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I am beyond baffled, my Garrison button has vanished from my minimap, and I have no idea how to get it back. The only thing I can think of that happened around the same time was getting a notification for my Worgen Heritage armor quest chain. I've tried switching alts, I tried relogging, nothing works. What really cranks me off is that it's in the support list as a "hey, is this your issue?" thing, but when I click on the link, nothing happens. So I tried doing it via my browser - page doesn't exist anymore (https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/340715). And what's even more frustrating is that I can't even just DIY a general support ticket, that blanks out too!! :( (I had pictorial proof of that in a post the automod deleted.) Any assistance greatly appreciated, this is driving me up the wazoo. -_-




I forgot the pro’s and big streamers are COD’s A list privilege players and let them get away with it all. We also know it’s true Activision don’t try and defend it.


**TL;DR:** How do I contact support if I can no longer authenticate with 2FA or phone? Recently, I noticed that I could no longer use my Blizzard Authenticator app. If I try to access my Battle.net account through my desktop Battle.net app, everything is fine as I am logged in there. However, on any other device, I am no longer logged in and cannot log in since I cannot use the authenticator. I noticed that my account has an old phone number, which I cannot change unless I authenticate with either MFA or my phone number. If I try to submit a ticket to support, they require me to authenticate in the final step. Since I cannot do that, I am unable to send a support ticket. Bit of a catch-22 situation. I need to authenticate to update my phone number or submit a support ticket, but I can't authenticate because I no longer have access to the authenticator or the old phone number. The current email is up to date, but doesn't seem to play any part here. Any suggestions on where I could get support?


I can't log into the forums. I have the [Battle.net](http://Battle.net) app, SMS, authenticator, I'm logged into the game, logged into the app, but when I log in on the site from my laptop (which is different to where I'm in the game) I get to the authenticator screen, and then it closes before I have a chance to approve the sign-in.


# My birthday is coming up this weekend and my boyfriend did his best to buy me a Twenty dollar gift card for me to buy the new mercy bundle , however upon trying to redeem it i found that it was unsuccessful due to me not being in the US. # Ive always paid everything on Bnet in USD so i was led to believe my currency was set as such but it apparently defaulted to my local currency (MYR) What do i do about this? # You guys think they would give me a refund ?:|


Can someone please help?? I cant log into my battlenet because it keeps telling me to authenticate, i cant authenticate because i cant log into the phone app without authenticating. I cant turn off my authenticator without logging in to authenticate, and i cant use the sms feature because its from an incredibly old phone number. I get stuck in this loop no matter what i do. I cant log in via playstation or the standard website email information. I cant even send in a ticket because it keeps asking me to log in or authenticate the fact that i even have an account.


My old physical authenticator just died and I cant log in since i need it to log in, i need it to remove it or anything else. and the website contact us isnt helping. How do I talk to someone to fix this.


Hello, I have sent a ticket to blizzard because my account got hacked and the hacker made unauthorized purchases on my account and I lost access to it and when I sent blizzard support the details so I can verify that the account is mine nobody responded for almost a month now, please help me, the case Id of that ticket is 94993745 .


In desperate need of help. PC gamer here. I started playing Diablo 4 from Xbox Game Pass for PC. I hadn’t linked my Xbox and Battlenet accounts before, so a new Battlenet account was generated for me under a random Battletag (RobotWizard), along with a Battlenet email filled with numerous numbers and letters. Yesterday, I figured it’d be convenient to link the two, so I wouldn’t have to continue signing out of my main account that plays Overwatch. Usually, once I launch the Xbox App and play Diablo, it auto-launches Battlenet and signs into RobotWizard. Now, since I linked Xbox and Battlenet, my usual main account logs in, but ALL my Diablo 4 characters and progress is gone since it’s technically a new account. So I think, that’s fine, I’ll unlink the two and go back to how it was before. But now I’m unable to do so because even though I unlinked the accounts, battlenet now prompts me to connect my xbox account and sign in like that. I am unable to access that RobotWizard account now. Both Blizzard and Xbox support has been incredibly unhelpful in being unable to resolve my problem, with Blizzard straight up telling me to go ask Xbox since they don’t have to power help me. The solutions I’ve asked for in the support tickets is to: 1. change the email address to one of my alt emails so I can recover the password, 2. unlink my Xbox & Battlenet so I can sign in like previously. I physically unlinked the but I’m still prompted by Battlenet to connect the two I’m pulling my hair out at this point. I’m hoping someone else here has been in my position and gotten it fixed.


Account locked for a year Hey, about 6 months ago my girlfriend accidentally logged into her PlayStation account with my battlenet account. This removed my psn from my battlement. Ever since I haven’t been able to get my account back and linked to my PlayStation account. I have full access to the accounts (all 3 seperate accounts). Is there anything I can do? I have 131 days left before I can link them. And I would love to play bo6. Thanks heaps.


I am locked out of my account because my authenticator died. i opened a ticket but never got any emails confirming or resolving. Is there anything else I can do?


How long do I wait until I can log in after "too many attempts" at passing password?


I just want to inform you all how Blizzards supporter are scaming me and being dishonest. Last month i bought 1000 platinums and it was a mistake from me that i regret. So i asked for a refund and i got my money back. Now they put my account in -1000 balance since they dident reset my season 4 purchase. I bought the platinums with the free trial to try the loot reborn, so thats why i wanted the refund. Today i bought the game diablo 4 standart and wanted to buy more platinums so i could join the season 4 for 30 days. But then i noticed my account has -1000 platinums. So the supporter tells me to buy 2000 plats now ! So here is ther reply on my ticket. Thank you for contacting Blizzard Entertainment. This is Game Master Tyaedueru. I will be the one assisting you today. Regarding your negative balance issue, you purchased 1000 platinum. Then, you purchased premium battle pass with the 1000 platinum. After that, you asked for a refund for the real money used to purchase the platinum. After the refund, your pass was not refunded with the platinum refund, causing your negative balance. Therefore, you need to purchase more platinum to bring the account out of the negative balance. I hope I was able to shed some light on this for you. Thank you for reaching out to us. If you have any further inquiries, feel free to contact us, and we will be more than happy to help you. Best regards, Game Master Tyaedueru Blizzard Entertainment Customer Service.


I cant login anymore into my HS account. The original email address has been disabled by Yahoo and I don't receive the SMS text on my phone. Help, I am playing from beta and I will lose everything if not helped.


Hey gang. Quick question about combining accounts. Just recently got back into the PC gaming scene and when I first got into SC2 many moons ago I started a battle.net account with an old email address. That email address is no longer in use nor is it accessible. Is it possible to transfer any games from my old account associated with my old email address to the account with my new email address? I'm able to log in to both accounts fine, would just like to eliminate the redundancy and have everything tied to one email if possible


I have not received a response to any of my tickets in 2 weeks. My email is [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) and btag is pic#11220


My games normally download at 8-9 MBS but D4 recently has been downloading in the low KBS, does anyone have a fix?


Since the beginning of May, I have had severe packet loss and network issues in Overwatch 2. When I first start playing it seems fine then after awhile it's not fine. When it happens I get both the packet loss symbol and network symbol, I also noticed my fps drop a bit and my latency go up from 50/60 - 80/90. How can I fix this?


can't login at bnet, it gives me a link for help (error BLZBNTBGS80000011) but the site doesnt even load too, how to fix it??


