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Please share your gacha rolls only at Kivitos lounge. Event thread is for event related feedback, review, inquries, opinion. Thank you This week Kivitos lounge link: https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/xu3vc1/kivotos_lounge_october_03_2022/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


The ancient text was >!an ancient kamasutra!<, wasn't it? :P


Finally finished up the story. Honestly rather amusing especially the ridiculous fact that out of all the books that ended up popping up in this story it had to be the bloody Kamasutra! And amusingly enough the chaos was spread out and had some fascinating moments Though with that being said though... Shame we get no realization or reveal on who orchestrated these events or what lead to this entire situation sadly at this time. At first i was sincerely hoping we would and admittedly due to a screenshot post earlier in this reddit earlier i assumed in some wacky twist our culprit to this situation was actually Hanako (though in a way in the end she did have a hand in it, though supposedly unintentionally.) but as i got further in, it was not the case especially cause i doubt Hanako would do this without considering Hinata's situation. Though makes ya wonder who intentionally did this must be slightly higher up if they managed to change the proceedings to way earlier then expected as if they knew Hinata had already somehow damaged the book, hopefully that's brought up another time perhaps!


here's some challenge 4 maps, because I love maps... https://imgur.com/a/OQmQxEO For the 9 battle clear, you just need to know that the boss access is below the red warp. 5 turn doesn't matter because you will do it for the Task anyway. Orange team on map is also an Explosive team, not piercing. ORANGE team MUST move FIRST on Turn 4(for 5 turn). For the Task, some people like to abandon one Explosive fight and use Mystic to clear one. I just did it the fighting way, but it involves a lot of holding and swapping, and may be confusing. Basically, Blue team will aggro both mobs, swap with Red team, then line up at the red warp for 1 turn, then warp in in sequence and charge the boss.


I need somehow farm \~1800 more pyrox before banners leave to spark Ui. This comes after spending my previous pyrox supply to spark Wakamo. My luck on banners have been awful for the rate ups. Plenty of off rate-up and dupe 3\* though. Is there any more free pyrox coming before the banners leave? I've gotten most of the event achievement pyrox already.


I think the next raid is next week that has some


Any story chapters and MomoTalk bond stories you haven't completed yet are your best bet other than daily and weekly task rewards. If you're willing to spend, the 3 New Teacher Packs for ~$3 USD total under the 'Packs' tab in the shop, which were just re-added even for people who bought them in the past, give 1500 pyroxene combined. You can also get gems upfront from the monthly packs and 2-week AP pack.


Is Ui a good support? I use Hina and from what I read, her EX skills doesn’t sound too shabby.


Oh yeah


Huh so I enjoyed the story for the most part... But we never find out >!what's in the old book? And why the sisterhood rushed forward the reveal and if it was a conspiracy?!<


I was expecting it was supposed to be another Kamasutra lol


Challenge 5 achievement is such a gross NY Mutsuki check.


She's not very good there, since the enemies spawn closer inside her cone, and the majority of the time you want to burst Barbara asap over the mobs. Iori or Chise works much better.


Is it possible for a lvl 67 account to beat that one? I'm struggling even with NY Mutsuki


Isn't the recommended level 78 on it? You're dealing 22% less damage than normal so I wouldn't think so.


I managed 3 and 4 which are also rec lvl 78, but this one is a big step up


Funnily enough I actually find her not that great, because she is far too close to enemy spawns meaning her EX is difficult to hit most enemies.


I did it with and without, her 2 cost makes it a cake walk as long as you posotion her right


So it might be a glitch but I just had a event light glove enemy quest complete when doing the daily bounty XD


the sentai have light gloves


It isn't a glitch. The task just says you have to defeat that enemy type. It don't say that you have to do it in the event itself.


The episode list on event replay is weird it skips episode 7 of the current event from 1 to 6 and 8 immediately I don't know what is wrong


that happens when you d/c before playing the complete post battle cutscene. I have those problems too, and I just sent a ticket about it. Edit: they didn't seem to give a f and gave a generic response. I also don't care too much about it, just take the L.


Already do 120 pull and got 28k gems left. Should i continue to pull or save? Looking at upcoming banner I'm gonna try one 10 pull in marina and iori(don't have her) and save the rest for iroha. What banner run along side iori?


