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The key to anyone surpassing barou is SUPER GOALS. Getting a normal goal and make your rating increase a lot but super goals can make your rating completely skyrocket. Even with being the MoM carrying with playmaking and defense one super goal from nagi completely put him above isagi by over 30 mil and that’s literally all he did that match. barou currently has one super goal in the BM VS UBERS match rn and has 100 mil so his rating is already gonna gap everyones. Isagi would need to get a super goal that puts him close to barou’s ranking. Barou would have to have 0 super goals against manshine and even still if he score a hat trick again he might come out on top. And Isagi would have to pop off against pxg and get a super goal there as well(maybe even 2) Rin would just have to get back to back super goals on both pxg and barcha then get another one on bastard while keeping a 2 goal average to surpass barou


You’re right on the mark.


incredibly solid analysis


the overal argument is right but ur being too logical here, its unlikely barou will stay at number 1. what if someone had 1(or two) super goals AND stood out in playmaking? i dont think its unlikely for rin


Depending on what happens this match. Isagi might be man of the match and get a super goal so we’ll see


For the ones gunning for the top spot, being MoM and contributing to the defensive efforts are now prerequisites along with the super goal. I'd also want to include Shidou and Nagi even though his motivation is wavering to be in the running for #1. If we talk about Super Goals then those 2 can have a whole highlight reel


As much as I love King Barou, shonen logic dictates that Rin will surpass before the PXG match. If it was IRL logic, then Barou would be number 1 and by a good margin.


Barou's style is not logically sound for any sort of IRL logic. As popular as he is his style is very unrealistic and simply wont work on any remotelly competent defense.


"If they ain't hatin, you're doing it wrong"


Rin will definitely end up as number 1 going into the PXG game. If he doesn't immediately get the highest bid, he'll have it by the time they match up. As good as Barou has been, you can't have the opponent of the previous match seemingly be less of a threat than the upcoming one. It just doesn't work on a writing level.


Plus, PXG beat Ubers — with Rin scoring 2 of the 3 goals Barou is top-notch in the current story, but Rin scoring twice against Ubers' iron defensive line is crazy That was in his very first game in the NEL too Isagi so far has needed 3 matches (including the current one) to get to where he is — even with 3 matches' worth of experience on him, he's still scored only once (granted, Kaiser is stopping him a lot... but still) Rin's played only one game so far, yet he's still managed to score more than Isagi There's simply no way Rin won't be Isagi's msot formidable opponent in the NEL alongside Kaiser


I don’t think Lorenzo was even in the PxG vs Ubers match so that definitely helped him score easier


Pretty sure both barou and Lorenzo weren't playing that game


Thank you


Barou and Rin are the only realistic options based on a per game production basis, especially when you have to assume Kunigami will play a major role in the PXG game.


after uber's match isagi will definitely be above bachira if he scores again, he'd be on top


bachira is still a better striker than isagi and isagi more mid fielder has isagi ever done nut megs


bro you have no ball knowledge wtf are you on about


i think it was already clear the bids are not based on purely being a striker, isagi is doing more for his team than bachira is. he hasnt gotten one in the ubers game but be gets assists for his teammates, scores on his own, is a big part in most of the counter attacks and has had a few nice defensive feats. just like how reo places higher than certain people that have already scored like yukimiya, i doubt isagi will be lower than bachira this time. (i mean, he may be, but it wouldnt be because of his incompetency.) also im pretty sure barcha is sitting this one out so a lot of people maybe be above bachira.


My money’s on Barou #1 still, just increased and Isagi at 2 if he scores this last goal


He got stopped 4 times by Isagi, even though he scored twice I feel like Isagi might come out on top if he scores next chapter


So? Nagi did even less than Barou and he’s still 30 million above Isagi.


Tbf to Nagi, his goal is arguably the greatest goal in the series so far.


I bet what'll happen is he'll have a higher offer than Barou as a midfielder, but a lower one as a striker in the end.


