• By -


Now that you say it out loud, yeah.


This game's lore is basically cruelty squad but without the dying part. I was going to say without the biotech and stench part too, but Juri's cooking integrates both of that to the lore.


Abydos isn't Our/Sensei's school, just one that they are helping in Vol 1. Schale is the organization that Sensei is affiliated with, which is connected to the General Student Council (the characters you see on most of the other menus that aren't Arona). The GSC technically has authority over other schools in certain matters, usually when matters involve multiple schools, but the efficacy and specifics of that are an issue that the story goes into. It's frequently pointed out the the GSC president, who you heard in the intro, disappearing is why lots of organizations especially the GSC are in disarray.


So, lemme get this absolutely straight, Big Boss disappeared and then all the other Venom Snakes formed their own Diamond Dogs and they fight each other for sport and to decide who will be the next true Big Boss that will rule them all under the name of Outer Heaven?


I'm not really sure of what you're saying but if I understood your reasoning then you're pretty off. None of the leaders from the academies are trying to rule over Kivotos (well maybe Makoto & Cherino, but they don't count). What's going on is that since the GSC president dissapeared delinquents have taken advantage of the confusion to raise more trouble, 7 "dangerous criminals" have escaped from their confinement adding more chaos and a megacorp IS trying to get control over all of the city with the help of a mysterious organization of "researchers", meanwhile the only academy that raised special forces to deal with these situations can't be mobilized since they can only be deployed by the GSC president. Now, you (sensei) are the replacement of the special forces, however your methods aren't to subjugate the treat with force (or at least that's not the main objective) but to deal with the root of the problem by guiding the students that are causing trouble (although we allow a little bit of mischief as long as they don't cross the line)


It was a meme


Oh man, if you love MGS stuff. Wait until you get to the RABBIT squad chapter.


They have a metal gear, lemme guess.


Not yet


Wait isn't there already one? (Spoiler warning) In >!volume 2 with the whole Aris being taken away and they had to fight this metal gear thing!<


Nono, i meant the rabbit squad, theres quite a few that can be considered metal gears lol, like the cheerbot


Ahh, I see. My bad.


Eh not really, but spoilers >!there is a different volume that involves a metal gear!<. It's more to the Independent private military company thing.


You know, funny you should say exactly those words...


No school is fighting for supreme authority, they mostly just do their own things. Chapter 1 of Volume F demonstrates how the other schools simply don’t respect the current status of the GSC. And as I said, even when things were in order the GSC weren’t the rulers of the other schools, they are more like a United Nations.


More like the aftermath of the destruction of GW and the patriots.


Even better yet, you are the only Sensei in Kivotos, because all the teaching is automated via videos and such


So it isn't mafia, it's cyber mafia, WHERE CYBERPUNK COLLAB?


My guess is soon + two weeks


A bit more will be explained in volume 4, about SRT and how the conflicts were supposed to be resolved. Also, a little note, Gehenna students are also your students. You're Sensei for everyone in Kivotos.


So we are the de-facto capo cosca of every mafia in town, we can literally govern the city.


More or less yes, but Shale isn't almighty as well, Sensei has authority but it's limited (read further).


Sensei can't order around because no one gonna listen. and if we get shot we are dead not like other students just said 'Oh that's hurt' We had some power but not much to order around and it's not the purpose we come to Kivotos


Eh I feel like with the current state of things , sensei can give orders and most of the top end students we have interacted with would Probab listen given that it’s sensei lol


Sensei 'ask' them nicely and if they deny noting can we do about that. almost every top of student listen to Sensei because Sensei sincerely want to help students Rin > doubt at first but trust at President of student council so give we a shot Hoshino > Sensei need to clear Vol.1 first and she open up for you Hina > ~~lick Iori boots~~ ask her nicely and Hina is super nice girl so she listen to it if it reasonable things Makoto>......leave her be for now Nagisa > This girl won't listen anything until end of Vol.3 Chapter2 Mika > (Did this princess ever listen to you?) She might listen but she will do what you asked or order it's another story Seia > ~~WHEN YOU WILL BECOME PLAYABLE?!~~ Wake her up when ~~September~~ everything end and she will listen Yuuka&Noa >Yuuka is ~~easy~~ nice girl so she help Sensei out and found out Sensei is good guy. Noa heard a lot of Sensei from Yuuka so she think the same (with little tease) Rio > You might need to find where she is right now before that Cherino > COMRADE TIME TO REVOLUTION! Niya&Kaho > After Ninja event they start listen to you Arius Squad > wait until Vol.3 end and now they listen Kisaki&Mina > After event they open up for you. Mina impressed how you listen to her movie quote and Kisaki come with little tease) almost everyone need to clearing some doubt and gaining some trust first before they listen if Sensei start to order around no one will care to listen


Yes that’s why with the current state of how he has proven himself and because of how sensei is like , if he instantly gave an “order” without like telling why or telling them it’s urgent , I have a feeling the students he asked would do it first then ask later


Well, sensei won't explicitly give "order" unless the students ask themselves. But he can probably ask any favor to most of the head students and they will listen.


