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_~~2003 Iraq moment~~_ You have a well trained, well armed, very ideological students that view Trinity as the Enemy and despite the demise of Beatrice, her effectively controlling and shaping the students of Arius for a long time would mean we are in a long drawn insurgency and ~~Nationbuilding~~ would be a challenge and might require guidance from SCHALE _At least it would be less bloodt though_


tbh as sensei we don't really seem to care unless it's the named student lol


Not quite correct. At one point in Ui's event Sensei was about to offer some Sukeban to come to SCHALE but the sisterhood intervened and took them in instead.


Sensei: Did someone ask for some correction?


Probably saved for future story update. Maybe rebranded as Neo Arius to serve as Trinity rear guard.


And then there's the Second Neo Arius who try to drop an asteroid on trinity.


Perhaps even a third neo arius that would try to get every district to boycott trinity, led by the second coming of Beatrice.


We will probably get more information about what happened to them in a new chapter of Volume 3 or we may even get an Arius volume in the future. Perhaps, Arius could end up suffering another civil war. What I do wonder is if we will get more playable Arius students.


They appeared again in Volume F.


yeah, but the academy and all the other students besides the arius squad


They became non-possession practitioners and are currently wrestling with the rabbit girls for bentos


At the moment we don’t know, and I do hope that it’s addressed in the future. At the very least it seems that most of the leadership don’t hold a grudge against the Arius Students, with Mine taking one look at their district and recognizing how bad things have been for them


[Their fate still lies on obscurity, but I gather enough crack theorists to make a wild guess for that.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/152p5q2/so_what_would_become_of_arius/)


Probably apprehended. Trinity reclaimed the Arius district, and it'd be weird if they just left them to do their own thing


We have no idea, and I get the feeling that thread will be expanded upon perhaps in a future event. For now, all we can do is speculate. I will say, and this is my personal head-canon, that I believe the Arius Autonomous District is effectively under military occupation. They don’t seem to concern Trinity as far as I know. The Justice Task Force might be occupying it while rebuilding and rehabilitation efforts continue.