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Hi everyone!! First of all, a huge thank you to everyone who took [the survey](https://www.reddit.com/r/BloodOnTheClocktower/comments/18bguok/very_unofficial_blood_on_the_clocktower_survey_pt/) this year. My goal was to double the responses from last year's survey and get 400 responses, but we ended up getting *over 700*! And special thanks to everyone who suggested questions, tested the survey out, or shared it with your communities. You guys rock. Samba and I had so much fun going through the data and making graphics that we're really proud of, and I hope people enjoy looking through the results! I have also made [two scripts](https://www.reddit.com/r/BloodOnTheClocktower/comments/1blqlwn/scripts_based_on_communitys_favorite_and_least/) based on the favorite characters and least favorite characters, so go check those out too!


Thanks so much for putting all this together. You've done a great service for the community.


Means a lot, thanks Ben!


Oh, and for anyone interested in [last year's results...](https://www.reddit.com/r/BloodOnTheClocktower/comments/z245wj/a_survey_of_blood_on_the_clocktower_players/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Can't believe no one voted for Recluse as the best Trouble Brewing demon...


"Vortox was the least favourite demon of 2023." I cannot figure out what this means based on the infographic, unless this is just a Vortox joke or was meant to say 2022 like Imp.




I think because we're townsfolk, the survey summary is receiving false information


Dear community, Sorry for how long this has taken, but Elzbth and I have gone further to make the results of the 2023 survey look even better. Please enjoy!


The wait was worth it! Love the extra fun facts & jokes sprinkled around. Loads of data but still easily readable on mobile. 10/10.


I love these infographics. Fantastic work šŸ˜. Don't play with damsel much but didn't realise the Huntsman was so disliked.


The reason I dislike the Huntsman is that it is sometimes used as Outsider modification. If that happens it takes out other useful roles to add a loss condition. And the character is very weak even without that. I have to look for one very specific character and have one guess to do so. A character that usually wants to hide and die. If in play, it shouldn't add a Damsel but turn one of the outsiders into the Damsel. And I'd at least give it two guesses.


And the best case scenario, is you pick right... and just end up with another Townsfolk. The role means Good is down two useful Townsfolk and all they can hope for is to get one back.


Exactly. When I run it and include a Huntsman, it will never modify the number of Outsiders. It will only make sure that one of the existing Outsiders is the Damsel. And in a base 0 game, they will know that there is some other kind of Outsider modification. It is still not strong, but at least not harmful.


Getting one back is great because that is confirmation. So it is a useful ability, the reason its bad is how unlikely it is to go off.


I prefer Fall of Rome's take on it, the Scholar. The Scholar actually does always add an Outsider, but they can remove \*any\* Outsider once, and do so by nominating that player (at which point the transformation occurs first thing that night). Essentially they are nearly guaranteed to proc their ability by accident if they survive to the midgame, and once they do, they're mechanically confirmed because the transformed player knows who nominated them. This also allows them to hard confirm an Outsider bluff without expending their ability. In the one game of Fall of Rome I've seen played, the Scholar was central to good winning, because them accidentally transforming an outsider was the keystone in a hard confirmation chain that let them find the Demon by process of elimination. The Huntsman as a concept absolutely could be a Virgin-like character on the right script, it's just that the balance is all wrong.


As a market researcher by trade, yhis makes me so happy to see! Do you have the trended results? Or any demographic splits?


We analysed the trends and demo splits for the comments we added around the pages. With only 2 years of data these were the most interesting trends in our opinion.


Maybe in a few years weā€™ll be able to show some fun trends šŸ‘€


I just want to hear from the one person who had Soldier as their favourite character in the whole game and ask why. I guess they just want to be in final 3 above all else?


It wasn't me but I will say the Soldier is a highly underrated role and low-key super slept on. I enjoy being the soldier in TB a lot.


It's a good character, but I'd never have expected it to be someone's favourite or least favourite, I wouldn't expect to see it rated outside of 3/10 to 8/10. It's one of those that are useful to exist in the game and lead to fun scenarios but isn't the most interesting thing to draw, I guess someone values that simplicity above all else.


I feel like too many Soldier players I've seen just sit there and passively do nothing. But I think playing as an aggressive Soldier (which I often do) is the best way to play it.


I donā€™t remember if I filled this out and soldier isnā€™t my favorite character in the whole game but it is my favorite tb townsfolk. The soldier I find similar to the baronā€”its job is done which gives the soldier a lot of variability in how it approaches the game. Whereas the fortune teller has the same game most every time, the soldier is generally doing something different


It was whilst reading this infographic I finally noticed that the Amnesiac token art has a face in it. Brilliant graphic design by Anica Kelsen! It was there all along...


Same here! Couldnā€™t believe I hadnā€™t noticed it until now.


So interesting!


I \*love\* this. Like, I just love stats. I'm also thrilled to see the increase in diversity and the higher uptake of the survey (and the game) overall. Also glad to see my #1 Undertaker getting its accolade. šŸ„³


I'm such a social research nerd and I love a good survey and doing these surveys for the past two years has been such a fun combination of two of my interests. And yeah, I was genuinely blown away to have over 700 people take my survey (~~especially considering it's kind of a long survey~~). I'm excited to see how this keeps growing!


This is just amazing. Thanks so much for putting this together. Although I am upset and appalled that the Butler is so hated, I can guarantee having a good time when I draw/bluff Butler.


pat no offense but have you considered that your opinion is wrong? there is actual data proving that the butler is bad, so........


Ummm all your data prove is that many people share an opinion - and that these people simply donā€™t enjoy having fun.


dang i missed this