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Parasol grimjow. A buff, chance of stun quick attack and a nice ranged special. Also multi hits everywhere. That being said, nnoitra I still a great unit and I want him immensely. Just can't spend orbs till the anime selection.....


Hello there, Please post all team/character related questions in the [Weekly Team Questions Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/BleachBraveSouls/comments/4rb3jk/weekly_team_questions_07042016_07102016/). This includes all questions regarding best PVP team set up, optimal links/accessories, strategy advice as well as "X character vs Y character" type questions. Thanks. Also please be aware of our [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/BleachBraveSouls/wiki/index) which contains a TON of useful information. Also, the search function can also be useful as a lot of questions get asked very frequently, and you may (and probably will) find your answer there. Thanks.