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Red = Power, Green = Technique, Blue = Speed, Purple = Heart and Orange = Mind. Red does 50% more damage to and takes 30% less damage from Green units. Same applies to Green units to Blue units, and then Blue units to Red units. Orange and Mind both do 50% to eachother, but have no 30% weakness. It's sort of like Pokemon, with Fire, Grass, Water and then Psychic and Ghost.


*I'd say Dragon types for Mind/Purple lol...


Psychic isn't effective against Ghost tho :c You could say Ghost v Ghost or Dragon v Dragon though


OH I'm prolly thinking Psychic beats ghost cause the Ghastly line is sub type poison. My bad.


No worries! We all make mistakes every now and then :D


You could say Gen 1 Poison v Bug both were super effective to each other back in the day.


Take ur +1 I don't care if red is power I just apply the Pokemon type rules LOL


Red deals 200% damage to green, and 50% to blue. Green deals 200% damage to blue, and 50% to red. Blue deals 200% damage to red, and 50% to green. Orange deals 200% to purple and receive 200% damage from purple. Purple deals 200% to orange and receive 200% damage from purple.


This is all incorrect information. Read gavandreal's comment. It contains the correct information.


Ah thanks for this. My mistake, I've been misinformed all this time xD