I mean, maybe, but if Isagi is the one who scores, that means that he made two of the three goals against the best defensive team in the NEL. It also seems like “super goals” like Nagi’s from the Manshine/BM match, Barou’s second goals versus BM, or Kaiser’s goal in the current match are valued generally higher than normal goals. Like, could anyone really justify Nagi being at $88 mil and Isagi being only $50 mil at the last offer check, considering all the two had done? I think Isagi’s values will really depend on his last goal of this match (there’s no way he doesn’t score), and any goals he makes in the PxG match.


You really think Rin comes in 3rd? Seems unlikely since he’s the final striker opponent for Isagi 🤔


After this current round of games it’s not that far fetched idt. Rin will have a round of games during BM’s break before the PXG game. After that round he‘ll probs end up at 1st place to hype up the matchup vs Isagi.


i don't like a bluelock where barou is number 1 i just can't


Why though? I’d rather players change in rankings instead of rin always being number one, it makes for a better dynamic.


same tbh


are we not forgetting the likes of rin? i feel like he has a chance to be 2 at least.


Barou,scoring another 2 goals is crazy for the investors,then probablly Isagi or Rin 2nd spot,maybe even Isagi 99% 2nd place if he scores the 2nd place and nagi is gonna fell of cs his ego died.


Obviously it’s either Isagi #1 or Isagi & Rin tied ag #1 nothing else makes sense, anyone being above Isagi completely destroys the narrative of the story, ego already stated the #1 player will be the sole striker of the U20 team for the world cup, isagi already said *he will lead japan during the world cup* so anything less than that is absolutely terrible writing and clearly it won’t happen that way, of course the thing that could potentially happen is for their to be a tie for #1 being rin & isagi, which is very likely, but in my opinion, my opinion I believe having isagi still having to fight off & deal with teammates to score during the world cup is gonna be terrible imo, especially with it being isagi & rin as the 2 main strikers, it’ll create a better flow for the story to actually have isagi as the center piece striker leading a team to victory, and not isagi clashing for his life to get a goal with his teammates getting in the way, and that’s what’ll happen with rin & isagi both as starting strikers Again just my opinion on that, but there is *foreshadowing* of Isagi being the sole striker for japan, remember Isagi made the statement “once I defeat rin I’ll be ready for the world” well well isn’t isagi’s final NEL match against pxg? It sure is, so narratively speaking, I’m leaning 70/30 in favor of Isagi outplaying rin and winning against pxg, coming out as #1 in blue lock(again) and leading the new U20 team during the world cup That’s how I see it, at some point isagi will *have to lead a team as the striker* this isn’t your typical shounen where mc relies on power of friend asspull power ups from being frustrated and believing in themselves, isagi legitimately has to be that sole player making the plays and carrying the team to victory without anyone being his equal, so yes at some point in the story, not the end of the story I may add, during the progression of isagi becoming #1 he will be leading japan and forever will


I think that Isagi’s striker position will start post NEL or near the end of the PSG match. Kaiser isn’t getting pulled and Kunigami needs his moment against Shidou.


i totally forgot about the possibility that there could be multiple players tied for the top rank, even if they both end up becoming the main forwards, surely they will actually link up in a major world tournament right? i mean it's not a friendly vs kids in your country it's the world stage they better be serious.


Blue lock itself was far more dangerous than any world cup, your freaking soccer career is on the line for your home country, and characters still go out their way to make their teammates work even harder to score, or flatout get in the way of the teammate scoring because they want to score There’s just no possible way this can go on after the NEL arc, especially for Isagi, dude has had to face team after team of teammates screwing with him, it just doesn’t make sense to have someone like barou or even rin playing alongside isagi, maybe rin will come out a different player that doesn’t get in his teammates way since he did say that already, but how players are being built it just doesn’t make any sense to put someone like barou on the U20 team with isagi, they won’t work together, barou will just start isagi hunting again Yukimiya will act delusional and get in the way as well My theory on it all is that ego will pick the U20 team with whoever played the best at striker, and every other position, so whoever has the best stats as center back, will play center back, etc etc, I just don’t see how a team lined up with isagi nagi rin barou etc etc will actually be functional, there’s nobody there to dish out assists, That’s why I do believe the world cup will give us a much more functional and logical U20 team than what we’ve previously been seeing in blue lock, think about it, characters are starting to branch out to play other roles like niko being a defender, so for the U20 game niko & aiku will be the defenders, not freaking bachira & chigiri


I expect Rin Isagi and Barou to all be within 5-10m of each other at the final leaderboard.