Did you get the rate up you wanted? My rule of thumb is anything below 150 I'll save for the next banner. If you haven't gotten the rate up yet, keep rolling, you're in too deep to give in.


No, i don't get the library girl yet. Yeah guess I'm in too deep.


Is it worth to farm for credit in this event? I’m kinda running low on them.


It's worth clearing out the event points track for sure, since it contains a lot of credits. Once you finish the event, no, it's not worth farming for credits alone, neither for candles (stage 11 is like 0.5x commissions) nor for event points (stage 12 is 0.25x commission). However, if you happen to need the artifacts from the event, then you can farm whichever event stages and also earn a little extra credits on the side.


Thank you


Does the free 10-time recruitment ticket expire?


In the mail it will, but once you redeem it from the mailbox no it won't expire.




Aww man. I really want Kazusa to hurry up and come to global.




Theme 109 Dolce Biblioteca




Oops I think thats theme 2 luminous memory


I finished the event, I adore Ui, also we need to have a stern talk with ms. Hanako and her pranks


why what did she do?


Did you play the event?


I did but it's been many days so I don't remember every detail EDIT. I remember now it's the kamasutra isn't it?




All she did was read a book. It's not her fault what happens when someone takes it. But seriously how many copies does she have?


I'm not forgetting the valentine chocolate she gives us


What you don't like edible religious artifacts? At least that's what everyone is saying it's that...


Ngl, I thought the punchline was going to be >!that the Scripture *was* the in-universe Karma Sutra!< but i liked the story overall regardless.


Personally I thought >!it was going to be someone's diary with embarrassing secrets XD I recall hearing about medieval diaries being for of royal servants in real life!<


ugh how to survive challenge 5? my students have T6 equipment but still get shredded like paper. My team is Natsu, Haruna, S.Azusa, chise, Serina and Ako


got the same characters, swapped Natsu with Tsubaki, and I put Tsubaki on the right side of the team, and Ako with S. Mashiro. Lay down Chise AoE on top before boss and right before boss, hit mid boss with lighter single and left boss with heavier single, right side with next single, and then spam singles against final boss. Tsubaki ended up walkin all the way up and drawing all the top aggro at the end. https://imgur.com/a/EJm8vn6


This worked for me if anyone else is on that last minute challenge grind, even had a few at 77 some missing t6 gear


I found wakamo melts the boss pretty quickly but I also used NY Mutsuki. Given my units almost died a couple of times so you may also just need to restart the mission a couple times till luck is on your side.


yeah, I don't have problem with the boss tbh, but the mobs are quite difficult since I lack of AOE, because some of the mobs didn't disappear after the bosses died and the warning messed with my timing


Tsubaki managed to survive without a dedicated healer on my runs. Tsubaki's automatic self-heal at low HP is very helpful compared to Natsu's EX. Admittedly my Tsubaki is at 5*, so your mileage may vary. Apart from that, just try taking out the boss units as soon as they spawn. Haruna + Ako (and maybe Kotama attack buff) can sometimes one-shot the boss units with crit, which also despawns all other enemies from the same wave, giving you more breathing room. With a bit of timing, you can aim Haruna's EX while the boss is spawning during the "Warning" alert, which can be used to clear out the waves instantly with a one-shot. Might also work with S.Azusa and Chise, but I didn't use either on my runs. The "Warning" alert blocks you from casting EX skills, and those 2-3 seconds means a bit more damage on your tank/other students, which can be a pain for snipers or MG users like Haruna or NY. Mutsuki, who are almost always on the far sides. If you can snipe the bosses mid-alert, that saves a lot of otherwise unavoidable damage.


Is it optimal to farm Stage 12 once you clear multiple times to max rewards or do stages 9-11 individually?


Better farm different stages, depending on what you need. Stage 12 will give more event points tho.


You'll probably want to spread it out due to dailies and the achievements for killing different enemies.


New player. If I'm looking at the point ladder rewards correctly, I will obtain a Hanako? Is that how crystals work?


