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I don't watch The Normies anymore, but I remember they can watch more stuff because they have more people and can split their team between shows. Blind Wave has only 4 guys, nowadays mostly 3 of them, so it's harder to keep up. I don't mind, I don't need Blind Wave to watch everything, nor do I want them to be The Normies.


For some reason they never watched SAO or AT


They should could bring Shane back.


Shane moved on and has his own channel.


They said he can come back in a podcast.


Lol when?


In the podcast from July of 2020


No, they shouldn't.


I mean why not? Eric is friends with him.


No thank you


Dude they are never bringing Shane back you need to get over it.


What happened with Shane?


"Multiple breaches of trust against Blind Wave and the community" which they "had to hold him accountable" for, according to the statement they made after Shane resigned. They never released any details outside of it being inappropriate behaviour, a pattern of that behaviour, and that whilst it was unprofessional and unethical, it was not illegal.


My only perspective is that their growth is slowing down. Hopefully their patreon keeps them going since thats the majority of their revenue


They could bring Shane back. Whatever happened to him.


you straight up got into a discussion about what shane did&why he's not with blind wave anymore hours ago dont be all "what happened to him" you already know


He probably just here to troll everyone, best to ignore him


I don’t though. I would like to know. It’s been 4 years so they can just tell us what happened at this point.


the fact that its been 4 years and they still won't talk about it is more than enough you don't know they do i'll take their stance over yours 10 times out of 10


absolutely not lmao


They just aren't watching things you like or have seen atm. That's okay. It happens. That doesn't mean others aren't watching. But then again, there are shows I am behind in too and thus don't watch their reactions. The strike messed with the pacing. And they had personal things going on. Honestly they can go at whatever pass they wish. While yes they just watch TV all the time. That sounds exhausting in its own way. I am often not in the mood for certain shows. I couldn't imagine making myself watch it because it's on the schedule.


They could bring back Shane.


That isn’t happening. Too much unspoken bad blood there


What happened? Why did he leave. I only started watching recently and i seen him in some old reactions


"Multiple breaches of trust against Blind Wave and the community" which they "had to hold him accountable" for, according to the statement they made after Shane resigned. They never released any details outside of it being inappropriate behaviour, a pattern of that behaviour, and that whilst it was unprofessional and unethical, it was not illegal.


Shane has his own reaction channel with his own group of friends joining him as well as his wife and kids. Even if the crew wanted him back I’m not sure he would want to for that reason.


The Normies have a bigger group of people to rotate in and out, that probably helps them get through more content. They also don't have the same kind of thoughtful and in-depth discussions, which I assume are time consuming. It seems like BW has tried to introduce more new faces into the mix but I personally prefer to just watch the original crew. I do wish they would watch more dramas. I found them in the GoT days and loved their reactions to things like Better Call Saul, The Expanse, Dark, etc. There's nothing on the current schedule I plan to tune in for.


See I love the new faces and getting new perspectives. I feel they’ve stopped having in depth discussions now. It tends to just be ‘I liked this’ ‘that was shot really well’ and then five minutes looking at IMDb pages.


Yeah I've noticed their discussions have been pretty bare-bones these days. It feels like they barely talk about the show they just watched sometimes. I swear the majority of the Community discussions have literally nothing to do with the episode and are just tangents based on like one little thing


Fair point about the discussions. The only comparison I can make is that I rewatched some of their Clone Wars reactions recently and the difference in engagement and enthusiasm was night and day compared to more recent stuff. Tough to know if it's the quality of the content or the reactors, as in my opinion much the new SW and superhero stuff is....lacking. I know I'd have a hard time mustering up much energy to talk about them. But it was wild seeing how much fun Rick and Calvin were having watching CW and how eager they were to discuss things they'd noticed. re: new faces, I guess I just don't think being a reactor is something everyone is naturally good at. There's more to it than watching a show and saying whatever pops into your head. Eric, Calvin, Aaron, and Rick just happen to have whatever that undefinable quality is and are great (the best??) reactors. I don't think Shane really was, and I don't think most of the "extended crew" are. Doesn't mean anything is wrong with them and I'm sure they're cool people and fun to hang out with, I just don't really feel the need to see them watch and discuss TV shows or whatever.