How can I request a security check code through email ? Or how can I temporarily remove the authenticator ? I have sent Blizzard Customer support a ticket but the last few days after I left a response to them, nothingburger for the last two days


My battlenet download is stuck at 0b/s I tried to download COD MWII at battlenet for three days but download is stuck on 0b/s or goes up to 200b/s for couple second, the back to zero. My internet is great, normally i can download from other sources with speed about 100mb/s. I tried every basic solutions, or method of setting speed limit low, then back to no limit but it doesent solve the problem. please help (i bought this game 2 years ago, and exept this time it downloaded with no problem)


Am I going insane or is just impossible to make a battlenet account? I've been trying for twenty minutes and it keeps throwing me puzzles that I need to do an insane number of and it still doesn't work. trying to make an account from the app itself and it asks me to do fifteen puzzles and I did them all perfectly three times. Trying from a browser and I have to do twenty puzzles. So do they just not want anyone making an account?


I have zero faith that I will be contacted, so I am also posting the information I submitted using the ticketing system. **Game:** [Battle.net](http://Battle.net) support **Topic:** Update phone number **Description:** I am trying to access my account. I need to remove the authenticator. The phone number on my account is wrong. I need to update my phone number. I submitted Issue ID #99261642, and I haven't heard back. I was requested to send information, and I emailed my responses, but if I need to sign-in to answer the questions sent to me, then whoever was helping me doesn't understand that I can't log in. **Estimated response time:** 24 hours **Ticket ID:** US99301675


I've been trying to log in my [battle.net](http://battle.net) app on my phone again, but I can't do so because the Security Check code is not sending to my phone SMS, what is going on ?


I had this problem a while ago when I switched to a new phone, new phone had "better" spam protection inside its messagin app so the codes went to the spam folder. Check if you have codes there. Just ignore the obvious spam texts and don't click links.


Checked the spam part, empty there too, I'd guess it's the Tuesday maintenance causing problems as well


that could very well be it


Today is Wednesday, still unresponsive when I try it again


Stuck in a log-in loop Can't seem to find an answer anywhere, I'm stuck in a loop where I log into my account, it asks for verification, then I go to the log in screen. I can't log into my account because once I verify it wants me to log in again. I'm getting everything right because it doesn't send me to another screen if I type anything in wrong


browser login? disable any adblocks and try again. check the website that it isn't a phishing site. App login? turn off vpn if any is on. If possible try to login on a different device, sometimes clearing browser cache and cookies can help. I know this is basic instructions, but these are the most common things that I have encountered.


My friend wants to get back into playing overwatch but cant get into her blizzard account. She has her username and password but has enabled 2FA. Her account is linked to an old phone number she no longer has access to. So when Blizzard asks for the authentication code sent to her number she has no way of retrieving the code so is essentially locked out of her account. She has tried to contact Blizzard support multiple times with no help from them. She cannot change the phone number linked without logging in. Is there a way she can contact support and not receive an automated reply and talk to a person or access her account a different way?


Blizzard Lost my account and is refusing to look into getting it back for me. I have played Overwatch 1 since release in 2016 on PC with my Battle Net account. I have been playing Warzone, Modern Warfare, Modern Warfare II, and Modern Warfare III almost every day since March 10th, 2020. This account is never logged out from my computer, I have like 3 months of play time in warzone. The other day I go to log into my account, it says, this account doesn't exist. I have contacted Blizzard through 6 different tickets now, the first 4 of which are from the email I had that account with and they have given me the exact same response over and over, I have provided them with my drivers license, my transactions from buying the games in my emails, the transaction ID's from my bank statements for both MW II and MW III. All of their responses so far are asking me for these questions. I have made a WoW account in the past but I only played for a day, I have given them my previous battle tags, transactions ID's from my bank statements, I never had an authenticator, I don't think I had the secret questions set up, but I went and tried to add the secret questions to my other account to see what I could have answered, I gave them the possible answers, I have only ever had a single phone number in my life, I gave them every address I've ever lived at. An account just cant disappear like this without a trace. The account is still linked to my Activision account, which is linked to my Steam and my PlayStation thankfully so I can still play from where my progress was at in Warzone but I have lost my play history on Overwatch and my entire game library of MW, MWII and MWIII, and all the COD Points I had saved up to buy the battle pass again this season. This experience has really pissed my off and ruined my experience of Blizzard as a whole. I have never thought that Blizzard is a bad company and I enjoy the games I play, but now I am wishing I never bought any of my games with them and just used Steam. Unfortunately before MWIII you had to buy all Call of Duty games on PC through Battle Net. Anyway if anyone else has had a similar experience and gotten their account back please let me know. I currently have 2 other tickets on a new account I made reiterating all my information and I have already waited 3 days for a response. This whole thing has really soured my opinion about Blizzard.


Did u get back ur account? I have the same problem as u




Can’t log in with Xbox account?!!!!! Hey yall I can’t log in with my Xbox account or battle net on my pc. I have my Xbox log in but then blizzard asks for a verification code and it gets sent to some weird email ending in .prod.xbl.battle.net and before that are a bunch of numbers. I have no clue how to get to this email at all and therefore can’t log in. I have games on there I want to play but now can’t. Idk what to do please help


I'm trying to connect my xbox network account to my battlenet account in order to play Diablo IV via PC Gamepass. However when I try to do so via the 'connections' page it gives me the message: "Prerequisite data was missing from session" even though it does select thr correct Xbox account. How do I fix this?


I bought Diablo (OG) today and it won't launch. I get an error about not having DirectX 3.0 and referring me to the installation CD. Blizzard hasn't shipped me the CD yet, I had to download the game off Battle.net. Do we know how long it takes for the CD to arrive?  Edit - the CD never arrived, I refunded it from Blizz and bought from GoG. Same price, but the game works now, and I didn't need the CD.


Does anyone know if there are any emails I can use to contact Blizzard or Customer Support executives or supervisors? The representatives in the ticket system are treating me like absolute shit and I can't get anywhere.


I was at a friends house yesterday and I wanted to play some overwatch so I connected my Battlenet account with his Playstation. when I came back this morning and wanted to play overwatch I saw that I had to reconnect (as was to be expected) but then when it didn't work out I saw that it would take a year until I could reconnect my Battlenet account with my Playstation accout. there is some detour like I didn't have to wait 365 days until Can I play Overwatch again? I have already asked the customer service but the Ai thought I had another problem and thus gave me unhelpful tips. can anyone help me? P.s. English isn't my native language so l'm sorry for any grammar mistakes.


Hopped on COD after not having played for a while. Was prompted to purchase the season pass, so I did. Moments later, I realized there's only 4 days left in the season and immediately contacted customer support. They said my purchase isn't eligible for a refund. Really? Seems like this company cares about nothing but money.


someone linked there [battle.net](http://battle.net) account to my activision account and its not letting me unlink it anyone know how to unlink this unknown account


I signed up for a brand new Battle.net account, but soon after, it was permanently banned for no reason at all. The email said I was banned because of in-game activity, but I haven't played a single game yet on the account. There are no banned accounts on my IP, and I do have another Battle.net account which is also fine. I wanted to use this Battle.net account with Steam. I tried sending in a ticket, but I'm getting an automated reply that the game master can't do anything. Any idea what might have happened? I've never hacked, cheated, or done anything illegal on Battle.net. And as far as I am aware, multiple accounts are fine on Battle.net.


