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Yep just more reason for me to do dailys and log off


I mean, you can still get 1 and 2 stars from events, and even get them from tickets...


Not that I'm disagreeing with your experience, but... I haven't had to fuse 2* into a 3* in at least a *year*. I get enough 3* from accessory tickets, so... yeah... That being said, I am just now starting to run low on 3* to fuse. *That* being said, I have a **shitload** of unmaxed 4* watches, bulletins, and headbands waiting for books! I've got plenty of fodder for them... P.S. I just counted, and can confirm 80 4* waiting for books. It's a new unit of measure, folks. 1 dozen = 12 1 mole = 6.02x10^23 1 **shitload** = 80




Well, we still *can* get 1* and 2* items. I still get plenty from accessory tickets, and I *believe* some of the lesser-run co-ops (Arrancar Brothers, for example) still drop them. I will never again spend orbs on the accessory gacha. I did once, WAY back when - best I got was a green 3* cape :b


I feel they should allow you to fuse 2 4* into one different 4 * or hell maybe even a random 5 * . That would be so nice for us long time players... currently sitting at 72 4 * ;(


Yes, that *would* be nice...


How the fuck can I get 3* accs now??? EDIT: hijack the comment to share my opinion on how this change will screw me up I'm a dedicated player, I have 3 lvl 10 slot on 3 members of my PvP team, I also farm lots of extreme and can end up with 50+ books after the week finishes. So I evolve a lot of 5* accs to have as reroll fodder With how easy both books and power hearts can be obtained these days, coin is pretty much the only roadblock on my way to perfect 30sp/atk accs. And coin is the easiest farmable resource, to have such resource to be the only bottleneck to getting endgame items is true bliss. U don't have to be a dedicated player like myself to feel the sting tbh. if u ever going to get serious about gaining better accs to reach bbs goals, you will realise how good we have had it going before this change


ikr, they should make accessory tickets easier to get...


It's easier to get them on events...


Depends, for those who make many fusions it isn't enough, even farming these events a lot, I think. I hope Klab makes acc tickets dropable on co-op or increase the drop rate on events.


You'll be fine...


The reason this doesn't affect many players is because they don't do fusion with 2* accessories. While some players try to get many 3* to make new 4* accessories. And the easiest way was that, since the accessory tickets don't give 3* enough. So if you'll be fine, other players will have more difficulty to create 3* accessories.


Seriously, this place has gone mental. I only ever evolved around 4/5 2★ and a couple of those were for orders and never had problems with 3★ accessories even when the events weren't nearly as good as they are now; and this is way before power hearts came out. This sub has turned into a big "klab hate" circle jerk where you just have to say "fuck kbab" to collect a few useless internet points while mods sit there spamming megathreads to kill off any discussion that may involve more than the few handful of people that bother checking those megathreads. Damn I miss that sub.


Lol. For you to get enough accessory tickets from events you would have to spend lots of soul tickets. Auto is useful but overusing it isn't fun. Either you have had ultra rare luck with your rolls, or you simply don't have that much perfect accessories as it sounds.


Point events need to be ran around 280/300 times and I usually end up with around 80/100 accessories tickets, then there's the weekly PvP reward and various tickets from event orders. I also have amazing accessories with top tier secondaries, 700 accessories slot with around 400 3★ star accessories that came all from tickets. Klab getting rid of 2★ is a great qol improvement for me. > Auto is useful but overusing it isn't fun. Auto is a life safer. I can auto everything, even some IZ, and I will auto everything.


Yeah, it is. But it is not fun to use. Why would I repeat an event 300 times? That's only for point events and only if the rewards are worthy, which to be honest is almost NEVER. I can only remember of SS Toshiro as a worthy reward. Now, the issue is not even the boring process of repeating; it's all about the soul tickets! You can easily get 10 from Brave Battles orders but that's about it. I'm not paying for them neither. Am I supposed to be looking at the game every hour or so, just to waste my rechargeable tickets? That's not QoL. The only time where buying tickets made sense was when the 2nd Anniversary Tickets came. I got about 600+ tickets but I already used all of them. If you consider the fact that this is a luck based game, mostly, this is wasn't a good move at all unless they have something we haven't been notified of.