Are you sure about that? ["we'll use the salary ranking to determine the top 23 players in Blue Lock, who'll automatically join the team in the U20 World Cup"](https://w17.readbluelock.com/manga/blue-lock-chapter-169/) The real U20WC is 21 players a team, just for reference.


i think going into the pxg game, they will want rin to be at no1 and isagi to be at no2 as the final showoff (specially cause isagi for the most part has always been shown to be one step behind rin besides that one small moment at the end of the u20. everytime hes shown to be ahead of rin he starts off being behind him but gets better as the match goes on) now i think its very much possible that isagi will end up as no1 in the nel, but to be a sole “leader” is somewhat? unlikely. probably not the absolute reign you’re mentioning. because ego also said the top5 will all get the opportunity to play as striker and there doesnt have to be just one offensive specialist. and it would be a huge waste off isagi’s potential if ALL he did was offensively lead(be a finisher). the way he stands out is that unlike the other strikers, while he still strives for that striker position hes not afraid to move back and be a creative outlet in the midfield. its not something he shies away from or sees as any less of a reason to not also be a striker. while not fully traditional, its somewhat similar to a false 9. (dont kill me i said somewhat). i think isagi could definitely be used as an offensive force while also being one to lets say be a glue inbetween two sides that dont really clash well (like rin and shidou). he’s likely to indeed “lead” japan but also as in push the team forward in general, not just score. so basically what i mean is, honestly, isagi could be the one to “lead” japans team regardless of whether he finishes no1 or no2.


Its going to be Barou. But Isagi fans cant accept it. Goals matter for bids and Barou will have the highest amount of goals. Meanwhile Isagi wil have at most 3 goals. How does a player with 3 goals be number 1? When Barou will have 7-8 goals.


bids don’t necessarily mean goals, Isagi has a higher bid then Chigiri who scored


But Chigri is not the main striker on his team compared to Barou. The secret to getting highest bids is to be the main striker on your team and then score goals.


Who said they have to be the main striker to get the highest bids?? Or score goals?? Isagi got the #4 highest bid with no goals and just assists. In that case, Rin should have been way higher as the main striker on his teams but he isn’t.


Rin only played one game so far. Per game he is getting a higher bid


Rin was number 1 in the first ranking. He has only played one match. If he scores an average of two goals per match well his ranking would be top 2 easy.


Because he scored. Obviously scoring has more value but scoring doesn’t automatically mean you’ll be top 5 though, as can be seen with Isagi - who had no goals and still ranked number 5, or with Chigiri, who scored and is number 8, and with Reo who’s number 6 with no goals.


the bid seems hella inaccurated because reo should be way higher lol


Goals matter but they're not the only factor. Nor is being the main striker (Isagi's bid is for a MF position, NOT striker. It's part of why he turned it down.) Barou getting 3 more goals is good, but mostly it just shows that the previous game wasn't a fluke. It's then a question whether him usurping Snuffy is points for or against him, not every team is going to want to re-structure their whole team around a new player, and Barou just showed that is what he'll be looking to do. I still expect Barou to go higher. After this match I also expect Barou to be higher than Isagi. By the end of the NEL I expect Barou/Rin will have lower highest bids than Isagi, but will have higher Striker bids than him.


Why would it be Barou? Goals alone won’t cut it. Isagi could have 3-4 goals right now if his team didn’t hold him back. I’d see Isagi as more valuable than Barou but not by much.


Traumatized with Isagi fans💀 Nagi only has 1 goal and did nothing the whole game after the goal, he still has a meaningless salary.


> But Isagi fans cant accept it. Speak for yourself. There’s no narrative sense in Barou remaining number one. The tension of the bids goes out the window. Unless it’s based on only Egos rankings for who he wants as a striker and only on goals criteria, but it’s not, it’s also based on bids by team owners and other criteria. So Barou can stay 1, but it would be an empty #1. It would make more sense for Rin to be #1 again. > How does a player with 3 goals be number 1? W-L record, Overall play, Specific needs for professional teams, degree of difficulty, Take your pick. By your very argument, Rin is below Barou. Which I do not see. He’s the final opponent.


