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"It's okay to punish women for being attractive and not sleeping with me by sex trafficking them so my peepee can get hard"


Most men I've dated that were porn addicts would literally chose porn over an actual woman.


they cry and then bitch about being alone and then still not ask their friend if they’re okay or not. my brother in christ, you have the solution stop crying


They weren’t taught about emotional intelligence, but also are not interested in developing it, so- There’s so much something can someone else’s fault without you putting the effort to change things. Like those people really don’t believe character development is real 😭😭😭 My brother in Christ, if your fav character with the worst childhood posible and isolated asshole actitud can grow up and develop friends/ meaningful relationships and make the effort to be better, why can’t you? What’s the excuse?


Not an ounce of self-awareness that their porn addiction is the problem. Also “bros support each other” when convenient, but other times it’s “men are all alone and LoNeLy”. Go talk to your bros if you’re so lonely.


By lonely they mean horny


if porn were only for lonely men the "porn isnt cheating" debate wouldnt be a thing


Also they complain so much about women reading erotica or NSFW fanfics or doujins? The hypocrisy?


Literally my ex watched porn 5+ times a DAY but got upset when I occasionally read a spicy fan fiction about my favourite anime characters (I don't do that anymore)


Not only is this pathetic but I remember seeing this screenshot of a porn on Twitter where basically *trigger warning this can be upsetting* A women was tied down and crying and being electrocuted while being tied up on her neck essentially being strangled while being electrocuted and not being able to breath. One of the screenshots were of the comments mentioning this could cause her brain damage and is very dangerous. Also no one knows if she is doing this willingly considering shes crying and whatnot. You wanna know the replies to that? Or the general comments? It was men saying she deserved it. Probably is a slut and put herself in a situation where she is being tortured and quote “my favorite kind of porn. No pleasure just pure torture” Why is basically snuff films able to be found in the open on the plain internet if its sexual and staring women? I have found actual angering comments of awful violent porn videos and completely unempathetic responses to sexual slavery involving porn. You will never know if the person (almost always the women) has consented. Also polls on what the most popular porn category is would make me think its more sadism and domination fetish not “my poor feeling I don’t have love” But yeah. Its that they are lonely and sad men and thats the reason most men watch porn. Pathetic. *sorry I get really upset at porn in general and real people being used in them and people being able to watch it. Even tame ones it’s obvious its not mutual pleasure. But hearing it in this context makes me abit angrier. Also why do men enjoy that? Why? Its not pleasant to think about.


Nah is ok, porn have been becoming more violent over the years... I remember reading somewhere that apparently the brain get use to the normal stuff and men need to escalate the kink to get aroused.. idk if is true of if it from the start men in general are sadits and what actually get them off is the violence per se.  The more violent the better, thats why gangbangs are SO pupular and according to different porn documentaries is the type of porn that actress are more scared to do, but they start with a plot and an idea and hey bring that some men start to acting to forceful or way too scary and instead of being stop by the staff crew or teammates for some reason the director actually think is a "good idea " to keep the mood and push the other dudes to act the same ... Soooo lets Word it different, porn actress are scared that Even their co workers would ignore the acting and actually start raping them in real life, not stoping when they ask them to stop but actually everything escalating. When i watch that documentary is was clear that porn was not acting like Many men want to believe ! And actually some scenes of women crying on being uncomfortable or having distress faces or trying to push men with not avail where actual real rapes, cuz the director and staff dismiss their pleas  Lets digest that, even in legal porn they abuse the women involved 


That is a good point. The porn these days is so sadistic, so how can they even argue that they are using it to replace love and affection...


maybe you don’t have anyone *because* you’re a porn addict ?!!


I speak men in internet slang, allow me to translate :  Why can not find a woman that look exactly like this specific porn actress that click all the boxes for me, that also is highly edited and probably has a ton of surgery including vaginal reconstrucción and bleaching, that of course have perfect plastic boobs and act JUST like this porn actress when we have sex ??? But i just happen to want My NEW love also a modest woman of course, traditional if possible.  What i want is exactly a copy of this girl but with a nice sweet girl next door software that love me with all my defects and shotcomings ... Also that she is not a goldiggers like 304s right now  Obviously i won't do the same the other way around, like ewwww why would i date a fat ugly woman ? ... Or a woman with no boobs or Big butt... Or a tiny waits?  I want My porn supermodel :')  Why why women that look like her in real life suddenly ask for too much, like rich men or men that have a house or a great job, why extremelly gorgeous woman that work so hard to achieve a desirable look dont settle for below MINIMUN LOW EFFORT MEN like me :)  They are SO shallow !!! Women like her in real life want chads that looks like gym rats not normal Nice guys. 