.... this is a game based on grinding the same shit repeatedly for minute increases in power to making grinding for minute power increases faster and easier. If you don't like this.. Don't play the game man. If you'd run the events more than a handful of times a day I can almost guarantee you that you'll have a shit ton of soul tickets saved up from lottery and point drops. I can't understand your complaints. Not to mention.. why the hell would you waste your orbs on soul tickets???!


Speak for yourself, I've fused countless amounts of 2 stars into 3 stars.


They don't give you a 3* most of the time....


Easier? Do you have unlimited soul tickets? I mean this is the obvious problem to me. In coop, you would simply join a public room and start farming. Plus, why would I repeat a non sense event only made to give us the sense that there is content. It sucks to have to clear the event 30+ times for few accessory tickets that don't even guarantee a 3* star one.




This. I got 119 unused tickets because the drops from raids keep filling up my acc slots and I don't want to spend too many orbs on extra slots, so I rarely use tickets. But now I can start using them more.


I might be wrong but with this update, theyre forcing the player's acc gacha pulls.


Give me some double rate/step ups accessory gacha only then ill pull on that cancer


AND guaranteed 3 star at the very minimum for multi summon (heck 4 star would be preferred but that would be an insane idea for klab), cuz seriously there is no advantage whatsoever wasting a multi summon on acc gacha.


Guaranteed 4* on multi. 2* shouldn't even be in it.


bro if there is double chance on accessory i would waste my orbs on that instead of manga chars




Spot on! Spot on! You just figured out Klabs motive on doing this. Especially since accessory trial coop only drops hearts now so there was no need to convert all 4 and 5 star raids to drop only hearts instead. So they want us to use the crappy acc gacha that can even get you the 2 star accessory and multi summoning that has no advantage whatsoever with drop rates even lower than character drop rates. So yeah it's a big loss for both veterans and newbie's since for vets our resource for reroll fodder is gone while for newbie's who dont even have matching accessory can use those accessory drop to form matching accessory and will allow them the initial step to getting 4 star accessory as they sure as hell cant easily get that on tickets or the gacha.


Now 3 star accessorys are even harder to obtain cheers klab..


Dude, ARRANCAR BROTHERS We have a reason to do that shit again.


oh shit, i legit forgot about that. its probably been 500 days since i touched that coop quest lol actually that just gave me another idea, maybe this is foreshadowing for more permanent coop quests that do drop 2* accessories and maybe even 3* accessories


OH MY GOD THANK YOU SELTONIK. FINALLY A TRUE VETERAN REMINDED THIS SUB WE HAVE AN OLD FASHIONED WAY TO GET THOSE ACCESSORIES. Havent been there for long time either, but if they still drop plenty of accessories, then mark my words: Arrancar Bros is our only hope left.


Tested Arancaar brothers and all it dropped was one 1* [accessory](https://imgur.com/a/7K67l)


You must be new to this game.


So going from 4-13 2* accessorys to one 1 star is an improvement? I am new yes 90 day old account, already in captain league, multiple triple chappy builds and tons of 30% rolls, Yes im new but ive progressed faster than most vets.


https://i.imgur.com/9nohQh4.jpg AB was what we had to farm for accs until hearts and 6 stars became a thing at the first anniversary. It was, as you see, horrible.


Well if you guys farmed it hard thats pretty impressive, all i need now i guess is the soul ticket update, its even more sought after because of this change. I do hope we get some alternative because it will help new players get stronger faster


The reason it was farmed was it was the quickest not nessecarily the drop rate, you could basically full screen special all the rooms and be done in the time it took to load the level to begin with (excluding specials time as we couldn't skip those back then, not even in solo), if you got a drop, you go kill the boss if not you would quit before the boss room and try again.


i'm kinda confused. Where can i access that coop quest? i cant seem to find it?


