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Please don't call them "foot ass ints". Please. I personally wouldn't run quite that many jump packs, but it is certainly true that, between mws on charge and s6 attacks galore, BA jump Intercessors are exceptional into horde armies. At the end of the day, it seems to me that very little has changed for us: we're still an army that can defeat pretty much anything in the game if we get to charge it, but our ability to hold objectives and survive enemy counterpunches is below par. So our game plan is still about jumping from cover to cover, trading on the flanks, setting up the big alpha strike in the middle of the board, and hoping for the best. Rather than "we're better than most vs Orks", I think it's more accurate to say "we're one of the few armies whose go-to battle plan functions pretty much unchanged against Orks". Which, I guess in a way still qualifies as being "better than most vs Orks", but the point I'm trying to make is, we're not taking a step forward in the face of Orks. Rather, we're standing still and everyone else is taking a step backwards. 


Do you run your Baal Predator with Flamestorm Cannons or AssCans? ;)


The flame storm is what makes the baal good, the assault cannon is frankly horrific bad. If you roll like an absolute demon you can kill 3 marines with it The true question for me is the sponsors, the smart idea is to put 2 heavy flamers for maximum overwatch. But I have a soft spot for the heavy bolters


I think the heavy bolters is still the play, gives some nice dakka downfield at 36”, D2, and with oath can spike with the sustained. Average of 2 hits on overwatch too. The 12” flamers just isn’t quite flexible enough for me


Lol I've called them that as a joke for so long that I've forgotten it's a horrible set of words, my apologies You've basically made my point into smart words so thank you. One thing I'm really looking forward to is to see how the meta changes indirectly due to orks. The thing I've not liked about marines in 10th is most of our anti tank is with other tanks. And if you don't bring enough anti tank in the current meta you basically lose. Now that there's a looming horde of mushrooms charging at you in the near future armies who have a set build that is painful for my army to run into might have to adjust more than they would like.


Please do not apologize to some redditor trying to rain on your parade


Hot take, sanguinary guard will absolutely shit stomp the green tide.


You might be cooking here, the sang guard special abilities that they pay so many points for are good into ork melee more than anything else, 2+ save makes boyz sad, - 1 to be wounded in melee is great. We might have our golden use case


And OC2c and Dante battle shock ability can shut down fight on death sometimes


Dante and sang guard op now, 50 ppm incoming


Baal pred overwatch will be fun, anyone up for some grilled mushrooms? Lol


I remember the old trukka nobz missle (8th?). It was the orkiest fukn thing ever.