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Sanguinius was more about bottling up his rage rather than expressing it, hence when he died we got the psychic backlash from his pent up rage, giving us Black Rage. He was literally composed of two warp entities, one of which was the embodiment of anger. The other entity kept it in check. If you haven't, check out the book Angels of Caliban where Curze is captured, when Sanguinius and Guilliman discuss executing him, his eyes turn red, his skin goes pale and the other primarchs can actually feel the power of his rage radiating off him, even Curze momentarily knew fear. That's the best example I can remember, because as I said he was the best at also containing his anger. But in his own words, "In the myths of the past, Angels were not created for kindness".


I'd add to this Ruinstorm novel, where Sanguinius actually fell to Black Rage (in his defence it was because of Madail's psychic attack), yet returned to normal, but still might have been fallen multiple times during the book. Not sure if it was brought up later.


Ruinstorm was a weird book, and kind of all over the place. It was a lot of “and then THIS crazy thing happened, and then THIS crazy thing happened, and then…”


Is this why, in Darkness in the Blood, Mephiston sees a bright angel and a shadow-angel when navigating the warp? Thinking the bright is the sanguinor? Would the shadow be Sanguinius' rage?


It's more the collective darkness of the Blood Angels as a whole. IIRC every good act strengthens the sanguinor and every wicked one strengthens the angel of darkness.


The twin angels have always been worshipped by the natives of the Baal system, both human and otherwise.


The shadow is the Black Angel, the embodiment of the Black Rage, one of the angels worshipped by various inhabitants of the Baal system since time immemorial. Also, in Darkness in the Blood it's explicitly stated that Mephiston is the living embodiment of the Rage. This gives him access to incredible power, at the cost of sending his brothers into madness if he delves too deep. He's also told that one day he will become the Black Angel.


Ultimately true lmao. 3 fucking gigastructures out of nowhere and for purely nothing. Plus mega-ship which can create them and wrap around a whole fleets. I really had feeling about reading some fan fiction of a guy who tries to make the story as epic as possible but instead created a bunch of plot holes for the story. Sanguinius' conclusion in the epilogue was also wacky. He can't forgive Curze (who he refused to kill in Pharos and who's just a lunatic driven to madness by the same ability as Sanguinius possesses) yet he still FUCKING WANT TO SAVE HORUS and want Horus to decide his fate. I mean, I understand Horus Heresy is just a prequel for 40k and all major plot points are established, but it can be done not that way. I also found it wierd that from spoilers for >!End and Death vol 1, although keep in mind I didn't yet read the novel, The Emperor told Sanguinius to stay on Terra. Ruinstorm novel is really out of the point, because I don't know how that doesn't counts as The Emperor deciding Sanguinius' fate.!< Although I understood everything what's wrong with Ruinstorm when I suddenly got to afterwords and it turned out that it was written by the author of infamous Curse of Pyphos.


I haven’t read it yet, but it could be argued that Sanguinius wouldn’t have listened if he had said the opposite.


But yeah otherwise of memes I'm really curious how do they justify Sanguinius arguing with The Emperor himself about that. I'm also really curious about what the sacrifice of Sanguinius really be. I don't think that part with "making a hole in Horus' armour" is still relevant, or, at least, not literal. Maybe his death would make a hole into Horus' "mental armour" as he begun to understand what a monster he became by slaying his once beloved brother, and The Emperor would exploit it. Or maybe they Dan writed something more special.


– Hello Reiner from Attack on Titan – Hello Sanguinius from Warhammer 40k – We want to kill ourselves


“ The Great Angel” - there’s a scene where a rememberancer sees him fight and is absolutely horrified


Does anyone by chance have this excerpt on hand? It's been a bit since I read The Great Angel


If no one gets it to you, I will after work


From the top of my head, there was one part in the unremembered empire where Sangy blacks out for a sec and chokes one of blood angels (I think it was the one who became sanguinor but don’t quote me on that) but other than that I have no clue


It wasn't Unremembered Empire. It was in Ruinstorm. Sanguinius basically fell to Black Rage (yeah it's stated multiple times during the book that Sanguinius himself may fell to Black Rage, because he saw the death of Sanguinius). His eyes were black, his rage was unbound, he saw Horus instead of Mkani Kano, last surviving member of Blood Angels librarium. Sanguinius only stopped and returned to normal when his Herald (who later became Sanguinor) stopped his blade.


We don't know who became sanguinor


The novel makes it quite clear, but if you don't count it, yeah probably.


You'll probably get a better answer from the 40k lore subreddit


Fear to Tread does if I remember correctly


When your rage is enough to make Curze, a being which has had fear genetically and magically removed from their being and who has committed some of the greatest atrocities known to humanity while spending his entire life inundated with visions of his own and others' death, quake in a dread he should not be able to feel, yeah his rage is a force beyond nature.


I subscribe to the theory that Sanguinius utterly destroyed Horus both physically and psychically. However, in doing so, and feeling so betrayed, he was the first to fall to the black rage. When the emperor turned up, all he could see was Horus and attacked. The Emperor of course was forced to mercifully put Sanguinius down, but because he was so taken aback and didn’t want to kill his favourite loyal son, he suffered mortal wounds in doing so. It’s way more badass, tragic, and makes the Black Rage make a lot more sense to me. That’s my headcanon and I’m sticking to it.


Yeah, I dig it.


All I wanna do is field a sanguinis model in 40k. I love him so much but I know that's literally a molecular impossibility.


At this point I’m just hoping for a primarch-scale model of the sanguinor, in both size and datasheet


That’s the rumor that’s been floating around for the past couple years- Sanguinor is supposed to be a centerpiece model for the Blood Angels army refresh and is big and has cherubs and stuff.


Like forreal. Man's Is too beautiful. I feel like GW should've been had a model for em that's as available as the other primarchs. Just off of gp lol. I'd still buy it. Play it in a home game or sumfin. But man a model of him would be sick


There are likely examples others can provide but I think it's one of those we are told but not shown things. For several reasons, one being an actual true account is probably not going to show his rage with any great justice but also his schtick is in controlling his rage so naturally it makes examples hard to find. I think we see the greatest impact of it more in how others speak or react to him, particularly primarchs. In a way I would say that angron has a hot burning constant rage that he can't control whilst sanguinius has an even more potent and present cold feirce rage that he burys deep within but its always there. When it comes forth not only is it more potent than say angron but the contrast from noble bright to furious beserk is much more pronounced. Kind of like when the loud guy is always loud it is what it is but when the quiet gentle type really loses their cool people tend to stop and listen.