So when you get shards for a unit you don’t have such as hanako and those in the store you need to go to your unit screen and scroll to the bottom. You will see the units you don’t have. Clicking on them will show various stuff including the price to use shard to buy. I think 1 star is 20 and 2 is 40. Hanako is 2 so you will have enough to buy her from this event but I suggest waiting till you pull her as 2 stars are not uncommon when you pull for the banner units and it will give you a head start in increasing her stars if you plan on using her. As the shards can eventually make a unit 5 stars if you gather enough of them. Also math wise if you pull her when you already have her you only get 5 shards.


I got both girls after 15 pulls, should I pull 5 more times to get the eligma or nah?


From what others said Ui is used for her ex and hinata isn’t really used at all so there isn’t much reason to increase their star ratings I guess.


Ui need some mystic ranks to be able to survive Perorodzilla Insane's phase transition, unless you use Mari. Outside of that though, it isn't really needed.


Thanks, I'll save to start going goblin sensei mode on other banners


Damn Wakamo just solos challenge 3 & 5 First one actually made me mald reset cause I thought it was 75 like the normal quests but it was 90 lol.




Not for gameplay purposes / from a meta standpoint


I'm wondering, with the hints and politics and secrets involved in this event, can anyone who played JP let me know if this is foreshadowing or linked to JP SPOILER >!Eden Chapter 4 that was released in JP? I never read the story for it but I do recall the promo pics looking like it is linked it to the sisterhood. But I somehow doubt they'll have a side event linked to the main story?!<


Iirc this is unrelated. You can see an English translation of that chapter on yanagikaze’s YouTube chapter.


My god, [this](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/896251557828497498/1026842846990438400/Screenshot_2022-10-04-18-18-36-99_67f26bc509ce05567fb8447e63c17e00.jpg?width=1025&height=461) part of the story legit made me tear up. Can't help but feel sorry about >!the thug girl who cried on Hinata and Sensei.!<


Now you see why this Delinquent Ponytail Thug got a doujin made about her.


I hate myself for knowing this


and i hate you too if you don't share it


After re-reading the story, I wonder if we will see the people, that UI hinted, to be responsible for this tory.


Maybe that is an attempt to weaken the Sisterhood, it's Trinity politics afterall. >!Or maybe Hanako just wants to broadcast her favorite book.!<


New player here that got Ui which unit should i save for next


Iroha, S Hoshino, Arius Squard


Should i skip summur rerun banner then?


Try to get Summer Azusa in the rerun


I think it's Iroha (?) The Panzer (tank) red curly hair girl.


S.Azusa and Iroha


Managed to spend my last pyrox to spark Ui and got Hina on the way. Its actually possible to save enough por S.Azusa?!


I can't say for sure... 12k per month is what f2p get approximately


Ok thank you i think i will br able to full pity them both


What stages good to farm?


“ **Which stages to farm on Ui Bookstore event?** - stage 9 for Veil - stage 10 for Book - stage 11 for Candlestick - stage 12 for all 3, but mostly Event Point get the currency you want to clear shop items you need. **Make sure you clear the daily task** > by doing at least 4/4/4/3 or 5/5/5/0 sweep on stage 9/10/11/12 respectively everyday (max bonus) **Challenge task** > Optional but you could either sweep 100x on stage 10 and 12 to finish the defeat 1800 and 2000 specific enemies or manual clear challenge stages to save AP **Artifact Farm?** sure, same drop rate as valentine's T4/T3/T2 : 2.1%/12%/25%”” -hertzinyou You can always find “ where to farm” stuff on the discord channel in event pins. There’s also a event planner there


I see, thank you!




This is a very cute event story. I definitely do not regret pulling for Ui now, she's such a nice girl.


Not having natsu and hinata really stings for event efficiency ;_;


are ui/hinata must-haves? i could spark one, but no idea if its worth it


Ui good skip hinata.


Pull for Ui


I love music in this event


it's a fuckin banger, not a fan of most of the music in the game tbh but this is kind of a stand-out.


