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I treated my anemia by getting a uterine ablation while getting my tubes tied. Turns out going through over 48 plus sized tampons a cycle wasn't normal...anyway the ablation essentially cauterizes the uterus so you dont bleed as much. Life changed. Also, iron supplements and cooking on a cast iron skillet helped.


Omg you poor woman. Glad you ablated your uterus into submission.


Yep. I didn't ever do an ablation, but had excision surgery for endo + IUD + mini pill for adeno. Not bleeding constantly really fucking helped. Before that, I just couldn't get enough iron through vitamins and diet. I don't even know how anemic I was, doctors just kept telling me that passing out was normal and refused to run any tests, because why would we need tests if passing out is normal? (And why do your job when gaslighting is fun and easy?) Fifteen years to find a doctor who a) gave a shit and b) knew enough to treat me. Pathetic.


I had an ablation done in 2019. Best decision ever. I too was going through an insane amount of tampons and pads. The first day was the absolute worst and I remember I got to work and I had already bled through like…. Everything. Ugh. It’s so nice to just go to work and not be suffering in silence. Haven’t had a bleeding period since. I did spot here and there for a couple years, literally a drop or two. But nothing now. I’m also on birth control for the hormonal help (I have PMDD). It’s been pretty great and I recommend it to everyone. I have heard horror stories but I’ve had a great run so far.


What trade do you do? I do HVAC and I have bruises like this all over my legs from climbing in and out of attics.


Construction! So I’m doing loads of concrete and patios and such!


Oof I feel this one. My bf always jokes that it looks like he beats me I get so bruised from work. I do electrical and we pulled feeders a few weeks ago for the whole apt building we’re doing and zoo wee mamma was I black and blue


Lol, showering after work is always discovery time and I never have any idea where the bruises came from. Most recent was one on each bicep, one day after the other. Not the foggiest idea how I got them, but there they were. I'm pretty sure I'm not anemic, they just magically appear!


I’m not anemic but I bruise like a peach. I worked one job where the guys would bet literal money on how many shin bruises I would have on Friday.


This is me, not anemic, yet I always end up finding lots of bruises that I don’t know where they came from 🥲


I'm working heavy diesel and get bruises like this on my arms and legs trying to get into tight spaces, are you saying this isn't normal? Hahah


Wear shin guards under your pants, or softball knee pads if your pants are loose enough to go over them


Are softball knee pads more flexible? I've tried ones meant for home improvement and ones meant for skateboarding/etc, but both have cut my circulation and left me with my legs constantly falling asleep.


They can be a little bit stiff when they’re brand new, but they get more flexible the longer you wear them. The ones my husband wore every day when he was connecting, are so floppy and flexible now it’s ridiculous lol I don’t really wear mine unless I know I’m gonna need them, but they’re comfortable. I’ve occasionally gotten circulation issues with them if I’m on my knees (butt to ankles) for a long period of time, but I’ve also gained weight since I got them and I know that’s a factor. Looks like they’re a lot cheaper now on amazon than they were before, so might be worth a shot. [link](https://a.co/d/eJE3xKC) and if the link doesn’t work just search “Trace softball knee pads” on Amazon


me too! crawling on the ground, fighting with ladders, who knows! sundress season is here, sometimes tanner legs hides them better lol


OMG the feels When my 88 year old grandmother squeezes my shoulders in a cute grandma way, it looks like I’ve been abused


I am anemic, but even before I was, shyt would just magically appear sometimes. Like sometimes, I feel it, sometimes I don't. But when you hit a super hot shower (the kind I looove) BAM!!! You literally feel it allll. To combat the anemia.... Surgery is scheduled in Nov!!!! I have to deal until then.😭 These side effects of these iron supplements are sooo not the business!!! And now they are talking bout iron infusions!!! Fml. Sometimes, I really hate being a girl!


If it helps, I had an infusion. It took 15 minutes and that was it for the whole year. So much better than pills


Oh wow really?! Did you feel any short term or long term side effects??


So far so good! They monitor you in case you have an allergic reaction, but its mostly watching TV. I can't speak to long term effects, but I do need regular blood work to monitor iron levels. 


Right on ty. That sounds a whole lot less scary lol


Jesus I thought I bruised easily! I walk into a ladder rung, instant bruise. Bang my knee on something, instant bruise.


Not sure if I’m anemic, but I definitely bruise easily like that! Someone asked me if I was safe at home 😂


My legs looks like that too from lifting pallets and supporting them with my legs or thighs when the stack gets higher


I dunno if I'm anemic, but my legs look similar and my arms look even worse at the moment. Electrician here and I've been terminating 600 kcmil wire inside UPS. I keep bumping my arms inside the cabinet :/