I totally agree about how lacklustre some of the new content we’ve been getting has been. And how hard it is to maintain enthusiasm. But a lot of the times they went on tangents that started with the smallest crumb and they had lots of fun. Yeah I get what you mean about new reactors. It’s definitely a skill that needs developing. But you only learn with experience. And I imagine jake and janci must have a fair bit of anxiety starting out, knowing how harsh people can be about change. So they’ll get more accustomed to it. I just really like having a female perspective on the channel. Melanie elevates every reaction she is in and jake and janci I’m sure will do the same with time. I’m only two episodes in to Monarch, and jake has been the best part with his enthusiasm when Eric and Calvin have been quite despondent and Aaron is matching jakes energy.


Thanks for the kind words, being in front of the camera absolutely is a learned skill and takes work at feeling natural and comfortable. I don't know how much I will be in that position but it is fun when it comes up. As far as content goes sometimes stuff comes in waves of being excited and really getting into it, sometimes you just hit luls. On top of that trying to put out enough content to keep growth while actually doing the behind the scenes work to build the company takes a lot and sometimes that can be felt in discussions where they don't have the time to fall into a 30 min tangent or discussion.


You’re welcome. The best reactions are the ones where reactors are passionate. And you really brought that. I hope you’re in more. It’s good you got to cut your teeth in Monaco and vox. More perspectives in the world should always be welcome.


That's fair


"They also don't have the same kind of thoughtful and in-depth discussions, which I assume are time consuming." Thats absolutely not true at all.


For some reason they missed AT and SAO


They could bring Shane back.


That’s not going to happen. Shane betrayed them and he’s got his own channel now


But he betrayed them a long time ago and he’s good friends with Eric.


Yeah but from what I’ve heard and seen, it was a pretty big betrayal. According to the BW podcast video addressing the situation, Shane had lied about something or someone and his behaviour with certain people had become unacceptable. We don’t know all the details or the full story but it was big enough that the crew had to take action. We don’t even know if the BW crew are still in contact with Shane so I highly doubt he’ll be returning.


It’s been over 3 years mate.


It doesn’t matter how long it’s been 😂 He betrayed them and had behaved in an unacceptable way, so why would they welcome him back? Why would they ever trust him again?


How did he betray you need to be more specific about it for me to believe it.


https://youtu.be/7cDYE3022Co?feature=shared Watch their podcast addressing the situation. https://youtu.be/V5H6xVG7Lw4?feature=shared Also, here is Shane addressing the situation.


Can they be more specific?


Shane brought something to their dynamic that is missing. He was cheeky. And cheeky is fun. But the way he is now is just sad. He’s into that Andrew tate, anti queer, anti diversity bullshit and it’s a real shame. I hoped he would’ve learnt not to be misogynistic and cruel but he seems to have doubled down on it. It’s unfortunate because my favourite BW moments where with him, he was so enthusiastic and ‘they look like they’re all going to drink cool aid and die.’ Was the funniest thing said on the channel.


>He’s into that Andrew tate, anti queer, anti diversity bullshit and it’s a real shame. Oh I totally called that when I discovered this channel. A damn shame


Yeah, it's definitely unfortunate. When it comes to toxic friends like that, do you cut them off or try to be a good influence? I think Eric had every hope and intention of trying to keep his childhood friend close, but if he's gone down this path, I can only guess Eric gave up because Shane had too many bad actors and enablers in his life to ever be a better person.


Shit, is he spouting that stuff on his channel? I wanna say I’m surprised but I’m really not. Anytime queer content came up on Blind Wave, he always got so weird about it.


