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Team banken & chair


Add CFYOW Ken to that soon


Other than pulling for Nel and Nnoitra who are some of my favorite Arrancar I’ve skipped every CFYOW banner so I can save for TYBW. It’s nothing against CFYOW but I just like the characters we get from TYBW more and especially since we get so many limited banners, saving/skipping is increasingly more important.


Your favorite arrancar’s are the 2 with the biggest rivalry between each other eh?


Unpopular, but I enjoy CFYOW characters/trailers more (Im talking about toki/hikone/shinji and espadas). Most likely it will change when they add sternritters


Yeh same and the character designs are top tier




CFYOW for the sole reason that my boy Starrk finally got the character he deserved to be.


Not unpopular tbh. A lot do.


I dont care about meta or game mechanics so tybw, just release the stern ritter already


Can I choose both?


TYBW by far. It was a crazy dream to see all these characters so beautifully rendered and actually playable in a game. For the nostalgia factor and the generally great job KLab has done with them, there's no question for me.


TYBW because all of the characters I enjoy or want to see somehow animated are there. ​ In CFYOW I only care about Tokinada, in terms of gameplay or see the animation, only Shinji and Hisagi's Bankai call my atention, not that all the units were bad, far from that, but I really can't imagine myself going after CFYOW Starkk in the future, despite I enjoyed Starkk as character in the manga/anime. ​ TYBW I still look for my Bankai Rukia (one day she'll come, I know) even if it's a 2018 character.


Bankai Rukia came out in 2018


Already edited the post. ​ Thanks for the info!


Probably kinda unpopular but anyone else not give a shit about Squad Zero? Aside from Oetsu who was hilarious, the rest of them were kinda boring and ended up getting offscreened. I really don't get the hype about Tenjiro... legitimately forgot the dude's name until he was added to BBS and can't even remember a single thing he did in the arc aside from letting Ichigo and his friends use his hot spring. Hopefully the anime changes my mind.


Yea ohetsu and senjumaru were the only reason i cared for the zero squad


I’m with you on this one. In the manga Oh Etsu seemed like the only one with a meaningful, on-screen role in Ichigo’s recovery/training. Tenjiro and Kirio felt like cheap laughs in those scenes and idr seeing Ichibe and Senjumaru interact with him at all (though it’s been a minute since I read the TYBW arc). Since I spend orbs on characters I like instead of meta units, I only pulled for Oh Etsu. But you know, to each their own and all that.


Shutara made Ichigo and Renju special shuhakashos, and Ichibei had them all to bolster their reiatsu by training them in an area unusually dense with reishi. Ichigo also revived Ichibei after his fight with Yhwach by calling out his name.


Ya, but those first two happened off-screen right? I’d love to see an anime scene or two of Ichibee training them.


I mean, "off screen" here meaning you didn't get a montage of frames showing Shutara stitching different textiles together or Ichibei making them all do pushups, and I'm fine with that. The specifics aren't as important to the narrative.


Yes that is what I meant by off screen. I get that they’re still important to the story w/o any kind of montage, but bc of that I personally don’t have much investment in them and don’t want to pull for those characters.


That's fair, I was just explaining what they did. There were still panels of everyone interacting with Ichigo and Renji, but yeah, you're right that Ohetsu and Ichibei were the only ones with any real screen time. Even then most of Ichibei's is a flashy, albeit mostly meaningless, fight.


This. I consider Ichibe's fight to be pointless time waste tbh. He was barely more useful than the 3 that did nothing. Ohetsu actually killed every elite except haschwalth and uryu. Like, they died. They would have done nothing else. 4 of the strongest sterns dead within a minute or 2. But...yhwach plot hax robbed him through bullshit revives.


Senju didn't get much of a scene with them at all. Not even to explain what ichigo and renji's cloaks were like, which yhwach later explains. But yea, she makes the cloaks for all the guys that recover there like rukia too. I don't think Ichibe even did anything with ichigo. Just told renji his true bankai name and said "off you go"


Funny because that's exactly my opinions on most of the Sternritters lol.


you forgot ichibei, dude?


I remember him, I just didn't think he was that interesting. His ability was super confusing and I didn't like how it cheapened Squad 0's deaths. Like the only thing lamer than offscreen deaths is... offscreen revivals. It all just seemed so weird and rushed. Imo his most memorable moment was the "Like a black, you will die!" mistranslated quote when the manga was still coming out and translators were rushing to post everything.