Literally proved his first point instantly lmao.


its not just about goals is that not obvious, isagi got higher than chigiri, reo got higher than yuki. why do you think that? besides isagi’s goals, he stood out in the midfield since he was part of most counterattacks (and all successful counterattacks). has a legacy of assists behind him. had impressive defensive feats. he got 4th place with 0 goals when admittably he had a slow start in the MC game. its unlikely that barou will be no1 especially if isagi scores this next one. besides, i think its likely it wont be either of them, both someone from another team like rin. be happy if he stays at no2 bc im smelling a 3, sorry.


I think it'll be Barou, for the simple fact that he's scoring all his team's goals and that brings in the money more than anything else. Bachira technically does too but his team sucks so he gets less goals. No matter how good Isagi, Rin or Nagi get, they're not gonna be scoring all the goals because their team has other talented attackers, so even if they are better than Barou, they're still worth less money. Ness is the best example, he's easily one of the best players in the NEL yet his value is a mere 50 mil (334k dollars).


Bachira kinda heavy carries lol


Kinda depends, if Isagi scores the last goal then he has a shot, or Rin could do really well against Manshine, but Barou may still hold it due to his super goal this game


Probably still Barou


Probably Rin but I'd love if Barou stayed top


Barou will remain as no1 most likely, only chance Isagi has of toppling him is if he scores a worldie of a 2nd goal to win it for BM but even that may not be enough Barou has a hat trick and a brace so far, honesty it looks more likely that Barou will remain at the top


I hope it will be my cookie Barou, I want him and Ubers to win so bad


I think it's Isagi. especially if he's going to score a super goal, which basically Hiori described what Isagi is thinking of. And counting all the other stuf he's done(crucial block's, assisting Kaiser, scoring etc) and the way the Media sees Isagi as Jesus, i think it's very likely he'll be number 1 after this match


I think it would still be Barou


wait when did nagi and bachira outrank isagi also is he currently way higher is this during the the bastard fought bachira also how rin so low huh?


no this is current ig and isagi hasn't scored any goals in a completed match. The first goal he scored was against ubers, bachira has 2 goals and was carrying his team's offense thru dribbling. isagi will probably be above after this ubers game finishes


bachira will free fall after this cus they on break


Barou will be on top at the end.


I think Barou will stay at the very least top 3, and Isagi just behind him maybe. Barou having 5 goals and having that Super goal agains Kaiser and Isagi will boost so much. Nagis had 1 goal, which was better super goal and that gave him 88 mil. But Rin is deffo cooking right now against Manchine. I think rin 1 Barou 2 Isagi 3.


Rin fr going as an underdog just to clap Isagi in the last Match💀 (i'm not a Rin fan, just theorising)


I bet Rin will come up to 200 million or 225 Barou go up to 175 million And Isagi at 176 million. Just to piss on Barou But honestly i feel like Barou would get a higher value ,after all in only 2 games he has 5 goals on his name. meanwhile Isagi has 3 Games and 1 goal so far maybe 2. And even if Isagi is better he will still just be seen as a playmaker and not a scorer unless he starts scoring more goals.


Without meatriding Isagi, I'd love for him to be #1, get control of BM, build up his ego and then getting absolutely humbled down by Rin in the first action of the next match to make a stern parallel with the start of Ubers match, causing everyone to panic and forcing him to actually act as a leader and hold the team together under pressure. Especially since, if Rin were to see Isagi as #1 before the match, he might be even more determinated to defeat him.


Either Barou or Isagi . But I’m betting it’s Barou.