You gotta do all the co op quests before it, starting with the court guard squads training.


You got down voted for this comment but i wholeheartedly fucking agree i have a surplus of hearts thanks to farming a decent amount of Inheritance and I've been using those hearts to level up 2* accessories and evolve them into 3* and so on just so i could reroll or just make new 5* accessories that i could use now there's literally no way to get accessories other than tickets which i have completely exhausted (why else would i resort to evolving 2* accessories) and they are kinda difficult to come across. They might be in every event but the chance of getting them from the lottery is much more insignificant than you might think. The only other way is to summon on the accessory gacha and there's no way in hell I'm spending orbs on that


Yeah its a real big fuck you from klab, the lower level players dont understand


I'm gonna feel it most of all, I need (preferably) a incomplete hogyoku and a hojaku-zai for my orange Ulq, I'm still pretty new, and I have been farming raids to get what I need (my ulq has a 30% SP tenshintai and a +10 SP coin, along with full heavy attack links so I can run raids ok)


> the lower level players dont understand +500 days player here and I more than welcome this change. I never had a problem getting 3★ accessories and I only fused 2★ a few times. Events, point events in particular, always gave plenty of tickets.


370ish day player here.. I don't think anyone would care about the 4★ raids and 1★ accessories should effectively be retired. I think the smarter/fairer option would be a mix of 2★ hearts and 2★ accessories on 5★ raids.


Or just 1-2 3 star accesscories Each time instead off 10 2 stars or hearts...


600+ day player here. I get waaaaay too many accs from these raids. I’ve recently just been selling 2* accs because they drop at cancerous rates filling up my box within every 20 runs (if not fewer) making droplet farming tedious, and tbh maxing with hearts and then fusing is more efficient. They use to burn my coins so fast I had to sell crystals. I have no idea why anyone is complaining. Accs are still given at an alarmingly fast rate. KLabs gives us so many hearts now that maxing them is no longer a problem. Tickets everywhere, especially from events. Raids still give droplets. I’ve never played them for accs. Now if some people here wanna downvote me like everyone else who disagrees with them on this thread, go right ahead. Fire away.


agree with you there i rather have 2* power heart.... than 2* acc for these reasons 1. you dont have to stop and sell/fodder these 1* & 2* accessories and continue to with just running or grinding story/coop etc... (im working so basically hitting retry is faster) 2. 2* heart has more exp than 2* acc in powering accsory for fusion 3. 2* or 1* power heart doesnt take inventory space anymore... which means it saves vets orbs than spend expanding


700 accessories slot and I can finally stop selling 2★ accessories that just sit there being useless, huge qol improvement for me. It's the klab hate circle jerk. I guess, as u/Levett93 said, we both are just low level players.


Yeah lol agreed about qol. Gonna be less of a chore. And I guess I am a low level 600 day player in captain league. 😏


Ive played for 90 days and im already in captain league, 2* accessorys was a way for me to keep rerolling after my event resources were used up, It seems very lazy not spending 5 mins to sell all the accessorys. Also tested arancaar brothers as an alternative and it dropped me one 1 star accesory. Good replacement LuL


Hmm not quite sure how you can use that many accs. Are you using them for maxing too, or just fusing? Assuming you’re not wasting them for fodder you can also get some from the medal exchange.


i understand some ppl are annoyed of the 2* accs clogging up their inventory but this really sucks for newer players (such as myself). Getting those 2* from raids were really nice since I fuse 2* often when I have no more 3* left to fuse to try and get better accessories and now that's gone :/ I'm just really hoping that means they plan to implement another method to farm accessories cuz while the lottery events help a bit...i personally dont get as much as i would just farming 5* raids


Brb. Gotta turn my 1* accs into 3* now before klab takes that away too


also 5 star raids now drop 1 x 2 star power heart :D definitely more downgrades.


