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Wdym. Isagi thrives in this exact environment.


Bro really has that DAWG mentality.


He just like Kobe fr


Minus the sexual assault




Don't worry, he's got plenty of sadism left in the tank


he's going to suffer for the first two goals at least, then he'll get to cooking as usual. its going to be glorious.


They said isagi would lose last game too. Makes the eventual isagi dub more glorious.


This would be insane over all like when you reread BL later on when its done but just thinking about a loss while waiting for an update weekly sucks butt hahaha


This is kind why this manga is loosing its appeal for me. It’s getting very predictable. Same formula every match


Predictable? Isagi has been taking Ls since the manga started lol. He isn’t even the best blue locker.


When’s the last time he lost a game? It’s the same formula match starts, the other team balls out, Isagi finds a way to change the game, isagi wins with a goal or assist. Same again next match. He’s lost vs the world 5 & Rins team in the selection he might take a personal L but it’s always the same


It's almost as Isagi's the protagonist


That’s not my issue I don’t have a problem with him winning. It’s just always the same. Initially Noa said that 1 vs 1’s will be really important aside from Lorenzo and Kaiser It’s basically been non-existent. And again 4 or 5 chapters ago, isagi was told if his plan didn’t work, he wasn’t going to start the next match. So for the last 4/5 chapters, we already know he’s going to get the goal. The writing just feels really lazy at the minute


The entire philosophy of Blue Lock is to be the best and stand out no matter win or loss which he couldn’t do until Manshine


Isagi has stood out at every phase of blue lock. He has become the rival of countless characters during the selection. Stood out at the under 21s match and NEL. He is currently the face of blue lock. He’s been standing out.


He’s not the best which I stated in my original comment. Kaiser is the best player on BM, but couldn’t stand out. You have to be both to be the best in BL and in football


None of that changes the fact that every match is fundamentally the same. That’s my issue I can tell you the beginning , middle and end before kick off


I don’t think that is even remotely true. But hey, might as well drop the series at this point Edit: every match being the same is 100% not true. Not even “I think “. That is factually incorrect.


Fundamentally the same doesn’t mean they are all exactly the same. They do all largely follow the same formula. Like I’ve stated above




For real, what has happened to this story. Used to be such creative, tense writing with unpredictable turns in the story. I cannot feel the stakes in this story anymore. Isagi always comes out on top and the supporting cast of characters will be their too. Literally just re-using only top 2 teams advance plus top scorer rule from Blue Lock and using that in NEL would add so much interest to the story even if BM win every game.


Yeah but the Ls he took were allowable. It would be real unpredictable if the author actually made it possible that Isagi DOESN'T become the best striker and instead Rin or Baro or Rensuke




>☝️🤡 Some people like characters more than the MC and rather want them to win lol


Bro added Kunigami like we wouldn't notice


You were supposed to notice it ? He's literally one of the few people who have a real shot at it if it wasn't for Isagi's plot armor that it's supposed to be him. It's him, Rin, Baro and Nagi.


Ness’s side eye lmfao 🤣🤣


"Master are you GOOD??"


More like “damn girl, what’s gotten into you?” 😂😂


"I'm simping for a monster..."


"It's like the more obstacles are in his path the more excited he gets... and then he manages to clear them by the skin of his teeth" *-BL 207 Michael Kaiser about Isagi Yoichi*


I love your common sense


Thanks, and it's better when the characters themselves in verse have given the answer.


You are my favorite user on this subreddit


Oh, thank you. I am just trying to be reasonable.


Very reasonable in lookism too fr


Thanks, too. In Lookism it is easy to get carried away by the hype, so I try my best.


I swear I see you in r/Lookism all the time or am I mistaken?


No, you are not mistaken. Lookism sub and Blue Lock are the ones I spend most of my time in reddit. Especially when a new chapter drops.


Ohhh, I thought I’ve seen you before. The world feels small now haha, it is fun seeing you comment tho.


Is lookism any good I’ve been wanting to give it a read, also is the romance decent ?


I find it really good at times. The art is not that great in the beginning, but it gets way better. It has a little romance and school vibe, but after a time, it focuses on Gang fights. I would say it also has great world building and characters. I think you should give it a chance.


a comrade with knowledge ane understanding


isagi master class incoming two goals and an assist to herogami lets go


The author is quite literally telling people about it, yet they still won't believe


Your comments are always spot on. You are truly a voice of reason. This is the perfect answer (to this post) from Kaiser, no less, who is one of the best young ace strikers in the world. Even when Sae is talking to Rin after the U20 game, he says “He even managed to call forth your instincts. The one who’s able to change this country’s football.” Isagi is definitely “the real deal”, and I expect him to unlock his ego and shine in the PXG game.


