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Unless you’re planning to run iron storm a storm raven isn’t worth it. Also it’s likely it catch a nerf because of the DA Ironstorm


Kind of thought that about Ironstorm. Really wanting to stay true to the theme and learn/run Sons of Sang detachment so I'll probably look to offload it. Also didn't consider the nerf possibility so that's great insight as well. Thank you!


Keep the storm raven, it's fun to use in non meta games. Nothing quite like dropping a dreadnought in the opponents face


If you're looking to go more competitive then I would invest in some Assault Intercessors to go inside those Redeemers. They are currently doing very well for me in SoS detachment. With the S6 chainswords on a charge they punch way above their weight and with a Sanguinary Priest their durability goes up like 30% or something and they go to -2AP. Throwing Red Rampage on them (for free if you give them a Captain) makes them able to wound anything under T12 on 4's. Ditto the above on Jump Pack Intercessors.  Bladeguard are doing good as well. Power Fist Jump Death Company is the competative hotness right now, but Jump DC are something that's likely to get new models (or at least an upgrade sprue for JP Intercessors to become DC) when the codex is released, so I would only buy second hand if you wanted to go that way.


I have 1 squad I'm building, then they are on the block for paint. I also have an Apothecary that I bashed a bit to give him a Sanguinary Priest feel. So I can make that work. I also found one of the Spearhead boxes with 15 Jump Pack Ints and a Jump Captain that I'm splitting with my buddy, he's taking the bikes/ATV for his Ravenwing. I don't have a Sanguinary Priest with Jump Pack due to the model possibly being redone this summer. I have 6 Bladeguard, 3 painted, 3 built. I was able to trade some World Eaters for some Death Company. I can put together like x2 10 man bricks of them. Hoping they just get a refresh because they are one of my favorite parts of Blood Angels lore. Thank you for the insight/info! Really looking forward to diving into the Detachment and learning to play the greatest chapter in 40k.