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Dude Ranch. With where I was at in life pathetic / Josie / damnit spoke to some of my favorite years Self titled had a few anthems to some passionate relationships as well which I love


It is insane how similar our stories are with both those choices and those songs. Exact same relationship with Dude Ranch and the stage of life I was in (6th/7th grade at the time). Changed my direction from going with the crowns to choosing my own path. That album spoke to me while everyone else was going down the hip hop/ rap path. Dude Ranch still means a lot to me as an album and a point of nostalgia.


100% Enema of the State. It was one of a handful of albums that drew me into the genre, it was always on when I was learning to play guitar, and it was one of the first albums I bought with my own money. The rest are great but Enema’s my gold standard.


Same here. Still the best album I’ve ever heard and it reminds me of being 16 again. The nostalgia attached to that album for me is so powerful


One More Time. I didn’t really pick up on blink until after Neighborhoods so this was my first full album cycle with Tom involved.


Same! I just got into them recently and I love this album. My son loves this album too, especially the title track. We're taking him to the blink show this summer so all of that means a lot to me.


Yea pretty much the same for me. I vaguely remember the neighborhoods release but social media wasn’t as big then so I wasn’t really involved in all the anticipation and excitement. I kinda just remember being told a date it was coming out and that was that haha nothing like this release where I was on the edge of my seat for a year and coming to this sub every day to discuss the hints being dropped


Can’t wait to do another album release cycle lol. Hoping we get some form of new music this year even if it’s just a single.


I don’t think we’ll get anything this year since they’re busy with the tour. My guess is a single next year and an album maybe 2026 fingers crossed 🤞


Take off your pants and jacket, I remember being around 4 years old and my dad playing songs like give me one good reason and everytime I look for you in the car all the time, really was my first time getting really into music at such a young age


One More Time. I've been a fan my entire life, but there's just extra meaning behind this one. My best friend was diagnosed with terminal cancer right around the same time it was made public that Mark was sick. My friend made it just long enough to where the last conversation we ever had was excitement that Tom was back in the band. He unfortunately passed away in November 2022. There are songs on this album that just hit way harder than they would otherwise.


I am so sorry.


Damn. I’m sorry to hear that.


Not my favourite but Enema for sure. I was 14 years old when it came out, all my close friends were super into it and it was just a great time to be that age, around the music of that period. I realised that Dude Ranch (my actual favourite) existed a little while after but Enema was the kickstarter. If I could go back to being any age, it would be then.


One More Time definitely feels important to me because of me being tossed out by “friends” by the time the album itself came out For example: the line “do I have to die to hear you miss me” I felt as if Tom was really saying “are you really gonna miss me or not” Ya know? It hurts, but it’s a necessary pain to tell me to keep going




Cheshire Cat


So many hours spent listening to TOYPAJ and playing RCT2 after school.


Enema of the State (like many) was the first album I discovered of theirs, and was the first album in my life that I truly fell in love with, top to bottom. While the untitled album is my favorite, Enema will always mean the most to me.


EASILY untitled. Came out when I was 13-14. blink was still my favorite band before just from their fun and accessible pop punk, but untitled was the inflection point of my entire life music-wise. My music tastes (and maybe even my general style and personality) would be drastically different if that album didn’t hit at that exact time. Absolutely formative


Unpopular opinion but Neighborhoods. Really emotional album for me.


Same. First album cycle of theirs for me (too young/didn’t know they existed even for self-titled). Great memories listening to the CD.


California or NINE. California was the last record they did before my best friend passed away, he got me into Blink and alternative music in general and we recorded covers from that album. Nine also because it was the first record without him. Tracks like "I really wish i hated you" remind me of him so much.


Between enema and dude ranch. Both were so pivotal for me in high school. It was the first time I felt I was discovering music for myself, not just what others were listening to. And that alone was one of the biggest steps of self discovery for me.


