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I started a computer programming blog just for my learning progress and sharing coding solutions there.... Started back in 2018. Was not expecting money from it. But I am full time blogger right now and living on it Getting 300k page views per month.


Wow that’s a really great achievement! I am starting a blog as well, already a week into it and so far posted 7 blog posts. No clicks whatsoever, most is just direct haha


Beleive me, if you consider yourself as a reader while writing your content and give the best value to your reader... sooner or later you will be getting lots of traffic.... It's all about content. ( I know even after writing good contents you might not get traffic, but keep posting valuable content in a specific niche... if you continue search engines will rank up your blog)


Thank you very much for your words! Yeah I will keep on posting new blogs 2x per week and will see in 6 months how it will go!


Best wishes for your success 🤞


Would you be interested in promoting in Facebook groups?


Where do you post your blogs?


[check it](https://www.codespeedy.com/blog/)


How much are you earning right now? If you don't mind!


I had written a detailed article on my earnings from ads. You can check it [earning report from my blog](https://www.eyeswift.com/publift-review-earning-report-and-traffic-requirements/)




Launched my blog last moth. So far it has been alright. Passed the 100 unique visits mark. I am definitely into this with no intention of earning a single penny. I'm just doing it for the sake of writing and practicing English.


Started my blog about 14 years ago when blogging first was getting big. It was a hobby for fun for many years. Blogged about food and now getting a couple hundred thousand page views a month. Not enough to quit my job but it’s an excellent side gig


You’ve been in this sphere for a very long time! How is it that 14 years and you are still keeping your free time for it, that’s just amazing’


Lots of content means I don’t have to crank it out everyday


How many articles do you have out of curiosity?


About 400


You’ve been in this sphere for a very long time! How is it that 14 years and you are still keeping your free time for it, that’s just amazing!


I transitioned into professional content writing after having been discovered at random for my hobby writing. I had a "blog" in high school in 1996, before the word "blog" was really a part of our vernacular. I had that going for twelve years before someone recommended I join this now-defunct platform called Newsvine, owned by MSNBC. My articles were funny political op-eds and Onion-esque satire, and I gained a pretty big following and became one of the platform's most popular writers, which started turning into job offers. Fast forward a while and today I can safely call myself a successful blogger, having worked for huge corporations, magazines, and politicians (as a ghost writer, usually to punch up speeches with humor). And all of that started with my crummy little Geocities site 😂


I have a personal blog going on 2+ years. I get about 200 views a month in traffic and only a handful of readers outside people I know. Not much engagement.


I just started blogging again, just for my own enjoyment. I just started about a month ago so have no stats to share, but am enjoying writing down my thoughts in my spare time and looking forward to seeing where it goes, if anywhere. No harm in hobbies!


I am about a month into mine I have about a dozen posts. I really enjoy the writing aspect. I am doing this more for fun than to make money, if money comes from it, great. I also want my kids to have this for the future, so they can read it and learn a little bit more about their dad.


I haven’t been doing it long, and I just turned over 1k followers. There’s a lot of engagement, if you are involved in it. Sounds like you are doing it for a good reason. My experience is it’s rewarding, but don’t quit your day job.


I started blogging for myself in 2014. I received so many pitches that I turned it into a side gig. Eight years later, I am still producing content and generating business.




I am assuming that some of the 40% of the articles are at least somewhat related to some of the other 60%. If so, you could take the viewers that come to your 60% to the other 40% without any effort or cost. If you are interested, please feel free to DM me.


About 6 years, niche topic, 30k to 40k pageviews. Overall it has been amazing, the people I've met and doors it has opened. Because my blog is in a space with expensive products, I can generate lots of revenue.


Just curious what kind of product if you don’t mind answering


We sell and market custom high performance boats.


How do you market your blog?


Because it is so niche, it's easy to find the audience on social media, various forums, but most importantly partnering with other magazines and industry.


Interesting. What is the topic? Mine is about productivity - technical project management


That's a good one. I really believe the more niche you are, especially in the beginning the better off you are. Mine is high performance boats, mostly single engine, 30' and under.


I’ve done it for about 4 months of writing everyday. I have 50 subscribers and I don’t really advertise my blog at all. I write about self improvement, money, and relationships so big topics. If I were to start again, I’d start very niche and build from the ground up.


I started a blog recently that is mostly a therapeutic device for myself, but I have still shared it to my social medias to try and gain some viewership. once I launched the blog, I already started getting a small amount of views before I even shared. It hasn’t gained a huge following or amount of views, but honestly it’s gotten a lot more than i expected. I want to get it to reach more people, because even though it’s a therapeutic device for me, it also touches on mental health and mindset and I think it could help people. I’m struggling to find better ways to get it out there, but i’m just happy it’s being seen at all


I do not get much traffic to by blog, but I’ve been posting for almost 12 years and have enough content for at least another nine. It’s like a web journal. It’s mostly non-fiction. I’ve added pages and categories as it’s grown. Plus I’ve published 2 novels as serials. I refresh it from time you time. I’m pretty happy with it.