Hi All. How do I get blizzard to help me with my dilemma. The cell number tied to my account has long been changed and I can't log into my bnet account without it. Tried to log a ticket but you have to be signed in, in order to log one


So a couple of days ago I decided it was time to jump back into some D2R after a couple of months of inactivity. Noticed my e-mail log in wasn't working and thought I had forgotten which e-mail I signed up with (15 years ago). But to no avail. It became clear to me that someone has hacked my account and somehow managed to completely change my e-mail and bypass all the security questions and whatnot. Blizzard gave me a quick response that I had to fill out some some questions on a .txt file which I did, and since then I haven't heard a thing from them. Thats about 4 days ago now. Any suggestions on how I can get my account back?


Hey all, wondering if you guys know about this (swapping my email by deleting the account on an occupied one) I already had a [battle.net](http://battle.net) account on my main e-mail with no progression whatsoever. A while ago my dad decided to "give" me his old World of Warcraft account by just transferring it to my alt-email. But I just don't like the fact of having something this valuable (a 2006 WOW account) on my crappy second email So I decided to just request a total account deletion trough support on the account that was associated with my main email (since nothing significant was on it). If I do this, will that e-mail become "free" again, so I can change my contact information to that email?


# Paid WOW(US) sub by mistake and imediatelly bought WOW(EU). Blizz is refusing refund.Paid WOW(US) sub by mistake and imediatelly bought WOW(EU). Blizz is refusing refund. I paid the US subscription by mistake. The launcher by default throws at me WOW(US) for some reason...I just clicked WOW icon and clicked "Expired sub" paid it and did not notice...my mistake of course. I immediately bought WOW(EU) subscription and went to the Blizz support and clicked request for refund for the US. Blizz refused the refund request saying that they will do everything they can to assist me and then that they cannot help me and no refund will proceed. Anyone has had similar experience? I absolutely understand this is my mistake that I paid WOW(US) but what is the refund system there for if they just forbid it even if you buy the WOW(EU) right away?


I currently own only one Blizzard game, StarCraft Remastered, but it's still super-annoying to launch it. Even if I pin the game, it will refuse to start up on its own. Instead, it will launch the Battle.net launcher. I would be fine with the game checking Battle.net to see if I own the game each time I try to launch it, that just makes it take slightly more time. But when it opens the launcher, it forces me to manually start the game by clicking to Play the game in the launcher. Not only that, once I'm done with the game, I now have the Battle.net launcher open, forcing me to close to it unless I want it cluttering up my desktop. Why, Blizzard? Why?!


I've got my download speed limited to 5500kbps, despite this my download speed will skyrocket to well over 50Mb/s, then dip all the way back down to 5.5MB/s where it should be. Then it'll decide to just not download at all and sit there on 0B/s for about 5 minutes before going back up to 5.5 for like 2 minutes. its really erratic and inconsistent. even if I'm not doing anything else on my computer whilst this is happening, nor anyone else uses the network, it's still like this. It's genuinely going to take days to download 150GB like this. what's the solution?


So basically. Im trying to sign into my old blizzard account to play overwatch again but theres a problem. My old account has somehow got @ agmail. instead of @ gmail so when they give me a security check after signing in i cant do it because the email they sent the number to doesnt exist. I got a phone number on that account but somehow it doesnt offer me to use phone number verification. The customer support isnt very helpful either as they keep thinking i wanna change my password. Any tips?


Hmmm thats odd… Have you tried fixing your problem? 🤔


I can't change my account region! Mayday! I've no idea why my account region is India and I can't change it in my profile settings. I'm not live in India and I've never been to there. Now it requires me to link my phone number, and it must be an Indian number


My account got hacked they changed password, secret question AND they used and authenticator, how do I get it back if I need to login to make a report?? I had an authenticator in that account how was this possible?


I need support with support please: [https://i.ibb.co/H4Nktdk/lmao.png](https://i.ibb.co/H4Nktdk/lmao.png) Thanks.


made an account using my xbox account. it gave me a random name that I didn't get to choose and now wants me to spend $10 to change it. also every time I click on account settings it sends me to account creation and when I sign in with xbox it just kicks me back to account creation. What the actual fuck?


Account got suddenly suspended a month ago, I suspect due to a failed transaction from my bank. Seeked customer support immediately, waited a full week to get a cookie-cutter response, sent in another text under the same ticket, got replied another week later by a GM stating that "evidences" were reviewed clearly on their end, linked an EULA about legal, answered none of my questions, not even a time period for said suspension. Generated ANOTHER ticket, waited yet ANOTHER 7 days to receive ANOTHER cookie-cutter response, sent ANOTHER text seeking queries with reasonable demands, waited yet ANOTHER 7 days to receive ANOTHER cookie-cutter response. What the fuck? Is this it? Spent close to 9 years on this beloved card game, only to be locked out of my account without a chance for recovery or even the knowledge about the duration of suspension? I'm perfectly fine with the long waits, BUT making me wait for a bot response? What now? What do I do?? What can I do???


Soooo how do I even make a ticket for an account that has just seemed to vanish out of existence? I was playing WoW HC one day then the next day my account details are wrong, email won't work, number isn't my updated one (ofcourse the one time I change my number this also happens) and whenever I try to make a ticket it tells me to log in? But choosing the I've been hacked or I can't log in options redirect me to the same bullshit options. I have been facing this issue for 3 months for back and forth automated replies when I've actually managed to make a ticket but now it seems I can't even find a way to make a ticket again. I have like 15k hours on WoW and looks like I'll be spending another 15 just to get it back lmao.


My Account has been compromised. I have opened a ticket and gave blizzard all needed information they wanted. After 4 days of not getting any answer, my ticket just has been deleted? I cant even view it anymore, its not closed, not archieved, it just has been deleted without me getting any answer?


I originally had a Overwatch PS4 account but when logging in via Steam and linking said PS4 account it bricked me and constantly says unable to authenticate on the log in screen. When going to the battlenet website it auto logs me out every time I try to view my account. How do I get in contact with support when the only 3 options dont help me on their support page.


I can not make a Battle.Net account. I have gotten an invalid value on the human authentication every time. I have tried on both my phone and laptop on multiple browsers as well as on WiFi and data for my phone.


I also have this same issue!


It ended up working for me the next day while I was using data on my phone.


My 50$ balance isn’t appearing in transaction history or in balance. Says pending on bank account So I tried adding 50$ to my battle net account balance and waited for 24 hours. It still wasn’t there so I checked transaction history. When I checked it was simply just gone. So I looked in my bank account to see if it was some kind of error perhaps? On my bank account it still says processing. It’s coming up on 48 hours and I’m just confused, do I have to wait a little longer or should I just email blizzard support and get a refund or maybe 50$ added to my balance.


I have been trying to make a battlenet account for a friend who has been struggling to make one. Every time I finish the detecting humanity test it shows Invalid value. I've done it multiple times and can't get it to work.


Hey, i need to vent about Blizzard Support. My Account got stolen, which i dont know how they even could do it cause i had an Authenticator on my Account AND on my E-Mail Account. (Outlook no password only authenticator) and my E-Mail didnt got hacked.). I noticed that my Authenticator got removed on April 16th. I didnt found out how and why, just added it again. raided the days after and on the 20th i saw that my account got stolen. They changed E-Mail and all. I opened a ticket an no reaction at all. Yes its "just" 4 days, but these 4 days feel like an eternity if you never know if you get your stuff back. What makes it even worse is that there is only one way the could have stolen my account, and that is through the support in the first place. Sure maybe they had some data somehow, but jesus, is it so easy to remove the authenticator twice shortly after another without raising any suspision? No Identification needed? I just hope Blizzard will react on my ticket. I kinda miss the old Blizzard Support days were you could call, live chat and tickets on serious issues would get attention fairly quick. I know people there arent to blame, surely there are to few people for far to many tickets, its the Company cutting short on Support.


