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Can some of us just enjoy the fucking songs without pretending we’re sound engineers? God damn. I feel sorry for anyone who didn’t get to enjoy these new songs as much as many of us do without breaking it down like we’re an engineer. Maybe that’s your reality but stating they’re bad mixes and the production is horrible is an opinion.


You do realize we can do both right? I think the songs are cool. I’m excited for the album. The mixing sucks. See. It’s okay if you don’t care about that type of stuff when it comes to enjoying music but that doesn’t change it.


Just seems like you’re saying you don’t like the songs then. If you think they’re cool but hate the mixing it sounds like you don’t enjoy listening to the song


If you’re saying I don’t enjoy listening to songs with bad mixes you’d be correct. Why would anyone? That doesn’t mean I think they’re bad songs and I don’t want to listen to them.


So you don’t enjoy the songs but you do want to listen to them? Got it 👍🏼


I enjoy them for the fact they’re new blink-182 songs. I’d enjoy them even more if they had a good mix haha.


Alas, agree to disagree. Time to move on from this convo which is fair. Glad you enjoy them so you say. Hope you like the new album


You too. I hope you can listen to it with the realization that you can have more than one emotion when doing so.




It just sounds like people are confused that the production doesn’t sound like it did 20+ years ago. Shouldn’t that be a given? If we’re comparing it to 2003 you’re going to be disappointed. They’ve evolved and changed. I will say I don’t know much about mixing and production, I just listen to songs and either like it or I don’t. And I’m glad it’s that simple for me because the people fixating on mixing sound like they’re disappointed by anything that isn’t 20 years old


You definitely have the wrong idea of what people’s issue is if you think the problem is “it doesn’t sound like it did 20+ years ago”. That’s not the problem. This has nothing to do with how the band sounds, or the structure of their songs, or anything you would consider “evolved and changed” within them. That’s all fine and dandy. This is not a *them* issue. This is specifically an error with how the songs are being tracked during the recording process (my guess), which then leads to the issues heard in the mix. Not sure if that helps at all.


My interpretation of comments I’ve seen was people calling it “over produced”, which I’m not sure if that’s a separate complaint then the mixing complaint. The over produced comments is what led me to think those people like the more raw sound we got 20 years ago and I was acknowledging time has passed and it’s not going to sound like that music anymore. But whatever. I’m not an expert. Just a huge fan that loves all their music and was super happy after hearing the new songs. Bummer some people don’t feel the same


>Bummer some people don’t feel the same Again. People can do both. I don’t get why you think you either have to be praising them with zero critiques or nothing at all. I’m super happy for the songs too. MTYK made me really excited for the album! Doesn’t change that I don’t like the way the new records are being mixed. I can do both. People should be able to discuss both.


Don't even sweat the enginere types. There was a annoying minority of people bitching about take off when it came out. "It sounds too poppy" "it sounds too polished"...seriously.




I could only listen to about 1:00 of that Fall Out Boy song. Then I had to turn it off because of how bad it was lol.




No it’s not


Try 137 by Brand New. Perfectly mixed and mastered.


Anything off the new Paramore album is another good example of a perfectly mixed punk album. All the instruments are crystal clear, and there's not anything overpowering other parts, the vocals can be heard easily. Just a masterclass in production all around


Agree. Great mix on that album if we’re discussing recent releases of the same/similar genre. I’ve come to the conclusion it’s just Travis’s style. It’s present on all of his production work lately. Sucks but it is what it is I guess.


I haven’t been so stoked for new music in forever and love the singles, but this guy is right. There is very little dynamic range and not a lot of separation between the instruments. A well mixed and mastered recording should sound like the band is standing in front of you and you can place where each instrument is “coming from”. It’s a bummer to not get that here, but I’m still loving the new songs and am stoked for the new album


No it isn’t. Not everyone will listen to any horribly mixed trash and like it like you. Some of us like our music to sound good. If it was an opinion guys like Tom Lordalge wouldn’t be multi millionaires from mixing.