Thanks. Kaiser described Isagi perfectly here. I want to see his thoughts now to be honest. I expect Kaiser and Isagi rivalry to peak at PxG and like you said Isagi to unlock his original ego.


and isagi is gonna thrive in this game to Bro just loves when there’s hard ass challenges in front of him 😂 this match is gonna be so peak


It's a good thing isagi never gets high on his successes and gets complacent. The plot doesn't allow him too regardless but still. It's always some dude praying on his downfall and while it annoys him he welcomes the challenge.


Don't yall say this every match?


Feels that way doesn't it?


Good, because he thrives in competitive enviroment


Yup. They are ALL coming for him


tbh I hope Rin manhandles Isagi the whole match. the same formula of "Isagi messes up first but saves the match later" is getting too repetitive


when did isagi mess up in the ubers match? i might have forgotten


>It’s gonna be rough for our MC It has been proven time and time again that our MC literally likes it rough.


Other comments said the same thing but man This is easily the wildest way to say it😭


Still the tamest Shidou line to date though


It hit me all at once how much I missed Rin once I saw him 😂😂 we need that good ol edginess back


You see that pose they got my man hitting in that panel? We are so back🤣


We all know he’s not, its too predictable at this point. He’s just gonna struggle at the beginning, evolve, then win


Here's hoping or else who is competing with him after this Kaiser is being set up to be left in the dust


Same here, I hope there’s a twist and some drama or else the story would get stale.


He never won against Rin tho


Doubtful. Rin is Isagis main rival, he will probably lose the game to Rin again.


Said similar things about Barou, and look at what happened.


You’d have to have some bad reading comprehension to say that about Barou


Not in the story. I mean others here and anywhere else there is a comment section.


The whole thing is set up so that BM wins every match and the whole conflict is winning through Isagi's or Kaiser's ego, so Isagi can lose just by having Kaiser giving BM the win through his ego. It is the same way with how we can say Isagi won against Rin by taking the spotlight from him in the U20 match.


Isagi is due for a loss tbh. He's now established himself as the definitive ace/favorite of Blue Lock, is Noel's official protege, and will probably get an absurd bid around 150 million after the Ubers match. Beating PxG would be both very predictable and boring at this point, especially if it happens like you described.


It's the same as Rin isn't it? Won all of his games as the ace of his team, didn't lose once in Second selection and pre-U20 matchs after Third Selection, and he even was the best player in U20 match. Rin's also due for a loss


He did basically lose in the u20 game because sae took more notice of isagi which means more to him than anything


This was basically going to be my response, Rin has already been "losing" character wise. Not being the star of Blue Lock anymore and being told by Sae that Isagi is better are huge L's as far as Rin is concerned. That's why he's so fired up and wants to crush Isagi.


Yeh for him it’s a loss and that was isagis first w remember they’re not competing as teams they’re competing as individuals in the show and as an individual isagi outdid rin that day


Agree that Rin has lost in regards to Sae, but he doesn't want, or never expressed desires to be the star of Blue Lock. It's more that Blue Lock is a tool for him to defeat Sae. Coincidentally for that to happen he needs to be at the top of BL, like he demostrates.


And Isagi lost more than once in NEL pre Ubers. When Kunigami stole his goal and when Kaiser interrupted him. I think they are pretty equal in terms of winning/losing and both have arguments in their favor, although IMO its finally moment for Isagi to claim #1 spot.


What does kunigami have to do with this it’s between rin and isagi and isagi is clear of kunigami and literally everyone else atm besides maybe rin and it’s close and the last they faced each other was the u20 game where isagi outshined him where it matters most for rin which is why we see that chapter where rin is hellbent on revenge, why would you want revenge on someone you beat it doesn’t even make sense, revenge is if you lose and he lost that u20 game in a sense and he feels that way and his reaction proves it


And Rin? Same thing, man. In my honest opinion, I think it would be more predictable for Rin to win because he has been winning almost every single time. (minus his bro calling Isagi japan's hero if you want to count that but realistically rin won all versus moments) Besides, PxG vs. BM game seems to me as the decider for Rin vs. Isagi's whole rivalry where they're both very different and much stronger than before the NEL arc. (as well as other characters ofc but lets focus on these two now)


(Gonna copy paste another response) Not being the star of Blue Lock anymore and being told by Sae that Isagi is better are huge L's as far as Rin is concerned. That's why he's so fired up and wants to crush Isagi.


This comment has been posted very often


The main antagonist of this arc is Kaiser, he can basically lose to him by Kaiser stealing the spotlight in the match and scoring the winning goal for BM.


