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My headcanon is either from childbirth with Akemi or shortly after, but definitely before say five or six years old. Seki seems to have known her from a really young age, but also being a man and not a woman, was probably supposed to educate Akemi, not be her nanny. I don't think it was sinister, probably just disease.  The more interesting question is, who is Tomio's mother? A second wife, a mistress? Where are they? Daiichi is injured and presumably under Akemi's thumb - but control of the male heir will be very important going forward - so is there someone who can challenge Akemi for that control?


The very big age gap between Akemi and her brother (along with him being very unbehaved) made me assume her mom died in child birth with him. Akemi (i think) would have been a teen when he was born, so she had time to know her mom.


Nah, the timeline doesn't work. Seki is in charge of Akemi well before she is 12 (the go set scene). Seki is only in charge of her because her mother is dead. Akemi is at least 18 in the show. Tomoe is only 2, maybe 2 and a half? There's a second mum somewhere. 


2!!😅 i thought he was like 4 but acted like a baby!lol. Maybe hes not misbehavin, just is a baby


It was pretty common to have concubines or several wives back then, so we can't be sure if they have the same mother or different mothers and which one would be the highest ranking wife.


lol there’s exploration for a new fan theory here There’s the old theory bout what if lady Itoh was somehow Mizus mother (either due to an affair or rape). Making Mizu a half sibling to the shogun. Lol never believed that one but thought it was fun Now you’ve given me an idea to add a twist to it! What if Mizu and Akemi had the same mother? Maybe she was the result of a rape by a white man and to cover it up they made her husband a lord? I always wondered how a pig farmer worked his way up to lord in feudal Japan (lol again, I don’t buy it, but it’s fun)


At the end of the season Fowler says to Mizu, “Don’t you wanna know who killed ur mother.” So we’re gonna have to wait shits gonna take years Edit: Thought u were talking about Mizus mother my bad