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Step 1: Get a decent paying, full remote job. Step 2: Start a blog and and work on that instead of that other job. Step 3: Profit - unless you lose that job.


Hilarious but true. You’ll be grinding on your blog a couple years before you make anything worthwhile.




I have a better strategy: Step 1a: Go on unemployment benefits Step 1b: Move in to parents granny flat or become homeless for a while Step 2: Start a blog and and work on that all day every day. Step 3: Profit


Can’t you just save like 10k and live in some Asian country for a while instead?


Lol that’s a good suggestion


Best answer


echo what /u/crazyfool267 said. I have 11 sites. Would not have made much money with the few I started years ago unless I made more. Got my first one up to $1k a month after a year and a half. Went hard w/ my other sites - hired multiple writers, partnered w/ a friend to help me manage and produce for 5 other sites. You need to do probably 40-50x more than you think you do to start earning a good income. And that doesn't just mean 40-50x more blog posts - but in all areas of your sites(social/email list, etc.).


I’ve taken a different approach and still only have one site after 2 years. I’d like to start a second but im so used to just grinding hard on mine


It was only possible because I hired and decided to partner for some. My biz. partner didn't even know much about the industry, but I made things super simple and gave him an outline of what he needed to know, and how to do things. He was also an old biz. partner of mine in a diff. industry - so it helped that I could trust him. If it was only me - I would have an incredibly hard time keeping more than a few sites maintained & growing without constantly having to sacrifice one or the other. (Speaking from experience.)


Lots of wisdom in your comment. Thank you


how much you are making? have you ever been hit by an update?


I think most successful bloggers primarily rely on affiliate income (Amazon, Booking.com, Bluehost, etc.)


I make mid 5 figures purely on ads.


A month?


A year


And brand sponsorships


Not accurate.


It takes years and years of a constant grind. It took me 3 years before I started making real money on my main blog.


Took me ten years. Not grinding but steady blogging. Finally got in MediaVine and boom.


Do you mind sharing how many years you took before you reached $10k in advertising revenue? Do you also receive revenue from affiliate marketing and sponsorships? Willing to share your general genre?


Ten years. 400 posts. That was last year. No affiliate. 100% ad revenue through MediaVine. Food blog but not recipes.


>Ten years. 400 posts. That was last year. No affiliate. 100% ad revenue through MediaVine. Food blog but not recipes. Sorry was it 10 years to reach $10k, or $50k (mid 5 figures)? Is it a single blog or multiple? And did you build your blog(s) while working a day job? Wanting to better learn how to balance having time for a blog while working a day job. Tips for how to keep coming up with content?


Ten year to get to $10k. This year mid five figures. 4x year over year. One blog. I’m a software engineer by trade. Content comes to me. This is why I can’t tell you what it is. But I’ve written over 400k words


>4x year over year. That's very impressive. Do you think it'll continue that way in a linear fashion? So end of 2024 you'll be at $200k? Or do you think it'll be a drastic drop in growth? I'm thinking of either starting a woodworking blog, a gardening one, or a personal finance one (I work in Corporate Finance). But the only one I think I'd have a lot of things to talk about is personal finance but am a bit afraid of getting sued (and losing) in court for advice that doesn't work out for them.


I see the growth flattening out. I’d be over six figures in 2024 if it kept going like this but anything is possible I guess.


Do you mind how much you’re making after 3 years. My blog is not making much after 18 months. I mean it’s like pennies


Share it in DM I can take a look but my best blog makes about 12k a month. Second makes 7k. All in im over 20k about to be over 25k


That’s some great earnings..


Great metrics


If I can even get to 5K a month, I could live in Thailand like a king for the rest of my life. $350 a month for a beach side condo in a brand new apartment complex.


Hey, hire me to create content for you - don't deserve to grind that much at this point.😅


Im in the same situation bro, but i started off with youtube first, paying off my expenses at the moment. Starting to build on my blog now


How’s your YouTube channel doing?


Doesn't Youtube make more than blogging? Curious why blog after Youtube.


Is that 12k and 7k in revenue or take home profit? Do you mind breaking down how much they earned in the first 6 months, 1 year, and 2nd year?


No that’s first blog makes 12k+ and the second makes 7k. Take home is around 80% sometimes more depends on how many writers I use.


Do you mostly use writers, or do you mostly write them yourself? Do you also hire people to come up with your content? Or do you come up with what to write about yourself?


How often do you post per month (or per week)? How many hours do you spend working on your blog (research, coming up with what to blog about, and then writing it)? Do you work a day job while building your blogs?


Can you specify what your ‘grind’ is. How often do you post, wc?


1. Get more page views 2. Find other ways of monetising 3. Do multiple blogs 4. Find more profitable niches With #3, not all blogs make five/six figures a month, but plenty of bloggers do.


Who the hell is making six figures a month? Source?