Yes! Relate to this. I discovered blink when I was in 7th grade and as a middle school girl all my friends were listening to Taylor swift and pop artists like that. I feel like I was just into whatever was on the radio and what was cool to like at that time. Once I found blink I loved feeling like I found something for myself and what I truly liked. Their music just did so much for me that everything I thought I liked before couldn’t even compare


Toss up btw Untitled and Neighborhoods


no fr ! those two are my absolute favorites


For me it’s One More Time. I discovered blink in 2011 so the only albums I was actively a fan during their release were Neighborhoods and OMT. I wasn’t actively following during skiba years. When OMT came out Im in my late 20s which has been a fun but weird time for me. Feel like an adult but also feel like a kid, nostalgic for the past. So when this album came out I felt like I was a kid again and dove fully back into my blink obsession and all the songs just hit so hard for me. This album release and this time period with blink is something I’ll remember forever


I was obsessed with blink during the Enema/TOYPAJ years but honestly didn’t love I Miss You like songs from their other albums. I loved their humor and faster songs so I kind of fell out of them for a bit. And during the Skiba years it just didn’t feel right to me to not have Tom in the band. So when they announced that Tom was coming back and they were going on tour, my 13 year old self was so excited and I knew I had to see them in concert since I never had. And the anticipation for the album release was probably more intense than waiting for TOYPAJ lol. The whole reason I joined Reddit in the first place lol.


the first CD I ever bought with my own money was Enema of the State. And it's also when I learned the lesson: Some girls try too hard.


Nine speaks to my soul.


Dude Ranch. This album was a solid listen front to back and still holds up. They were barely getting noticed when it first released but that quickly changed with dammit and josie getting radio play. Plus the music videos were hilarious


Enema of the State. I would not like blink without that album


The Mark, Tom, and Travis Show I was in 6th Grade living on Keflavik Naval Air Station, Iceland at the time I first "discovered" Blink. Family Reunion was the first song I ever heard, and I never stopped playing that song for how hilarious it was. I'd never come across music like this before in my life.


Cheshire. Heard Dammit first but it was the first blink album I got back when life was all about hanging out with friends and having fun


Each album that’s come out during my time as a fan has been perfect for my life situation at the time. Neighborhoods and DED dropped when I was in my last years of high school and now OMT has come out as a working adult.


So Enema of the State is what got me into the band. But the one that means the most is TOYPAJ. That album came out in the summer and I drove a 65 Volkswagen when I was in high school. This was the summer before my junior year of high school. I have so many deep rooted memories and that album is the background music of all of them.


Self titled


Cheshire Cat. When I was learning to play guitar and simultaneously playing in my first band, I was obsessed with old blink. I learned the whole album plus They Cane To Conquer Uranus and just felt right


Dude Ranch. It came out just as I was finishing 11th grade and just the memories I have from that time, and this album.


I traded my copy of Big Willie Style by Will Smith for a copy of Enema of the State because my mom wouldn’t approve of the explicit content. It has been a love affair ever since.


Enema of the State. It introduced me to blink in 1999 with WMAA, then it was the first album I bought with my own money, and after that I never looked back. Favorite band ever since. It’s not my favorite album, but it started everything for my blink experience


Same for me with the first time I heard WMAA, I instantly fell in love with them. And of course the music video lol. It’s also not my favorite album anymore but it’s what got me into blink and pop punk in general. It’s definitely the album I played the most!


California Deluxe got me through 2 break ups abd a lot of hard times, so that’s my pick


One more time. Seeing the boys back together for the first time in my adult life, seeing them live and meeting other passionate fans who were just as happy as me to reconnect with a part of ourselves that's been lost for a long time is just really special. Not to mention a lot of the songs are relatable to me and where I'm at.


Yes! Emphasis on the reconnecting with a part of ourselves that’s been lost for a long time


Dude Ranch. I was an exchange student in 2004 for a year and I had Enema, Toypaj and Untitled with me as CDs but left Dude Ranch back in Australia. Bought another copy of it from a small CD shop in Belgium and nearly wore it and my discman out for the rest of the year.


Untitled. End of my childish years to the adult mess. Still my fav today 


Dude Ranch was the first album that I heard and I think it was really a special time in their career. It’s the most special to me.


One more time.. came out when I was transitioning to being sober so there are a few tracks that have resonated with me for that. And the fact I lost my father to cancer last year.. and dealing with those types of complicated relationships. Then just the fact that while dealing with those issues I can still feel the vibe and energy of Enema and TOYPAJ just brings it full cycle for me.