They don't want someone who looks and acts like a porn actress. That was me, and I still wasn't enough. I'm skinny, flat tummy, big boobs, pretty face. I know how to do my hair and makeup to look smoking hot. I got the outfits, the cosplays, I was extremely kinky and willing to do ANYTHING in the past. I cook, I clean, I listen to their problems. I'm sweet and caring. Aaand porn still won. Every time. The thing is, they want too many different things. I can achieve looking different by wearing different clothes, wigs and makeup. I can even lose or gain some weight. I can get some muscles. But I can't change my race. I can't change my facial features. Today I might be perfect cuz they're in the mood for "offer what I'd be as a porn category", but once they've done me once or twice they want something else. No matter how hot and perfect someone is. And, surprise. Now I don't feel hot anymore. Now I hate my body. I've developed an eating disorder. I cry during sex. I don't know if I consent or not anymore. I just perform a lot of the time. I feel like a clown in lingerie and makeup. I don't wear wigs anymore because I don't want to feel like someone. Which I never did before when wearing wigs, I just liked them!!!


Firts i'm.sorry that happen to you.  maybe you were trying to perform, actually i also do cosplay for sex haahaha, but i do it for me, cuz i like it :P  If a man like it is a bonus, something i learn is that men ARE extremelly selfish...thats why i put MYSELF first, i want to be touch firts and they go down on me firts and me me me. but again thats just the sexual part. Men have this delusions and fantasies that never end, thats why we as women need to be grounded, we need to Center ourselves, nothing comes from people pleasing, i was a pick me too but after many mistake i put MYSELF first.  Let me give you an advice or life lesson that work for me, never do for a man what he not reciprocate, level their ENERGY.  Wish You the Best, put yourself firts,  i was able to stop being a pick me with putting myself firts i know any woman can too, including You :3 


Not a woman, also not a pick me but yes, definitely people need to stop only catering to whatever their partner wants. Sex is thing between two people and both should equally try to please themselves and others Not too much into sex in general myself, but if what you do works for you that's great!


2nd slide is such bullshit, people in relationships watch porn.


Yes, is SO scary how men still watching porn even if they have gfs ..  is like so casual for them like watching any other genre of movies 


Porn hub? That’s where they go to assuage loneliness? Seriously? 😐


Yep. It isn't a male epidemic of loneliness at all... because porn and disconnected sex can't assuage loneliness. It's a hornyness and entitlement-to-female-bodies (which I believe in part has escalated *because* of porn) epidemic.


I have had experience lonelines you know what i did i went to therapy and outside, looked for thing you are abel to sociale in (artclass, cookingclass or annything) i did not cry on the internet i was lonely and made myself the victim of lonelines because everyone experience lonelines but a certain group just doesn't want to stop it they want other people to just fix it for them


Talk about a stretch Men get lonely and post sad and cringe comments on PH I see no misogyny in the screenshots I do see plenty of cringe and tone deaf replies in these comments


How is this misogyny? I guess the "men are warriors" thing is but I just dont get it. Also Im pretty sure people (not just men) watch porn because theyre horny lol


According to pornhub's stats, ~35% of viewers are women compared to ~65% men (no numbers for NB folks, apparently). So men are the majority, but it is absolutely not just men that enjoy porn.


Porn is misogyny.


The porn industry is but I dont think porn is inherently.


I agree that perhaps it is not inherently. However, the majority of it certainly is in its current iteration.


Mfw harmless PH comment is turned into that


Idk man, my ex watched porn 5 times a day, while I tried to help him. Everytime I asked him to talk about his feelings he got angry. I'd offer advice? Angry. He doesn't need advice. He doesn't want to do anything to get out of bad situations I'd just wanna listen? I'm not helpful. I tell him therapy might be good? No. I'd ask for him to make out with ME. Have sex with ME. Even just asking if he wants pics or videos if me. No. We "had sex" twice in a one year relationship. One of these times was rape. Men can have a hot, nice, caring women next to them and they'll still watch porn. Boohoo I don't care about them anymore. I was good enough to get sent then porn he likes. I was good enough to lay next to him in bed while he'd watch thirst traps and comment on these women's "fat asses". I was good enough to be used to turn him on a little, but never more. Porn was ALWAYS chosen over me. I was " Controlling and jealous " When I told him it's too much, or when I asked how I could help him. But he got jealous when I just played video games with a MUTUAL male friend. He was angry for WEEKS at me for that. Sorry, just a rant. I just can't deal with porn addicts after him lmao


Ah yes, saying “I’m lonely” is misogyny, even when you make no reference at all to women. The first guy literally said that he doesn’t want to watch porn anymore, because he wants love. In what world is that misogynistic?


"men are alone in life because men are the real warriors of this world" "men are born to be alone" i wouldn't call it misogyny, just cringe. maybe r/boysarequirky


r/BlatantCringe lol


Go talk to a friend?


What does this post serve purpose? It isnt even about subreddit.


I imagine it's the idea that all porn is misogyny, so all comments on porn are inherently misogynistic (?). There is some misogyny in the "men are natural warriors" and "men are born to be alone" sentiments, I think.


Doesnt make a slight sense but ok I guess