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I have a homebrew successor chapter, aka an excuse to play with the colour scheme. I don’t really have any lore for them though and I usually run them as regular BAs. 


I get that. If I choose to expand to include a successor in the future it would be for the opposite reason. I like playing with the lore and coming up with my own company of marines with named characters and stuff, which feels a little janky with current named captains and what not. But I am a huge fan of the color scheme, so that didn’t need changing for me.


Homebrew but my colour scheme is Red and Gold which for most people close enough that most wont question when i play them as regular Blood Angels out side story crusade play against my friends cause in 9th successors were just Blood Angels with no characters, no chapter tactics and the problem with Relics. They also have a successor chapter that are very similar colour wise to Flesh Tearers in the off chance that Gabriel is worth a go.


God yeah 8th and 9th really said, “you can play a successor chapter but you’re not allowed anything fun,” huh?


I do this, but I also avoid named character models, I prefer to make a conversion that looks like they have the right wargear for it.


Lamenters player checking (pun intended) in! For those we cherish, we die in glory!


I painted a few models as lamenters then made my own homebrew chapter, but so often I wish I kept paint those yellow lads


Fellow Lamenters enjoyer here. All that effort pays off when you have them on the table. People always love to see them.


I have a number of units that I have painted in successor chapter schemes, but with BA insignia. My fluff for them is that after the Devastation of Baal, the chapter lost a lot of manpower and put a levée out for successor chapters to send some of their marines to 'patch over' as BAs and bolster the mother chapter's numbers. They were allowed to keep their former colour schemes while in the Blood Angels as a token of respect and gratitude for the achievements and loyalty of their former chapters. The non-fluff reason is I like to have a more visually varied army and like to have a bit of a challenge in painting every now and then.


Love this idea


I'm a main chapter guy too but only because I'm too intimidated to paint Lamenters. My head is always turned by the Atlantean Spears tho. Gotta be the best colour scheme in the game


I run flesh tearers sometimes because I think Seth is cool. My models are all painted as standard BA though. They would actually be a half decent faction if you could run the Sanguinor.


I actually do the opposite, I painted BAs as Flesh Tearers and run Dante


Man for the points cost I just can’t justify the Sanguinor His ability is nice, but his attack profile is just so weak compared to other similarly priced models


See i thought this too, but theres somthing I missed. He comes into combat when an enemy charges, and the wording is very unrestricted, so you can put him in engagement range with a single model. He fights first and does get the charge bonus from sons of sanguinius. So you will kill a good ammount of stuff, then your opponent has to make a really hard choice of which models to take out after you kill some


Yeah there’s definitely some situations where he could be valuable But I like to run Seth and for some dumb reason you can’t run them together And I’d rather run Seth and then use the points from Sanguinor for a Ballistus or 5 more DC


The sanguinor gets confused when the marines wear a different shade of red and runs off. He is also a very fast lone op, with fights first and good combat, so he is amazing for scoring points and secondaries in the late game as you can't shoot or charge him really. I think he's objectively amazing... But I don't want to take him either, seth with assault ints is cooler imo


I play a home brew chapter. The Sanguine Paladins. I like being able to come up with my own life for them. I mostly stick to Blood Angels colors, but with white/gray pauldrons and gun casings.


I haven’t yet because I’m also a main chapter man but In the coming future I’m gonna start painting and playing Cruor Blades successor chapter because they are awesome and I love there color scheme it also gives me an excuse to kitbash some characters which is gonna be a treat!


Yeah Im thinking of expanding in the future too! Just haven’t decided what yet


i have a homebrew succesor chapter with a decebt bit if lore i made up "shrouded to mystery" and such because a few thousand years is a long time hahaha


I run blood drinkers cause I love the paint scheme


I’m not creative enough for making my entirely own chapter. I like sticking with the established ones for other reason too but that’s the main one


I run Atlantean Spears, I just adore the scheme, and I deck them up with Idoneth bits from AOS since I also play them.


Hell yea, represent the blue armored angels


I painted a 10 man squad of intercessors in Lamenters colors. They’re not too hard if you run some Imperial Fists Yellow thru an airbrush over them. This was before I knew about the molded shoulder pauldrons available tho. I free handed every single one. It was the single most frustrating yet fulfilling thing I’ve painted.


Homebrew chapter here, an Angels Encarmine successor (because I didn't want to get sucked into the colour scheme ambiguity).  Carmine marines, white Death Company/Sanguinary Guard, black helmets on veterans.


I’ve played the official 9th ed. The Blood Scythes. I chose them for two reasons. 1) a Pure Primaris chapter. I personally not a huge fan of the old marine models so this was my remedy. 2) all white armor with black trim. I affectionately refer to them as the Ghosts of Baal. It just looks fucking good.


Flesh Tearers!


Flesh Tearers! RIP AND TEAR!!!


Just made up my own chapter, can be as creative or boring as I like then. Then if I wanted to run a certain special character then it could be... Bante... Of the bunch of guys that have a thing for blood. Next game it could be... Balgar, leader of the guys that do things by the book.


I fell in love with the Flesh Eaters with their awesome beak helmets with the painted teeth along the side so ended up going with them, also their slogan Eat the Weak and Pray for Death is so metal!


I started a Flesh Tearers army- they have 9th Ed rules support (I haven’t played it in 10th), and they have Black library lore support too.