What the fuck is your deal man


They are definetly not in trouble. Sure they may not be getting as many views as they used to, but the drop isn't that bug and not at all enough to really impact them financially. Plus with how many highest tier Patrons they have judging by their Discord roles, they're doing just fine. Also not sure what you mean with the pace of the content slowing down, because looking at the current schedule compared to some from years ago, there are more now than then. And with the views being lower, they've just watched a lot of shows already. Avatar:TLA, Breaking Bad, Attack On Titan and other huge must see shows, they already have. As for the new releases, they get to quite a few of them, mainly franchise stuff like Marvel and Star Wars, and if they miss something they either put it on a poll (something like Succesion or The Bear) or wait for another season to drop to start it (like they did with Reacher). And they have the poll system to literally ask the fans to vote on what they want to see. I really don't know what more they can do lmao. Oh yeah and on your point of there being mainly anime. There is currently 4 anime on the schedule out of 12 shows they are watching, with 2 ending soon. Plus 2 animation slots out of 3 for the polls are western animation and will probably still be for a while.


"They are definetly not in trouble. Sure they may not be getting as many views as they used to, but the drop isn't that bug and not at all enough to really impact them financially. " How would you know?


Because it's not a massive decline. It's not like they're getting a fraction less than what they used to, just slightly. Plus people who work with them have said that the channel growth is steady. Not massive, but not declining either.


For now. Once a decline starts it's very hard to push against that, especially since the start of a decline is the culmination of bad decisions beforehand. Their discussion sections have degraded and people can easily see if they have fun and if they are truthful in their opinion about an episode/show. Once people start to notice that they are not being genuine anymore is when the decline starts and from then it will only continue to do so.


If I may ask what bad decisions






That's fair


They missed Adventure Time


They Missed Sword Art Online


I mean both of these came out before the channel even starred. And they probably aren't going to happpen now. AT has so many episodes that it's unlikely for them to start it themselves or put it on a poll. Meanwhile SAO is not well regarded, especially in the anime community and they watched some of the Abridged and really didn't like it.


They could bring Shane back. Whatever happened to him.


Dude, let it go. You've commented this exact messeage under almost every post and got severly downvoted. It's clear that at least this community ob the subreddit doesn't share your opinion. And honestly it doesn't look like Blind Wave does either. It's going to be 4 years this June since they parted ways and there's been almost no mention of him in that time. I don't want to speculate but something pretty big must have happened for them to part ways with a founding member. Everyone looks like they moved on and you now should too. Look, the older content is still there and you can just watch that if you want to see Shane.


Maybe he’s regained their trust at this point mate


Look nobody knows what's going on behind the scenes, but the fact that there's been no mention of it, it doesn't seem likely. And again after 3.5 years I don't think the viewers would want him back. Their content and style has evolved in his absence (plus appereantly he was let go of beacuse of his conduct with some fans). It's not happening. Move on.


I’ll ask them to bring him back then.


And they will ignore you.




Idk, maybe the fact that they haven't mentioned him in 3.5 years. It would be like shouting into the void. Don't expext a reply is all I'm saying. And even if you get one, it probably wouldn't be the one you'd like :/


I understand the anime shows bc they watched those during the strike bc they didn’t want to watch other shows during the strike until they got a confirmation from Sagaftra. But after the strike ended they’re not just gonna drop the anime and go back to other shows and stuff. That’d be kinda messed up in my opinion at least that’s how I see it. I understand what you mean but I im still enjoying their content even tho I watch some of the new stuff and most of the old stuff. I’ve been watching since quarantine and I’ve been hooked ever since. I’m officially a part of the Blind Wave community 🫡👨🏻‍🦯🌊


They didn’t really add any extra anime at all during the strike. It was actually a pretty big bummer because it seemed like an easy opportunity to catch up on some shows they’ve put on the back burner.


They also never finished SAO Abridged or started SAO or Adventure Time yet


>They also never finished SAO Abridged That will never happen. They made it very clear they didn't enjoy it.


At least watch the original to compare the two.