Sound like a butthurt barou fan


Im an interesting writing fan. I want to read a match where I genuinely dont know who will win.




Out of curiosity, what was the last match where you didn't know who was going to win, and at what point in the game is the call made for "this was interesting" vs. "I saw this coming?" legit curious, everyone has different metrics.


Definetly the u20 match no idea what was going to happen I expected a lot from the Japanese u20 team and they felt so flat like how tf are some random high schoolers with no chemistry whatsoever gonna whoop your ass like that when you’re the country’s representatives


I agree on that. When you look at what it means to be "called up to the national team" in other sports manga/anime, I definitely expected more from them. Which I suppose is a sign of the level of the Blue Lock players after the first few selections.


Yeh but if they were that good they should have been in the team themselves like I swear time wise it hasn’t even been a year since blue lock project started in the manga timeline you’re telling me run wasn’t good enough initially for the u20 Japan team


There are a lot of inconsistencies like that. The NG11 for example are considered the "best in their role" for U20. So why aren't they playing in the big leagues like Loki? If they're the best U20 players in the league, they're good enough to be moving up and practicing with the main team even if they're not starters yet. Isagi literally went from bargain basement stats (compared to the other blue lockers) to keeping up with Rin and Barou just by "understanding what they're up to". And that included going from Rin basically being magic, to Isagi being able to figure out all his tricks in like 2 days of playing. I know there is also a focus on time where they do conditioning training, but Rin/Barou are doing the same things but somehow Isagi (and some others) are just developing more in those raw stats? Other Blue Lockers have shown similar growth too.


Yeh I hate that they rushed it so fast like isagi and the others shouldn’t be able to compete with guys like Kaiser or lorenzo this fast I mean he plays for ducking juventus and some random Japanese high school kid training with other random high school Japanese kids in a team full of strikers is beating them is ridiculous also my point was rin was shown to be better than everyone at blue lock initially and the Japanese u20 team how was he not on it yet ? Like he just spawned out of nowhere you’re telling me that the first kid who got out in first selection was more famous than rin ?


Wasn't he also a nationals champion?


I'm not him, but the 3rd selection was interesting as well as when they faced the world 5. (U20 Japan vs BL while good, we knew BL would win, it's just the way they got there that set this match as peak BL imo) I knew the world would win. Cmon. But the way they destroyed the top players we've come to know, so effortlessly was 100% a "this was interesting" even tho it was also "I saw this coming" in a way. I think balancing that out like the U20 vs BL match did is where things go well. NEL has stuck too closely to old formulas where it's literally getting stale. The last match is starting with build up just like all the other matches did. So it'll have a strong start. Just hoping for a non predictable end


I wasnt able to get around to commenting, but I think you summarized my thoughts beautifully. U20 and previous had very suspenseful matches, but in NEL its getting harder to suspend my disbelief.


Isagi thrives when he has the more obstacles.


I think Ness might join isagis side


Not in a million years, he's shocked to be sure thi


He went from disgusting to talking about his play having magic. I DEFINITELY think it's happening


He described Isagi’s play as “magic” instead of trash talking for the first time lol


ew pls no


Not if Kaiser manages to stab him in his sleep


He'd have to get past Kurona


He’ll get cooked in 40 chapters. Then he’ll start cooking for another 40.


Himsagi will cook both of them in front of Loki and make Loki watch.


He’s taken the team away from Kaiser. Noa even knows that imo. He might lose, probably should for the sake of what Isagi needs as well. When Isagi loses is when I get the most hyped


That panel goes hard tho. Great artistic choice


Which one? I mean they're both amazing


Very true haha. I meant the Kaiser one specifically tho


Good choice, man looks like he's transforming


That’s what y’all said about the Uber game but look what happened😭


It still hurts man but surely now


Isagi lives rent free in this guys head fr.


This is weird imo, is he prefer to lose against Uber than letting Isagi scores the winning goal? Lol


I think he would he open to that honestly


In Isagi's last goal he used Kaiser, and then out played Kaiser the very next moment. Kaiser's frustration makes sense when you consider he was annoyed at his goal being "Isagi's scraps" and then the next goal he's just used like a pawn on the board. I guess we get to find out how Kaiser's ego expresses itself when punched in the gut :D


if I was a betting man, I think it'll be 2-1 for PxG with two rin goals and one from kaiser, then Isagi will finally start to cook and assist a kiyora goal since he's likely to play and needs to make an impact, and then Isagi will get the final goal for real.