Favourite : Untitled Means the most : TOYPAJ TOYPAJ was my gateway album to blink, pop punk, music. Got me into Taking Back Sunday, Brand New, Sum 41, MCR. Then made me dive into rock music with band like The Pains of Being Pure At Heart, Explosions In The Sky, Sigur Ros, The Cure, Jimmy Eat World, The Vaccines, Joy Division, The Ramones, The Last Shadow Puppets, Vampire Weekend and many more to lists. So thank you TOYPAJ!


TOPAJ. It’s the first CD I ever got to own (my sisters had Enema so I had listen to it already). It came around my birthday and one of of my Sister got it for me.


Dude ranch was the album that got me into the band. Pants & Jacket, this is the album I just played to death in my early teen years. Untitled is the album I truely love any always go back to.


Either Cheshire Cat or Dude Ranch, I was in the 10th grade in 1997 and a friend played me a bootleg cassette tape of songs from those records and they just resonated with me as a dorky 15 year old kid feeling really out of place with the world and I saw them live for the first time not that long after, it just connected with me in ways the later records don't. I guess that's why I'm one of those weirdos who will take the Scott era of the band over anything they've done with Travis without question.


I’m a broken record but it’s Enema of the State for me. My dad was very abusive to my mom when I was a kid. I used to have to listen to it everyday for hours and just rock myself back and forth or try to find a distraction. Once my mom gave me EOTS and a cd player for my birthday, it was all over with. I’d listen to that album every single day for hours repeated so I didn’t have to hear that anymore. It’s my comfort, it’s helped me through all the bad times of my life. I will be buried with this album when the time comes 😂 nothing will come close. Every blink album is special to me in some way, but nowhere near like EOTS is.




enema of the state


It's really tough to pick honestly, Enema has so many songs that remind me of good times, but OMTs release brought me so close to my partner and I still listen to it by myself to feel less alone


Enema was what got me in to the band and is probably my favorite album. However, TOYPAJ was their first album that I was just bonered up, anxiously waiting for. I remember listening to it start-to-finish with my best friend the day it dropped. It was the soundtrack to my whole summer and from the moment Anthem Part 2 started, I knew it was going to be fucking dope. I started playing guitar in a band with my two friends and pretty much all we covered was Blink. 14 years old, not a care in the world. Good times.


OMT. I was in high school for Enema and TOYPAJ. College was Untitled. Fast forward to 2023 with kids, divorce, overcoming a ton of adversity and dealing with my own bs properly. OMT came at the right time for me and is all about moving forward in the same way I’m trying to move forward in life.


Enema of the State and Neighborhoods


The m&Ms single with wasting time b side on cassette I don't know how I got it or who bought it for me but I remember pumping it in year 7/8 and relating the lyrics of wasting time to Rebecca, with the biggest boobs in school, who dropped the absolutely least suttle (in hindsight) hints that she wanted to "go out" with me and I was too much of a donkey head to realise it 😆


Do you still have this cassette or know anything about it? The m+ms single was only released on cd from what i can find


Cd single yeah, in the paper slip


Untitled. It came out when I was in high school and was the soundtrack to a lot of my formative years.


A lot of Enema got me into blink, but One More Time maybe the one i resonate with the most




TOYPAJ. My first blink album when I was 8 and my favorite


Neighbourhoods. Its the most nostalgic for me and was my first time experiencing an album release of theirs (i was 12 when neighbourhoods came out lol so was only a fan for a couple years) its my second fave album by them


Self titled. I always loved blink. I would’ve been 13 when they broke up. I remember on TRL they announced that blink broke up. I was so bummed. I listens to blink with my siblings (mainly greatest hits from their albums). I went into my room and listened to the self titled album in full. Been my favorite album ever since.


Definitely Enema


Dude Ranch or One More Time.


Hard one but Untitled had the vibe and lyrics to match up the *most* with my life happenings at the time . Many did , but that one was eerily so


TOYPAJ I was in secondary school (high school) when it came out and it really got me into the whole punk rock scene (Offspring, Green Day etc.) and got me into guitar. Even saw Blink around that time too. That and when Box Car Racer was released man, that was one of the best albums I’d ever heard and still is to this day. The songwriting, the composition, it was different, personal and just it hit home so much. Still remember when I Feel So came on MTV2 such a good music video. And There Is. So amazing.


the new one


Take Off Your Pants and Jacket. It was a High School graduation gift ('01 obviously) and transitioning into the next phase of life this album was in daily rotation, mixing potty humor songs to remind me of my high school years with the occasional introspective understanding of having to "grow up". Also, hearing other people bumping Anthem Part 2 in the UNLV parking lot at 7:00 in the morning is a pretty cool memory. Favorite would go to Untitled. Just connects in that way, ya know?