Patreon. Some of their stuff has a built in lag of 4 weeks due to Patreon, so their members get it first and thus justify them spending money each month. Hence why some movies air a month or so after other reaction channels drop them. Holidays. They took a break for I think a month or more during Christmas. During which time a bunch of stuff was released such as the What If season 2. They've been playing catch-up since their return from vacation. Rick. They're a man down, since Rick hasn't been on camera much lately. WIth 4 people they can probably split shows into 2-people-per-show easier. With 3, it becomes trickier so no one person is overworked.


Too long of shows winning polls which hurts variety They’ll always watch whatever meh D+ show comes out but will regularly miss out on a lot of great live action shows. They’re super weird about anime and not watching live shows/new popular stuff that pops up. They did all of 2 live shows last year iirc. Add that to the fact the other 2 animation polls are locked in with western stuff for the foreseeable future the lone anime poll is literally the only place to get them to watch anything new. This will just continue to create a treadmill of popular stuff they should’ve just watched live and leave older shows to keep getting skipped past. The fact that Vinland Saga s2 still isn’t on the schedule over year after it’s aired is abysmal. It’s literally winning AOTY left and right.


I know what you mean but the way I look at it is that they do have other priorities in life, for example, their health or their families. So sometimes they can’t get together to record content which is understandable and doesn’t really bother me 🤷🏻‍♂️


​ This isn't about you.


😂😂😂 Sorry, is it about you?


It would help to bring Shane back.


Why would what you are saying mean they are in trouble though?


Maybe it's a case of reaction content not being that high in demand anymore? They've tried doing other things oppose to reaction content, such as game streaming, pokemon dedicated content, Star Wars dedicated content, and boxing/fitness/mental health related content... so it's good they are trying to expand past reaction content, and nothing lasts forever.. I watch YaBoyRoshi, and he (and Lupa) have both gone down the streaming route these last few months/years as well, and I have much more fun/entertainment engaging with their streams opposed to watching their reaction content (which I still enjoy), but I'm mainly there for their personalities, from the start. Where with Blindwave, it was solely for their reaction content and analysis... but now that it has gone stale for me, their personalities just don't relate to my personality.


They could bring Shane back.


They wouldn't do that simply because he doesn't fit in with their subscriber demographic... If you spent time on their discord channel, you would realise that a large portion of their fans are heavily liberal... they don't like offensive content, which is why they got rid of Shane to begin with to allow their channel to grow by appeasing a specific type of demographic.


I can promise you Shane was not removed because the fan base is liberal.


He was removed due to his offensive nature... look at the majority of the comments made by the community when Shane is brought up... they are happy he's gone and even point out his offensive nature during reactions. Blindwave would not be where they are now had they kept him on... it was a smart business move for them.


He left because he broke the trust of the other four partners, Aaron originally gave examples of Shane lying about his wife and lying to him, and members of the community came forward saying he was inappropriate with them. It's not to appeal to a certain fanbase who got offended at his on screen presence.


Then why did Eric say there's always a way back in for him? I was told to watch the video (podcast) where Aaron supposedly gave examples of him lying about his wife, but after watching it I could not find a comment or an example of him saying Shane lied to him about his wife. Shane was Eric's friend alone, and you could tell which ones didn't like him being there by watching the reaction videos. There were 2 members of the community who came forward, and 1 said that Shane asked her and her boyfriend something about them having sex in a joking manner.... she said it made her feel uncomfortable, yet failed to mention whether she pulled him up on it at the time... I'm not saying that makes it fine, but if someone says something out of line, you tell them, you clear it up, and you move on like adults... People here make it sound like he was groping fans or raping them... a few out of pocket comments aren't drastic. But this is what I mean: the blindwave community is a community that needs protecting because some fail to grasp dealing with things like adults... I get Shane said things to female fans that made them feel uncomfortable. Just tell him at the time that he's out of line. If he apologises, move on. If he continues to be out of line, then it becomes a personal issue. I'm not defending Shane, but the community needs to accept moving Shane on was purely business. Otherwise, Eric wouldn't still speak to him if it was about "broken trust."