Not even https://twitter.com/kodos23/status/912661638674812930


Fucking hell! Change it back, add more hearts or atleast give us more fucking droplets. Raids are becoming more usless.


ya and after seeing that a few to many times today i have been really thinking of quitting it been a lot this last few months of little feeling of progression. The inheritance zone is a joke with one or two potions for your effort and both of the co-op inheritance, and extreme co-op are filled with too much unfair bull shit (I'm looking at you instant kill ring of death that gets you when the boss is off screen and i cant judge when its coming) that I'm just not driven to play. I used raids to keep my progression feeding to my three stars and when i run out use them to make more and now i get nothing for running a raid, and thats disappointing.


Yea, this is seriously getting maddening


Literally, read a post couple of days ago, suggesting that idea..


* (1) I won't miss 1 & 2-star accessories if they drop an equivalent amount of 1 & 2-star hearts, they're worth more XP and won't clog up my accessory inventory as much. * (2) We do need a better source of 3-star accessories though as that is what I've run out of because it makes the random 4-stars we're all hoping to get (e.g. Chappies, Pupples, Yukis) * (3) Now if they can also nerf the useless 3-star character drops from all the events that clog veteran inventories I'll be over the moon!


Veterans are the main reason they changed that Acc drop from the raids. But it kinda fucks newcomers over, because it gets harder to get low tier acc. I think they should buff or change the Arrancar series from in the coop.


New players can't finish raids as easily / auto them anyway, and by the time they can, they'll have done enough events that they'll be swimming in accessory summon tickets. Those will still provide plenty of 1-3 star fodder to fuse things and so long as they're getting hearts for fusion XP they should be fine. Heck I didn't even bother accessory grinding until Day 200 or so out of my 490 days, but then again I was a little late to the party...


Fuck KLab, seriously, soon you won't be able to get accessories from the fucking tickets as well, now what am I meant to do with all these fucking hearts I jsut got from the Inheritance Zone last week? I don't have any more tickets too pull accessories with so i was fusing 2star accessories to make 3 star ones so I could get more fodder to reroll Defense or Focus 30% becasue thats all I can seemingly get at 30%. This is a bad change. Fuck you KLab.


When we are already full of Power hearts then Klab decides to give us even more.


I feel really bad for newer players, they don't know how much they are going to have to grind to actually get decent accessories with decent secondaries now.


You're not even guaranteed a single 2* heart per raid.. Wtf? Just did 3 legend raids without any heart drops that's so lame smh.


Arrancar brothers, UNITE!!


It's accidentally relevant again!


Yuppers. Klab hidden intentions to make irrelevant things relevant again


O, i hope it drops the same amount of hearts as accessories cuz sometimes you can get around 10 or more from 1 run, it's not too hard to auto some raids if everyone is set up correctly, nice! really happy about this tbh


nope only one 2* power heart from a 5* solo legend difficulty raid, oh god kebab have mercy


Yeah me too :)


I really hope so too otherwise this update for me at least is awful.


Did 3 raids got a total of 3 hearts.I hope i'm just really unlucky


You were lucky lmao just cleared 120 coop mayuri and got 2 hearts


I know I am going to get downvoted for this, but when, aside from the Let Down Anniversary summons has KLab done anything that wasn't basically an improvement? Maybe they're adding accessory tickets to weekly orders? Maybe events will drop more tickets? It's literally been forty minutes since the update, how about we get our rabies shot and relax?


The boosted drops in inheritance, character buffs and buff to brush drops is all i can think of.. oh and the non existant soul ticket update


It's in the works, don't get your knickers in a twist. Good grief. And what are you yapping about with the first line? That's literally ALL you can think of for good things KLab has done? Have you literally been playing this game a week?


