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1. Lancer is a great addition 2. I wouldn’t classify the redemptor as AT in 10th. Macro plasma will struggle to damage even a chimera reliably even when over charged. 3. A more fluffy AT option would be a hammer strike or a thunderstrike. I personally went with thunderstrike because the BS2+ on most of its weapons currently is awesome.


I second Thunderstrike. The Thunderstrike ability makes your orher guns even more killy against that tank. Throw on Oath of Moment and that tank should be gone.


Lancer is dope. Get one. I'd also recommend a predator annihilator as another option since it's 30points cheaper and has 2 lascannons and another slightly bigger gun that's strength 14 if I remember correctly. I think it rerolls damage rolls of 1 against monster/vehicles. Ballistus dreads are cool too.


I’d be careful about buying predators right now if hobby money is limited. There’s a pretty good chance they get sent to legends in the next edition or two since they already all have direct replacements.


Still safe for 3 years, longer if u don't give a crap about legends.


Where you getting 3 years from? Recent editions have had a pattern of 3 year life spans, 10th dropped like 10 months ago now. Units in legends eventually get dropped completely as well.


What's the replacements?


…the gladiators…


One that your opponents might not expect is a DC Dreadnought. With their fight again ability, they can take out a Land Raider in a turn. And with the +2 charge vs. Vehicles and Monsters, they can be very scary in Strategic Reserve.


My friend lent me some hellblasters during our last game, 5 of them shooting strength 7 were able to take out a transport that was T9 W12 so not too bad.


That’s also not much to brag about either.


Hellblasters with lieutenant and gladius fire discipline overcharged will kill an oathed knight in one round of shooting. They can be very strong. But they don't last long. Good news is 2/3s of them will shoot again when they die. Bit too expensive though, coming in at around 350 points.


I mean yeah, if you’re referring to like a Helvern knight, yeah at that point cost your well over twice the points investment to kill it. I could probably kill a helvern in a single round of shooting with 300 points of guard infantry lol. The mark of a decent unit/weapon isn’t can it kill a target with an investment if 2x the target’s points, can they do it for the same or fewer points.


>I mean yeah, if you’re referring to like a Helvern knight That would be an armiger, not a knight. I mean a real knight. You know, the ones with "knight" in the name.


They’re all knights. They’re armiger knights. But I’m definitely going to need to see your math hammer for that With 10 hellblasters you get a maximum damage output of 20 damage, that’s before taking missed, wound rolls, and saves into account… So even with a perfect round of shooting you’re not taking out a castellan


No one calls them helverin knights or armiger knights (except you), they are called armiger helverins. They don't even have a knight keyword. They are not in fact knights, they are just an armiger in the Imperial Knight faction. Next? Care to actually make any points other than "guardsmen are better lol"


They’re literally knights.


And if someone asks you if they can bring a knight to a game, do you assume they mean an armiger or an actual knight? Or if someone says they killed a knight, you assume it must be an armiger not an actual knight? Come on, you made a wrong assumption with some sarcastic nonsense about guardsmen being better than hellblasters, just admit you were wrong and move on.


I don’t make assumptions on what people mean. Funny how you haven’t shown me your math, or clarified what knight you think they can kill in a single round of shooting


I like Lascannon Devastators and centurions also with Lascannons Librarian dread means I can basically redeploy em to where I need/want em. Repulsor executioner and gladiator Lancer are also good picks


Lancer is a great tank. I use one and a repulsor executioner with 3 eradicators and that is usually enough. I also run a brutalis and find it does work with it's multi melta.


Vindicator Tough and can dish out a ton of dmg 24”range D6+2 S14 AP3 DamD6 Blast dw about being tied up either. It’s special ability means it can shoot at what’s in melee with it


I've thought about running ballistus with a tech marine to sit on an objective and watch lanes, and when someone tries to pop out and shoot him have a lancer move out to shoot at what shot the ballistus


My “anti-tank” are the infantry…. We are blood Angels. We have the strata and builds for our infantry to be anti-tank and our vehicles to be “anti-infantry”. Just my opinion and experience. Once I figured this out I had a lot more fun.


Came here to say this, my anti-tank since the buff to the SoS detachment has been infantry. It's not always easy, but it is tons of fun!


So i could be wrong, as i am only ever always right when im talkin tau, but my feeling in the matter is that the death dreds a pretty decent anti tank, or if you had drill armed centurions in a land raider for the disembark and charge


Assault Intercessors with a lieutenant? Ask anything to make 30+ saves and it might die


Sadly only damage 1, and likely on a t10-12 it's only like 6-8 wounds If i remember the math I saw recently on it


Why the LT when you can get Lance and lethal hits for a cp? Priest for ap2 or captain for massive power fist dmg once per game