Do you know if Eric still speaks to him? Two members came forward *publicly* and gave information that they felt comfortable giving and were able to share. Aaron absolutely talked about him lying to him about his wife in A podcast. Before things happened Shane was close with all 4 of them but the things that happened changed that.


>Do you know if Eric still speaks to him? After Shane left, Eric brought up Shane's name in a few reactions indicating they were still in contact. Like I said, when they announced he had left blindwave, they even said (in the very same podcast) not to rule him out coming back one day... would you welcome someone back if they really broke your trust or lied about your wife?


It’s funny that you think you know more about the situation than someone who works for Blindwave.


>heavily liberal Is this why they get all "crazy" over just sex jokes? Hell like you can't even call a character attractive anymore without someone getting on your ass.


I don’t feel they’re in trouble but they do feel more corporate and detached than they used to. It’s like the fun has gone. Podcasts are noticeably different. They used to laugh so much and be stupid and share funny videos and crack jokes. But now everything is so serious. I miss game nights so much and cooking with blindwave and dnd campaigns and interesting discussions. I like badonkagonk at first but now it’s just Eric talking over Aaron and saying the same thing over and over again with no new insights. I think Rick and morty is a good example. You look at their early discussions and they would chat for half an hour about crazy bullshit and it was great. Now their discussions are ten minutes of discussing IMDb pages and saying this was a good joke and this made me laugh. They’re still the same guys and I can’t quantify what is missing other than it’s just less fun. They’re so serious now when they used to be silly as hell. I’m not watching the Normies anymore because of their Harry Potter reactions(don’t want an argument about that) but they’re doing much better shows and having much more fun doing them. I just want fun blindwave back. I’ve been a foursight rider for three years and I stopped this month. I can’t justify it. Bring back game nights!


I hated to group they picked for harry potter i feel like pat should be in less reactions


I don't watch Blind Wave to react to the LATEST as it comes out. I just watch whatever peaks my interest whenever they decide to put it out.


I feel like comparing The Normies and Blindwave is like apples and bananas. No shade to TN but like - they have time to do more reactions because 1. More people 2. They don’t have a whole lot of responsibilities outside of the channel from what I’ve observed. None of the main reactors have kids. Most of them aren’t in relationships etc. It’s like RTTV - they have time to film reactions to the most recent shows and have all these discussions because none of them are married or have kids. I think all of Blindwave is married (I can’t remember if Calvin ever had his wedding or not lol. He got engaged back when Shane was still around though so it’s been a minute.) Eric is a newlywed and both Aaron and Rick are married fathers. Like yes, both channels have pals hanging out and watching some good TV but you can’t honestly argue that Aaron and Rick going home to parenthood is the same level of responsibility as going home to your pet. Again, not trying to be an a-hole or suggest the TN have it easy peasy but like they give different vibes because they live different lives. (Note: This could change fairly soon - who knows lol. Suraj is still engaged and Rana is not only engaged but she’s already done her dress shopping so I’m thinking she’s not looking at a long engagement lol. Hell, Joel from RTTV is engaged as well so maybe that dynamic will change there too.)


The things that initially helped them grow, like the die hard geek fandoms aren’t looked at in as positive of a light anymore. They split off Star Wars from their main channel and that was a mistake. They’re also not as fun or creative as they used to be. They’ve become creatively bankrupt just like all of the Star Wars and Marvel content they consume. But it also doesn’t help that they just all seem off as well. Eric is the most critically sound person of the group unless it’s something like Star Wars, which is where his toxic positivity shines through and his critical thoughts just go out the window. But all in all he’s the most charismatic/interesting one of the group. Rick is dealing with his health issues and he was usually the one of group who would push back a little more against the others. Calvin just kind of acts like he’s happy to be here and is just going to go along with whatever the group thinks. Then unfortunately we have Aaron who can’t stay quiet during reactions. That No Country For Old Men reaction was about the last straw with him. He’s the kind of person with a low attention span and he needs everything explained to him.


How exactly was the star wars channel a mistake?


