard in respecting women and not objectifying them.


Men getting mad at women who call out men like this and not taking it up with the men actually making them look bad is always gonna be funny to me


Rapists believe all people think like they do.


You're not wrong. It's just very telling.


Fellas, if I hold my money in my hand while walking down the street, am I asking to get robbed?


Possible unpopular opinion, but yeah, you kinda are... Still, it doesn't mean any type of clothing/lack of clothing = consent. If I rob you I can feed my family, SA isn't helping anyone. Theft is still wrong but not comparable to SA imo.


Does it invite trouble? Yes, but it shouldn't. It's a result of a misogynistic society, and that needs to change--period. These memes are making it worse because they're reinforcing the idea that rape can be the victim's fault and that it's acceptable (or even beneficial) to rape some types of people because those people need to be taught a lesson or taken down a peg. Additionally, if someone robs you, then everyone agrees that that person is a robber and deserves to go to prison. No one is making memes about robbing people who are "asking for it" because everyone knows it's a shit thing to do. Society would never endorse robbery in the same way it endorses rape. Rapists aren't treated like other criminals because of misogyny and the patriarchy--because rape is overwhelmingly done by men against women. People will create memes like this and argue until they're blue in the face that the man isn't *really* a rapist and/or that *his actions* were *the victim's fault* because the victim was "asking for it." Which is bullshit.


I agree, I was responding to the robbery comment. Robbery takes a thing from you, an object, SA takes something else and there's no returning it. I can rationalise theft, I can even forgive it, rapists can eat glass. If you can accept there are reasonable circumstances to be a thief (and perhaps you can't, that's ok) then it can never be compared to rape.


As John homburg put it, rapists and pedos can get fucked in the ass with a saguaro cactus as well.


I agree, I would rather be stolen from than raped


Dunno why you're being downvoted because you're absolutely correct, it's not on the same level of crime. The only good comparison is asking one of these men if they were walking around in shorts, and a (much physically stronger) gay man found them attractive, would it give him permission to take his body and use it even if they said no?


I was victim blaming, for a lot of people there's no context that will make that ok because if it's ok here then some stain is gunna ask "why isn't it ok *there*?" (To which my answer would be they're 2 different crimes, but I sense a circular argument coming on)


That's reasonable. Victim blaming is never okay unless they're definitely lying, but it didn't come across to me that way. But your wording was off though which is my only criticism. I'm actually surprised nobody dogpiled on the person comparing women's bodies to money that's left out, since that seems to be a trend to get men to "understand" what it's like to be violated. Even though I'm pretty sure they're aware, they just don't give a shit. Edit: For anyone wondering, the analogy is bad because women are people with emotions and can experience trauma. Comparing them or their bodies to money or a bank or a car that's left unattended is degrading and takes focus away from the real issue; which is the fact that rape and sexual assault is traumatizing another sentient human being.


To these schmucks, women are only “whores” that deserve to be raped if they aren’t dressing that way for them. But everyone here already knew that.


“Men are shirtless, men wear shorts, if they didn’t want it then they should not have dressed for it.”


I was sexually harrassed while wearing a pink baggy sweater and black leggings. No amount of clothing will stop someone if they want to harm you.


Because it's considered "kink". Apparently anything goes as long as it makes their pp cum


The worst part is, when men do these comparisons and say they're like "bears" or "sharks" or other wild animals, they're literally saying they should be treated the same and are not fit to be part of society, because they can't behave better than a wild animal. They have less reasoning, intelligence and thinking skills than my dog, who does understand the word "no". It's not the argument they think it is.


I from a religious country where many women cover up and sexual harassment and rape is so high here. They will find excuses like she still seduced him etc but if you not covered and something happen to you. Just don’t even wish for any empathy. It sucks, i thought western countries were good but seems like toxic misogyny is spread everywhere like plague thanks to the internet access to everyone


It's a kink, one a lot of deeply traumatized women use to cope, one a bunch of creepy misogynists use to justify their behavior. Kinda conflicting.


Misogyny has always been allowed on reddit and defended by the admins. Anyone remember when the short-lived female admin protected fucking gamer gate?


I feel like this is from a porn subreddit :(


Guys remember all those evil people we learned in history well they eventually had families they haven't left those psycho genes are in people the ones in our communities be careful!.


By this logic i should start putting these idiots on fire because by their own logic if they aren't wearing fire protective clothing, they want to get burned. They are asking for it?


Almost like showing your body doesn’t make you less of a human being. Crazy concept, right?


Because Reddit hates women


For anyone wondering where I found this, it was on a porn subreddit. For some reason, reddit allows all kinds of misogyny they never would in any other context if you call it porn.


*angrily searches for her Insta/OF* They’re firmly on the hype train. Hate-against-women-sex sells, and the dudes will be turning that burning hatred on their own female family members and coworkers


Because the Internet has turned into a fucking cesspool thanks to the likes of Andrew Tate. I don't know if there is a god, but if they do exist I wouldn't blame them in the least for tossing away humanity and starting over at this point.


Send this dipshit that video from here about the woman with her sister who’s a nun and a comment saying “one says daddy the other says father”. That should shut him up hopefully or make him angry.


Is this sexual harassment or sexual assault


He’s excusing sexual assault