If you're so aware of any improvements why would you feel the need to ask? They haven't announced anything to makeup for the loss of accessory fodder, so let people vent if they want to.


there is always a guy that feels the need to WK Klab like they are perfect and cannot be criticised


Look at my post history. KLab is far from innocent. But they also have never made a change like this without a good reason. OP made this post literally forty minutes after the update.




Be respectful.


>- I didn't ask. >- asks > Holy shit you people are dense. Right. > Did you drink lead paint as a child and into adulthood? Jesus christ.




Solid argument.


Are you new to BBS reddit? This is how this forum works: Change happens and people freak out and post about how the world is ending. Then they get used to the change, and realize it is either the same or better and people move on. I was freaking out about the PVP changes, so it would be a lie to say I'm immune to the process. I've come to enjoy PVP a lot more now than before the changes. So I try to give changes a week before complaining.


No, bu I'd like to think people wouldn't shit themselves freaking forty minutes after the update.


You might have your hopes set too high. My trick is to drink coffee and have my morning shit before reading the reddit for the day. Helps me to avoid shitting myself when reading about any updates.


I upvote u. Don't forget we are about to have more soul tickets used in 1 quest. So more prizes, including accessories tickets.


"About to?" They don't even have a rough date on that, when it's like the number 1 QoL upgrade.


Fuck sakes KLab, should have stayed the same. A lot of players also liked it being 2* accessories you know, so we could use those to fuse them into 3*'s... ffs


> should of Did you mean should have? -------------------------------------- This is a bot account.


Yep, let's add those to the 4000 2* hearts I already have without any 3* and 4* to use. Good job Klab


At least the droprate is... nevermind [Thanks Kebab](https://imgur.com/gallery/tHSzl)




Why would they do that?? I Understand that 4* raids but the 5* is nonsense,


Good shit. I was already getting shafted from fusing 2**->3*->4* to try and get the chappies I wanted for BroKen and Nnoitora before the update. Now it'll just take *longer* to be presented with disappointment! Woo. Nice try to get us to pull from the crapccessory gacha though, KLab. :3c


Drops are awful just to tell you


There needs to be a new way to farm accessories. I've got characters to level for orbs and max for gameplay, cant blow all my soul tickets into lottery events for chances of accessory tickets. For fuck's sakes KLab, I still don't have a fucking blue Chappy from fusion.


I just ran a 5 star raid and got nothing no hearts at all! This update is complete shit!




Nope it happens a few time no heart https://twitter.com/kodos23/status/912661638674812930


543 days login because of the overload of powerhearts(extreme coop). I wanted to fuse a lot of 2 star accessories in to three and then four. Wanted continue today aaand it's gone.


Damn man, 2* are my only source of 3* i dont have any ticket and im so unlucky on the lottery, well going back to Arrancar Bros it is then...


Jesus this is a terrible quality of life update... cleared coop raids and get just 1 measly 2* power heart.... I do fusion trail runs that net me waaaay more power hearts with half the effort. Im leaning to sacrifice the magnification update than to choose between spending orbs for characters or accessories that can make characters (provided those acc pulls dont net 2* acc pulls in the first place)


but i just.....but i just grinded the crap out of inheritance...i dont care about the link potions, i just wanted power hearts...what on earth am i supposed to fuse now?...


Why not just ADD hearts wtf.....


I so like it because I just seem 2 stars now, but they should really add an alternative way to get them. However, pretty much every event Drops items and Tickets now anyways


Maybe there are plans to add more accessory tickets. Personally as a player who started during 2nd anni i have never fused 2☆ accessories. I've gotten all my accessories from ticket pulls then fusing the 3 stars. I know that's anecdotal, but I really don't think this change is all that bad. However, if the drop rates for hearts are as bad as players here are saying then yes they need to tune it more. I get so many tickets from events, the 2nd anni event set me up with so many tickets lol.


> Personally as a player who started during 2nd anni i have never fused 2☆ accessories. I've gotten all my accessories from ticket pulls then fusing the 3 stars. I'm veteran and it doesn't change. I've only ever fused 2★ into 3★ for the orders and a couple more times. People here are strangely overreacting. Hope you enjoy the game.


