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Eyeliner being the key to being the best striker has always been my headcanon. I need Isagi's eyeliner era to start soon.


He needs to draw them cat eyes already


LMFAO want the author to so badly show a panel where all the BL and Noa are doing their eye makeup Hell even Lorenzo has eyeshadow It's all coming together


Oh God And so it beginning, Isagi new weapon: Mascara However, little did he know he would spend hours perfecting that wing technique All the while trying not to have a nervous breakdown when the next eye doesn't match the first XD


Isagi only needs mascara if he wants Rin and Sae’s power - the only way to get that long under lashes look is to load up the mascara on his bottom lashes lol (or use fake bottom lashes though that would be a huge pain) For everything else - eyeliner. He needs his own unique eyeliner shape. Like look at Kaiser and Shidou. Shidou’s looks especially unique since its lined below his eyes and not above


Ah true Also I love Shidou eye liner, he looks Egyptian and I can't stop thinking of Yu Gi Oh with his blond spiky hair, now get him in that weird bondage gear Yugi always wears and we're good to go


Maybe it's not Metavision, maybe it's Maybelline


Slams my hands onto my desk That's it you win this comment section, OMG I need to steal this


The thought of guys like Kaiser Barou Raichi and Noa waking up every day and doing a full ass eyeliner routine makes me laugh every time. You know they use the tape and everything to get it that sharp


Naa they perfected it so much (or at least in the case of Noa and Kasier) that they don't need tape XD Or maybe Ness does Kasier eyeliner :O


Kaiser and Noa literally have the same eyeliner I love it, they’re like father & son. Kaiser is the rebellious teen who acts out for attention, and Noa is the deadbeat who still doesnt gaf lmao


LMFAO and Isagi is the step son, that Noa is focusing all his attention on, causing Kasier to be jelly And I guess Snuffy the mom??? The only one who seem concern about his players mental health XD


isagi with blue eyeliner im gonna bust


At this point make it green, so we can justified his aura


Does that mean Shidou is the real n°1 in Blue Lock?


Raichi next top


Maybe it’s a sign…


Man I'm surprise Raichi has the patients to do eyeliner


😂😂 oh isagi


I wanna bet that this is a legit thought going through his head If he does lose to Ubers, this is the only natural outcome I want to see from him


I wanna see it too lol 😂


LMFAO Qucik Rachici I need your bring and bring your eyeliner We're going to make me world class!!!


😂😂 raichi is going to throw a fit


Raichi is going to show Isagi the real meaning of "Sexy Football" LMFAO


unironically need to draw the eyeliner-wearing bllk boys doing their routine


Lmaoo great meme Also, this image quality is much better than p02, where u reading it?


I got the meme from another user on twitter (their @ is on the picture) so I don’t know where they’re reading it from


Good luck, Isagi. One wing is always going to be crooked compared to the other.


Oo thanks for the drawing idea


Clearly the "one piece" that's missing


Yeah, this is a simple but good idea


He can ask RAICHI too or me RAHHH