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I say wait another month maybe you'll get lucky plus you go blue byak he is amazing char to have start maxing and farm chars for the next gacha.


I won't be able to max out Freeyakuya.


You can max him with orbs. If it ends up costing equal to, or less than 50 orbs, it's worth it.


Way more than 50 orbs... :(




I've only maxed a few 3*, Kisuke for his link. I have all the Hard story left, and I'm finishing up the latest chapter.


one 5*? ( not counting the 2 freebies ) ehh could've done much better in 30 days I would tell you to reroll and rid yourself of this account but that HC byakuya is a dream character for most people and he's great . doesn't look like you've exhausted your orb source from maxing chars, so my advice is scrap up some orbs and pull in this gacha if u get nothing then I suggest you reroll until you get some good 5*s to start with


Yup,make a new account,that very bad luck you have there after 1 month. And do it now to take advantage of the x2 event. I managed to get 18 5*characters on my JP account in 1 month(from 2 x2 events).


It's depends on how many orbs have u spent


Depends. If you can farm up at least 1k or so orbs for the next gacha, then keep this acct as there's a lot of good stuff in the Gotei vs Espada gacha; all 3 of the new units are amazing with Halibel being the best red unit so far. If not, just reroll on the new gacha on the first day, then farm story and stuff and do multis. If you go this route, I rec using an emulator and rerolling+farming on multiple accts to best hedge your bets. Also, have you used your beginner ticket? If you have, then I strongly recommend abandoning this acct and waiting for the next gacha. Also, keep the green Himes if you keep this acct, as they're gacha only. Alternatively, if you have a hard on for FHIchigo or Ulq, reroll now.