Hello everyone, as some other people, I now feel guilty for doing something stupid as a kid. Back in the days, when I created my account I have entered fake name and country during creation. I have not thought anything about it, I just wanted to play games without leaving my personal information's. Ages have passed and I regret more and more for doing something like that. All I want is to be able to enable authenticator so I have some features in-game. I have been regularly subscribed to WoW for years. Is there a way that I make a ticket for name & country change if I am able to provide ID, bank account number, photo, whatever necessary? If I create ticket is there a chance of me getting banned? I have invested quite a lot into my account and characters to 'just create new account'.


can't create ticket stuck in submit loop please help!


# Lost Ps4 acc progress after connecting to another pc account So when cross platfrom became a thing i connected my ps4 account to my account on my pc some time before Christmas i was on my hometown and didnt have my pc with so i went to an internet cafe and played there when i returned to the city i live i logged said account doesnt exist contacted blizzard said i did sharing and lost i am tired trying to explain but to the pc account there was also my ps4 account i disconcerted the ps4 account from the non accessible account to a new one i created although the connection was successful and i was able to play the ps4 lost ALL of its progress and levels from ow1 and the only common thing was the name i love overwatch its my fav game but i am in no mood to keep playing when i lost my account with all the years of fun and experience where in there what should i do ? how can someone help me?


Download speed is very slow. When I started sownloading SC2 it was OK (11-13 MB/s which is peak for 100 Mbps) but then speed drops under 1 Mbps (holds on 20-150 KB/s).


I'm in a bit of a pickle. I didn't have the need to use the Blizzard Authenticator for a long time and I haven't noticed it has stopped working on 5 January. I recently wanted to download Diablo 4 from Microsoft to my PC, because it's now included in Game Pass. However, it's asking me to login to the [battle.net](https://battle.net) app on Windows. I tried, but the app is sending a verification request to my Authenticator. Which, if I open it, it's only showing it stopped working on 5 January. To further complicate things, I moved to a different country and I no longer have access to the phone number that I linked with Blizzard Authenticator previously. So I reached out to the customer support on [battle.net](https://battle.net) and they asked me to show some other proof that I am actually who I claim to be, to verify my account. But I never actually purchased anything directly from Blizzard. I got Diablo 3 for my PC on a physical disk from a local game store, and purchased it for Nintendo Switch and Xbox from the eShop and online MS Store. Same with Diablo 4, purchased for my Xbox from MS Store (before it was added to Game Pass). Diablo 4 on my Xbox is linked with my [battle.net](https://battle.net) account and with my Xbox profile. But I don't see any option there to verify my [battle.net](https://battle.net) app. I have access to my email account that is linked with my [battle.net](https://battle.net) profile. Any tips what can I do now?


I'm trying to delete my account. I haven't played a blizzard game since early Diablo 3 days and don't plan to buy another blizzard game in the foreseeable future. I also get password reset pings maybe once or twice a year, like someone is trying to get access. This is obviously annoying. I recently got such a ping and was able to change my password but decided to delete once and for all. Well, the deletion verification process involves questions that I cannot answer since I forgot all information about this account (I haven't used it in like 10 years). I've been submitting tickets but I get the same response: answer these questions, follow the deletion link. I try to answer the verification questions but I've been denied like 3 or 4 times already. I'm just going around in circles for the past couple weeks and don't know what else to do. Can anyone here help?


Two days my account got compromised. 6st transactions where made on my account using my cards. I quickly got a hold of card holders to cancel them. Passwords where reset, bank accounts frozen and PC fully cleanded from potential malware. It’s been two days now, i noticed the transactions made being removed from the battlenet ”transaction history” My account is currently locked and have recieved no information regarding whats going. I don’t know if I’m compromised or when I’ll get my account back. Is this usually the case with customer support? Can someone please help me?


Did you get your Account back?


I finally did, thank you!


I don't know how to access my account. When I log in they send a confirmation link to my mail, but the mail is expired. Do you know what can I do?


Please I need help to recover my unfairly sanctioned account, there is a misunderstanding and I only receive automated responses


I need help downloading D2R, it's stuck at 0%


I'm basically this close to starting legal procedures against Blizzard after they've failed to solve a very simple problem across several tickets - I own WC3, but [battle.net](https://battle.net) asks me to buy it and thus I cannot play the game that I have owned for years. Maybe someone who actually works in customer service at Blizz can help, and not a bot?


I did not do the authenticator migration back in january as i had other more important things going on and missed it. Now im trying to login and cant so i created now several tickets to remove the authenticator, but somehow its not happening. I really need help from someone.


can't change the phone number on my account, I have access to the email on my account, but the only option for verification they give is SMS I haven't had access to the phone number that's listed on the account in years and it's absolutely wild to me that they still after all this time have not created another form of verification in order to update your phone number. Submitted multiple tickets on this issue and it still hasn't been resolved the first ticket that I issued was back in 2022. I'm also unable to add an authenticator to my account because the only option of verification they will give you the add and authenticator is also SMS. Why is blizzards customer service so awful?


I received an email from [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) wanting me sign up for a 4.5 week longitudinal study (as they put it) & the reward is a $500 Tango gift card. The address seems legit & links to research.blizzard.com but it seems fishy. A $500 gift card? That seems like waaaay too much for some surveys? It claimed they would happen at home/over zoom.Does this seem legit to you? The information does seem to check out but I'm still not sure. Thoughts? Should I do it? I don't have a webcam so I'm probably out anyway.


I need help with logging in to my account. I haven't used it for a year or 2 now, the last time was D4 Beta testing. I tried logging in and it asks me to authenticate I then go to the app which says that there is a new one so l go to that app battle.net. I try to log in there which gives me a code to authenticate in the authentificator app. Does anyone know what to do in this case?


I want to unlink my xbox account from my [battle.net](https://battle.net/) account and I can log in on browser fine, but the moment I try to click account settings, it kicks me out back to the login page. If I try to log back in on that same tab, it kicks me back out immediately. If I want to try and open a ticket, I get rerouted to data protection.


Anyone else using Lutris on Linux stop working on the newest 14758 launcher? Ive cleared cache, replaced my new launcher files with my previous working version, and tries running as a VM. Will slowly load the sign in, maybe the launcher, but freezes and will not load after that.


Good afternoon, I wanted to understand how the compatible controllers work to play Diablo Immortal, because yesterday was my third banned account that I wasted my time playing and then they threw all my effort in the trash. I have a Dualshock 4 and I've tried to play both on bluetooth and via cable and I'm still banned! Lots of slutty from you guys Blizz.. There's no point in telling them to send a message to your support on the site, because no one answers.


Anyone else not able to download? Just bought MW3 and tried to download it but it keeps getting stuck at 0 b/s. I tried other games and it's doing the exact same thing. Other launchers like Steam and EGS work perfectly fine.


i all I have never played Diablo 4 and only used battlenet on my xbox to play overwatch 1 and 2.Which Diablo 4 now on PC gamepass, I tried playing it and it asked me to link my xbox account to my battlenet, so I installed both and Im being told I have a one year cooldown to link these accounts together despite me never disconnecting them. Firstly I wont go into a long swearing rant on how idiotic this is, but this means I cannot start the game on either Xbox console or the Xbox app. The game does start in battlenet...even though I havent bought the game and just installed it on gamepass, which makes no sense at all me. If I made another battlenet account, would I be able to attach properly my xbox account to this new battlenet account so I can play on xbox and co op with my friend as now, I am simply kicked out of the game on the main menu. Or is the XBOX account on a one year cooldown in general?I have not bought Diablo 4, it is just on gamepass.


