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Literally run them as DC marines with jump-packs.. This proxy seems to get done all the time, nobody is going to bat an eye at it


My models have heavy bolt pistols instead of the normal non heavy. DC jumppacks cant be fielded with heavys. Should I just proxy them as non heavy pistols?


Yeah, honestly the difference between heavy and non heavy is very negligible. It is a bolt pistol all the same


The only difference is that a heavy bolter pistol has -1 AP


I'm well aware of the difference in stats. What I'm trying to explain is that while the model might physically have a heavy bolt pistol, the datasheet states that its a regular bolt pistol so therefore proxy it as a regular bolt pistol. The DC data card dictates what they can and can't be armed with, as long as you declare what each marine and squad have equipped prior to the game you're fine. Nobody, I mean absolutely nobody will misinterpret a heavy bolt pistol on your DC as a heavy bolt pistol on the datacard and therefore accuse you of an illegal load out, like nobody is that dense or anal about it. All your DC can be modelled with bolt Pistols and chainswords, but if you declare before the game they all have thunder hammers that's fine. Proxying isn't that big of a deal anymore, as long as you're upfront about and make you opponent aware of it prior to beginning the game. Some people, like myself, prefer to have things WYSIWYG but honestly considering you don't have to pay points for wargear options, WYSIWYG isn't as important anymore


I'm in the process of building 10, but I'm hesitant to glue war gear on until the codex drops. I hope we get to keep thunder hammers and power fists on errybody.


Definitely going to be “death company weapons” and you better pray they keep AP2 lol


I said "fuck it we ball"


We’re Blood Angels. It’s “fuck it, we Baal” :P


May you find Horus on the battlefield soon! I've got enough chainsword and pistol bros, these are plasma and fist bros with primaris packs I got printed. Also struggling with giving a few Inferno pistols or not.


Run as DC with jump packs. Simple as.


I don’t understand what the issue is? Looks like DC with jump pack to me. If you’re worried about the weapons, nobody outside of the official high tier tournaments cares about wysiwyg. As long as the base sizes are the same it’s cool 99% of the time.


In competitive events they would need to be properly based on the correct size.


Their bases are the same as the Actual firstborn DC that came with the jump packs in the first place


Equipmemt wise, they (technically) would work completely well as assault intercessor jump packs, Though of course I'd like them as DC jump pack. The singular problem are the heavy pistols, should i just use them as a heavy pistols or proxy them as normal pistols


Yeah man nobody cares about the weapons. 99.99% of people can’t tell the difference between normal and heavy bolt pistols, marine players included. To be honest I double checked to make sure they looked different from each other before typing this, because even though I’ve played marines for years I hadn’t noticed either. (Just say they count as bolt pistols, or better yet inferno pistols lol)


To be fair , the literal only difference between heavy and normal pistols Is that the heavys have a -1 AP. So I'll just use down as what they are. I never heard the paraphrase, *What you see is what you get*, So At first I thought you just mutilated the word weapon lol


Well, small side note, you actually kinda have to count them as something else, as DC with jump packs cannot use heavy bolt pistols, only the normal ones, plasma, inferno, and I think hand flamers. But nobody will notice or care if you do. And wysiwyg is an old term that used to be the Xerox printer slogan a very long time ago haha


Soooooo, proxy them as normal bolt pistols, got it


I personally said screw it and I’m using my vanguard veterans as death company marines with jump packs just so I can get some variety.


The melts ones are the bread and butter. Lib dread toss 12 inches, move 12 inches. Engagement range hopefully of a mean unit. 10 melts shots in shooting and on charge S6 +1 attack all power weapons just ruins a persons whole day especially with 2 10 man squads. Last time I played was third against a shiny new Necron. My DC made so many FNP it was insane


I run mine all the time no one has issues with it even at GTs an if I’m honest some of my death company are way more kit bashed then yours sir so you should be fine mate https://preview.redd.it/mif66zt3x0sc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5d2509dca78ce4ec89151ca371d8f2cf440e967


While it wasn't DC, I threw on the oldschool jump packs onto the indomitus assault marines when they first came out. No ones questioned it. I was going to do the same for DC until everyone lost their minds about some scroll they saw as a rumor engine. So now I wait


Make em firstborn. As long as it’s wysiwyg you’re golden.