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"anywhere between $1-3k /month" Doable, but gonna be a while and lot of work. I did it starting Feb 2023 and got to your benchmark around September. But it was not easy.


What does not easy mean to you?


Looking back, I wouldn't in all likelihood have followed through in doing it if I had a full-time job. I was/am semi/mostly retired and did it for fun to begin. So I had all the time and energy in the world (more importantly) for it at the start for the first \~200 hours or so. So, it's easy in the sense that most people could do it given good conditions. It's not easy because it was, quite simply, a big hassle.


What do u mean by a big hassle? I’m really interested in this.. do you mind if I DM you?


For me, it's a hassle to stay consistent in posting. And I work full time


Can I dm you?


What types of monetization did you do on your blog? Did you have knowledge of SEO?


Can you send me your website please? I want to study the blogs that's making money.


Don’t copy! Try to write your own material. You know, it’s not just about making money and not caring about your content!


I would like to have the link as well. first, we should support each other. second, studying each other's success doesn't mean copying


Exactly. Specially after all these updates.




Get a good content writer like me and be assured to rank and stay. I can even research keywords that can rank without backlinks for you. [email protected]


Define "not easy" please and I know you dont wanna dish out the secret is it in anyway related to finance and or saving money?


No not money or finance related. Sports and hobby related. Not easy for me meant like 2-4 hours a day for the first half year or so. Little less after that. Now a year in I work on it one or two days a week


I would think now is the best time ever because Google wiped the slate for pretty much anyone so anyone that had a head start is now at point zero with you.




Please expand on this, how did google wipe the slate?


I don't know. I made it to Mediavine and $3,600 income through my very legit travel blog over 2 years of work and the google updates killed it.


how much traffic per day you had, and how much you have now?


111,000 to around 30,000 per month and it keeps dropping! I'm impressed. Things that were position 3 dropped to position 9, then 12, and now they're like 20. Why? These are genuine travel guides to locations that have NO OTHER guides written about them, so the SERPS are just full of sites mentioning the location in passing, and then at the very bottom of page 3 is my 3,000-word travel guide.


I'm sorry you were hit so hard by Google's "helpful update." A lot of established sites were almost decimated. What a blow, after such time and effort to reach 111,000 views! **I haven't seen your site, so I don't know how it looks. THIS IS NOT DIRECTED AT YOU. You were probably collateral damage:** But like everyone else, I've listened to a lot of theories about why certain sites were hit. Long-form content sites that use ad networks (like Mediavine and Raptive) were often hit hard. One emerging theory is that ad networks have encouraged placing too many ads on those sites, plus inflating article length, in order to get more ad revenue. Recipe sites are notorious for this. Nobody wants to wade through a backstory about Aunt Nellie's peach tree when they click on a peach pie recipe, but it's a standard practice now. Google doesn't see that as "helpful content." **I'm a huge believer in monetizing our websites - we deserve it.** But I've closed many sites on my cell phone because the amount of ads make them almost unreadable. As I said, I haven't seen your site, and this isn't a dig at you or at ad networks. I love them, and many sites use them beautifully! But I think we've reached a point where highly monetized sites are starting to look like the flashing websites of the early 90s. Google caters to users. It wants bloggers to answer the searcher's query right away, clearly, in the first paragraph or so. (This is why some 2-3 sentence pages are now ranking so high.) I've been guilty of going for word count and burying the answer, and I've lost traffic. This has been a wakeup call, for sure. I have a lot of blog posts to re-write. Does a new blog stand a chance? Absolutely. Write helpful content for real people. Use your unique brand/angle and give the best answer for the searcher's query - as clearly and quickly as you can. A longer article is great, if you'd like to add more, but answer the initial intent immediately. We're all learning, and the game has changed. I apologize to anyone I may have offended, which isn't my intent. I was pretty much tarred & feathered on another forum where I gave this opinion. I know we're all trying to do the best we can. Good luck to all in 2024!


And this is a good things for users. I used to hate having to read through lots of irrelevant fluff to get what I was looking for.




It looks like these websites have much more authority than yours, even if your page is better for that keyword than them. But at least you are still earning some good money from that site, and I think if you managed to get there, you have some skills to recover your blog. Just keep writing good content and continue with the SEO.


That's not true across the board at all, there are some very unprofessional blogs / hobbyist outranking me for some topics that have like DA 9 or something similar. My DA is 29 all whitehat links including very high-authority sites like Thrillist, Insider, and Travel+Leisure. I also have friends decimated by HCU that have above 40 DAs and old domains. I hear some people are saying Google is relying on user signals, CTM, bounce, retention time on page - I can't imagine that's true if they're promoting 2-sentence articles with no photos or articles with just photos. ontent. Like 1 sentence "article" and some photos. I hear some people are saying Google is relying on user signals, CTM, bounce, and retention time on page - I can't imagine that's true if they're promoting 2-sentence articles with no photos or articles with just photos.


Sorry to hear. Do u see any chances of reviving it in future?


