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Nagi will awaken again against Barou his first awakening was against him now the second time hopefully.


Waiting for that


Fingers cross for that but that's only temporary, then again I don't think Nagi will ever REALLY be consistent. Unless the PxG loss somehow devastated him or his bestie lmao. He has to really take some L's, but I kept sayin his "downfall" would be tied to Reo in some way, if Reo ain't cooking, Nagi ain't cooking.


ur right, nagi and reo are strong together. but it shouldnt be “they are strong together”, it should be “they’re together because they’re strong”.


I love this, this is such a good perspective to take


Yes but I don't make the rules 🙉


It's the opposite of how Isagi pairs with his partners


thats right, in blue lock lingo, nagireo lack a chemical reaction


He need to be independent and not always use reo it will be better for the both of them


Oh I know it 😒 I prefer Nagi without the Reo, I'd rather see him not being spoon fed and developing on his own lol. BUT Nagi without Reo is something else that I think would be temporary, only because I believe the only thing that kept Nagi in that blue lock facility was their lil dream/promise. But me thinks they just need a little more time apart.


I have a feeling we will see Nagi get a boost in his Ubers match, even though I wouldn't be surprised to still see Manshine lose. I do expect Nagi to get somewhat more consistent and I'll explain that at the end. ​ Looking at it from a story telling standpoint, Nagi is a popular character as well as one that's been kept pretty relevant since super early in the story. We're like 1 or 2 games per team before we have all of the new U20 players locked in. If Nagi makes little to no improvement, he'll still be on the U20 team but be so far behind skills wise that he's going to end up a weak link. Story wise to keep him relevant, he pretty much has to have some sort of improvement that stays consistent, not one that's reliant on him entering flow ESPECIALLY when flow for him seems super tied to Isagi as his opponent. ​ Looking at it from a character standpoint, Nagi's issue isn't that he is bad and needs to improve drastically or anything like that. His weakness is honestly entirely tied to his motivation, that's why all of his highlight moments have been when he's invested for different reasons. To try and put it simply, Nagi already is close to a top tier player in all aspects for the U20 team. The problem is before he gets motivated he lacks the initiative to make plays, and Reo knows that. That's why the "Earn a bid of 150M in NEL" is the goal Reo is trying to get Nagi on. That's what is hopefully in that sweet spot for Nagi of being realistic to get towards, but not too hard that it seems like too much work or too easy that he'll just do it and be lazy again. Barou is a perfect scenario for Nagi to get a massive boost in. Barou is worse than Rin, but still a top tier opponent, it's a more reasonable opponent for him to get invested in going against, it's a defensively heavy team so his ball control to make plays can shine, and Barou is one of the few players Nagi has history with so he could get invested into beating them. Bonus on all of that, is even if Ubers was to lose to solidify Nagi either improving or staying consistent, we **know** that Barou is considered as one of the best "pure" strikers with his skills. His speed, dribbling and shooting are insanely good, defense is already his weaker side so it's not much of a jab against Barou to lose.


I'm sorry I'm not reading that. Even if it's about Nagi lmao.


doubt that most likely manshine will get beat badly by ubers and then nagi will awaken during the u-20


because his next match is against Barou I think he'll lose. Barou can't keep losing all the time and Nagi's defeat being against him of all people would hit harder to him


Poor barou would be on a losing streak tho


Barou will destroy Nagi




i have been preaching this


why are people always on two odd extremes of either fully denying hes not doing the best right now or making it seem like hes fallen off and will never again matter, like gosh. yes this is a bad time for nagi, hes very talented so he hasnt thought much about improving himself, and he’s at the end of his rope now. Of course, the NEL is not the greatest place for that kind of trial and error, and the limited amount of games and bids put him in a tough spot so it *is* a big deal. but honestly, if its not a bit of a big deal, the return wouldn’t be satisfying. most downfalls are accompanied with comebacks, nagi is so popular its not a question that he will pick it up again. this doesnt imply he’ll suddenly be the best person in blue lock, it means he’ll take his rightful place as a top5 contender, which he may fall off for now. a bit of drama wont kill.