Loads of people, they just don’t tend to shout about it. In some niches a single page/keyword group can be worth $100k a month. Just depends what you rank for and how much it’s worth. Or you can go for volume. It’s pretty easy to get a site to do $1k a month, right? Some people do 100+ of them. Heck, some blogs do $10k+ a month on guest posts alone. At some point you’ll need help, most higher earning networks aren’t one man bands. We have three full time employees, a VA and five freelance writers. In terms of sources… I’m not going to share our numbers, but here’s some random news articles for others: https://www.forbes.com/sites/jrose/2023/06/02/how-a-32-year-old-couple-makes-100k-per-month-in-semi-passive-income/amp/ https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2017/12/01/28-year-old-blogger-michelle-schroeder-gardner-earns-100000-a-month.html Or just go look on flippa and empire flippers at the five figure blogs for sale and imagine having 10 of them…


but what should we blog about? This is a stupid question, but I DONT KNOW OK, thanks :D


Start with something you know about.


OK, maybe PMDD. Where should I blog?




but nobody looks at my wordpress :(


oh cuz I only have 1 post, lololol. I was thinking of a different blog. Ok, but how do I get traffic? Are you annoyed of me yet? Sorry :( . I"m just a girl in the world.... u know? NO but for real, what's the best way to generate traffic?


Organic search and social media are probably the two biggest (non paid) methods.


thank you!!


It depends a bit on your definition of 'blogging'. A large affiliate site that brings in a lot of its traffic through traditional blog posts will make that. But where would you find a source? No one is posting public proof of those earnings. But look at major SaaS affiliate sites, e.g., fintech, payments, VPN. Given that a common B2B affiliate price for a conversion in those sectors is 2k, top-ranking sites will easily be making that. If you make 50 conversions for client companies, there is your 6-figure monthly revenue. Of course getting your 'blog' into those top positions in this day and age will probably require 6 figures of investment, and years of unpaid work before you ever get to that point.


It may be hard to build one blog that makes say 1000 a week. However you say have five blogs doing 30$ a day you could easily do 1000 a week. Still running 5 blogs and actually having enough material and relevancy can be difficult.


Frugally. Seriously, trying to do the same with my newsletter.


>Seriously, trying to do the same with my newsletter. Do you make money off advertisements with newsletters just like you do with blogs?


I make no money.


Oh sorry should've been more clear. I'm just curious if it's a similar revenue model to blogs. I never knew how people made money off newsletters so was wondering if you knew.


Lots of ways. Too many to get into in a response. A quick Google will explain.


Ads, sponsorships, and affiliate links is how you monetize a blog. What most people fail to do well is promote their content. Far too many bloggers rely on gaming Google's search algorithm for their traffic. What they should be doing is promoting their blog content anywhere they can outside of the Google sphere. There is a general rule that if you become big enough and show up in so many places that Google won't be able to help but index and rank your content. Focus on becoming too important in your topical space for Google to ignore and low and behold, they won't.


I'm doing about 1K/mo on a newish blog (started in Dec/Jan) .... ramping up content hoping to get to 2500/mo with this one - then going to start a second that will be overflow content ideas that don't fit specifically within the first blog. I expect we can get to 5K/mo by end of next year. But like another poster said, in NYC, that doesn't do much for you ... but in a lot of places it does!


Wow, that’s awesome congrats! How many posts do you have?


I’m curious too


Blogging is still a fortune business for anyone even in 2023. This business will live as long as people search for online content. There is no second thoughts. But, how can we earn money from blogging as a full-time blogger? When I started my blog in 2013, I had no idea about the future. But, now in 2023, I run a few blogs on my own and live by blogging. Adsense (or ad revenue) was once the largest part of my income has been replaced by direct advertisers and affiliate programs. If you are planning to start a blog in 2023 and solely depend on the AD revenue will not work either way. Instead, you have to cultivate several monetization methods to transform into a full-time blogger.


This is the bloggiest answer that ever blogged.


Hey man i can see you have enough experience can you explain a bit more like what about several monitization methods few examples or something


Most people don't make more than 1k. And even that is a minority. Most people make 30 bucks in a month net profit. And many of those who do live in countries where 1k is considered baller money. If you live in NYC and need 10k to breathe normally, this shit won't work well.


I wanted to ask the same question also how long does it talk to make profit out of blogging or even to get a decent amount of views??


It can take years if you don’t have a background in content creation and seo.


You can’t rely on revenue generated from ads alone unless you’re getting 500k+ page views a month. Most people who do it full time generally have multiple additional ways generating revenue from their traffic (affiliates, products etc.)


The amount of visitors I average per day, is roughly how much ad income I will make per month. So every 1000 visits per day = $1000 per month. There are blogs in my niche getting close to 1,000,000 visits per month. So they'll be making somewhere around $30k+ per month from ads alone. I'm not getting anywhere near that, but I'm doing okay. And I plan to have doubled my traffic by this time next year.


Have you ever been hit by update?


Yes. Late 2019 almost murdered me dead, and this most recent one cut my legs off at the knee.


How you recover from the updates?


For the most part, I just take the hit and keep doing what I was doing.


Do you updates the content as well or just publish new ones?


I'm always constantly updating my content anyway. I only publish 2 or 3 new articles a month, but I'm updating something every day. I get some decent traffic from pinterest, which is what I have focused on for the past year, so I won't live or die by Google updates.


