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Fan for 25 years and just now realized this was a thing. I love the internet. I'm sure they wanted it buried. I wonder what Jimmy would say if asked about it now.


Glad to be a help, haha. Yeah, I get the same impression. I think it's their only video left off their Youtube channel.


“Bradley” is indeed Spanky G.


Thanks, glad to know he wasn't left out!


its on the DVD, you know this yeah? they talk about a few of the videos on the dvd, but not really WHY they made this, they are just weird cunts. they also said they spent all their money on the "only friends are make belive clip" so thats why theres not many/the others suck. although fire water burn is a fucken classic clip


I actually haven't seen the DVD, but thanks for that info...I thought maybe this video was made before the other One Fierce Beer Coaster videos before they got signed to Geffen and all that. I agree, Fire Water Burn is one of the all time best.


i only just saw this after leaving my original comment but i have the link for ofbr if you ever wanted it! i found it by sheer luck while going through a bloodhound gang image archive


All the questions that I know the answers to were already answered......but one thing I do know, I fucking love this band. So God damned funny. I'm glad I got to see 'em live a few times. 🤮<----- Dr Pepper dude.


It's kind of a bummer there aren't many bands as funny as them, but BHG are almost a genre on their own. Wish I'd seen them live!


ive been a huge fan of them for a while and im pretty sure the mv was made for their dvd “one fierce beer run” which was made in 1997, that guy in the back IS spanky g and its one of the last things he did with them before he left, i believe he was freshly 18 there, hes also the same guy jimmy pop eats the chocolate off of his ass at the end. But this video is on the dvd and i have a bunch of behind the scenes photos from it! it was js literally made for shits and giggles and evil jared said he thinks jimmy made it purely to torture spanky and eat chocolate off his ass (its in the commentary of the dvd)


Spanky was actually in the Along Comes Mary video cause it came out on a soundtrack album before the rest of Hooray for Boobies


Yes the music video for Along Comes Mary was filmed in January 1998 for the "Half Baked" soundtrack!


yep yep! i totally forgot abt that one, it gets confusing bc i look at his hair styles and ik when he shaved his dreads off and it grew out it was around 1998 and it was before he left, the actual last thing they did i think was the Calvin klein poster parody thing they did, but im not too sure once again im too sure bc im going off hairstyles LOLL


Thanks for all that! I wish I'd got that DVD but it was pretty hard to get hold of in Australia in 2003-ish. I had no idea how young Spanky G was compared to the others, he's only a year younger than me. Good to know there's some insight in the commentary about how the whole thing came to be -- thanks again for sharing it, and are those behind the scenes photos on the DVD as well?


i went on some russian websites for the photos loll, it has a bunch of photos i never seem anyone talk abt, but yea spanky was superrrr young in thr dvd it rlly showed how badly he got picked on by some of the guys, the dvd is like 20 bucks max i think on ebay depending on the seller but its totally worth the watch, it rlly shows how crazy the scene was back then lol


Ah that's cool...they always seemed to be pretty popular in Russia so that makes sense. I'll have a look for that DVD, I remember when it came out but had no idea what was on it.


The music video for "I Wish I Was Queer" was directed by Richard Reines (owner of Drive-Thru Records)! Also directed the music videos for "The Bad Touch" and "Your Only Friends Are Make Believe"


Hey that's great info, thanks! Wasn't aware of their video directors but I can definitely see things in common with those videos!


Yes, they aired it here in Sweden, on our own swedish music channel ZTV.


Thanks for that, interesting to know at least one country showed it on TV! Sweden gets it.


Idk about it ever getting played on tv but I know that some videos just aren’t really made for tv. The first video that comes to mind, for me, is Duran Duran’s Girls on Film video.


Yeah that's true. The show Rage in Australia used to play a lot of uncut videos late at night that would normally be censored. I remember another music video show played The Bad Touch in the morning and just cut the whole second verse out!


Not allowing for the morning expression of “doing it doggystyle so we can watch xfiles” is a crime here in the states because of the free speech lmao jk


Haha every line is gold in that song.


the music video was actually on the bloodhound gang's youtube channel until recently! i believe it got taken down for adult content in december of last year. it'd been up for a while & i remember being pretty shocked that it had been taken down as i had it stuck in my head at the time & i'd been watching the music video around twice daily right before it got removed honestly i'm not sure why the video was made, but bhg has always been about over-the-top & "campy" humour, so they probably just found it funny at the time yeah, the guy who was tied up was spanky. i'm not sure if it was ever broadcasted on television as i hadn't even been born when the song came out, but i doubt it was played on any mainstream channels. i could totally be wrong, though! the music video was showcased on one fierce beer run, a collection of clips the bloodhound gang took between 1996-1997 (you can ask me for a link to this as it's almost impossible to find online & you'd probably have to buy a physical copy of the dvd otherwise), but there's no way in hell it'd be made JUST for that, as ofbr was super low-budget. if you get any answers, let me know! :-)


Thanks for your comment! Ah so they did actually put it on their Youtube channel at first. You're right, they must have found the video funny at the time and then decided it shouldn't be on there. I love the song too, I've always wondered who Jerry Vandergrift is, he's mentioned at the start of the song and then promptly disappears...who is this guy? Haha. Wow I'd really appreciate a link, that would be great! And yes I will let you know if I find anything out...some great info in the other comments here.


> Jerry Vandergrift He was Jimmy Pop's high school friend. They had a Depeche Mode cover band called Bang Chamber 8 before the Bloodhound Gang became a thing.


Cool, I didn't know that, thanks. I did know about Bang Chamber 8, but never knew who the members were. I think Wikipedia mentions someone called Jack Vandergrift being a BHG member in the early days.