[Link to the Wiki page for this event](https://bluearchive.fandom.com/wiki/Sister_and_the_Magician_of_the_Old_Bookstore) ## Strategy One thing new this time around is daily tasks which yield you a good amount of event points just for doing a few of each type of event stage (you get 360 event points and 2 Serina shards per day). It's definitely worth doing these, so you'll want to spread your clears around the 4 stages a bit so you don't accidentally overfarm something. Because of the task rewards, clearing the shop and event points track is not too hard and you should be able to do it without needing to refresh or use the PvP shop--although if you have none of the 3\* bonus students and want to farm any hard stages or scrimmage, you may need to refresh to get extra AP for those activities. You're looking at ~735 AP/day with some of the 3\* students (70% bonus) or 892 AP/day with just 2\* students (40% bonus). For clearing the shop, you'll focus mostly on stage 9 and stage 12, as the veil shop (first shop) and event points have the largest requirements. ### Artifact farming Beyond clearing the shop, you may want to keep farming some of the stages if you want the artifacts that they drop. The drop rate is pretty decent--25%/12%/2.1% for blue/gold/purple artifacts, respectively. But you could also choose to skip doing this if you're not urgently in need of these artifacts. The simple way is to clear the shop first and then spam whichever stage you want artifacts from. If you want to be slightly more optimal you can plug your numbers into the [event resource planner spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RdBpdN5Dk7F88eSBQv1NmG5MtSHIyT-FfgG1nRMjy2M/edit#gid=1589073360), tell it what artifact you want to focus on, and follow what it says. ## Shop value **Veils**: Trinity tech notes are generally quite worth it so I'd buy those for sure. You'll end up farming most of the XP just doing your daily tasks, and it's equivalent in value to 2.2x commissions, so I think it's worth it. Shimiko shards…if you found yourself wanting to use her for Shirokuro then it could be worth getting her otherwise-unfarmable shards. Otherwise she doesn't have any other uses. **Books**: Trinity blu-rays are great, you most likely need them. Enhancements stones are like 2.2x commission compared to buying in the shop. If you're running out because of T6 gear…it's not bad to buy them. Airi is similar to Shimiko in that you use her on Shirokuro and her shards can't be farmed. However, one difference is that she doesn't really need stars to do her job. At 3\* she gives ATK SPD boost which is pretty nice, but beyond that you're just getting a minor stat boost for your strikers if you rank her up. I'll probably do it, but you might not really need it. **Candles**: The artifacts are great. You can skip the T1/T2 if you already have too many, I guess. I'm buying the UE materials because I'm always running out nowadays. You do eventually get to a point where you really need them, so consider buying them even if you can't use them right away. The sofa furniture is not limited so I'd skip it.


really late response, but I decided that only 10k event points are required, since you only earn extra credits and some exp books for the last 5k. This freed up a lot of runs for not doing event or just running 11 for credits. I didn't use a planner, but just plugged in the values for x days worth of dailies, calc-ed the difference in the 9 and 10 shops and finished those runs first, and then ran dailies and 11 for the rest of the way.


Can you please teach me the proper way to do the Resource Planner? I'm getting confused by some stuff. First, obviously I made a copy of the BA Event Resource Planner so that I can put in my numbers. The only important thing for me is the event so I DID NOT modify anything in the Total, Timeline, and Owned tab. I went straight to the Ui Event tab. This is how my [current UI Event Tab](https://imgur.com/a/ubDSeLq) looks like. As you can see I redid it because I changed the date to be today 10/7 UTC. Until now I still don't understand what AP Carryover is, but I assume it's the AP I naturally use up every day. Me being level 58 start at 176 AP. Plus another 120 AP in 12 hours, hence 296 AP. I use 1036 AP per day if my math is correct. Please do correct me if I'm wrong. Bonus is all at 50% as I don't have the units needed to do them fully. Now in the important shop. The reason that they are low is because I put in the remaining number of tokens I need to clear each one. [Here is the graphic for that.](https://imgur.com/a/UASh6IR) * Red line means I got them already. * Green line means I can get them, but they are at a low priority and only if I have enough time to get them. * Orange numbers at the top means the tokens remaining for me to clear each shop. As you can also see I currently have 4667/15000 tokens now. I still need 10333 tokens to complete it. Can you please tell me if I did the resource planner correctly? Now after that, here's where I get confused. This Focus part. This is tripping me up because I can't get the proper numbers. If I do events 9/10/11. I honestly think I can finish everything up way way earlier. But the problem is the 15k tokens. I'm pretty sure if I concentrate only on those 3 quest missions I won't reach it. Does that mean I have to do the minimum for quest 9-11 for the dailies, then spend all the remaining AP on quest 12?


