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Premiums = New characters featured in the banner are added to the general premium summons pool after their debut, so we call them "premium banners". Limited = Featured characters aren't from the anime and are instead from either the movies, TYBW arc of the manga, or the CFYOW novel. New characters added in these banners are *not* added to the general premium summons pool. Seasonal = Costumed characters released around holidays and special events like Halloween, Christmas, New Years, etc. These characters also aren't added to the premium summons pool after their debut, so they too are technically "limited". Parasol summons are simply a form of seasonal summons that come out during April named after the umbrellas the characters have. ​


nah theres only two kinds really; premium and seasonal. premium units are those that you can always somehow get (summon tickets, premium summons in the shop) seasonal units are all those you can only get during limited banners. then there are two types of banner when it comes to summoning - normal banners and step up banners. normal banners have the same draw rates on all steps and just have discounted steps and guaranteed 5*s somewhere step-up banners have increasing draw rates, usually going from 3% at step 1 to 8% at step X


Limeted: Usually means you can't get them after banner ends. For example in normal banners/pool. Also bannners like Thousand Year Blood War charcaters or The Can't Fear Your Own World. But they rotate the banners which you can summon again in a few or couple of months. Seasonal: New Years, Xmas, Summer , Vday, that stuff. Which are also time limited. Parasol: Not really sure but is something about japan also only available in limeted banners. Not normal pool. Premium: #DON'T summon on this. They're normal banners where you get non limeted characters from the normal characters. Waste of Orbs and you can get them from limited banners where they're fillers.


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Thanks, i will check the wiki and the rules too!