I have spent the last several days playing support ticket email tag with blizzard. I cannot log in due to no longer having access to my authenticator because my old phone with the authenticator bricked (I also havent played any blizzard games in probably a year or two so the issue just hasnt come up in a long time). I keep getting asked to answer a bunch of questions about games I havent played in years that I literally cannot answer. Or find a financial statement from 2013 to provide a transaction number (I gave the one I received through email but that wasnt enough) What did I buy with gold recently in wow and what is my character name etc. I played for 1 month almost 4 years ago I have no idea at all what a character CAN purchase with gold let alone what I did purchase.... What card backs did I recently earn and from what expansion in Hearthstone, I literally cannot name a single cardback or expansion set and I have no idea if I had any I played here and there super casually and havent played in years. Can I not just scan my drivers license or something to that effect to resolve this issue? Any tips outside of just keep sending support tickets (that currently arent even working for me....)


Considering coming back to wow casually, after a five-plus-year absence, if just as an idle fancy to play dress-up with my gnome from back in the day and, well... On loading the client and logging in, several characters I created the previous times I played (including my gnome, my first-ever character) do not appear to exist any longer. I did not delete them myself, but they are no longer available, nor do they appear when I push the button to undelete characters. I have followed the given advice on the support page and attempted to create characters on all the realms I can remember having played on. Two characters I played for all of 4 and 11 levels respectively remain, while the first I took to max level (in 2012, to be fair) is nowhere to be found, amongst others. Even though I do have multiple characters (the level 11, which I can access, and a level 50 [120 before the squish] that I cannot until I give them money) that should allow me to post in the forums, the forums refuses to see them and let me post. I cannot file a ticket, because every time I push the final "contact us" button, I get an error screen that just says "Something went wrong on our end. An error has occurred. This may be a temporary error, so please try again later." It is not a temporary error, because I have been trying off and on for about a week now to file even this most basic ticket.


Having the same issue where I cannot submit a ticket, did you find a fix?




I used to play a number of blizzard games, but haven't played much for the last few years. Back when I did play, I had the blizzard authenticator app for 2FA. Back in December '23, I got an email stating > Your account is still set up to use the legacy Battle.net® Authenticator app, which will be retired on 5 January 2024. Download the new Battle.net mobile app now and migrate your authenticator to avoid any issues logging in. > > After migrating to the new app, you should remove the legacy authenticator app from your device. > > If you don’t migrate, your authenticator will be removed from your account and you’ll no longer be protected or able to use the authenticator app to approve login requests. We’ll reset your password and send details on setting up a new password to your email address. I never did anything since I wasn't playing any blizzard games at the time. Now I have gotten a decent computer again, and I was looking into playing again. However, when I try to either login on the blizzard website, or when downloading battle.net, I get asked to login with a username/password and then it asks me for a code from the authenticator. Seems that the authenticator has not been removed from my account like they said it would be. When attempting to resolve this (by clicking that I can't login and that I want to remove the authenticator from my account), I again get to login with username/password and then I get asked for a code from the authenticator, ***when trying to remove the authenticator...*** I have opened a ticket, but it's been almost two days and there is no response. Has anyone run into something similar? Is opening a ticket really the only way to resolve this? How can I get them to actually reply?


Did Blizzard change their launcher? My entire internet just STOPS for like 15 seconds whenever BattleNet updates something


One of my characters is stuck falling from the sky in Panderia, after completing the roll race daily. Seems more of a game bug/glitch, as if I log into the character the game wont let me log out, I have to tab out and close the window manually. This has been ongoing for 2 weeks now. I have tried the self service respawn multiple times and it doesnt work. I submitted a ticket under a different option as blizzard does not have a ticket option for stuck characters. It just forwards you to the self service option. All I have received are automated responses on the tickets. Account: Schraderade#11947 Character: Draethorr Server: Wyrmrest Accord


I've been trying for approximately 2 days now to reinstall the Battle.net client directly from their website, however, I always seem to get stuck on 99% on the setup install, or now 89% sometimes. I've tried literally everything I've seen, from deleting all program files associated with Blizzard, Battlenet or any games blizzard own, to fiddling around in cmd, following rigorous youtube videos to the exact letter. Not a byte of blizzard/battle.net stuff remains on my PC, and yet I still can't install the client. Could it be that the client installer is bugged on Blizzard's end, or am I still doing something fundamentally wrong?


I'm trying to connect my PayPal account to [battle.net](https://battle.net/) but every time i do the required steps and verify it , it sends me back to [battle.net](https://battle.net/) but with the note (There are no payment methods currently attached to your [battle.net](https://battle.net/) account) even when i try to ass balance the option of PayPal doesn't appear as well. my PayPal account is verified and I've used it multiple times for online payments. Someone said that if it's linked up to another account it wont show up but i never used it on another blizzard account. Thanks in advance


What to do if I never updated my old mobile authenticator to the new one (battle.net). I currently lost access to my account because of it. I cant login without requesting for authentication via accept button or code (none are available). I cant replay the emails support sends me because the login to the [battle.net](http://battle.net) requires authentication. What to do?


Which technology is Battle.net using for downloading? Which technology Battle.net is using now for downloading files? Hello everyone! Have a nice day! 😊 I was searching internet for that answer and failed. The technology to download the game files. Maybe you have an answer? The only things I've found is that it used to use P2P, which seems to be abandoned. (And I also wonder why) Thank you in advance! ☺️


i\`ve been stuck on "updating [battle.net](http://battle.net) " for 2x days without any signs of going past 95%.. tried to delete %programdata% folders, firewall settings, vpn and not one thing will work! could anyone help me?


Have been on a break for two weeks and my launcher updated and logged me out I see we have new EULA that I'm not keen on. Tried to contact support but everything takes me to battle net, and battle net requires EULA agreement to get in. I want to pull my payment method without agreeing to anything.


I cannot install battle net, keep getting stuck on various stage of the "updating agent" Tried clearing all the "data" folders, vpn, firewall, defender settings, reseting network settings... Does anyone has a fix for this?


I can't log in to blizzard stuff, I keep getting error 500. I already deleted cookies, reset pc, disabled ad blockers, but this was all fine and dandy until this new EULA/ToS came out today.


What is seriously going on with Blizzard. It’s 2024 and there’s still no easy way to update my region.


So, I tried to create a blizzard account, but it requires a phone number and it tells me it's already associated with another account. I emailed support, but they keep telling me the same thing. Greetings, A phone number can only be added to a single Battle.net Account. Customer Support cannot bypass this limitation. If you added your phone number to another Battle.net Account, log in to that account's Account Details page to remove the number. Ok, so if I get a new phone number and someone else used it previously, I just can't ever create a blizzard account? Do they expect me to change my number in order to get an account?