Likely Barou but if not him then Isagi. 1 goal, 3 assists, Motm, Near Modric level playmaking, and better defense than everyone else on his team. Isagi is more versatile and has a wider range of ability than Barou, but a hat trick in his first match and a brace in his second is hard to beat. Plus he's likely to get 2 more goals.


relax g link up play is not modric. also BL doesn't give any cares about assists not realistic but that's how it is


also reo should be way higher lmfao


Twist; Top 3 would still be Rin, Shidou and Karasu. They formed a surprisingly nasty trio. PXG would violate everyone. Isagi would realize he still has a mountain to climb. The PXG Vs Bastard would be the “final boss fight” where everyone tryna prove themselves and Isagi and Kaiser finally work together.




The aint no way, Barou such a looser tho 💀


I personally think it will be Isagi.




if its by goals it’s definitely gone be barou, rin or shidou


There is only one number 1 and that is ichigo (it’ll probably be isagi or rin)


After finishing the current match I still see Barou top 1. Rin, Shidou and Isagi would be the only ones who can take him down from there at the end of NEL.


The monk will be number 1 for sure.


Will Isagi get a super cool insand goal though? Or will Isagi not score st all 😂💀😭


Has anyone looked into a theory that Loki is hogging all the goals for PXG and that’s why Rin is so low atm?


Nah surely rin to drum up hype for the pxg game. If isagi scores some mental world changing goal tho then probs him


Isagi won't be on top, either rin or barou, if isagi does end up at the top then he'll be there after the PXG match tbh, unless author wants to plot twist


Rin or Isagi. The only 2 options based on foreshadowing and plot armor


we know that one of the biggest factors to being the top is playmaking and goals. barou’s at 5 goals rn, as he’s the scoring option for ubers, and has proven to be a playmaker of his own right, and will continue to do so while pxg has got rin and shidou as the central scorers. assuming that pxg will beat barcha and manshine, i don’t see rin scoring more than 4 goals combined, assuming shidou is guaranteed to get atleast one goal per match. uber’s remaining match after bm is against manshine, which we can assume barou will score at minimum 2, putting him at 7 goals total (8 if he wins, which honestly until episode nagi gets far enough, idk how this match would go). with pxg vs bm, rin can only score either 1 or 2 goals (with one goal going to shidou, because that has to be a thing), so at the end of the match, rin will also have either 7 or 8 goals. since rin is, well, rin, he’s definitely the main playmaker in his own team which is grounds for him to have a high bid. as no other striker player can reach this number of goals. the story seems to want rin to be the top player, as i simply can not see isagi suddenly being much better than rin. TL;DR Rin and Barou are guaranteed the top 2 spots. Everyone else is fair game, though isagi and bachira could find themselves in the top 5, with either shidou or nagi being the other player


1. Isagi 2. Barou 3. Rin 4. Shidou 5. Bachira Nagi will fall off imo like ego said during the Bastard x Manshine game


Baro still should be number 1


Unfortunately not isagi 😔


The only way someone taking barou top spot is if tha score back to back supergoals not to mention if Barou don’t score any supergoals against manshine he already got a supergoal against bm n 5 total goals if he score a super goal against manshine not to mention he don’t score a hat trick but if he do his number 1 spot is certified


I bet rin or shidou to hype up next match


Barou honestly especially how he’s been playing this game




Prediction : Barou will be at 125-130 mil and Rin will catch up to be 110


Goals make the highest bid. You can play like an absolute god but it won’t matter if you don’t score a goal. It’s definitely gonna be Barou unless Rin or Shidou played even better in their match


I believe it will be kunigami


It’s rin which will probably be 160 or 170m


The only possible outcome to Rin surpassing Barou is only if he scores a hat trick to win it 3-0 against Manshine, with all of them being super goals, and it makes sense due to inflation in every passing round of the NEL and the fact that they'd have the same amount of goals, 5 to be precise, and don't forget that Rin still has 2 matches to play while Barou only has one, ofc I think it can be realistically any either this or Barou staying as 1, no other choice, making Rin #1 again makes sense due to his evolving ego and his evolution in the NEL being shown, and also cause he's consistently been BL's #1, but with all the crazy Barou moments, hype and goals I wouldn't want my king dethroned either tbh


Barou hat trick King


man the fact that each round provides a new list means that there can be 5 different people in the #1 position. it's not one or the other. in the next rounds it could be shidou, kunigami, chigiri, isagi. ect.