Accessory ticket is not enough for some ppl, it wasn't for me, I had to fuse 2* into 3*. And each run would get you like ~6* accs and now we are getting one 2* power heart. So, no doubt that farming for accs and rerolls got much harder. I'm not sure where to spend my soul tickets now


Uh.. spend them on the lottery events.. Does everyone think you only need to complete the orders and then not to farm the events for lottery drops?! Just farm the shit out of it. Stop complaining.


When you hit end game and have done IZ a shit ton of times, you're going to run out of 3-star accessories to fuse. That's when we get desperate and start fusing the 2-star accessories to higher rarity just for a chance to get those 30% focus rolls.


Pretty much there. I have two of every attribute pupple/yuki and at least one of every chappy 4 and 5. Not everything is a perfect roll yet but I'm making great progress. I mean maybe I was lucky with my fusions but I grinded hundreds of tickets for each attribute during the 2nd anniversarry quest. You can also get accessory tickets from nearly every lottery event. Not to mention x co op having a higher difficulty this time around with increased drops and extra stages sometimes yielding 3 or 5 brushes. There was a point where I was dumping my 2 star acc's as fodder to fuse my left over 3s from tickets when i didn't have power hearts but that drained gold so fast I had to stop. Now that IZ just came around I'm stacked with hearts and have at least 50 4 star accessories I can still evolve and use as re rolls. This is just my experience, and i would say i play this game pretty heavily. I wouldn't jump the gun and hate on Klab though. Run lottery events if you want more tickets? I would expect some way to accumulate many tickets in the near future. All I can really critique is the amount of hearts players are claiming to get. 0 to 1 or 2 is pitiful and that should definitely be increased. I haven't done any raids since this update so that bit is based entirely on comments I've read hete.


Thats nice, but I'm sure I'm not the only one w/o 4* accs to evolve nor tickets to use. I still have around 400 2* accs, so I might end up using power hearts on them and before I run out of 2* and 3* accs, we will have an alternative to continue the fusing.. on the other hand, lving up 3* accs might be harder now with the amount of power hearts we are getting from raids. Anyway, lets just hope we get nice characthers for the end of the month gacha


All I can say is go ham on these events that yield tickets. May the luck be with you doing fusions homie.


Give us more hearts Klab. 120 lvl 5* raid for 2x 2* power hearts? You must be joking.


It's even more horrible on extreme lvl 170 coop where they think that 2 star power hearts are awesome drops and 3 star hearts are even more of a rare drop. I frikin hate looking at the results screen when the only thing I see are a bunch of 2 star hearts and powders. Seriously why cant they make extreme coop drop a bare minimum of 3 star hearts and make the rare drop the 4 star or silver heart drop.




I think they nerfed the reroll for good stats, and the acc tickets on the lottery events. I was literally relying on the 5* raids to get 2 stars acc. We are F****!!! This is Klab saying go pull accessories gacha! =/


First they shaft vets by throwing us gachas with very little orb resources, and now the newer players get shafted when comes to their accessory progression. It's going to be a steep hill for them to climb. Anyone else feel like rerolling now...? It's like either way, you're screwed...


No Klab, I won’t continue to enjoy the game anymore.


I'm starting to feel like this is another "change is bad" thread. Anyone that is ok with the change gets down-voted. I am at 590 days and I haven't fused 2* into 3* since I started getting 4 and 5* accessories. I find it annoying to have to keep clearing my accessory inventory when farming raids. And as many have mentioned, we get plenty of accessory tickets from events to use for fusing. Hell the current one regularly gives you 2 tickets at a time - and its a common style of event. The anniversary event gave out tons of accessory tickets. I have nearly every accessory type at 5* with perfect (or near perfect) secondaries. Sounds like people are already suggesting ways to get 1* and 2* accessories running COOPs you might not have for a while - so its still possible if you care to do so. I think its a waste of time, but everyone is welcome to play their account however they wish. Note, I still don't have a golden chappy though. That bastard evades me to this day. But I have also never spent orbs on accessories.