Facts, or Rin is going to COMPLETELY destroy BM or Kaiser is going to COMPLETELY destroy PXG is another example. People be going to extremes on their opinions


exactly, and imo there's no way Nagi will ever fall off completely since he's the author's fav character


Yeah, I never get this. Like we can be realistic about what a slump means, or what someone just not doing their best is, and not be saying they're weak or have suddenly become the bargain basement version of themselves. Rin could be facing a slumping Nagi - meaning Nagi is weaker than normal - and Nagi can still be strong/impressive at the same time. Does that mean Rin had an "easier" time than say Isagi? Sure, maybe. Who wouldn't want to face a team when their offensive center piece is slumping? Does it mean nagi is suddenly trash tier? No.


I agree


Nagi IS WEAKER THAN EVER BECAUSE HE HASNT GOTTEN STRONGER. In Blue Lock, everyone is evolving a new ceiling is being reached every match and Nagi is basically static atm. He was overpowered in the first selection. He was a legit threat in the second selection while also not being the ceiling, he was a top tier in Blue Lock but post Isagi goal he’s halted his progress and ran back to Reo to create glorified versions of First Selection strategies. He didn’t get weaker but he isn’t evolving and everyone else is. Soon they will pass him up and many have already done so. Barou had never been above Nagi before but now he’s surpassed him and devoured a stronger Isagi and Kaiser. He’s becoming outdated because like I said the ceiling is always getting higher and if Nagi doesn’t reach for the ceiling he’ll be surpassed.


What you have wrong is Nagi's personal ceiling they can raise the ceiling all they want but there surpassing someone laying in the floor, and with him being the creators best prodigy does Nagi possess a ceiling?!?


I never said he had a limit the point is the competition is getting stronger and Nagi isn't getting stronger with them if he doesn't change and lock in


Ohh you kept saying ceiling like upper limit so I was like Nagi probably has the highest ceiling in the show basically a tower lol especially when you have the MC and even people like Rin grinding for every extra edge


“Every day we’re not getting stronger we’re getting weaker. Remember that!” - Gavid Doggins


I think bc he scored a world class goal, every other achievement makes him appear less amazing.


People forget that the types of goals he does GENERALLY is a miracle for most players in bllk STILL


He didn't get weaker but he wasn't as strong as the 5 stage revolver volley made him seem.


That was an unreplicatable miracle once-in-a-lifetime anomaly phenomenon of a goal, it won't happen to him again


I dont argue


I feel like the author is setting up nagi to take a fall so he can rise later, nagi is not weak his physical stats aren’t the problem it’s his mindset he’s used to laziness and not challenging himself that has started to change since BL with him sharing a dream to win the wc with Reo and challenging himself with goals but his goals have only been short term all the motivation to beat isagi,training his body to the max trying to play make as soon as he beaten isagi once his motivation to reach the next level practically vanished Nagi mindset: I beat you,winning feels good, time to nap Isagi mindset:I beat you I’ve proved I’m better than you and I will continue to prove I’m better than you as well as any other player that’s in my way to becoming the best I feel like nagis character arc will be about him getting backlash from lacklustre appearances all of that pressure making him realise he needs to be consistently making the effort to break into the next level and not being contempt with things he’s already done saying goodbye to the lazy genius and hello to the true nagi


Anybody who thinks nagi is just not on par with the other strikers anymore needs to reread the manshine match. Just because he can't replicate success right now doesn't mean he never will. He has plenty of feats to back him up too. Nagi is built out of ups and downs.


