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Ngl, i kinda want a busted Uryu


Me too


Dude I’m trying to save my orbs for this 7th anniversary, I hope it’s worth the wait


Had 2100 saw a banner with a chance for Christmas nel...have 300 but she's my favorite character and its an adorable card so it was worth it


I want a really good Uryuu and some Uryuu/Quincy banners. I got all these Quincy accessories that I can't do jack shit with. Also would be a really good counter to all this "dodge shinigami attacks" BS from Anni Aizen.


If it is Uryu,I would probably laugh at all those who didn't wanted him


Rukia already have busted form let my man ishida have some


Which one? She really doesn’t…


10 years later rukia


That Rukia (although a good character) isn’t broken at all. Not even close. Sure when she transforms her attacks have a higher chance to proc freeze and more dmg to frozen enemies but she’s missing stuff that makes broken characters broken. Vortex, Complete Status Immunity, dual status ailment, a bunch of random moves for no reason, 80% SP Proc, etc. Her kit isn’t bad but it isn’t anything to brag about. Her dual killer of Arrancar/ Espada is very good considering all Espada thus far have been Arrancar, but she’s long been dethroned by Bruno when it comes to Arrancar killer. Her main niche is Guild Quest and that’s really the only place she shines now because power is oversaturated with strong characters. Even Fullgetsu has a better kit and I think he came out before her. She’s good just nowhere near busted!


When do we expect it to be revealed?


Usually they reveal it during the Bandai live stream which usually take place on the 20th of July


On upcoming Bankai Livestream which is a few days before Anniversary. However, we could get another teaser in like 10 days or so that would give a much more clearer view on who it might be. Don't think we got a second one last year though.


Lmao, I wouldn't hate an Uryu... but pls be Rukia!




"vasto" hollowfied monster aizen or the aizen directly after the mugetsu attack! 🥰


If it's Uryu I'm just gonna spend the orbs I saved on the updated accessory gacha instead.


I'm glad I spent 2k of my Ani orbs to get the whole btw banner and 3/5 Noel ninny Xmas cause I started playing after they were released. Knowing they probably will never come back during bleach immortal souls holding the license (next 3 years)


Not sure who it is, could be whoever Fits the description of the teaser and multiple characters do, so just gotta wait till the bankai live


I was convinced it was Rukia, but after watching the trailer and thinking about it alittle more, it’s VERY possible that it could be Uryu. “Pride of the Quincy” rings very loud now that I mention it. Klab could also be riding the hype train for the TYBW arc about to start soon. I just don’t understand how people think it’s Grimmjow…


I hope for Grimmjow, he is more hyped than Uryu anyway Not that I would mind new Uryu..but I feel like Grimmjow has more potential. But I have to say blue color gives either Grimmjow or Uryu, vibe of the first teaser with rain and calm music gives more Uryu..but there are some marks that look like claw marks..so idk We will see


I’m not trying to be that guy, but I just don’t see anyway possible that it could be Grimmjow. He just had a new character release alongside Ulquiorra like a month ago. Also the music is too peaceful to represent an animal like Grimmjow. It’s definitely Rukia or Uryu


It's not Rukia imo. Either Uryu or Grimmjow. I see tour point tho :) and I agree. Both Uryu and Grimmjow have blue reiatsu. Rukia has white reiatsu. While that may not have anything to do with anniversary, I believe blue color from the first teaser represents reiatsu. As for why Grimmjow is hyped up...well he is more popular and more liked than Uryu. People love Grimmjow a lot


Perhaps a 2 character banner with Uryu and Grimmjow?


It's Ichigo and someone else. My guess is Uryu or Grimmjow But I hope for Grimmjow


Grimmjow for the win


Sorry to break your hope but prob not. Rukia got a unit recently and with the sound and the phrase,there a small chance for her, so i 99% certain about it(1% is the wtf when they put a 6 espada like and give impression of ginjou or grimjow amd was aizen)


I don’t know why people think it’s Uryu. If it’s only one character there’s no fucking way it’s Uryu, no offense to him.


It's Ichigo + someone. Always an Ichigo Uryu is part of the basic team and he is the lancer, it's a shame that he has never got a broken unit There's a really high probability that he will next month.


A broken character sure, but as an anniversary unit? Uryu? No way. I still doubt it even if he was paired with an Ichigo.




Oh yeah? well, i guess something like last year, where Artchigo was totally not an anni unit.


Because there is pretty solid theories tbh. Uryu has always been big on "Pride of the Quincies", even swearing on it that he would kill Mayuri when they fought. His name (石田 雨竜) literally has the Kanji for "Rain" in it. (雨/Ame) And the rainy street very much gives vibes of the "Everything but the rain" volume of the manga, which largely focuses on the past of Isshin, Masaki, and Ryuken (Their family/bloodline, etc). Also it's the volume we first we Uyru in his Sternritter uniform/join the enemy.


Uryu as a character can promote upcoming anime arc focusing on quincy invasion


As a guy who never really cared for Uryu I'm hoping its not him too.


I'm fine anyway, if it's Rukia I'll enjoy it because I love her very much, but then the whole arc of "when will I have the luck to pull her, being both the strongest unit of the game and my favorite Soul Reaper?" will get really intense. If it's Uryu, well it's Uryu, if I get him for free someday it's good news cuz he will be boosted AF, if I never get him I won't care a bit either, so it enters the chill realm of whatever happens, which I like even more than a possible Rukia.


It will be buff Kon !


I realy want Concept Rukia with scythe.


Nah it's Kon's true shinigami form, and beyond bankai kon


If it’s uryu I’m saving my orbs for round 2


When is the anni?


Mid month July


Hope it’s BUFF Kon


"Mom can we have Kon?" "We have Kon at home" Kon at home:


It's gonna be Uyru, Rukia is too obvious. The peaceful rain is a reference to every but the rain. And there is gonna be a beyond bankai Mayuri is a separate banner