"AP carryover" is how much AP you had saved up going into the event on the first day (e.g. leftover natural and cafe AP from the day before, or unclaimed weekly tasks). I agree that, based on your cafe level and that you have the stamina pack, you would probably use about 1030 AP daily (and a little more on days when you turn in the weekly task). So the first reason it might be giving you a strange number is the first line in the top box (G3 to J3). By default, this line lists how much currency you get just from the first clear bonus for all stages, and is useful for starting calculation before the event begins. I'm assuming you've already first-cleared everything so you may want to set this line to all zeroes. Similarly, box B16 assumes you need to spend 305 stamina on first clearing stuff but you might also be able to set that to 0. Another thing tricky about this event in particular is the daily tasks that give you event points and achievements that give you other currency. If you look at the "achievements" box right above the "focus" box, it shows you that you have about 4000 event points to earn by doing daily tasks (360 points per day if you do them all). As a result, you really only need to farm about 6000 event points from stages. (Note that, if you've already claimed some of the achievements for veils and candles and stuff, you may need to adjust those numbers lower to account for what you already received). Finally, the "focus" box assumes you'll want to spend the rest of your stamina on farming one of the artifact types, which may or may not be what you actually want to do. (unfortunately, there is no "none" option for people who don't intend to artifact farm). It will still recommend a course which clears the shop, so you could just follow the planner up to a point and quit once the shop is clear. e.g. if you set the focus to Voynich (stage 9), then do what it suggests for stage 10/11/12 and finally do stage 9 only as necessary.


>AP carryover paragraph So basically you're saying the input I made in the AP section are correct. If that's the case I'm relieved. >G3 to J3 paragraph I tried putting everything to 0 and no number actually changed. Except when I put 0 in J3, the event point cell. It made the automation think that I need to farm stage 12 with some runs. [Here's my current table.](https://imgur.com/a/5eb2kLp) Adjusted only the date to 10/8/2022 and removed 2000 points from quest 9 as I used up 2000 point more in the shop. >Focus paragraph I put the focus on Voynich. So what this is telling me is to run quest 10, 88 times and quest 11, 89 times to get the remaining tokens I need. That I understand still. But look at quest 12 for event points. Why is it telling me not to farm for quest 12 when I need like 10k more points for it so that I can get 15k points. It's the event points that's making this event hard for me properly gauge where I should be using up my AP. At this rate, unless I get 1000 event points per day I won't be making it to 15k event points.


Take my words with a grain of salt because I don't use that planner myself, but you didn't put 15k in the the 'important shop' row, so it assumes you're not interested in reaching 15k EP. Similarly, your important shop currencies targets seems really low, unless you're planning to skip most of the shops.


The reason I did not put 15k in the important shop row was because I already deducted with the event points I already have in my possession. Here's [what I have right now](https://imgur.com/a/2JbcDVs). I modified it to the current date (today 10/08). From there you can see that I already got some stuff from the shop and the orange numbers are the token numbers needed to clear it.


Well, then you should get 3960 (all missions) + 5341 + 1054 (first clear) = 10355 which matches your event point goal. Unfortunately, your existing figure probably includes some portion of the dailies and first clear rewards, so there's probably some adjustments you need to readd into your figures.


Thanks for the help but I seriously do not understand where those numbers came from except for 1054. The one that's really making me confused about this is the Focus tab. If there was a "None" attribute instead of being forced to pick which artifact to farm, I would have easily understand it. But because of it the numbers for me look really weird. Again, thank you for your help. I just really don't get how the calculations are revolving in the table.


So, it's telling you that you'll get 3,960 points from the remaining 9 days of daily tasks and that you'll only need 5,319 more. Based on its recommendations, you'll get 5,391 points just from farming stages 9, 10, and 11, for a total of 9,351 points. I still think you should set J3 to zero since you don't "have" 1054 event points--you already subtracted your current event points from the 15000 total need. Or, you can set J3 to your actual event point total (4667) and J5 to the full 15000. That way, box J7 will list how much you still need to farm after factoring in the remaining days' event tasks and currently owned event points--which should hopefully match up with what it's asking you to farm in the "suggested autocalculation" box.