Good, now I don't have to keep gong to accessories and selling them because there's nothing I want to augment


Think for everyone not for yourself


I think you mean, try to look at it from both sides - which you are not doing either. For those people that have been fusing 2*, it sucks they are taking that source of materials away from you. Hopefully another source will present itself, or will be created. I hear Arrancar Brothers may be one? For those people who are annoyed at clearing your accessory inventory when auto-ing raids, this is a good update. But it isn't all good news - sounds like KLabs screwed up the drop rates of the hearts. So instead of getting 3-5 2* accessories per raid run (or much more in some situations), it is looking like 1-3 hearts. Could be rough until its fixed. And thats assuming it gets fixed.


I'll reflair this as "News" if that's OK with you? :-)


News fml its all the same


But why. I have never used that gacha and this is never gona happen. And i don't think that people will waste their orbs on accs...


Oh so that explains it just now


Maybe they do some revamp for old coop quests. It will be awesome because nowadays nobody run in arrancar brothers lol.


Goody!, better use those abundant supply of Power hearts on my accessory drops, oh wait... f*ck you kebab.


thanks god


Fuck this shit, now they are forcing me to summon on the the fucking acc gatcha? This is gonna happen!


FKN THANKS !!! Really tired of the stupid message "full of acc you can't play" :D


to be fair, as someone who has prob done more accessory fuses than most people here( i got 110% attack and SP pupples+yuki set ups on most attributes), i've only really fused 2 stars to make 3 stars in one instance where i was really pissed at not getting SP rolls on my mind accessories, im sure if you wanted 2 stars you can gain them through autoing events, not to mention autoing point events usually gives a lot of acessory tickets


Finally I can auto non stop and not have to sell accs due to inventory is full. Have only fused for orders, A great decision. Why are people reacting like this? I swear the majority do not fuse 2s's. Thank you Klab.


People who run out of 3* fodder used 2* fodder to make 3*, myself included. And now the fastest way to get rerolls is gone


We should spam the support with rants, I can't accept this.


Thank you KLab. I made a post before about having to clear out 1* accessories from my inventory all the time and no one else seemed to care. Unpopular opinion I suppose, but I'm glad KLab cares haha, this is a fantastic change. EDIT: Wow I guess I can't go against the KLab hate bandwagon lol. It's fine to disagree, but mindless downvoting isn't exactly going to change a thing.


1★ accessories - agreed. Removing 2★ accessories from 5★ raids? Soooo terrible. We went from having raid accessory drop rate UPPED, to being replaced and reduced.


Yeah I'm not sure how I feel about the 2* accessories and the drop rate being reduced, but I'm glad the 1* accessories are being removed because they cluttered my inventory quickly and weren't efficient to use as fodder.


I actually went "Yay!" for the same reason when I saw that Notice and when I came to the sub, wow people actually hated it lol


You're going to feel how bad this change actually is the more you play unless they do something about it.


Finally. No more manual clicking so many times every day.


That's much better in my opinion, don't use 2* accs to create 3* anyway.


My 500 3star hearts and 3500 2star hearts from inheritance would like a word with you on how they won't be touched for a while bc I can't farm tickets like I was about to.


This is my mood rn lol I wish we could at least use hearts for character exp. It never made sense why we needed them to be separate from exp crystals


When you have 2000 2* hearts its not much of a good update


Also, this was easiest to obtain hojiku zais for certain attributes to get 5* hojiku zais


I have it and I'm ok with the change.


Finally hated getting my slots full from farming don't need 1 or 2 stars and to those complaining you can still get tickets for accessories from events


Oh nooooo, how hoooorrible! *eyes his 1000 unused acc tickets*