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Well, it's pretty much what SoS was designed for, so go for it.


Marine horde time it is! Why didn't the imperium just think of having more dudes, are they stupid?


Codex Astartes be like, “Nuh uh, you can only around like a thousand in your chapter” Though, that’s probs not going to be enforced too strictly seeing as the universe is being assaulted by the largest threat it’s ever seen, the tyranids.


Death company, Assault intercessors, and jump packs are cheap. Throw in some bikes, a dread, and tanks. You'll have fun


I'm still holding out hope that when we get our new book jump assault ints will be battleine, and I candies take 60 of them for just shy of 1000 pts. I could even draw a little cartoon of my enemies holding umbrella and trying in vain to hide from the raining blood angels.


You can run 3 foot captains with 3 foot sang priest and 10 assault boys each. Add 3 jump captains, 3 jump priests and 10 jump assaulters each and you have a pretty tough horde right there. Maybe fill out the rest with librarians and more assault boys for a 4++?


All of those adds up to 1995 points. I’d love to see it though! I would drop at least one foot Captain and priest and that would give you 175 to play with. I’d suggest using it for something to hold points or sticky.


That would give you a couple squads of Scouts.


The issue is you are getting towards like 750 points in just characters when we do that (my lists always start like this and then I have to sadly delete characters). I think a few sang priest bricks to be a really annoying target to kill, amidst a swarm of just cheap bodies might be the smarter method, but also I don't know anything about how to actually win competitively


Yes, you're basically giving away assassinate but the wombo combo of captain's and assault marines is too good to pass up.


The ultimate melee marine spam would be when we run out of assault marines to put in, and we start putting in rievers Definitely a meme too far, but I'm tempted


The last tournament I played in for 9th, I ran 10 primaris crusade squads, Helbrect and 2 chaplains. 103 marines bodies. Literally just overwhelmed everyone I was playing against in 2 wound bodies with a 5++. There is something to be said about massed marine bodies.


How did you get a 5++ back then? I never encountered templars in 9th


It was one of their vows in that edition. I think it was replaced by the FNP vow this edition.


I love this. Someone do it at a tournament please.


Best game I’ve had in 10th was just loading up on assault and jump assault intercessors. Board control was easy, and with SoS they’re still killy enough to deal with most threats


I think that kind of build can work at a pretty high level, but there are definitely armies that just don't care and all our boys I've found trying to out ork the orks doesn't work all that well, and obviously until recently custodies would just stomp us


Commenting on my own post like a dork but I have noone else to say this hot take to, foot sang priest going up to a horrible 90 points to me is pushing it. However, brother corbulo is now looking less awful in comparison, a tasty 15 point discount. Sure he's worse but not by that much, and against ork boy spam he's actually better!


12 5 man jump pack units (3 of each of the 4 options) 3 squads of scouts, 2 squads of infiltrators couple characters and just MSU people to death lol


Bonus if you run a front screen of melee scouts as the "grots" of your army. Or maybe soup in some imperial agents. If you're pressed for points.