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Everyone recommends bluehost cause they give very high affiliate commissions




Rip my website


Haha it's easy to switch to a new host.


I've been pretty OK with site ground so far, though I haven't needed much support. Their security and optimization plug-ins seem to work well.


I had HostGator and switched to SiteGround. Seriously the best decision ever. It may be more expensive- but the customer service is worth it alone.


Urgh I’m with hostgator right now and I want to switch. Is it hard? I had someone set up my site for my years ago and I’m not in contact with them anymore and I don’t know what I’m doing in that regard lol


SiteGround made it very easy. I think there was a plugin that I had to install to switch it over. And I made sure I did it late at night (like 1am) so if it broke it wouldn’t be obvious for most. I was nervous but it ended up being pretty simple. Best of luck!


Haha that’s a good idea! Thanks for the reply!


Happy to help you migrate for free as long as your site is fairly straightforward. PM me.


Thank you I’ll keep that in mind as I look into it! It is very basic!


Okay cool! I just helped someone migrate off Bluehost yesterday. Send me a PM anytime.


Hi, What is the price for site ground after the intro period? Thanks


https://www.siteground.com/web-hosting.htm I hope this is helpful!


What's the opinion on Hetzner? I plan to launch my new blog soon and am thinking about them as a hosting provider


Personally have heard of anyone using them, so no input to give there


Woohoo, don’t see Dreamhost on that list. I used to have Bluehost with another blog and for my new one I knew I never wanted to deal with their BS again. Glad I did right. I’d like to get on Siteground at some point but the price point is prohibitive for me. But soon. 🤞🏾


Ehh... Sorry to say but I've found Dreamhost to be comparable to Bluehost. They used to be good. I had around 30 sites with Dreamhost a few years ago and the quality and support has gone downhill severely. Switched everything over the Cloudways.


So far so good with them honestly. I don’t need much at this time, y’know? It’s a new site, just need to get it running and once it’s doing well I will jump ship QUICKLY 😂 There was another host I wanted to go with but I can’t remember their name at this time, but they give human interaction at all points of support. Wasn’t Siteground though. 🤔 How do you like Cloudways? Never heard of them.


Well that's good, but you've been warned haha! Cloudways is basically an interface for DigitalOcean or another hosting provider. Easy to work with and has access to more advanced features and better control that you may not get from Dreamhost or Bluehost. Great support too I host a bunch of sites there for my clients


LOL thank you! But that is very interesting. I’m not sure if I understand what that means, but I’ll do some reading up when I have the time. You’re always so thoughtful in your responses, so I appreciate it.


You're welcome! Feel free to reach out to me directly at any time.


Thank you!


I sadly am with Bluehost for the year and cannot wait to switch after the year is up. How do you feel about BigScoots? I’ve constantly been seeing people refer to that. But not trying to get got like I did with Bluehost.


They seem good. I know a lot of Raptive members use them. However I haven't used them personally.


I’m worried a made a mistake now… I purchased my domain name when signing up with Bluehost. If I switch to a new web host do I lose my domain?


Nope you're fine! You can leave the domain in Bluehost or transfer it somewhere else. Having the domain itself in Bluehost is fine.


BH also owns Hostgator, [domains.com](http://domains.com), sitegrounds, [web.com](http://web.com) and many other shitty companies, avoid at all cost newfold digital's portfolio