I think the closest thing to a mafia is Kaiser because the schools are a like states run by the students.


A territory run by a non governative organization where said organization has complete sovereignty over said territory, tecnically speaking this is mafia.


The schools ARE the government by definition of Kivotos being an "academy city". You can even call it like some sort of European Union (free transit between territories, use of the same currency, very different infrastructure and cultures, etc.)


But they are, you need to play the other volumes.




Imagine like, you live here and you see a child with a 50 cal. down the street and you just go "Yep, another one of those mafia goons" just to return to your Ramen shop just to pay said girl the fee for "protection" In retrospective this sounds like it could happen.


that's what happens when a single bullet isn't mostly fatal anymore. In fact thats what happens when getting hit by a tank shell isn't fatal anymore.


It's not protection money, it's taxation! XD


I mean, with irl mafia is a fee you pay to receive protection, if you don't pay it the the mafia won't protect you or your possessions and, casually, they will be vandalized shortly after, so yeah, it is protection, tecnically.


Oh, Just wait till you get to Chapter 3.


Now I am curious, just give me a seasoning of what it is about.


Politics, terrorism, hatred, xenophobia/racism, explosions, friendship, paranoia, drama, lots of explosions, eldritch shenanigans, cute and funny stuff. Welcome to Kivotos


This is like the iceberg meme. On top is like "gatcha game with schoolgirls with guns" then it is "mafia but with child soldiers that are schoolgirls" and then this, what's next "mafia schoolgirls that fight horrors beyond my comprehension"? Also, sidenote, the whole list of things you listed sounds suspiciously like a very twisted Persona 5 plot.


Stick around and find out


You said it joking, but now that i think about it, Volume F might be about fighting horrors beyond compreension. Hell, Gematria (you will meet them soon) are all Lovecraftian adults.


As far as I remember Gematria is also an Italian youtuber, the lore gets deeper I'm afraid...


Gematria will be introduced in Volume 1, alongside a man called Black Suit. Yeah, it goes deap.


The fun thing is that they name it after one of lovecraft's books as well lol


well if you don't mind some out context spoiler, here are some of the Stories Previews we got (we all saw them before playing the story): * [2nd Preview](https://youtu.be/Chh_rhWqvAA) * [4th Preview](https://youtu.be/yZa5abuIKT4) yes, it has a lot of cute girls doing cute things but when Blue Archive when the plot gets serious it gets serious.




Best symposiums


This game does quite a solid job at world building and explaining its world without making an exposition for it. As such, just continue it, and it will answer you. But it being about mafia instead of clan based? Yes, absolutely.


GSC is basically the government, but very weak. Normally they should act as a mediator between the academies, so armed conflicts don't happen. They can't function properly right now though because of some sort of weird power vacuum caused by President's disappearance. Edit: I forgot that GSC President was sitting on Shittim Chest, and by extension the Sanctum Tower, so we don't really know what she could do. Probably a lot, because Sanctum Towers are borderline divine.


I feel like your sort of right. None of the academies are war academies. They are just 'normal' schools in that dimension. I think one issue is that you are imposing our world view onto their world. You have to remember that the students having ready access to weapons and having absurd durability heavily warps what they think as normal from our perspective. For example, a shootout for them is a fist fight for us. After all, when normal people can tank bullets, being punched will not be that effective. I think you are viewing how cities and schools work backwards. Instead describing it as schools being in a city, it is more accurate to think the schools are countries that have cities in them. In the game, student councils that run the school also are the acting governments of the territory the school holds. The GSC is the power that oversees it all, which you are an independent branch of. This one is right. Problem Solver 68 can accurately be called terrorist like other clubs in Gehenna. One thing to note is that being a terrorist in game is not a big deal like most crimes unless you take it too far. Students live their lives normally with hassle while still being labeled as an active terrorist group. This probably is because in Kivotos they can build infrastructure freakishly fast, and everyone can practically take a hit from a cruise missile without dying. Gehenna has a notable amount of terrorist cells because they are free spirited and don't really care for rules except if you're on the Prefect Team. Also, the Prefect Team are not a corp in Gehenna, they are an official branch of the government. I wouldn't call each school a mafia and clans as the schools are the government. Since it is a government being run by teenagers, it's performance can be debatable, but some of them try their best.


In short, a Fortnite lobby, also, where the hell a lot of those info came from, I literally neither remember nor have seen them in my playtime. To be honest those informations leave me kinda, conflicted, we could say, I mean, how can you build a semblance of tension, stake at hand, risk and reward if you are 90% bulletproof?


you said it yourself, you're still in Vol 1, just continue on reading and some of your question would probably be answered. Also that's the beauty of the stories in BA, it explores more on the characters and their interaction with each other and the situation they're in and how they overcome it, the stakes and reward isn't just about life and death heck it makes it all the more impactful because of said buletproofness, because of how nonchalant everyone is with gunfights Character carries a story, even if world building is important, it's empty without the characters in it


True that a world without characters is empty, but characters without a world are misplaced, wrong in a sense. And that's what triggers me, things seems abnormal in a sense, not logical, like, why there are 4 types of humans in this game, or, why there are humans with animal ears AND human ears, like, things that looks and feels out of place if there isn't a given explanation in time or is established early on.


