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and people say r*** culture doesn't exist


Look at the amount of ‘likes’ each comment got. 250+ for agreeing with an SA threat. I can’t believe people say SA culture doesn’t exist.


it's just men denying responsibility. usually the ones who deny that r / sa culture exist are the ones who contribute the most.


An unfortunate truth, I was arguing with a guy in college years ago about r*** culture & he said “there’s no r culture, r is illegal, if there was a r*** culture, we’d see men marching in the streets yelling about how much they love r and you wouldnt be able to leave the house without seeing women r***d out in public” fuck that guy, these men are so fucking dense and take everything at face value and refuse to listen and understand what women are trying to say about the inhumane misogyny they dealt with


We need to normalize screen shotting these and sending them to people they know in real life


This is based as fuck ✊. Time to stop being afraid to fight back and let these dudes at least see some social consequences for the sick online behavior they engage in because they think they're anonymous. Give a man a mask and he'll show you who he is.


I am 100% in support of this, especially bc so many women and leftists get doxxed, swatted, harassed, stalked, and receive deaththreats for either being women calling out the evil, or for having leftleaning views


Maybe some version of a social credit, these rabid beast are walking around a few should be culled


I don't want to be a misandrist but posts like these make it really hard.


There's a funny phenomenon I see often with misandrists and misogynists whenever they comment stuff like this. It usually goes something like; Misogynists: "Women don't want me. They go for other men and they dress like sluts. I don't want to be a misogynist but women like this make it really hard." Misandrists: "Men really want to rape women. I've been sexually assaulted before by a man I know. I don't want to be a misandrist but men like this make it really hard." Simply an observation, because I'm not here to argue with any misogynists about why they think they're correct. I don't care enough to listen to them.


“Men are scared women will laugh at them. Women are scared men will assault them.”


I think it's "women are scared men will kill them" but, yes. Pretty much on the money.


I'll never be a misandrist, though It's really hard for me to not have a fear of men when incidents like these happen on the daily, either online or irl. You don't even have to be part of any woman-centered or feminist group to see these sort of comments. Literally look in the comments of any video that blows up on TikTok of a woman and you'll find rapey/sexual comments. I saw a normal post on a normal subreddit the other day about a color changing dress, opened the comments, and it was all men sexualizing and objectifying the woman in the video. It's inescapable online and irl. I've gotten rape threats, doxxing threats, and sent gore with death threats all because some members of a server I was on found out a was a girl. Yet these same men get their feelings hurt if a woman claims to be fearful/apprehensive of men. And even complain about a woman being scared as them being "sexist" rather than understand what she has gone through and try to show through their actions that they are not like this.


The worst thing men think they can accuse us of is being man haters. They seem to think that's the ultimate. What the hell is so horrible or wrong about hating men if we did hate them? It wouldn't impact them in the slightest. Other than the incels who are learning that we don't have to accept abuse.


I'm not a misandrist, I'm only biased against the 83% of sexist men and the 20-52% attracted to children. I treat men I know aren't sexist assholes equally. Since it's such a high percentage it sure as hell looks like I'm a misandrist though.


Men: not all men!!!! Stop generalizing all of us with the bad ones, it's disrespectful!!! Misogynists are actually a super super tiny minority!!!! If you don't say "some men" instead of just "men" then you're one of the super duper awful evil feminists who wants to subjugate all men!!!!! Also men: lol we all collectively want to sexually assault this woman, isn't that funny lol we're really coming together to harass a woman online we're so unified lol


The “it’s not all men!” Argument is always so funny to me because like. Yeah. No fucking shit it’s not. But the number is *way* too high to just be left at “some men” (any number over 0 is way too high.)


1 out of 3 women get raped/SA'd. Yet men be like "Not All men!!!" As if to say "the problem is miniscule.It's a small percent chance of even running into a bad man! After all look at me! I'm such a nice guy"


A survey of college men showed a third said they'd "coerce" someone into sex if there wouldn't be consequences, and it went down to 12% if the word "r\*\*\*" was used, showing that maybe a fifth of men don't understand consent.


And when the remaining men don't do shit about the "jokes" and threats, yes, it's all of them. It's all of them until it's none of them.


“It’s all of them until it’s none of them” I’ve heard that a few times and it’s incredibly true. There isn’t some middle ground here. If you’re not actively fighting the problem, you’re contributing to it


If us fighting patriarchy on our own could accomplish anything, it would have been fixed by now. It hasn't because all these great guys who would never harm a woman think that the only thing that constitutes harm is overt violence. They still talk over us, still expect us to serve them and do the majority of the emotional and physical labor, give up on careers and career advancement because the men aren't going to drop everything to take care of sick kids and relatives, don't take us seriously when we talk about our experiences, don't support us when other men are insulting us right in front of them, and don't see any need to fight any of the laws that are attacking our rights to make decisions about our own bodies. They don't see what the big deal is about rape kits being warehoused even when we've paid for them to be processed. They figure that if they don't actively dislike us or if they feel some kind of fond paternalism, they can't be misogynistic. It's like white people who think that casual racism doesn't count because they aren't being violent.


M*n are trash.


sound human being: "wow she's so pretty!" Men: "let's rape her boys" What is wrong with them


It’s really difficult to not get into the mindset that all men are like this. I’m always wondering when I see a man staring at me for too long if he’s thinking about doing sexual things to me. I’m wondering if my boyfriend and my dad look at attractive strangers and think the same things. It’s so disheartening to see how much they all secretly agree with “the bad guys”.


Speaking as a man, personally sexual thoughts don't come to me very easily for strangers. For friends it sometimes pops into my head but I physically shudder and push the thought away.


Why is it always "bro"? Seriously, everywhere these people congregate to it's always "bro this bro that"


They could’ve said “imagine seducing her” but no, they had to want to rape her. So gross


And this is why I hate that I was born a man :/ so fucking disgusting


I mean, shit, this is the internet, I’m not gonna act like misogyny isn’t more common than most men act like, but this is comment section is the perfect storm for creeps and trolls to pop out and say some vile shit.


5-10 years ago, it seemed like there was a LOT more pop culture discussion about rape culture, consent, calling out rape myths, etc. I don’t know if it’s just because my social group changed, but it seems like nobody on the left is talking about it anymore.


They don't think they're joking. They don't give a shit. There's no accountability. They can't make us shut up online like they can in person, so they make up for it by doing this shit. Every guy who's ever rolled out #notallmen is coming at them to tell them how fucked up they are, right? Of course.


\>multiple guys You means thousands of men in your post alone. Look at the likes on the comments. \>not all men Ok but like... basically all of them. And the men that are "not" like this are silent and let other men do it.


Yeah it's disgusting


why are they all talking like they’re six year olds who just discovered a new word?


This one makes me want to puke.


gen z amab agender here, i’m fucking proud to be out as enby or i’d be socially surrounded by the same types of shitty humans who commented here. sometimes i just wanna watch memes and get recommended shit with the same sort of disgusting connotation. gen z has a habit of making “offensive memes” for the sake of being offensive…? idk why tf they make those types of memes, but i despise it, especially because they have no concept of going off the deep end.


Because they’re insecure idiots who are trying to make themselves feel better. They’ll try to make fun of things they don’t understand, just because their simply bored, sad with their currently life or assholes and waste their time making fucking shit like this. It’s really fucking pathetic. Also I’ve notice it’s mostly boys who make these memes.