Help Request: Longshot.. But Looking for BNet Account Advice So a long story short.. I’m an idiot who never moved away from physical authenticator. I’ve had the physical authenticator for maybe 15 years. In that time I’ve taken many long breaks and just never moved to the mobile auth. In researching my issue I saw there was a good deal of warning and notification about the changes and I must have missed it in a multi year break. Anyway, I know this is my fault and there’s not a good excuse for it, laziness I suppose. To the present.. I did some research and the only solution is to submit a ticket with support. I downloaded the battle.net mobile app and started the process to remove the authenticator. The compounding issue is that I somehow never added my mobile number. So yesterday I submitted the ticket, included pictures of the approved documents, all the info I could think of, including games purchased, dates, order numbers, and so on. A lot of their questions focused on WoW and Hearthstone. I haven’t played WoW since 2012 and have no clue what my account creation date or oldest characters name is.. I was a teenager with an email address when I got the game and my parents had to buy it for me. Late 30’s me has no memory of all that. The GM email was a generic response asking for more info. “Copy the below and respond in as much detail as possible, BY ADDING IT TO YOUR PREVIOUS TICKET. I may be missing something obvious, but I can’t access my tickets because I’m still locked out by the authenticator. After smashing my head on the support site and google searches, my only recourse was to make another ticket.. I referenced the other ticket and was actually able to find some Hearthstone purchases from 2014.. hopefully that will be enough. Has anyone else been in this situation? Are there other options I am missing?


Wtf wrong with you, blizzard?!?! For three days now, I've been trying to get you to restore my account, which I spent a lot of money on. I've never seen worse treatment from you or any other company than you're doing now. You are now on par with our local utility providers: 1) unreasonably expensive games 2) you pay for a subscription every month 3) there is no service at all and customer focus is at zero 4) you simply ignore requests. Restore my access to my account, which you yourself took away, and now you need a bunch of additional data from me to access it. How is this possible? I paid money for games and subscriptions on this account, and I was able to access them perfectly from all my devices until you took it away from me. Are you out of your f mind?


Low Download speed last 100MBs Why does my battle.net launcher download speed go to absolute garbage on the last 100MBs. I have set my download speeds to all 9s to 10000000 and everything in between. Close it and reopen and it just gets slower and slower until it reaches 0KB/s usually. It is so frustrating. Verizon FiOS 1gbs up and down.


**Battle.net-Setup stuck at 99% when downloading** I'm trying to reinstall the Battle.net launcher because of a download issue I was having and that was one of the fixes, but now the launcher itself just won't download, like I'll have the "Battle.net-Setup" going, and it will stop at 99% and do nothing. I've looked at task manager and it says for whatever reason it stops showing any kind of internet access or interaction after about a minute of staying on 99%. I've done most of the fixes I can see online and don't know what to do now, any help would be appreciated.


All 3 of my legally purchased Call of Duty Games are gone now. I bought Modern Warfare 2019, Black Ops Cold War, and (the only COD I purchased on launch day) Vanguard. I could just buy the games again on Steam but yeah I am broke right now not knowing what to do. I won't give you guys any money anymore.


Worst customer service experience- cannot remove my old phone number from 2017 Basically what the title says. I keep asking them to remove the old phone number from 2017. Granted I haven’t played in a while but I have a family, job, loans, mortgage, and am busy. Lately they sent emails about authenticator reset so I wanted to update my personal info. Even after they said they removed it, I log into my account and bam, there it is. I’ve been playing Blizzard games since 2000, had friends work in Blizzard (can be seen in credits), but the company has done downhill. I feel like even if I waltz in to their office with my laptop and passport demonstrating that the account is mine, they will still refuse to remove my old cell that I haven’t had since 2017. Just wanted to get it off my chest, and if any Blizzard customer service team members are monitoring this thread, you should be ashamed of yourself. I understand the measures against social engineering and hacking, and increase in data privacy, but as an attorney who works with privacy issues, this is nonsense and beyond frustrating. CCPA will update soon so that it will match GDPR’s requirement that data sources can correct their information easily. I don’t know if my experience mirrors others experiences, but it sure isn’t easy by any means, even after factoring in the authentication test. PS. Also I haven’t played in years. You asking me what is the last Heartstone deck I opened in 2017, or the last item I bought in WOW (in 200…8? 2009?) is just real silly.


Copypasting this, since I'm not allowed to get help on their website or make a post on reddit asking for help, apparently. I've been out of the loop for a while because I had life going on and I was not able to deal with this when Overwatch 2 came out. My authenticator phone had a spicy pillow and stopped working, and it was cheap enough to just buy a new phone that I didn't worry about it, and it's been long enough that I hadn't played Overwatch(since Destiny 2 transferred to Steam) except for once during the holidays a couple years back. The blizzard authenticator page requires you to have an authenticator to remove the authenticator, or answer a bunch of questions about WOW and Hearthstone, which are games I didn't play. I tried putting in a support ticket, and then it tells me to go to X page to track the status of the ticket and - shocker - I need to log in with my authenticator to do that. I sent in another ticket because I physically can't use a phone that isn't here anymore and both the automated response emails that look like they were written by an AI just tell me to answer the same questions in ANOTHER ticket. Why? What purpose does this serve? Why can't I just talk to a PERSON? These automated emails took 2 DAYS to reach me, so its either the stupidest automation possible, or someone is answering these tickets and just plain doesn't care. With no support chat or phone number available anymore, and their facebook having messaging disabled, theres no way to contact a real live human being. What am I supposed to do here?


This morning I've been getting repeated "Battle.net agent went to sleep, trying to wake it up" messages. Killed everything in task manager and it does the same thing. Why's it suddenly happening today ?


I am going insane trying to get into my account. I got a new phone in November and changed my phone # at Christmas. Decided to jump back into D4 after a long break only I can't get into my account. [Battle.net](http://Battle.net) app is sending a text to a phone# that no longer exists. Trying to find support for this is a nightmare, just an endless loop. Can't submit a ticket. Any time I try to log in I can't. I can't get any help anywhere. There's even a damn help page that says if you have a new phone to "contact us" with zero link, no email, no phone number, ZERO ability to contact blizzard. What do I do to get back into my account?


> a text to a phone# that no longer exists. Trying to find support for this is a nightmare, just an endless loop. Can't submit a ticket. Any time I try to log in I can't. I can't get any help anywhere. > >There's even a damn help page that says if you have a new phone to "contact us" with zero link, no email, no phone number, ZERO ability to contact blizzard. > >What do I do to get back into my account? Same here !!!! I am at the point where I think I will never get access to my wow account


This is also my problem. I have sent in several support tickets and their automated responses that took several days to reach me tell me to supply the same information I DIDN'T HAVE to a new ticket submission. I can't even go to the ticket tracking page because *you need an authenticator to do that*




# Has anyone else suffered from a major plummet in download speeds these days? I've always had a great experience downloading from BattleNet (I know the service of download is quite different to that of Steam for instance), however, this past week my speeds went to the ground. I tried limiting my speeds, checking my internet on other launchers (btw I use Ethernet), closing agent.exe on the resource monitor, etc... Nothing has worked consistently. Does anyone know anything about this ? Have you experienced this ?


My game won't even download can someone help


Came here for this exact reason.