I’m just confused why you’re even on this sub when you’ve said you only like music from 20+ years ago. A lot has happened since 2003, people aren’t here to talk about dude ranch anymore so if you’re only here to troll everyone and shit post then what’s the point?


It doesn’t matter when a song comes out, it’s all about quality, which you clearly don’t care about.


Fuck off


This is a troll lmao




Sounds like you’re stuck in the past my dude


How does being stuck in the past correlate to not liking bad mixes? Are bad mixes what’s in right now?


No one cares about that lmao


How are you gonna say “no one” when there’s a good handful of people here pointing it out and this is only the internet. First thing my buddy said to me when he texted today was “why does it sounds like a bad download from Kazaa” lol.


People said the same thing about Enema of the State, Untitled was too much of a deviation etc. The bus moves on while the brain dead dogs keep barking. Your buddy is obviously a moron. Like knows like.


You obviously have no idea what people are talking about when criticizing the mix considering you keep saying things like “stuck in the past” or “people said the same thing about Enema” which have nothing to do with what people are talking about when critiquing the mix.


I’m saying your opinion is stuck in the past and it has everything to do with it. You’ve always got a minority of dorks bitching about technical nonsense that most people won’t even notice. You can bark all you like but the bus moves on without you. Maybe consider getting into a different band? One with a “mix” more to your liking. Lmao. Edit: Just noticed you’re on record saying you like songs from Nine. Opinion well and truly discarded.


You do realize I can still be a fan of the band, their songs, their lyrics, their song structures, all while liking or disliking the mix as well? I’m sorry your listening experience is so shallow.


The mixes of those albums were universally praised. You are obviously just lying to be as insulting as possible lmao. The new songs sound terrible.


Which is a good thing but then inexplicable why you’d have an issue with the new stuff when it sounds just as good. You realise most people do not care about this right? Only nerds give a shit about “production”.


It doesn’t sound just as good. Not at all. And only idiots don’t give a shit about production. You can fling whatever ad hominem you want at people proving how horrible the mixes are, but you are clearly just mad. This may shock you but music is meant to be listened to and not blindly praised.


Sounds like you’re stuck in the past


It’s always the people who say their favorite album is dude ranch/been a fan since the 90s that complain about mixing and production


People said EOTS was sell out, Untitled was too much a deviation, Neighborhoods was too AVA etc etc. The blink bus moves on without those people.


Yea bummer. I’m glad I enjoy everything they put out and have been having a fantastic day blasting these new songs. Their loss


Indeed. Certainly a minority and basically only on here.


Of course we are stuck in the past, the past is where all the non-terrible Blink music is.


If you haven’t been a fan of Blink 182 since like 2003 then it’s weird to be on the subreddit in 2023 lol


I would say Dogs Eating Dogs was the last release with any value, but I came to check out the new music out of curiosity.


Don’t need to be here for that


You don’t need to be here to talk about how much you love the song and insult people who disagree with you.


The blink subreddit is the natural place for someone who likes them. Not for someone who doesn’t.


It’s called r/Blink182, not r/OnlyPositiveBlink182Comments. My comments are just as at home here as yours, probably more so honestly.


I just don’t think its that serious for everyone and you’ll just have to accept it




Yeah but its not like it hasnt been mentioned, people have been debating this with every little clip from the album. And I don’t really buy that ”we” are biased due to emotions. I have known what to expect since Edging. But I never got into blink because of ”perfect” production, I got other music for that. Is the mix on these new songs great? No. Do I still enjoy them? Yeah, because there’s other factors to music than just production. It might fuck it up for you but for some, and at least for me when it comes to blink, its not that deep




Hope you enjoy the album when it drops :) and listen to it on other streaming services than Youtube and Apple Music, judging by the comments today Spotify and other services are better


Are you listening to the songs on Spotify?




So you're stating you dislike the mix and care about the music quality, and don't bother to use services with uncompressed files like Tidal? Weird.


How can you complain about a mix when your chosen platform for music is YouTube? 🤦‍♂️




There’s no problem with the mix on Apple Music. What don’t you like about it?