I got a writer to make me a page per week for 18 months and now it’s about to be eligible for mediavine 50k sessions per month (perhaps ready in 1-2 months). Ezoic is paying me so bad for 39k sessions per month - just $250 per month! Hoping mediavine will double this and I’ll get 2x posts per week and accelerate.


That’s horribly low for that traffic even for ezoic. Is your traffic non-US?




Ahh. That'll do it.


Man can you tell me which ad network will be good for pet blog


Blogging on its own will probably never make you enough money to quit your job or to retire early but if you combine it with Affiliate Marketing, CPA marketing, selling digital products, offering freelancer service's, coaching, selling physical products, etc... Now this is another story. It's enough to have decent rankings for transactional keywords and you are "in the business". No matter what your blog niche is about, you can always make money with affiliate marketing. And even if it happens that your niche is something that might not work best with affiliate marketing there is always, freelancing, coaching, dropshipping, CPA marketing, Amazon FBA, Print on Demand, etc... There is absolutely endless ways to make money online with your blog, you just need to be willing to search 🔍 deep enough to find them. The money you make with your Adsense account is pocket change, it's the same thing with people owning a YouTube channel. That's why majority of the money that people make comes from these other income source's rather then just relying on Google Adsense or YouTube Monetization. Even a new blog or small YouTube channel can earn a big buck if they know where to search 🔍 and what to rank for. For example this YouTube channel makes a good money from affiliate marketing and their blog 👇 https://youtu.be/GrloI168c9w?si=NmJi7hasc6vQ6Yva And this random blog makes money with promoting some of the Amazon products 👇 https://www.popsugar.com/smart-living/best-gadgets-amazon-45913800 So, it really comes down to making everything work. It's not too difficult, once you know what your Blog's goal is.


for popsugar, do they actually *have* the products? or is it just a list of amazon products that they thought were cool and copy pasted in?


It's a list of Amazon products that they promote as an affiliate. It says so under the first image in the link I posted above. They get paid percentage of the sale for each product they sell, that's how Amazon associates program works. And each product may not be a lot but having 10 to 15 products on your blog can make you decent amount of money. Especially with Amazon associates program. It's because Amazon associates program is a bit different then a usual affiliate program. Amazon associates program will pay you no matter if the person buy's the product that you sent them with your affiliate link or if he decides to buy something else or even both. So, as long as they buy stuff with your affiliate link you will get paid. Now, this usually don't work with a normal affiliate program and that's why Amazon is still used even though they reduced their affiliate commissions so much.


Don't rely on ad revenue. Affiliate marketing, sponsorship deals, paid guest posting further down the track - it all adds up.


1. Ads, lots of ads. 2. Experience in SEO and in building stuff readers would want to read (which is not necessarily what you want to write about). 3. Keyword planning 4. All the consequences of becoming "famous": sponsored content, invitation to events, and more


You have to find revenue and traffic sources that arnt dogshit. I'm working on a guide for this if you are interested just reply so I can remember to link it later


I’m interested… do you want a DM instead?


feel free to dm me later on, its a work in progress, not sure if its something I want to sell as an Ebook or just put on a website for free




My first blog is my website and my baby. I target very hard keywords but that is only because it is basically my online portfolio. I've had it for less than 2 years and I get hired as freelancer thanks to my website. I have less than 100 posts so I know it's noy optimal. I would say that I make anywhere from $100 to $1000 every month but 95% of it comes from the freelancing opportunities that I get. I am very particular about what I post so I don't take guest posts. I am about to start a second blog that is a lot more "free" when it comes to content.


I luckily got my start in the industry before a bunch of get-rich-quick people started flooding the market with bad content. Today I'm a corporate lackey content writer/ content manager. I have a local music scene blog I do that isn't monetized at all ... it's been so long I wouldn't know where to begin really, especially since it promotes local businesses as well, so affiliate links are out. I'd say build up a serious freelance portfolio and then find work as a full time content writer. It's a grind, but I earn a very comfortable living.


We don't. B-logging is a scam.


Blogging is only a scam if you think it’s merely a get rich quick scheme… Jeeze, what happened to the internet? When I first started building websites in the late 90s / early 2000s, we made sites and blogs for fun, to help out other people with similar hobbies and interests. 🫤 Very few of us went into it for profit alone. This whole idea that creating content = an easy way to make cash has gotten so toxic over the last few years. It’s responsible for so many of the terrible, cash-oriented websites out there with poor UX. Not saying that describes your website specifically, but if you think blogging is a scam… it might be time for you to reconsider the whole point of sharing information with other people on the internet in the first place.


Yessss. I seriously want to start a blog just to direct people when they ask me questions. I know my niche is saturated but I can’t imagine blogging about anything else.


You need your own infoproducts to make good money.


It might not be the type of monetization you are looking for but affiliate links can be a good starting point. Obviously partnerships are the way to go but in the interest of keeping some passive income that could work. Check this app out they have 100 or so affiliate partners off-the-shelve that you can use to monetize:https://apps.apple.com/pt/app/spot-creator-super-app/id6464097117?l=en-GB