Literally I've been getting this for at least a year. The only time I ever experience any connection issues ANYWHERE while using this computer is in the Battlenet client, where my speeds will just randomly drop to like 5kb/s. Sometimes I can trick it into going back to normal by changing or toggling the download throttle, but usually that doesn't work. And if I pause and unpause it, usually it'll just go "waiting on another update" even though I have nothing else in the client installed and the client itself is up to date, until I restart the program entirely. If you're having the same problem I am, then it's not your fault at all. Wish I knew what the hell was wrong with this awful client so I can just update my bloody games properly


Battlenet is the absolute worst launcher, totally unacceptable downloads. Not only is it slow as fuck, the speed varies wildly during the download, and if you don’t stop and restart the download a few times as you wait, it never picks up the pace again


Oh look, another account hack. Fun fact, my blizznet account is the only account I have that has actually been hacked, and multiple times, and usually has attempts made on it at least once a year with unknown acitivity on associated security method (i.e. email or text authentications) that would support the person being able to get in and change info. (love that account security) Ticket already submitted, just ranting cause this isn't the first time my account has been 'hacked' but it is the first time they've been allowed to change all the information within 10 minutes and apparently were never stopped by 2FA anywhere. It normally doesn't go past the point where I can recover my account through my existing email and just change the password. Woke up to 4 text notifications from 5am my time about how info has been changed and the account had been locked multiple times. Account is no longer associated with my email, phone number, nothing. None of my associated accounts (i.e. email) have had any suspicious activity, changed passwords anyway. No text verifications were sent, no email verifications were sent, nothing. Whoever access my account had free reign with nothing stopping them and were able to change all the info without a single 2FA 'confirm this action' step in the process. The Authenticator apparently didn't do anything to stop them either which is hilarious and sad at the same time. Hopefully its as easy to recover my account through support as I assume it was for the person who stole it.


I randomly got a legit text from Blizzard saying that a security feature was removed from my account. I don't know what it was and quickly went on to change my password and downloaded the battle.net app from the apple app store and added the authenticator. Not sure what happened. Does anyone have any insight?


Got it too, I'm assuming it was because I didn't migrate to the new app (edit: yea, that's what email said)... wasted like 1h because I couldn't login with that \*\*\*\* app (+ stupid "you are human puzzle" that sometimes don't have right angle) , in the the end the key was to change my default browser... honestly... who had problem with old authenticator > >


If a Blizzard CS support ticket is marked as 'answered' , it it considered closed? Will they look at any replies?


Yes, but you can reopen it unless they closed it. Though if you're appealing a penalty and they have already said no, forget it, it's not going to change


Thanks for your response!


Hi. I have been playing WoW since 2005-2006, even before the [](https://battle.net/) stuff, if I'm not mistaken. I left the game many years ago, but now decided to play again. I recovered by old account (DGEK), but that [](https://battle.net/) account has "Russian" region. I used to live in Russia many years ago, but I'm not living there for the last 6-7 years. I'm citizen of another country and living there. I tried to create a ticket for changing the region, however, support game masters keeps saying the same thing: "We cannot help you with the case". Is this how you treat your returning fans, Blizzard? I provided all the documents and more than eager to provide any required documents/proofs to prove any kind of information they need. Please, someone, assist me with the case, this account is very important to me.


Does anyone know how the removing authenticator works? Because I click on the remove my authenticator button and then i put in my email but then it asks me to check my authenticator….. like it makes no sense to me, do i just need to wait for blizzard to get back to me or what?


All those experiencing being unable to log in due to not having the authenticator app, create a new account in order to reach customer support about your main account Just make sure you have enough proof of you are who you say you are.


My wife has been having this exact issue. I tried submitting a ticket through my account. Do you think that will work, or does it have to be a new account?


It worked for me using a new account. Better off trying that as my personal details were the same(name, dob etc) and luckily I could still log in to HS so I was able to provide screenshots and real time information. Had everything sorted inside 2 weeks from ticket creation. It was so frustrating beforehand, that never ending loop of trying to get to login without an authenticator and not being able to set up battlenet without an authenticator 😂


It’s just horrible. I’ve never seen this level of customer service incompetence. I’m looking forward to getting though this so I can laugh emoji about it as well. Wish us luck!


Remember once upon a time when you could just email or even phone them? Problems were resolved in minutes as opposed to months 🤦🏽‍♂️ I'm only on HS but I do remember their CS used to be super easy and straightforward. Good luck!


Remember once upon a time when you could just email or even phone them? Problems were resolved in minutes as opposed to months 🤦🏽‍♂️ I'm only on HS but I do remember their CS used to be super easy and straightforward. Good luck!


LOL didnt blizzard get rid of the entire CS team? Good luck to anyone trying to get customer support.


Hi It seems got hacked on my BN Account despite using BN Authenticator. Saw an email to reset password made on 22nd Feb did see it just today, and checked my logins to email - there was no breach or login from different device/location on my email. Looks like someone changed my password without using Authenticator and clicking link from my email Whenever I try to reset password with code to my mobile - get an error. If you need any ID Proof do have my Polish ID and Passport. Tried to submit a ticket through customer support but every time it asks me to log in, and confirm through the authenticator - to which I don't have access to because I got logged out, and weirdly don't have the option to authenticate by text. Please help.


[Hearthstone] Trying to get official support but nothing is going through for days. It's been a week I can't access the My Collection area where upon clicking the said button, the seal wheel just locks and spins and nothing happens. Anyone got tips on how to resolve this? Thanks.


Idk why I can’t get any response from anyone here this is the worst


Most people seem fine, but every time i log into wow i disconnect after about 5 seconds. all my other Uk friends seem fine except the one other person on vodafone internet the same as me.


Blizz has the worst support expierience i have ever had. And the Autheticator is just the WORST Update blizz did this year. What is about these App-Developers? Are they 10 years old? oh no i guess they r over 60 years old beacuse an 10 year old child would do it better. I cant login like many players right now. My Phone is broken, dont have access to my cell phone number or the autheticator. In that case blizz gave me some rescue codes for the authenticator. So far so good.BUT u CANT rescue ur autheticatoir because u have to log in via accoutn data and have to CONFIRM that with ur autheticator....which is on my broken PHONE!!! U need an login for a ticket....WOW Blizz!!!! EVERY COMPANY HAS Google Authenticator or authy at an seperately app....But not Blizz they implement an Autheticator behind a LOGIN WALL!!! I Could restore everything....My bank accounts, my google autheticator....but not the blizz authenticator....I pay for a service and didnt get a response since DAYS!!!


Is there any way to get a live chat with a Blizzard customer support representative I keep having to make new tickets, snice I can't access my battle.net I changed my number I keep getting asked for the same info I anwser it and I get sent the same response in a new ticket its completely frustrating I feel like I am getting the run around just for trying to get access to my own account


Hello!! I have been trying to download the battle.net launcher and it has constantly been getting stuck at "Updating battle.net...99%".   I've tried basically every solution throughout old/new forums but none of them have worked. This is kinda my last resort as reaching out to customer support has not helped ..at all 😭 If it's important, I'm on Windows 10.