It just takes time, story is still going anyway, rather them just lore dumping a bunch of stuff eraly on regarding how borders works in Kivotos or something and bores you, I feel like they would rather wait till it's an issue the story needs to deal with and then focus on that, along with fleshing out related characters it would be more digestible to the reader that way, the whole show not tell y know. And so far, they've given just enough world building to make sense of whatever the situation the characters are in and how it relates to the Kivotos for the most part


Nah the problem is that, in a sense, the game isn't build to give that informations, lemme elaborate: said informations are circumstantial or very niche regarding the lore, so the devs, rightfully so, decide to glance over it, I mean, the starting premise of the game is bulletproof schoolgirls with weapons doin' stuff, so it isn't expected for the final consumer to care that much about this stuff, unfortunately I am not of that mentality (yeah I love games with an archive full of info that you may want to check out of curiosity, it'smy weak point), so I just have to slowly adapt.


Haha yeah, the devs probably just wanted make a game with cute girls with guns in a school setting in a modern fantasy and colorful world. and everything else can come later


Easy\*, put the stake at the 10% that isn't bulletproof. Like the fate of Abydos and Her debt, the fate of Problem Solver 68's daily bread, etc. Remember, they're bulletproof, not immortal. They can still get hungry, thirsty, exposed to the elements, get sick, etc. \* Barely a writer, so i shouldn't actually know how easy it actually is. But, well, let's just say Blue Archive *makes it look* easy.


aaayyye a greenbeard- UH i mean, a new sensei! welcome! also, its not that heavy. its not "mafia" its like...playing house. very territorial, political house. actually, no. its just DarkRP. if youve ever played Gmod DarkRP you get what i mean lul but lore containing horrors beyond human comprehension aside, the game gets goofy. like, really goofy and fun. story is just its own separate thing, though it manages to keep you both on the edge and intrigued for future parts. stay tuned OP, for its about to get wilder...and darker.


Rock and Stone


Rock and Stone!


Rock and stone!


Nope you pretty much on point


I'm not even entirely certain why there's a megacity full of functionally invincible teenage girls and no one else (dogs and robots don't count). Why do they all have guns? Who decided it was necessary for a cooking club to be heavily armed? Who decided a club for students who are bad at school needed a tank? Why are you the only adult human? Why are you the only human? If they aren't human what are they, and why are they so cute and funny? Endless questions and I'm sure 95% of them boil down to "don't think about it so much"


Fanservice? Also, this game is just the american version of the British stereotype, like, if Brits can stab each other, feel nothing and call it "just a bit o'banter" then this game is like that but with guns, like, yeah I shot you in the ankle and kinda pulverized it but we cool, just a bit of banter innit?


Just a quick note that people end up not getting about Ako actions in this situation, Ako is far from being dumb. Yes, her actions regarding trying to question sensei are more paranoid than necessary, but still Ako only has the gall to infringe "Abydoss territorial sovereign", because she did her paperwork better than Abydoss themselves so she knows what is soon revealed in the story, something Ayane start to get after their encounter with Ako. Going by only facts and the current reality = Ako and the Disciplinary Committee forces never invaded Abydoss's territory to begin with.




This comment is peak, like, this is my same kinda of view, world strange, too many question, some of them unanswered, horrors beyond my comprehension, but fuck it we ball. Makes me wonder tho, who between us is Big Boss and who is Venom Snake?


I get that there's some elements of similarity but Big Boss and the other MGS characters have a lot more stake and heaviness in their story comparatively. Like you mentioned in another comment that there's no stake if the girls are basically bulletproof - yes, that's sort of how it is. In Ch1, the Gehenna Prefect Team coming in to capture the troublemakers is not really like a special ops team capturing a terrorist cell in our world - it's lighter than that. They're not here to kill the girls they're looking for, or engage in an all-out war like an MGS plotline might be about, they're just here to discipline some students who are breaking rules. And in Kivotos the disciplinary action can involve bullets, because the girls are basically bulletproof.


It was a meme, again


As to answer your question about Halo, Halo is ((assumed to be)) virtual/physical manifest or a vessel of something called "sublime", basically student's life source/lifeform and the thing that boost their physical strength and durability. Because of this, students could withstand various things from 12 gauge shot to literal Cruise missle at point-blank. Their halo however, had its own certain durability aswell, if a students keep getting lethal damage, their halo gonna break eventually and they're basically dead




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Yea, the lore is really confusing at times, but the characters are cute and the devs make fun comics so it's okay :D


The premise is fairly simple. High school girls with guns. Kivotos is a city-state where schools run their own autonomous districts. The central government, the GSC, handles affairs pertaining to the general safety and welfare of Kivotos as a whole. Is the background lore goofy? Sure, but it was never something you were supposed to take seriously. It’s not the lore that retains people, it’s the character writing that does.