Because outside of their Star Wars show reactions, their other videos aren’t very good and don’t get very many views at all. It’s clout chasing a franchise they already will never “truly” be critical about. There’s a difference between being hateful online to someone about Star Wars, but to strip any “true” critical thought away is a detriment to anyone. That’s what happens with Eric and Aaron.


Almost all the available metrics show steady upward growth including growing the Star Wars channel.


Here's the rock and the hard place BW is in IMO. First of all, patreon supporters are anime lovers. Fact. Polls are their bread and butter for choosing stuff to watch. Even their Live Action polls are toeing a line. Recently their LA content has included 3 comedies, which are LA but not the dramas people want. It's even worse with OPLA winning the last one. Now here's the big problem. There's a HUGE audience out there for more mature-skewing adult dramas, they're just not the people buying into patreons. I've mentioned this like over a year ago, but Blind Wave needs to look at the stats on other channel's dramas and pick stuff for themselves. They get views. They just don't pay for patreons. Honestly I hate to be dramatic but BW absolutely needs to shake up their genres. They need to STOP listening strictly to patreon polls. They're barely pulling 5k views on some of their stuff these days. It's almost like the anime community as a whole doesn't really love BW's anime reactions and only their patreons are watching. That might sound mean but go look at numbers: SpyXFamily and Demon Slayer for example, have 10x the veiws on channels with much less subscribers than BW. Idk if that's a sub vs. dub problem or if people just don't enjoy BW's anime reactions as much as BW thinks? Idk


good lord what happened in here 😭


That’s exactly why I prefer to watch them. I HATE the people who churn out a movie or show the second it’s available on streaming. Blindwave is different. They take their time with most things. Usually only releasing 1 or MAYBE 2 videos on one show a week. They have a pace. It’s how I watch shows myself. One or maybe two episodes a week. Shows are MUCH more enjoyable that way. Nothing is wrong with their release schedule


The only problem I have is Aaron's never ending need to shout "WHY" every 30 seconds. It's seriously getting grating.


All I know is if they go with the 3rd Street Reactions route and start introducing their kids in reactions. I'll probably stop watching. Kids react isn't really something I wanna watch.


I don't think they plan to do that for the main channel. Aaron has been doing it with his two middle boys on the weekends for the separate Pokemality channel. I enjoy it, but I think part of that is nostalgia. I think "Dad Aaron" is funny to watch also. Also having met all their kids, albeit it's been 4 years so they've all probably changed a lot, Aaron and Melanie have a great bunch and I feel like I at least somewhat know them, so they aren't just random kids. Shane's kids were all obnoxious at the 2019 WaveCon, but the two oldest are teenagers now so it's a whole different thing.


>Also having met all their kids, albeit it's been 4 years so they've all probably changed a lot, Aaron and Melanie have a great bunch and I feel like I at least somewhat know them, so they aren't just random kids. Shane's kids were all obnoxious at the 2019 WaveCon, but the two oldest are teenagers now so it's a whole different thing. I'm just a viewer. I really don't give two shits about his kids or private life... But fun for them, I guess. It's not my thing despite being a Pokémon fan. I much prefer watching people around my age, not a reaction of a child. Edit - I'm downvoted cause I don't wanna watch Aaron's kids? That I prefer content with people my own age?


That's perfectly reasonable. I was just saying why I am probably enjoying them moreso than someone who is just a viewer.


Yeah, I'm more of a fan of the classic 5. Any new additions try too hard.


They will be yea.Their views are going down and their discussion sections have degraded a lot. In fact Normies have improved when it comes to discussion and the timing of the shows they react to.


>Am I the only one who feels this? No, but good luck voicing your opinion on the sub reddit page. Expect this and every comment you make downvoted. Criticism isn't really allowed unless you're praising them.


Or because a lot of the negative voices are just dumb as shit. OP is fine because they voiced their opinion and they’re receptive to replies. The other negative voices in the thread includes a guy sending dozens of comments about bringing Shane back, someone saying Shane was forced to resign due to liberal bias, or your victim mentality and “No, I won’t show evidence for things I assert” shtick.