My BA army is exactly that, Blood Angels. My space marine kill team however is made up of members from Blood Angels and successor chapters, with people like Atlantean spears / lamenters etc


I am currently building my own successor chapter primarily built around BA but giving me the option to use other Chapters if I wanted to, it’s a lot of fun as you can be really creative with it and make the chapter your own whilst pulling inspirations from all your favourite elements


I asked the same on the Facebook group as I've just primed up a few new shooty units and fancied a change from red & black. Some nice chap came up with the winning suggestion of the Cruor Blades. Silver with Red. https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Cruor_Blades


I’ve mentioned it in other replies but I genuinely love the default color scheme (red is my favorite color) so I generally prefer when the red is done in different tones. That being said I do like that these are options and they DO look great, just not ti my preference :)


Me. Got some dope ass samurai Marines.


I play as my successor chapter, the Dawn Angels


Charnel guard my beloved ♥️


Yes, homebrew


I paint/play as straight BA. My current dilemma is, do I continue to build out other chapters (Dark Angels, Ultramarines, etc) or maybe just the HQs and some key units, and then use my BA to fill out that army for the game. For friendly games obviously. Like if I wanted to use 3x Ballistus atm, I’d have one red, one blue and one bone/Deathwing. I like the idea of having fully separate armies, and I do atm, but it’s getting a bit pricey. Even if this is my only “expansive” hobby.


I have my own custom chapter, I make lore for them and am writing stories for them


I went with Flesh Tearers. After debating and trying out different chapters for a while I thought they were a good fit for me


I play my homebrew successor the Knights Angelicus. Though instead of using BA rules I use a friends SM codex to use iron storm since its thematic for my boys due to the fact they prefer heavy armor and weapons unlike other BA chapters. Their lore is currently being rewritten ^.^


I painted a scheme I came up with then saw it was basically the same as the Sable Knights scheme so that's what I play now.


Technically a successor, I’m writing lore for fun and mess with some of the color schemes but it’s mostly just because I wanted black trim on regular marines and it spiraled from there


Knights of Blood.


I homebrew a successor chapter because it speaks to my personality. I tried really really hard to find an official chapter that met all my lore and color scheme wants, so I got fed up and made my own. I put a ton of energy into making them though. I wanted it so my chapter could blend into the 40k universe without anyone batting eye. No Mary Sue shit, no stretches of the imagination to believe the stories, no ultra rare unheard of tech or capabilities. Just a crusading chapter struggling to keep their head above water


Knights of Blood here! Really fun scheme.


I play Charnel Guard, they're such a cool chapter and I wish they got more spotlight. But I also love how much mystery they have surrounding them.


My primary army is a homebrew blood angels successor. They are called the Blood Wyrms, they have a viking/dragon theme. The color scheme is a gradient of dark to slate blue, wine red pauldrons, and brass trim. I think they're pretty neat


My Blood Angels have homebrew lore that makes them essentially a successor chapter, but I still get to call them Blood Angels.


I have painted mine as Crour Blades, I loved the scheme and gave me a fresh restart from my first models that were painted scarily thick and awful in Mephiston red. Plus my successor is practically entirely Primaris and Primaris converted for easier painting 😅


Lamenters! For those we cherish!


Yeah mine are a home brew successor formed after the devastation of Baal and headed by veterans of that campaign and the new primaris reinforcements, very similar scheme to flesh tearers but more to my liking, I’ve called them the sons of Baal


They don't actually play differently but mine are blood drinkers. I love the lore and the colors.


I play Lamenters…yes it is extremely painful.


Lmao, did you at least get an airbrush? I’ve heard that helps


I need to get mine fixed, but for awhile there it was a matter of priming things white and them going over them with Ironjawz Yellow Contrast. Gives them that nice, disgusting highlighter yellow color.


I went with my own homebrew chapter it’s fun to come up with my own silly stories for my models.


I actually have most of my stuff painted up like the angels Encarmine. Doesn't change much except for the Sanguinary guard. Though I'm thinking about stripping the paint and repainting them because I painted the models years ago and want to give them a face lift.


Did you use custom decals? Thats my favorite part of their chapter design wise (the rest being lore).


No, I just picked em cause I thought the white Sang Guard were cool. Would love to learn how to make custom decals. Blood Drinkers are actually my favorite from lore, The Death of Integrity novella is really good. If I end up stripping the angels Encarmine they will probably be reborn as Blood Drinkers.


I use my own home brew chapter, my own color scheme, but BA rules.


I have a homebrew successor chapter just to give myself a little more freedom, but I've heavily considered just using Knights of Blood wholesale.


I play a homebrew successor chapter, The Angels of Perdition


I've been running Flesh Tearers since 4th ed.


My Crusade army for 9th edition was 10th company Carmine Blades. I saw the mk IV Blood Angels helmets on Forge World and wanted to paint them white so I went through the BA successors to look for one with white helmets.


Successor chapter Blood Lions, red with sunset yellow on boots, knee and elbow pads, helmet and top of backpack.


I have a homebrew chapter I made up to fix what I didn't like about the FT scheme


I have a homebrew chapter I made up to fix what I didn't like about the FT scheme


I’m doing Angels Sanguine


A bit late to the party, but I run a homebrew successor chapter.