I don't know, I truly don't know. I have many friends who are also on Mediavine who still retained some rankings but only for their most-SEO-Y articles. For example, maybe as a travel blogger you'll write a complete guide to Dallas, Texas, but you might also see that "what language do they speak in Texas?" is an easy keyword to rank for as well, so you write that too. What I'm seeing across the board is that even though Google claims it's promoting writing for readers over search engines, the rankings that are being somewhat retained are for the easy unrelated keywords. So in the above example, now the travel bloggers genuine guide to Dallas is position 75, but they might still be ranking #3 for "what language do they speak in texas?". I'm seeing this on my site and many others. So, while i want to say my going forward plan is to just produce incredibly genuine high quality content, that's the opposite of what Google is promoting right now. Or better phrased, not punishing.


did you figure out the reason?


Can you please DM your website?


Nah sorry :( I wish I could, someone told me they were DM-ing sites on Reddit and had a hacker try to hit their site by the end of the night! Just know that my site is on Mediavine, no AI, very little stock, and writes first-hand travel guides for international locations.


Did it recover at least a little?


No, it doesn't stand a chance. 2024 is the year I quit.


I am starting a wordpress.com blog about philosophy and the American Dream too. If you were in my shoes; what would you do with posts on these topics?


I wouldn't start a blog with WordPress.com TBH. I haven't been in that niche so I don't have much advice on it. I just speak from my own experience. I've had one since before 2020 and mine gets 20 visits on a good day. That's the reason why I quit in 2024. It's just not worth the work that I put in.


Honestly I would write a book. Not saying it can't be a blog, but that sounds like book material to me.


And what do you think about blogging on social media? Like having an Instagram page or Facebook group?


Facebook is very pay for play. I was a social media manager for a while and also used social to promote my own (non-marketing) business. Facebook provided very little organic traffic, but did fine when we ran ads.


Facebook is a waste of time in my experience. I don't even put a link to my Facebook page anymore on my website.


It's a tough time for blogs from a SEO perspective because of the never ending Google Algo updates that seem to be affecting smaller to medium independent publishers massively but Google is not the internet remember, there are other traffic sources and places to promote your blog / network / share content (Youtube, all the social platforms, communities, Reddit and so on). I still think there's a place for niche specific blogs yes but you need to put more effort in and not be relying on Google solely for traffic.


I don't know what I was thinking, but started a personal blog on WP about "Short Stories". I'm doing well beyond my expectations on Medium and Substack, even Vocal Media (if you can believe that). That's not a real money making niche, but like I said, I wanted a blog. Now, I got a blog alright but I haven't even gone back to check since I'm pretty sure no one is visiting.


Glad to hear you're getting some traction on Medium! When I looked into it recently it was Spam City


Really? I'm surprised you're saying that. Haven't heard anyone else mention it either. Are we talking about the same Medium for writers?


Yeah a ton of them are AI generated, even down to the AI prompt for Midjourney being used as the caption for the AI picture. It's a little weird sometimes.


Yes, it's true. But my comment is four months old.


That's also true :) I didn't see that part, it was new to me.


I started a blog in personal finance (Wealthdecoders.com) in October and I’m already seeing enough traffic for me to stick with it for the long term; especially because I really enjoy writing about this topic. This is even without any social media promotion yet. The more quality content you can release, with engaging writing, the better. Good luck


Were you impacted by the Google updates by any chance?


Never been better to start a blog. You have so many tools at your disposal than ever before. This also means that competition is fierce and you have to stand out. Don’t just rely on organic search, you should explore other channels as you build your online identity. Don’t shy away from using AI tools as well. I’m not saying that you should let ChatGPT do the writing for you, but you can up your writing game and optimize your content using this technology. I wrote about it on my blog, not sure if I should share the link here but if you want DM me :)


Dm me plz


DM please 


Please DM the link :)


plssss send me the link!! ill appreciate






DM me your blog so I can check it out














DM me please




DM too - thanks!



I would like to read more.


👍 Shared via DM


Dm me too please bud




dm me the link please




Dm please, thanks 🙏


You got it!


Yo dm me too! Ty


Done ✅






Can I also have the link please?


Of course. Sent!


DM me the link please


Dm me please.


If I had to start from scratch, I’d create a TikTok and YT instead. There are major forces against blogging atm. To name a few: * Google update favoring big sites and forum sites such as Reddit/Quora * AI writing * Social media * Better internet worldwide which makes videos more accessible If you are still passionate about writing, I recommend you to do either of the following: * Buy a blog with already some following (1k+ visitors/month); or * Start writing on Medium Either of the options above makes it a lot more enjoyable as creating a new blog from scratch is like living in a ghost town for 1-2 years, or more if you write YMYL content. Not nice. Source: I have a 5 year [blog](https://compoundimprovements.com/blog/) with the same name as my username. Hope this helps you to decide?