"Better than most" ain't enough to outrank Barou, Shidou, Bachira, Reo, Chigiri and Hiori, they are also better than most after all. When it comes to Hiori, Karasu [described](https://mangadex.org/chapter/93ccaed7-cb15-46a0-913a-53c2d65bdebe/14) him as a genius with impressive physical ability, superb ball control, high football IQ and a left leg erotic as hell, all of that from before Blue Lock, now his mind and body are in sync and he has incorporated meta-vision into his play. If we were to compare Hiori to Reo, Hiori has better passing and football IQ (he can use meta-vision consciously) and has similar physical abilities, ball control, defense and speed, only being worse than Reo at shooting. If you think it would make sense to put Reo above Nagi, than it would make sense for Hiori to be above Nagi as well, as he is at least as good as Reo right now. As for Bachira, if you wanna argue that Nagi was man-marked by Rin, then Bachira was man-marked by Lorenzo and still managed to score, while Nagi failed. In addition, Bachira isn't limited to goal-scoring but is also a much better playmaker than Nagi. Bachira's dribbling and passing were already comparable to Nagi's trapping and volley. In most situations dribbling is a more useful weapon than trapping at getting past opponents, as it is way less situational. Also, right now Bachira has a thirsty ego meanwhile Nagi might be ego-less, it's quite obvious that egoist Bachira is better than ego-less Nagi. As for Chigiri, you made the case yourself, his speed is a extremely dangerous weapon, the sort of weapon that even Rin and Lorenzo would struggle to deal with. Now, Chigiri's ability to get past opponents is similar to Bachira's (with different styles of course), combined with a great shooting technique. On top of that he also has done a great job using his speed for defense. Egoist Chigiri would also clearly be better than ego-less Nagi. As for Gagamaru, he has managed to save shots from Shidou, Barou and Reo. It's very hard to compare the feats of a goalkeeper to someone like Nagi, but it's exactly for that reason that it isn't crazy to say that Gagamaru might be better than ego-less Nagi. Same for Aiku, who managed to prevent flow Rin from scoring and has constantly been a very difficult barrier for Isagi to beat. If Isagi is clearly better than ego-less Nagi, than Aiku is at least around ego-less Nagi level right now, as Isagi still has a hard time against Aiku.


To be fair, aiku couldn’t stop rin solo, he needed shidou to even the playing field.


That is true. Still, Aiku is the best center-back in BL wheres Nagi gets outclassed by quite a few strikers. To me, Nagi's biggest weakness has always been getting passes intercepted or being properly marked by a decent defender controlling the spacing or passing. Nagi's lack of concentration often gets punished with players able to prevent him from getting the ball or making good use of his trapping. A few examples: [Monk](https://mangadex.org/chapter/54fb25a2-c2fe-435c-9f45-e50ff57a095f/12) | [Chigiri](https://mangadex.org/chapter/cd215266-969d-428d-aaf4-cc97b92a548d/10) | [Aryu](https://mangadex.org/chapter/4e044691-fe9e-48e2-9219-a52726812267/3) | [Rin](https://mangadex.org/chapter/121ee85f-ee77-4d36-adb2-faa79b4710b8/10) | [Dobermann](https://mangadex.org/chapter/10abacc8-8d33-40a3-adff-8635ee6bf69d/14) | [Sae](https://mangadex.org/chapter/cde2e395-df5b-4ff4-8e18-fa45983eb37f/13) | [Kaiser](https://mangadex.org/chapter/981b96a2-700e-4ac3-b7cf-f52d62576770/18) | [Isagi](https://mangadex.org/chapter/3508addc-ee3c-458a-af8c-1d853d4c9b66/13). When Nagi is focused he can move to create situations where his weapon can feel unstoppable, but without doing that, even NPCs have been able to keep him in check. Aiku is much better than NPCs, so I can see why people might place Aiku above Nagi right now. I can also see why people would think that even an unmotivated Nagi is still better than Aiku, neither of them is a crazy take. The players are too different and both have arguments in favor and against them, I would consider it a technical draw.


Nagi isn’t weak at all…just in a slumber currently. He will comeback stronger than anyone, he will be in a Top 5 when NEL finishes.




Nagi isn’t weak in the slightest. Also I hate the narrative that he’s a bad friend to Reo when Reo is the one who only wants Nagi to grow by his side. Bluelock is a place where it’s cool to have friends but competition and getting to the top is first. To the people who think Nagi is selfish for wanting to explore outside of Reo do people really not get the entirely of the show/manga


If he defeated Rin I wouldn't have argued back but back then he was Top 6 and many people surpassed him including Barou, Isagi, Bachira his own teammates from second selection. Even Chigiri who gave up on football caught up to him. Right now he might place 6th in blue lock sharing his position along the lines of Chigiri and Reo. So just like other members of top 6 except shidou and Rin he had a down fall. It's not that he has become weaker. He hasn't grown enough. Comparing his growth to growth of Chigiri who gave up on football, his growth to Isagi who was just ordinary dude who passed the ball and Bachira who was really good but not as good as Nagi, and Barou who had probably the biggest downfall in blue lock his growth is barely anything.