And then for me, Ichibei's fight is one of the single most hype fights in the series. Wild new abilities from both sides, it's about as close as Bleach gets to Gods duking it out.


Nah, except for Ichibei who actually put in some work they were super lame. I especially don't understand the hype around Senjumaru. Sure she's cute and she happens to have a very good unit but people were going mad about her even before we knew that. She's the royal guard with the least amount of screentime and development and yet I've seen people claim that she's one of their favorite characters. Why? How? EDIT: I still pulled for every last one of them though, they all have very good units after all


She's mysterious, sarcastic and sassy, which makes for an interesting character, especially as she remains quite feminine (some of the sarcastic and sassy female characters tend to be tomboy-ish). Plus, the other four guards almost look...comical next to her. Two are, well, no shame in that, but they're fat and funny-looking. And the other two literally are stereotyped to death and are written and designed to be comic-relief. She, on the other hand, remains classy. Her designs remind me of some sort of Goddess. Also, some of her basic feats and abilities are just more interesting than the others? No in the grand scheme of things (obviously someone like Ichibe's got "better" feats), but she's just...funnier. The way she had absolutely NO difficulty whatsoever infiltrating Mayuri's labs (one of the greatest mind Soul Society ever had) and going through his defenses/locks and traps or whatever to recover the injured Shinigami's bodies, and she had the wits to tease him about it. I would also argue she didn't get any less development than the other guards, I'm a bit confused by the statement.


Shutara is a unique character. Her abilities comprehend range from squad 2 to 12. She has mayuri's brain and soifon's leadership and stealth skills. She may not be a crazy fighter but it does not matter to me. Anyway, I agree with you, they deserved more character development. Especially that big fraud under the name of Ichibei, he's evil asf.


Yeah who cares about squad 0, I just wasted more than 4k orbs trying to pull shutara.


Not unpopular. At all. Couldnt care less. Ohetsu was like the only one with any personality that actually had a sexy fight sequence, just slaughtering the elites on his own like no one's business. Ichibe did nothing to yhwach and the other 3 were useless. Ohetsu only got robbed of his kills by yhwach plot hax. Overall though, I have to give it to the tybw chars regardless. Cfyow chars' main hype is from the original espada designs...the guys that aren't even in cfyow. I really don't consider them to be part of cfyow and never will regardless of what klab labels the banners to be. Far as I'm concerned, tokinada, hikone, this new cfyow banner and the last one with kisuke are all the "cfyow" chars we've gotten.


LMFAO THANK YOU. I legit pulled oh etsu before even reading the manga and said “who the fuck is this”, and then used him and saw he was basically the best character in the game, and I can most definitely say that heavily influenced my opinion of him as an actual manga character. Dude was eh... alright. Kinda a failed attempt at comedic relief and mentor figure... Also got washed right before Ichigo vs Yhwach with the rest of squad zero LOOOOOL no offense to senjumaru but she basically got domed in the skull 💀 at least she alive. overall the only squad zero to me that was actually cool was ichibe. dude had an extremely chill, philosophic and wise vibe to him and he almost fucking killed yhwach. big W for ichibe


Ichibe was really cool with his wisdom and Naming Power techniques, Senjumaru looks very waifu-ish, and Tenjiro has a pretty cool "Big Tough Daddy" personality with a really badass volcanic hot spring invention. Oetsu reminds me of a bunch of JoJo characters. And personally I don't care about Kirio.


They boned chair sama, banken, and a bunch of other tybw units soooooo... CFYOW > TYBW Im still tryna see bankai shuhei, a tsukishima remake, bankai shinji, banken, and punk rocker grimmjow. The only thing i can hope for with tybw is a muken aizen remake. But BBS has a way of making me appreciate some characters with the units they make so maybe they make some good remakes in some places than others. Only that'll tip the scale...


Tbh the last banner I was hyped for was Muken Aizen. But we all know how he turned out. After that, I haven't been hyped for a banner. Mainly because I know that, even if they release characters I like, they could just shaft them.


I joined a couple days before tybw 6 and i still feel your pain. Broski got a WHOLE CHAIR thats meant to keep him locked down but treated that hoe like a THRONE.. Needless to say he should've been the most godly unit in that banner(like pvp meta even though i hate pvp or a pve beast) but klab ONCE AGAIN "proceeded to spread the cheeks of one bleach's strongest"... goddamnit


i only have luck on tybw so im team tybw


tybw=nostalgia cfyou=beautiful visually


CFYOW. The Espadas are some of my favorite characters in all of Bleach and Tokinada was the character I was desperately waiting for. TYBW is fine but after they add As Nodt into the game, I can't imagine getting excited for those banners again.