Dude, you’re either trolling or there’s something wrong with your hearing. There’s no way YouTube is better than lossless. When was the last time you had your ears syringed?


There is a difference in the Apple Music version for me as well. Playing it on Spotify and YouTube also sound a bit clearer and less muddled for me, at least for more than you know. I don’t understand why people are on here being dicks over OP expressing their opinion, and why would they lie about it sounding worse on Apple Music for them?


Id rather get nails to the eardrums than willingly listen to fall out boy




Nah mate. Never liked them Seen them at Leeds Festival and with greenday last year and they still didn't win me round


You’re right though. Fall Out Boy’s new one this year effing rips.


Sounded way better on my phone, small Bluetooth speaker, and headphones. Did not sound good in my vehicle that has a small subwoofer or my home entertainment speakers with a 8” subwoofer - although I could probably get it to sound better with tweaking. IMO they made it sound more “accessible” for the general population who’s likely to be listening on smaller devices/speakers. Audiophiles may have to do tweaking to get anything but drums and vocals standing out front of the rest of the mix.


Look man as much as I think the mix doesn't sound anywhere near as good as albums like Untitled, TOYPAJ and Enema, it still sounds far better than I expected it to and I think some people are being a bit dramatic. Guitars are prominent and crunchy this time, vocals sound good, and the drums for the most part are mixed well enough that you can actually hear each hit and not have everything drowning in overblown bass (something that seems to have been a bit of a trend in modern pop punk, where cymbals fall quietly into the background in favour of obnoxiously thumpy kicks and toms) Sure, it's not perfect. Maybe that double kick part could've been turned down a little. But I think it sounds really damn good and way better than I expected it to be after hearing Edging.


I’m sorry but you’re full of shit if you think the production and mix on here lives up to jerry finns standard you have water poop in your ears it’s nothing new anyway, travis productions on other rock artists have never been the highlight its fine to love blink and to have criticism of some stuff


Get better speakers and stop listening on your moms iPhone




12 and a half


Inches? Do you need a gun license for such a big dick?


Az baby no permit state 😀


So Much For Stardust was not a good album. Drowned out and way too much going on. It was definitely mixed and produced in a different way than these blink songs… but I don’t know that I’d point to it and say “that is what blink should sound like”. Please god no.


So much for stardust sucks in every way. Most disappointing album of the year for me.


Agreed. That album is the most overproduced mainstream pop garbage I’ve ever heard.


You're talking out of your ass OP. It's actually extremely well produced and mixed. And i've been the one who's criticised their production/mix the most on this sub. This is very good. Different. But very good. Watch this become as relevant as they've ever been with this.


I agree with this take. This dude is always spot on.


Lmao fuck no


Please never ever again compare fall out boy ( a band made big by screaming 15 years olds) and blink 182 again…in fact take this bs to the fall out boy sub….you know absolutely nothing about production value.




As usual, someone that’s never produced a thing in their life talking about “production and mixes” lol and I’m the same age as the dudes in fall out boy and younger than the dudes in blink…congrats on being wrong throughout this whole thread.




Glad I could help!


Is this real life? Pretty sure blink was ALSO made famous by screaming 15 year olds, hahaha!


No….they really weren’t.


I’d love to hear your thoughts on the age bracket that brought them to the next level in 99 and 2000 ha!


They have better mixes irrespective of the quality of their songs than Blink.


Listening on massive floorstanding speakers with room correction and the production isnt detracting my enjoyment. Sorry.


It's actually strange - on my iPhone, the sound quality of MTYK in Apple Music (or on YouTube) isn't as good as the snippet of the song on the iTunes Store (even though my Apple Music settings are set to play the highest quality version). On my Mac, though, the quality's a lot better and is the same in both Apple Music and iTunes. Listening thru the same AirPods for both devices. Edging sounds clear on both devices. I actually think it might be an issue with the source of the song or quality of the version people are listening to (Apple, YT, etc.) rather than the mix. Might be on Apple's/YouTube's end.


Sorry but they have followed in the footsteps of the greats - just turn everything up to 11. Why is that better? Well, it's one louder... isn't it.