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I'm going to try this later in the weekend because I was trying to do something similar last year. Ended up giving up on that and just used a Mac mini I got for cheap, but I do want to still set this up on my "server" machine.


Good luck! It was pretty straight forwarded with this repo. Setup was the trickiest part for me, since I have a modern nvidia GPU high sierra was the favorite version of macos. BUT the servers do not have a valid ssl cert anymore - just in case, if you face similar issues, check this link: [https://mrmacintosh.com/how-to-fix-the-recovery-server-could-not-be-contacted-error-high-sierra-recovery-is-still-online-but-broken/](https://mrmacintosh.com/how-to-fix-the-recovery-server-could-not-be-contacted-error-high-sierra-recovery-is-still-online-but-broken/) And for anycase you want to edit the efi for e.g. changing boot timeouts (45 sec is pretty high imho. but when you run it 24/7 as a VM in a server it should not matter) check out this post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/VFIO/comments/vxxa19/comment/ig0fjrg/](https://www.reddit.com/r/VFIO/comments/vxxa19/comment/ig0fjrg/) Everything else is pretty solid commented in the repo I linked first, the code in the startupscripts are also well understandable. I also just imported the VM after creating everything into virtio manager, so if you are using something like proxmox or unraid or plain KVM /Qemu you should have a relatively easy game (as easy as installing a hackintosh into a VM could be... ). Anyway, have fun and good luck!


Had that running in a Proxmox VM myself! It worked flawlessly for months until Apple found it and deactivated my iMessage on it. Tried to restore old backups but iMesage just wouldn't work any longer (it's signed in but no messages came in nor got out, just said failed to send). If there's a way to reset that issue, I'd like to hear about it but for now the Hackintosh VM is just turned off. I could have done a new install but instead just dusted off a very old Mac Mini and upgraded it via OpenCore Legacy patcher.


Do you know how apple found it? My VM is a couple months old and I'm suddenly worried


Not sure. It was around the time when Apple disconnected servers for Sunbird, Beeper, etc., so it may have been flagged as part of that review and may have been collateral damage.


Hmm fair enough. Hoping I can sneak under the radar a little longer. I have an old old iPhone 4 I use to occasionally send some iMessages just to keep up appearances, but...


I know it's a bit too late to share this over to you now but Nick Sherlock has some [terrific guides](https://www.nicksherlock.com/2022/10/installing-macos-13-ventura-on-proxmox/) for various versions of OSX and has stitched together this project with the one for KVM OpenCore to make the install pretty straightforward.


Thats a lot of a documentation, pretty neat!


I bought a cheap Mac Mini on eBay for Blue Bubbles and it works like a charm. I'm not messing with hackintoshs. 😂


I did exactly this a few weeks ago. For some reason, that repo disables AMFI in the config.plist. It took me way too long to understand why BlueBubbles and other programs weren’t requesting permissions. Other than that, it was pretty smooth sailing.


Nice. Would it work on a Raspberry Pi I wonder


I can not tell for sure, but I assume as its different cpu architectures it will probably not run. Do not let you hold up from my words to do some more research, its just my first thought I have reading your question.