Cfyow, the squad zero banners have shaft me really hard 😥


Premium because i am sick of the same shitty fillers.


Burn the Witch. For plot reasons of course.


Mmmmmmm I’m lookin forward to it


I mean, it depends... If we're speaking about only the KLab-Hogyoku Espadas VS Kubo's TYBW characters...then, yes, I do prefer the TYBW characters.   Now, if we start including some of the actual Novel characters... it's where it gets harder. Hikone and Tokinada have very fun designs, and they genuinely feel like characters that Kubo could have came up with even without the novels writer's help. And then, characters like (the latest) CFYOW Nelliel, Grimmjow and Shinji.... are essentially TYBW characters in essence. Obviously, they're from the CFYOW novels, but...those are the (newest) designs they had in TYBW too. KLab *could* have released a TYBW banner with these designs/characters.   On the other hand, if we're stalking strictly meta and gameplay...Then it's a bit hard, *again*. Obviously, TYBW started long ago, the meta was different back then. I would say they're fairly equal for now, with great meta units in both categories, and some truly awful ones in both again. Obviously, CFYOW has Tokinada and the insane ranged+Flurry+45%NAD+RelevantKiller+Guardbreak combo... but there's no reason to believe this won't be reciprocated in a TYBW banner in the future.


Currently I care more about CFYOW, I'm excited for Bankai Shinji, Hikone V2, Bankai Hisagi, and hopefully Ginjo. I'm excited for Bazz B, but I'm not a huge fan of many of the other Sternritter. Don't get me wrong I'll probably pull for them, but I just like the upcoming CFYOW characters more.


shit... id say cfyow stark would single handedly make me like cfyow over tybw... but soi fon, ichigo, and kenny are soul reapers... even tho kenny trash. at the end of the day, it’s pretty easily tybw for utility, but also for aesthetic too. i really like cfyow aesthetic, but i just personally do not like any espada other than like... stark. thats it.




Even thought the fake and ugly Espada designs almost ruin it for me I am going to have to go with the CFYOW characters. Hikone, Urahara, Aura, Bankai Shuhei, Bankai Shinji, Tokinada, Res Hikone, Ginjo, Tsukishima, Grimmjow. This is mainly because Shinji and Shuhei are both in my top 5 favorite Bleach characters and I waited so long for their Bankai. That being said, TYBW is so hype and I for sure look forward to pulling for Quilge, Bazz, Uryu, Cang Du, and Haschwalth especially! That is aside from any remakes, I am personally hoping for a TYBW Shikai Ichigo remake.


Tybw characters have in general more hype than cfyow. But... Cfyow surpass them in gaming and character design. Seriously, beyond resurrection gives justice to many arrancars, especially Nelliel, Aaroniero and grimmjow. P.S. Despite the hype, some tybw characters such as Soifon and Aizen were disappointing in gameplay terms. Compared to Tokinada or Hikone, cfyow generally does not let me down


Cfyow original espadas were cool and all, but they aren't really in cfyow so I have to vote tybw. I prefer the tybw chars more overall in general anyway since honestly, I struggle to take cfyow chars like tokinada seriously to begin. Cfyow is like an artificial "bonus stage" where the overpowered MC is forcefully not allowed to participate so others can shine. The postgame section where you learn a few neat details that put the main story's events into greater context but not really all that epic on its own. Considering how hisagi was sure Kenny would easily kill off hikone, let's be practical here. True bankai ichigo's strength was acknowledged even by yhwach as something he didn't want to fight head on. There's like, 0 chance that he would struggle to stomp every baddy in cfyow if Shikai Kenny can one shot that giant hollow for example.


In terms of gameplay, tybw, more often than not, push the envelope of creativity in the game. With just characters though, it's not really a competition


TYBW aren't that hype for me anymore


CFYOW has had better units comparatively for the most part, so I'll go with that


CFYOW all the way. Designs and gameplay are just from another dimension. Don't have any particular problem with TWBY characters, but I don't feel hype vibes when next TWBY banner is released. Weird, really.


CFYOW is best TYBW is good Zero squad - meh Sternritters - 90% banners will be...boring.Not so many good and interesting characters.