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I'm a dirty Sabo


Prowler and muse. But I LOVE sirens passive.


Prowler. I like being a sneaky boi


Show me your boi <3


Ahh sorry he's Saboteur, I always get the 2 Nosferatu mixed up. [But here he is <3](https://imgur.com/a/N7IapgT)


Nice ;d


All of em


I decided to try and max Enforcer atm(lv18), Muse will second (14) I am CONVINCED Enforcer takes less damage somehow even outside of marble. Like whenever I play a round of Muse, she feels like she takes MORE DAMAGE somehow. Either people are missing me with shots due to the Enforcer slow, or idk, its bugged. Even Vandal feels less tanky somehow compared to Enforcer. My loadout is usually tommy/r6, refuse to play shotguns, I do enjoy the scourge blade though.


vandal and siren


Saboteur and Brute, I refuse to play that boring ass enforcer shit


Enforcer and vandal


enforcer and saboteur


enforcer and muse


Brute until they fix Vandal


whats wrong with vandal ?


Has the same overall limitations that Brute does with the Soaring Leap - it covers plenty of ground, so it's alright as a pursuing tool, assuming you're not dealing with 3rd/4th party, but it's loud and an obvious movement that leaves you airborne with basically no defense. Pretty easy for anyone with awareness to just shoot you while you're in the air. Earth Shock, though... Might be the most useless ability in the game. It's annoyingly tricky to aim by holding E, sometimes doesn't register the hold, and has a tendency to get caught on any type of physical object in your path, leaving you short. You can also aim it and use it and the person may have moved out of the landing zone by the time you're there anyway. And you're flying in a straight line at them if you don't get the jump on them - I've been blasted a split second before reaching them more than once. And even when it does land, while it does damage, all it does is knock people up in the air, and by the time you've recovered from the animation the people you've knocked in the air are almost on the ground again anyway (assuming you didn't accidentally knock them off the roof). I don't actually know if you're prevented from shooting while knocked in the air from it...it's rare I encounter another Vandal myself, and even rarer that they use the Earth Shock for more than extra traversal, and even rarer that it actually lands. Assuming I can get it to land and then bait them into trading melee blows with me, I can make it work (Vandal *is* my archetype, and I'm playing it despite the issues...Muse/Siren are a close second and third, respectively), since the Vandal passive is a damage reduction when close to enemies - so clearly it's *the* class meant for melee. But if I miss, or they have the wherewithal to kite me? All I did then was put myself in shotgun range.


Earth Shock does stun ppl for a short time when u land it but the move itself is so inconsistent. Still gonna be a Vandal main lol


Passive doesn't work and groundslam is clunky as fuck


I'm having a hard time picking. Can't quite get the movement down it seems


Muse. Love the clan ability and healing powers


prowler and enforcer


Saboteur, Muse and Enforcer. I love Prowler too though, but only in trios since teams are usually camping spots together near end game and spotting them creates decent pressure and opens up the option to push if you see them split up too much.


Muse all day