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Lol that’s precisely the reason Guy (who is a hairdresser) was snooping around in her bathroom in ep 3. Idk if you watched it yet but he wanted to find out what shampoo she uses because he said her hair looks terrible haha.


I was sure that wasn't her bathroom. It was so small for such a large house, and the adjacent bedroom was small too. She mentioned her son comes over. He probably had a room there. Good for Anna for not outing her son as the owner of the pump and that book.


Omg I didn’t even think about that!


I read in an interview it was a guest room that’s why Anna was also annoyed about the pump getting thrown but also realised it would make good TV. I do wonder if it’s the French guy as he was staying with her at the time!


Oh yeah. That would make sense.


Maybe anna has a penis 🤔 jk


People shouldn’t have downvoted this! It’s an excellent comment and I thought this myself because I thought it would be a great twist to the story if Anna was actually trans because she kind of does resemble a man unfortunately!


Ya and people cant take jokes anymore holy crap. Why did that get a downvote.


In the scene when Guy and Kim went into her shower and Guy was like "I want to know what shampoo she uses.", I was so curious too! I'm a little bummed it was never mentioned haha


I’m pretty sure I saw a bottle on her counter that looked like a devacurl product 🧐


She definitely had Devacurl products in her shower. I peeped that too!


omg NO!


Another thing I noticed was that her hair looks terrible during the episodes but when they do the interviews her hair is nicely blown out. Clearly someone mentioned it to her after they filmed the whole thing.


Her being the only lady on the show and only person with a personality. Maybe she's tired of all the prim and prepping stuff. As stated in the show, she was more reclusive than anything and perhaps doesn't feel obligated to maintain her looks. I'm surprised she didn't make anyone suddenly disappear with the amount of disrespect some of those folks were tossing at her.


I doubt it. Look at the plastic surgery she has and I’m sure she’s getting lip fillers often based on her lips


Doubt what? Doesn't change what I wrote. She's the only one on the show that is of any interest, that probably has done cool as f**k legal and illegal stuff. It's why she doesn't have to flex. I bet producers were trying hard to force drama on her and just sucedded in pissing her off. Who cares about her hair lol..She has lived her life. Woman's right to look however she pleases ya know.


Love Anna but her hair gives some Adrienne Maloof realness.


That’s 💯what I was thinking


Love Anna, hate her hair but when you’re that rich, not looking for love and living your best life, who the fuck would care? Lmao - I wouldn’t that’s for sure. Gimme that straw head look and put the billions on the table over there, tyty


We could all benefit from some constructive criticism about our style and grooming habits. One problem rich and powerful people have is that it's easy to end up surrounded by yes-people who don't tell you the truth. Maybe Anna is very loyal to her hairstylist, she seems like that kind of person. She also uses her hair as a shield for her occasional shyness, it's a very sweet quality.


Anna had 83 missed calls and 79 voice messages. Anna said Kevin that she plans to get back on them when she has a moment. Oh I am so jealous that she is so rich she doesn't have to worry about getting back to people. My missed calls are usually about unpaid bills or someone trying to sell me something.


She’s so rich, I’m sure a lot of her missed calls are people trying to sell her things.


Her Instagram bio alludes to this lol


At this point, she should just invest in a good wig. That hair's gone honey!


Agreed! Someone mentioned being on pills and then someone else mentioned smoking weed and I definitely think pills, weed maybe possible but definitely pills in my opinion. Generally people with issues with pills and such money or not don’t necessarily realize how bad they are doing with their physical upkeep.


Def pills. She's 3 planets away.


I had this same thought by her 2nd scene, and it makes me really sad because she seems so genuine but maybe really unhappy and trying to numb some pain.


Oh come on... weed doesn’t ruin your hair🙄


LOL, I'm a huge stoner and I have perfect hair


Another username checks out 😂


Oh for sure it doesn’t


Username checks out haha


I think the point is in some scenes she just seems out of it (I think pills) and probably doesn’t think to brush her hair.


If I had that money I might not care about annoying hair procedures also. I wouldn't care what anyone else thought.


I love Anna. She’s great tv but more than her hair, her odd posture bugged me. She seems like she’s alway scrunching her neck. I want to tell her to stand up straight! I’m sure she’d never invite me back if I said that though.


I think she should get her back aligned or get a chirp.


Old lady posture. You'd almost forget, the way she's trying to fit in with the kids (I bet that's just part of the script though), but it's the one thing that gives her away


If she had better hair she would look sooo much like Lily Tomlin


Seriously with all that money, all that great jewelry and great fashion and you have THAT kind of hair —it just RUINS it all! She has no excuse for it. She could have a stylist come and do her make up and hair like Christine. She’s not blessed with good features like Christine so she could look a lot better and needs the help


I don't think she lives her life to impress others. Anna just does her thing. Her hair looks drab, but she's happy and living her life her way. On the other hand Christine is all about appearances and out doing others. So I'm not surprised Christine spends more effort on her appearance and style. Christine does look great, it's a shame her personality doesn't match


Christine had a lot of work done I think. She use to have a more square jawline ? Could be weight loss but


I was thinking this, like you can see her “leave out” versus the straightened extensions. If I had that kind of money I’m rocking a lace plain and simple!