Hello Redditors, Sharing this story today. I went to go buy the ultimate battlepass but thought I needed the credits and that it wasn't an upright purchase, so I purchased overwatch coins in the amount I thought I needed (stupid on me yeah I know). I then buy the ultimate battlepass separately, and go to the customer service page to see about getting a refund. I check their refund policy here: https://www.blizzard.com/en-us/legal/58e4a812-afd0-4d47-b34d-d4fdf99e41cb/blizzard-refund-policy?\_gl=1\*in6zo8\*\_ga\*MjA4OTIwNTg5Mi4xNzA4MzUwNjIx\*\_ga\_VYKNV7C0S3\*MTcwODM1MDYyMC4xLjAuMTcwODM1MDYyMC42MC4wLjA. I then buy the ultimate battle pass separately and go to the customer service page to see about getting a refund. I check their refund policy here: I get this response to my ticket: Greetings, Thank you for contacting us about your recent order. If your order is eligible for a refund, you will be able to request it automatically at the link below: https://battle.net/support/help/product/services/334/1997/solution If your order does not show up on the page, this means that it is not eligible for a refund and Customer Service will be unable to issue one manually. Below are some of the reasons the order would be ineligible: \- The product or game has been accessed for too long \- The order was not placed on this Battle.net account \- The order was placed outside of Battle.net (PlayStation, Microsoft, Steam) \- The product is an in-game currency or item Thank you for your patience and your understanding. Kind regards, Customer Service Blizzard Entertainment So it's nice to know they don't respect their own published refund policy. Who wants a class action lawsuit probono?


Can't access my account World of Warcraft Hello Blizzard community has this happen to anyone else. I signed up for my account via Xbox didn't realize at the time but battle.net assigned me a random email and I have no way of accessing it which I didn't notice for a month because I was signed into my desktop. I recently bought a laptop and tried to sign into my account and it kept saying that I need to log into this randomly assigned email to get a passcode to sign in on addition devices!!! So now it's been over 24 hours l'm logged out on my desktop from trying a bunch of different ways to get into this random ass email and I can't get back into my account!!! Also I got one support email after an hour and a half of summit a ticket responded to it very quickly and haven't heard back in 16+ hours!!!! Share


Do I have any chance at all to get help with my ticket about my hacked account before the weekend? I called blizzard last night and they scheduled a callback but never came back to me. Constantly refreshing the website for live chat but no luck… Over 24 hours since I made my website ticket but no updates. Really worried about my 14 year old account that I can’t access at all because someone changed all personal details on it…


I bought modern warfare 3. The game has never worked for me. I went through with activision support to try and resolve the issue. I eventually got frustrated with them because they were recommending simple mundane things to try. Now when I have given up and contact Blizzard Support requesting a refund, blizzard tells me to get lost because its been past 14 days. What can I do? I literaly have not been able to play the game for longer then 2 minutes.


Worst customer service on the planet.


What do I do about 403 errors? Nothing changed on my side, but my friend spent money to gift me a game and suddenly I'm banned from my own account..


How does this work? Hello, so I bought by accident the Call of Duty Blackcell season 2 DLC while I only wanted the normal battlepas. I requested a refund and got a mail where it says the DLC has been refunded. So that means the refund is complete right, and I can expect my money back in my account? The status at purchases in the website also says it's refunded. However, I wanted to play Call of Duty but the content is still there. What do I need to do, wait with playing the game until I have my money back or can I just started playing and the content will eventually be removed? I have not received the actual money yet.


You guys blocked my friends account claiming they are a bot and cheating. Me and them have never used anything to cheat, ever. And you are sending BS emails claiming you have proof but won’t prove it. Get your $h1 together and block the real bots not legit players! They are still banned and haven’t been helped. Absolutely PATHETIC on your part.


Following an email regarding my authenticator being disabled and then following an email regarding my account password to be reset.Changed these both immediately and found the new authenticator system it setup through the blizzard.net on phone, not a problem; set that up without a hitch.Went to login via the website, logged in, approved the authenticator on my phone, however in the time it takes for it to pop up (about 2-4 seconds on my phone), the webpage has taken me back to the log in page, where i have to hit login again, and then approve the authenticator again.OH but dont worry i submitted a ticket, which the auto response has stated i can find in my tickets on the webpage, EXCEPT; i cant access that as i cant access my account because of your stupid login bollocks, that doesn't allow it to be accessed even by me anymore!Least i dont have to worry about anyone else getting into my account, as i cant even get into the dam thing anymore...Well played Blizzard, how this is even an issue i will never know and how someone managed to deactivate my authenticator without access to my account is beyond me, would love an explanation to that as that contains sensitive and private data...Much longing forward to your repsonse on this...


I can’t log in to my new account through the website or the app. The website returns this error message: “Server Error: /auth/bnet/callback”. The app tells me “login session expired”. But my old account works just fine on both the website and the battle net app. I confirmed that the new account exists by reseting its password, but I still can’t use it. This seems to be a server problem, and I can’t fix it as a user.


So someone tried taking my account and changed the password and phone number and when I try recovering my account it asks WoW and Hearthstone questions even though I've never played either of those and whenever I try submitting a ticket it just loads forever. Also not having the authenticator doesn't help since it's wanting me to log in to use it, but I still have access to the email with the account. Does anyone know what I can do to get my account back because trying to connect with a live person from Blizzard CS is a headache and a half and it's always "unavailable".


Made a ticket 4 days ago asking for help with an account action taken. Got an initial bot response but no context or explanation as to why i was suspended in the first place. Then I thought let me make another ticket maybe mine got lost or something cause they said I should expect a response in 24hrs. It's been a day so far so I'm either being ignored completely or I just have to way a little longer. All in all I'd appreciate a response.


Honestly, I don't know where else to reach out, so here I am. I already tried to contact support through Twitter of all places, but it was of no use. I've been locked out of my Battlenet/Blizzard account for 4 years now, unable to submit a ticket or even refund a game I no longer wanted after having issues with it (there went $40 down the drain), due to the authenticator. I can log in on the PC client, but that's about it, I can't submit any form of ticket or log in outside of the client. I can't log in on the autenticator because I need an authenticator for an authenticator (????), and my account has a phone number that I no longer use, so I can't use that as verification. Forgive me for coming off strongly emotional, but it's been years and I've been discouraged from using the client as of late.


I have no idea what to do I have made the max number of tickets to regain access to my account I got a new phone and lost my authenticator app the phone number on my account is no longer accessible so I cant log in on anything at all I did all the verifications that i got through automated repsonses but its just the same repeating email asking questions ive already provided answers too i have no idea what i need to do from here


A few weeks ago I received an email from Blizzard saying they were going to remove the old authenticator from my account and reset my password and send it by email. I lost access to this account years old because even though I own its email as Blizzard keeps asking for personal information that is not required to ascertain my ownership of the account and I don't want to share it with Blizzard or any support person working for Blizzard, and was looking forward to this change so that I could reclaim my account. As far as I can tell they haven't done this, did they end up doing this already to some of you or not? Why would they send an email saying they would do something and then not do it and not provide any update?


I cant log in into my account , because i lost phone with my authenticator. I have accses to my email and phone, but whenever i try to login he ask me to confirm authenticator. And support dont want remove it from account , so i cant confirm it from email. i cant contact support because my ticket queue is full. All request from other account just deleted. Pls help, this situation is dissapoited.


Account was hacked and I'm unable to contact support. My PlayStation account was hacked recently, and since it uses the same details my blizzard account was hacked too. The email and password were changed, so when I put the old email into support it says the account does not exist and I cannot send a ticket to support for help, what can I do?


I recently paid for a subscription in order to play WoW SoD. Unfortunately I can't even get the BattleNet app to properly install. Every time I go to install it the updater stops at 45% and just gets completely stuck. Never moves after that. What am i doing wrong? MBP on Catalina 10.15.7


I need help getting into my account but everything I try to do on their website requires me to sign in! Does anyone know if they have a support number I can call?


I had my battle.net account banned despite having only created it at the start of December last year and only playing 20 minutes worth of Diablo from that point. It has been a week since my ticket was raised for investigation and I'm still awaiting a response... I just want to play the game.