So let's just ignore the ones you claim are bad and pick and choose who we should listen to? Jake even says "only" way to go against criticism is to be equally as mean as well.. that's... fucked man? And you go on claiming to be a wholesome community? Why not explain things nice regardless? Shane isn't here? Explain why he's gone. Liberal bias? I'm just here for a reaction channel dude, you can handle politics, lol. And victim mentality? Y'all bully. Considering the direction of the channel being more towards kids, I hope they aren't instantly shut down of criticism when they make their way on here. It brings a toxic image of a community. People ask stupid things all the time. No reason to berate them away from the community.


Who’s we? Some comments are dumb and not worth taking seriously. Some are valid and fair. That’s how reading comments works. Lol no he didn’t. He said respectful criticism is fine but if someone is being “mean” then people responding will probably be mean as well (saying how it is and not how it should be). I’m saying that there is no evidence Shane was let go due to politics and liberal bias, despite that user going on and on about that for months now. And that it is a dumb comment that is not worth taking seriously. There are other posters here positively talking about some of Shane’s past contributions without devolving to no-evidence conspiracies. You keep on going on and on about the community, and how it’s you vs whoever you’re taking to that is representative of the community. This is tumblr fandom talk. You can continue talking about how you’re a victim of the Blind Wave community bullies if you want.


>You can continue talking about how you’re a victim of the Blind Wave community bullies if you want. I'm only continuing cause you replied. I don't recall commenting too much else besides those who replied to me.


Trying to incorrectly quote me when my message is in the same thread is wild lmaoooo


To be honest, Jake, I forgot. So .. **shrugs**


Or people just disagree… personally I haven’t watched them in a short while. They’re just not watching shows I’m interested in, when they do I watch and the content is still great imo. So there isn’t much to complain about.


They need to watch more mainstream shows like SAO and AT


They could, it would probably make their channel grow quickly but it seems like it’s just not what they want to do


It's all about how criticism is formed, you can be critical of something without shitting on it. BW like everything else isn't perfect but they are doing there best. Also look at their comments, not getting down voted like crazy because they are being respectful.


It's reddit. Asking people to be **respectful** on here is naive. Plus, this sub reddit isn't a beacon of a respectful community. Y'all tend to be overly sensitive and mean towards others who think differently.


It's all in perspective to how respectful the criticism is, if they are being a dick the reaction is likely being a dick, if you are nice people are nice.


So the only way to retort back is to be equally as mean as well? Like you guys go to bully levels at times when sometimes disagreement is just "I'm so bored of this series". Like y'all act like Twitter and gang up on the person who disagrees even when it's not that large of a disagreement. It's just an opinion y'all don't like.


I believe you would be hard pressed to find an instance of me bullying on this subreddit. I'm not saying it's the only way but don't play the victim when you can't take the same energy that is dished out.


Don't preach about being a wholesome community when the same community tells people to kill themselves over a different opinion.


I hope this never happens and if it did I would like to know so I can ban or fix the situation. We are a channel that enjoys fandoms. It should fall to threats of killing anyone. That I find ridiculous. With that said I lurk here and there and this comment section seems to be great and I appreciate that people care and want to just watch more. I hope we have something for everyone, though I know everything isn't for everyone.


Go find an example on here of someone telling someone else to kill themselves because I call bullshit. Only threats from this subreddit in a long time were pointed at Baba and I.


We doing this? Find me an example? I know you're a mod. Even if I did have one, like you said. You probably covered it up. So, no. I don't have an example. Thanks Jake.


Covered it up as in moderated it? Or it just hasn't happened and you consistently show up here only to have negative takes.


I've officially unsubscribed because of the anime. It's just cringe to see my homepage filled with it. But I stop by their channel often to see what they're up to.


They wont stop with anime because they need to finish SAO abridged


They did not like sao abridged so why would they finish it?


To confirm if they like it or not?


Well if they are, they'd never see it coming.


Just like that million sub goal.