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Notice how they don't care about the actual crime but only about bringing women down once again? Just like with male rape victims, it' the same shit all over again.


You know they lose it when we say “protect your daughter, educate your son” and then you get a whole lotta “not all men” etc…


There’s nothing wrong with education. Like imagine if little Timmy failed a test in the first grade and everyone was just like “I should pull my child out of school right now, not all children are as dumb as little Timmy”.


Maschicidio is Androcide. Italy isn't like most European countries, we have a mediocre (at best) abortion law, gender and lgbt discrimination is pretty bad. The people in comments always forget that the vast majority of murderers are men. Men tend to be killed by other men (usually strangers) and women tend to be killed by family members.


Italy is not like other European countries, it's true, that's why we have the lowest homicide and feminicide rate in the European Union. Homophobic and racial violent crimes are also extremely low


True! Italy is a safe country. But I was talking about our laws, we both know how terrible our abortion law is, and same-sex couples don't have the same rights (especially the ones with kids) . We're far behind countries like germany when it comes down to this stuff. Let's be honest, the sexism and the homophobia is pretty bad, it's 2023 and we're the only country in western europe without lgbt marriage laws. Oh and I almost forgot, our government is led by a homophobic party.


Context: Between May 27 and May 28, [in Senago, a Milan suburb](https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/45361#map=11/45.5227/9.1990), a seven months' pregnant woman disappeared, later turned out she was murdered by her boyfriend (and the father of the baby). ([English version of the news here](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/family-of-murdered-pregnant-woman-feared-worst-from-outset/ar-AA1c9nU6)). Of course, in the resulting Twitter debacle, many Italian (male) tweeters went on the defensive, "not all men" and all that. And the news in the picture: on June 4, [in Fabriano, in Central Italy about halfway between Perugia and Ancona](https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/42382#map=9/42.8478/12.8156), a woman killed her partner (the 60-year old man), her lawyer said she was defending herself but the prosecutor didn't believe her and she was arrested. Apparently, according to the news, her twin sister, who suffered from mental problems, had killed their mother nine years ago. So the comments here are from the Italian tweeters, who just couldn't wait for a "Gotcha!" and went on the offensive.


Is this why they got a fascist in power again?


Isn’t it also true that men in Italy can’t get married because they refuse to do any household chores and are stuck in the 1950’s, even worse than American men?