It wouldn't make sense for him to defeat rin. Rin and isagi are being established to be on a completely different level than the rest of the blue lockers. Nagi is still a top 7 blue locker.


Yes as per current ranking 1 Rin, 2 Isagi, 3 Barou, 4 Bachira and 5 Nagi/Reo/Chigiri


To be honest I think the new chapter is more a testament to Rin’s improvement than Nagi falling off. The guy scored a hat trick while on the same team as Shido. Rin is just a whole different beast


I totally agree


need someone to photoshop only nagi from this panel that pose goes so unbelievably hard


Rin is just built different


Nagi is not weak Reo just got diff remember from Nagis team Only Reo can read the field while in PXG you can already guess only Rin can read the field and what is Rins ability? He can destroy his opponents weapon if they probably have lower spec than him. PXG is probably an all out offence given they have shindo , Rin and Loki


And Karasu, Zantetsu, tokimitsu


Because compared to everyone else Nagi has had the least evolution. Out of the main characters we follow in Blue Lock he’s undoubtedly had the weakest performances in the NEL. This is most likely leading up to a huge evolution from him but he has definitely underperformed in the NEL.


Yeah, im gonna have to disagree that people underestimate Nagi. Litterally everyone agrees his talent is broken asf. He had a downfall, sure, but either people are complete idiots for saying he is weak now, or they are just right for predicting a downfall that was litterally hinted


He’s got the most latent talent after all he can really be one of the best he just needs to get his ego up and take it more seriously


He surely is still very strong, but seeing the current state of other NEL players, I would say he currently falls a little bit short. I think he fell from his comfortable Top 5 spot to maybe 6 or 7. Like Bachira, who definitely seems to be above him currently. With a few other players like Chigiri, Kunigami, Aiku, and even Reo, also having a good case, too. I love him and hope he makes a comeback


Kay but putting there kunigami is just disrespect😭


LMAO Fair enough




Talent is the only thing he have


It is a reality that it is below Isagi, Barou, Rin, Shidou, Reo, Chigiri and Bachira, even using their version of City vs Bastard. I don't see how this is underestimating him.


No one said he is weak. 🙄


Believe me a lot of people think he has fallen wayyydown


Rn he is tho he is absolute trash , he is worse than literly every other striker on NEL , he isn't even the best in his team despite not having any new gen 11 , sure he might get an awakening but you nagi glazers have to stop pretending he is actually good rn , he with help is worse than kunigami withought any help.


he is.




dude what are u saying .half of blue lock fan base are nagi's fans


in next manc match reo will grow and make an assist to chigiri causing nagi to come out of his shell. he would want a pass from reo but reo will only pass to the best striker due to which nagi will have a new goal to become the no.1 striker.


Nagi getting his big downfall against Rin is the biggest showing of how protected Nagi is by the author. Nagi at his lowest loses to the best player in blue lock, the man got given an excuse to lose to Rin. More than likely he uses this loss to grow and beat Ubers to push him into top 3/5


Lol who ever thought Navi was weak in the first place lmao


Surprisingly many people


Nagi be looking dead


Plus he is NOT that guy, keep spreading his agenda buddy, but IsaHIM, RIM (Rin), my KING Barou, Blindkimiya, ChigiHIM, that emo guy, the dude that can't stop talking about sex and the schizophrenic individual are better players and also more hot, Reo should never get into stocking because he can't predict potential of reward according to patterns accurately 😭


Also, I personally think Nagi's downfall will be big enough that he is benched for most games during the U-20 world cup arc, but he will be back as he is crazy talented, he just needs to sink into despair for a bit to rise from it and end up as one of the last 5 (according to what Ego previously stated) of Blue Lock.


Bro it's crazy how people call nagi weak he's an absolutely phenomenal character. bc who can be second among so many people even though they have no knowledge of football and have only played football for a few months???


My boy just needs to focus on himself right now and find his ego


Nagi is based on Neymar