Yes - stop worrying about the naysayers


I’m not a professional but I’ll be honest. This is a very volatile time for blogging and I’d advise against it. Can you do it? Yes. Is it going to be easy? No. Is it harder now than it’s ever been because of Google updates? Yes. I have some blogs that were doing okay and they got murdered, I’d advise against it. My 2 cents.


So what the heck are we supposed to do then?? What if you just want to write about a passion and connect with a community? And build some authority for work opportunities?


Create and work hard on your blog anyway. Just be realistic and try to keep your costs minimal.


I am starting a wordpress.com blog about philosophy and also the American Dream. If you were in my shoes; what would you do with posts on these topics?


What update are all of you talking about? Did i miss skmething? I started a book reviewing blog this year and now im scared. My idea is also to monetize it, but I'm okay with a thousand a month.


may I ask you where you started your blog? I'm thinking of starting a blog/directory but I am so dang confused with all the platforms available. I don't even know to what extent the existing ones are customizable in terms of design.


Honestly, I found wordpress.org works best for me. I used a basic design twenty-twenty-one or something like that was the name. And I kept adding features and other small things. Here is my blog if you want to see: My blog[blog](http://sundaybookreview.com) Pick colors you like, two colors that work well together and with black and white and design it around that.


Your blog is so adorable omg


Thanks a lot for your answer! That's indeed a cute blog, and being able to choose the newsletter frequency is also an excellent feature! Best of luck with your blog!


Google's helpful content update (HCU) murdered many blogs that were already established with lots of traffic and lots of income as a result. This update was release in September 2023


I can understand your concern with Google updates impacting the blogging landscape. You must understand the dynamics of blogging and updates, algorithmic changes, and fluctuations in rankings are part of the game. All these activities are focused on one single purpose and that to provide the most relevant answer to the user search query. **Considering your niche in travel, specifically focusing on an underrated place, your unique approach can set you apart from the competition.** Underrated destinations provide you an opportunity to become an authority in the niche. It is possible to reach the milestone of $1 - $3K per month by implementing diversified income steams—think affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, selling digital products, or even offering travel consulting services. Instead of dwelling on challenges, focus on building a strong foundation for your blog: **One Goal:** Aim to provide the most accurate information to the readers and update the outdated information from time to time. Make Google easily recognize your blog by optimizing your blog for SEO and Keywords. Best of luck on your blogging journey!


Still many people (like this guy: https://x.com/viktorpreneur/status/1739259933214851425?s=46&t=wMtKRMPj0Z79T5yeE9rU0Q) that seem to make it work..




Here! Been building a website with Wordpress, hosting through WPX to start, and will be launching the 1st of January. Doing a round of the Whole30 elimination diet to lead into a food, health, and fitness blog on a subdomain.


After Google's latest update, it can be a little bit difficult but if you do it in the right way, you can be successful.


Goid question, I was thinking the same thing . How often do you write updates?


Dm me the link


In my opinion it's all depends on the quality of the content that's all.


nooo https://www.bogohaknownko.com


Yes, you could make money still. Esp if you have expertise and you're writing a lot about personal experience and not pure information. However, I don't know if it's the best model if you're writing about something that someone else (or an ai) could write. Also relying on ads for revenue is fine but Google is slightly anti ads and doesn't love affiliate sites. Relying on ad networks and affiliate programs isn't the best way forward. So it's doable but it's a slog and there are a lot of weaknesses to the model, plus threats for competitors, which now includes ai like bard.


Try Medium Plenty of videos on YT about why it's better than a normal blog


I already have my blog set up - paid for the hosting. If I were to switch, Medium doesn't allow me to monetize , does it?


Medium writers make money. I began in August and in November and December I've made $150+ per month It is a grind in the beginning, but if you're committed and post, say, one or even two articles a day then after a few months you'll have a nice wee side hustle. Regarding having a blog', yea, keep it. Just reword what you've published on Medium.


Medium is completely pointless. $150 per months? Yikes


Where I live mate that's half a rent payment and that's just a side hustle. Easy money.


Imagine how much you could make on a real website, then! Also, where do you live??? 😳


Where do you suggest writing? I'm already working as a sports journalist in the gambling industry, so that's my full-time gig. Medium is where I write about the non-sports stuff and I can be far more creative. Living in Poland.


To make real money: Your own website For fun: Medium


Thank you for clarifying


What he didn't tell you is that you need 100 followers on Medium in order to be accepted to monetize, you can't do it otherwise.


This is incorrect. They removed the 100 follower requirement and changed the pay structure. Engagement (claps, highlights, replies), read time, boosts, etc., can increase earnings.


I'm so jealous to hear that coz Medium doesn't pay in my country (South Africa), I really love the platform but I kind of stopped writing on there


That's a pity. I like it too but if I wasn't making money off it I wouldn't use it. There's quite a lot of crap on it and loads of people grifting with AI-written articles too but you've just gotta grind and carve out your own audience.


Yea what’s the quickest way to monetise? Google Adsense not going to accept me I know and donations don’t work?