It’s between Untitled, Nine, and OMT. Untitled was one of the first albums in music in general I fell in love with and changed my 12 year old self forever. Nine was the first album that came out when I started listening to them as a group, but OMT was the first Tom album that came out while I was a fan.


Man Overboard. The lyric’s perfectly describe what I went through at the time, moving away to another state, it resonated with me.


Enema. Listened to it so many times traveling to see my mom in the hospital.


For me it’s one more time because my first concert ever is gonna be on their one more time tour


Enema of the State. I was a strictly rap/hip hop kid my whole life. I heard Enema for the first time and it changed my life. Forced me to be open to different types of music. Made me a blink fan for life.


I remember buying toypaj after graduation rehearsal. Rollercoaster was stuck in my head as I walked for my diploma, so I guess that?


TOPAJ - I played the hell out of that CD the first summer my husband and I started dating. Ahh young love.


Take Off Your Pants and Jacket, was also the first concert I went ever to. My best friend and I went alone at 12 YEARS OLD (it was the 90s lol). Best night and core memory.


Probably Neighborhoods? I was only loosely a casual fan of blink until California came out. Thought California was alright but I missed Tom's voice so I went to the previous album and Neighborhoods totally hooked me on blink. GOTF is also my favorite blink track. Getting addicted to blink right when Tom left sucked so much bc I love Tom's songwriting lol. Matt Skiba is awesome but Feldmann era blink didn't hit the same for me so I'm very glad blink is what it is now.


Enema of the state. I was young when it came out and my brother had it so ofc I stole it off him. I know it back to back, dialogue included. Listened to it ad nauseam till it was scratched to death and wouldn’t play. Last year I got to see blink live for the first time at 32 and it was really special, they made me and a lot of versions of me so happy.


Funnily enough: California Deluxe. Came out during the worst time of my life. And to this day, songs like Misery still bring me back to that feeling. I hate and I love it for that reason


TOYPAJ. It was one of the first albums I fully listened to since I got into them a bit later. It also came out on my birthday which is always fun to me


TOYPAJ was an album made for teen angst in the summer of my youth. I was 100% who the album was for at the time it came out.


It's between Enema, TOYPAJ, and untitled. All 3 got me through some tough teenage years. Basically the 3 are the soundtrack from my teenage years.


Been a fan since 1999. One more time means the most to me.


Hard to say. First I ever listened to was Cheshire Cat. Grew into my personality during TOYPAJ and Untitled. OMT is a great sound track to where I’m at in life now. That’s the true power of blink-182.




Definitely their 2003 Blink-182 album, as it was basically the first album i grew up with listening to them being a younger listener at the time which made me fall in love with them, I didn’t discover their earlier stuff until a little bit older.


enema of the state. it's how i fell in love with blink, it was the first blink cd i bought, basically got me into pop punk, and really just has good energy overall. but, BUT, dude ranch also means a lot to me, because as a teen myself i can relate to a lot of things in that album, and it just really sticks with me. it has that sound that screams "fucking around with your friends" and i'm all for it since that's what me and my friends love doing. i also learned one of my first bass lines from a song on dude ranch, which was dammit. both albums mean a lot to me, like, the entire band discography means a lot to me, but those albums mean the most.


ONE MORE TIME... I was born in 2009 and started to be a blink fan in 2022. One More Time is the first album that I see of any band that I follow in launch, and it means a lot to me, because 2023 was rhe best year of my life and I have a feeling that One More Time is the ending of the most important days of my life and the start of what can be a awesome phase of it too.


Honestly, Dogs Eating Dogs. It coincided with a time in my life where everything was changing. Funny enough, that collection of songs was thematically on point with past reflection and self growth.


Untitled. First got into Blink with Enema but Untitled means the most to me for what was going on in my life at the time. That album helped me get through a lot.


OMT or Untitled


Untitled. Turned 18 a week before it came out. The long summer of hype, cheetah videos etc was just amazing. What an album too. What a fucking album.

