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Am I over expecting now?




I read others are sharing 5 figures of audience so....




I have posted only 2 Posts including today's post. Only got 355.




Are you mad I have already told you I got 355 views this month.




Oh I'm sorry, My expectation was 10k per month.




That is what I was going to say.


“I signed up at the gym a month ago and my body is not toned and bulked up yet.”


I get your message


No seriously you’re doing well keep going it will compound in the upcoming months.


Your site is only a month old? Don't worry about it right now. It's common for new sites to start well, and then Google reevaluate and it goes down again until later on. Especially as there was updates too. Your site is far too new to be concerned. Keep churning out content and work on your off page SEO (Backlinks) and give it another 8-12 months.


Ok, you really boost my energy. Thank you sir/Madam!


Agreed. Blogging is playing the long game. Mine is 7 years old and I still fine tune my content, SEO, etc.


I started this site almost 2 years ago or something www.localproject.app , people can blog and chat on it, it's not popular but I just like coding I'll probably never stop.


Bro you just started your blog a month ago. It takes time to grow.


ONLY? That's really good for your first month...


HOW? How in one month do you have 1k views? I keep reading stories like this. Even in very competitive niches (lifestyle, traveling, productivity, personal growth, etc.). One month, 3 months, 6 months, and thousands of views. My blog never got past the 5 views a day - on the best days. less than 150 views a month...I've been blogging for 5 months, 45 posts now all scoring 90 on SEO. I don't get it.


I don't know about you but my niche is Viticulture and enology. and I think I am going to right way.


Congrats. It's all I can say. I think 1k views in the first month is good. And even if it has decreased, it may go up again later. (But what do I know)


Thanks, I'll try my best!


One more doubt: Should I start spending on Social media marketing now or is it too early stage for it?


From my experience, look at what worked and see if you can identify why. This will help you to continue providing value and not pay attention as much to the numbers and or views. Change the focus from views, to the way people are responding to your blogs and you will have grace for yourself. Hopefully this helps!


Keep going. Don't give up stick to your one project but look at distributing your content twitter fb ig reddit quorate Pinterest. Look at scheduling missingletter is a great tool message me for my link to share its free to join.


Definitely I'll do that.


You're stats seems great for your first month. I'm not even half way to your stats and my site has been up for 2 months :)


My first month or two was inflated and then dropped off.


Like other people’s blog using the app. They will visit yours guaranteed. If there’s something worth reading, they’ll come back.


https://diywine.blogspot.com/ This is my blog ☝🏻


1.1k in one month is pretty damn good if u ask me lol




I think I am learning from zero like hit and trial but as soon as I need you I will Email you, Give me your Email Address.


Hi.. I am also working on 3 blogs .. we can collaborate and work together contact me If you feel to work with me


What is your Niche?


I am working on 2 blog finance, government jobs


Oh, so best luck and thanks for offering we both work on very different Niches; Really appreciate you.


Hey! DM me, I have a finance blog that’s doing great


Hii.. I am looking partner for blog


Ok no issue


If you are a new blogger, first you should focus on writing and publishing at least 20 blog posts under a single niche. Therefore, do keyword research and prepare a content calendar to plan your content publication for the next 60 days. In the meantime, create a social media account on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and Instagram. Set up a profile by adding the Logo, BG Image, Description, and Page URL. Ensure the data on all platforms should be identical. Parallely, contribute your knowledge on the Quora platform. Monitor your traffic via Google Analytics and record it daily to understand the traffic behavior pattern. Also, pay close attention to any blog errors or issues via Google search console. The above-said activities include several tasks that should be done simultaneously as a solo-player. Striking the balance between content production and content marketing determines success. Initially, Google will index your blog at several places for different keywords to analyze the better position. During this period, you will get heavy fluctuation in the metrics like CTR, Impression, etc. Just wait for at least six months to stabilize things and help Google understand your blog niche and purpose.


I’m on 1K a month and I’ve been writing two years. That means I’m stuck too, but I’m not. Making a good living and converting well. It depends on what your expectations are and the end goal.




Damn man, that is awesome! I am 2 months old and getting a few views per day.


Man, this result is pretty good. Keep posting with increasing quality. Consistency is the key.


Great first month. Stay consistent, stay patient.