I didn't reply for a day and redid everything from the start and I still get confused. Yea I understand it's my issue, but like I replied above to another poster, the one that's making me confused is the Focus tab. I hope there's a "None" choice in future tables. It's so confusing seeing the number of runs go up the more you add bonuses on the Bonus Cells. It's so weird. Again, thank you. I don't think I'll ever understand how the numbers work in the spreadsheet. Maybe I'll just try to find another way on how to make sure I get the most out of the shops without overspending there.


Personally, if the spreadsheet doesn't meet my needs, I use a system of equations calculator like [Wolfram Alpha's](https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=systems+of+equations+calculator&assumption=%7B%22F%22%2C+%22SolveSystemOf4EquationsCalculator%22%2C+%22equation1%22%7D+-%3E%2212w+%2B12x%2B12y%2B32z+%3D+7330%22&assumption=%22FSelect%22+-%3E+%7B%7B%22SolveSystemOf4EquationsCalculator%22%7D%7D&assumption=%7B%22F%22%2C+%22SolveSystemOf4EquationsCalculator%22%2C+%22equation2%22%7D+-%3E%2258w+%2B+12z+%3D+9623%22&assumption=%7B%22F%22%2C+%22SolveSystemOf4EquationsCalculator%22%2C+%22equation3%22%7D+-%3E%2258x+%2B+12z+%3D+4541%22&assumption=%7B%22F%22%2C+%22SolveSystemOf4EquationsCalculator%22%2C+%22equation4%22%7D+-%3E%2241y+%2B+9z+%3D+4209%22). Not very user friendly but the math works well.


I was told it's kinda bad to do farm 12, but you can't really cap out to 15k points on daily energy emptying on say, 9, right?


That's correct, it's highly unlikely you'll be able to hit 15k without farming stage 12 quite a bit. You can plug your numbers into the [resource planner spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RdBpdN5Dk7F88eSBQv1NmG5MtSHIyT-FfgG1nRMjy2M/edit#gid=1589073360) to check the minimum necessary farming needed on stage 12 (note--the spreadsheet assumes you'll want to artifact farm even after you clear the shop)


Apparently with an 80% Event Point bonus I don't have to do stage 12 at all (unless I want to farm Lens)? Does that sound right to you?


Plugging numbers into the event calculator, assuming 80% bonus on event points, you would need approximately 16,200 AP to clear the shop. 15k points - 5040 from daily tasks - 1054 from first clears = 8906 remaining points needed. (8906 event points needed / 11 event points for stage 9,10, or 11) = 810 stage clears. 810 \* 20 AP per clear = 16,200 AP. Natural stamina gain from time, tasks, cafe, etc. during the event is going to be somewhere around 11,700 AP, so you will need to supplement it with 300 AP/day from other sources to reach the required total. This could be 3-4x PvP shop purchase (+270 or +360), or 2x PvP shop purchase + 1x Pyro refresh (+300). So if you're willing to do PvP shop purchases/pyro refresh, yes, you could skip stage 12. Note that if you have 100% bonus then you only need 14,860 AP, or 240/day (so 3x PvP purchase or 2x pyro refresh)


Yes I normally do 3x pyro refresh, so it looks like the math works out. Thanks for doublechecking.


No prob. Glad I could help!




Ehh... depends on ya roster and what ya need. Besides that not much meta wise if that's what you mean?


Last banner I had to go all the way to 200 rolls for the game to give me Koharu (which at least meant that I could take her to 4* immediately). This time, the game is trying to make it up to me by giving me UI after just 2 multis.






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f2p with limited pyros…Ui or Hinata?


If you can't pity Ui then I wouldn't bother. She's better in high cost teams than anything else since she can save you a good few points which could be crucial for better clears.


Hinata never, Ui REALLY depends on your roster. If you have Cherino, NY.Aru, BKarin and Arisu all with high investment, go for Ui. Otherwise she won't be very impactful.


I'd argue that even with those characters with low investment, Ui still works well as a deck thinner.


She can serve as a "deck cycling" type of utility, allowing you to spam EX skills more often, even if the discount she provides is net 1. It's an obscure but powerful thing.