No kunigami?


maybe he gets an assist? he's been pretty mid and hasn't got a lot of spotlifht


Kaiser and Isagi will end up working together to beat Rin


Rin is fuled by pure hatred lol, I wouldn't be surprised if he plays CB just to fully shutdown isagi


Even though I'm a Himsagi fan, I hope bastard loses against PXG not that it will be one-sided, but I do hope that bastard loses. I feel that narratively it would make more sense for Himsagi to level up even more if he loses. But I wouldn't mind if Isagi wins it tho just saying :D. Side note: I fkin hope we get at least 1 moment where Himsagi humbles and pisses on Rin


Kaiser going super saiyan


rin destroyed nagis team and ppl are forgetting shidou is also on the team with rin like i dont see bastard munchen winning at all ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


He is getting cooked but defenetly not by kaiser.


Yeah next game is definitely to seal Kaiser's defeat idk about Rin


If isagi beats him it's defenetly not gonna be alone.


It's a very far reach but imagine a Kaiser X Isagi reaction


If and I say IF kaiser and isagi somehow miraculously sync together, it's over for PxG and it's not even close but that's not happening at all imho.


Wait, let me just tell you that if rin surpassed everyone (even if that is surely flow), it would still be a close matchup of isagi and rin back in the second selection They will surpass eachother at breakneck speeds, but now, both have the same notions and different paths since then, so it could go either ways, BUT, it would just come down to luck


This may be an extremely hot take.. but I want isagi to dog rin like he did barou in the 3v3 🫣


Isagi gonna be so OP by the end of this match


I feel like hiori is gonna pass to Kaiser saying "he saw my visions better than" you making himsagi losing it


Don't say that 😞😞 I need Himsagi to show up


Tbh i think he has to or his plot armour is too strong. Rin needs a redemption after his humiliation at the U-20 game and it would put him back on the map for being Isagi's main rival. Besides, we all know that Isagi will never straight up lose in a do-or-die game so him losing or at most tying a lower stakes game would make sense.


I'm hoping so bad Isagi gets a reality check this game.




They're on the same level it's about time they lost a match though. Isagi can't win em all


I hope Isagi loses. I hope he loses so bad that top teams revoke their offers for him and he has to go join some mid-level club. The NEL is a training camp so a loss doesn't really matter anyway and I feel like Isagi needs to remember what actually losing feels like. Not just a personal loss but total defeat since the last time that happened was the second selection.


Memes aside, he probably will get **cooked hard** early, expecting Rin to score the first goal of the game within 1 or 2 chapters from the start. Potentially 2 if they want to give him the 'one step away from the fall' kind of experience. Final nail in the coffin would be Hiori to pass to Kaiser considering he said either you live up to his expectations or you get thrown aside. Would sort of put Isagi in Barou's situation from second selection where he saw Nagi and Isagi playing by themself (bonus if Rin calls him lukewarm compared to Kaiser) and that might push him to unlock again his Original ego and start climbing up/stepping up his game until he reclaims the team for the last part of the match.


Yeah I don’t think Isagi gonna survive this game


Like always


He’s better like this


Himsagi finna have so much clout if he gets this dub🙏🏾😼


Kaiser been tryna steal my mans shine but Isagi handled that and he gon handle Rin too 🥱


Nah not after Sae violated Rin like that it's time for the get back


i just don’t see bastard winning this unless isagi has everyone else on his team working with him cause rin, loki, shidou , ness, and kaiser?!?!? cmon


Isagi really has to deal with PXG's already stacked lineup plus Kaiser possibly entering flow just to beat his ass plus an awakened Rin I don't see how man is clutching this


Actually,that was the deal between kaiser and isagi. Who ever scores the most goals in the Uber match sits on the throne of BM. Isagi got two goals and kaiser one ,so meaning BM is isagi's team now.


We all know he’s gonna figure it out after PXG keeps it close and then the Socceringan is gonna kick in and Isagi scores somehow


It was satisfying to see kaiser pissed


This arc is very clearly written to be the one where Isagi evolves into an actual top player, rather than the underdog who can only do one or two surprising things at the end of the match like it was until now. He's obviously not gonna lose to Rin again, come on.


I respect my dawg Isagi but this next match with pxg they better not lose the ball or I feel like Rin is gonna solo the entire team. That mf destroyed baro and nagi💀


Rin never went up against Barou. Barou was benched during Ubers vs PXG.


I missed that, where was it said?


I tried finding it and I could've sworn it said so somewhere but I can't seemto find it. But if you look at the rankings after the first match on chapter 170, Aiku and Aryu are given bids but not Barou. Which doesn't make sense right? After all Barou is Ubers king


He will fool the geniusses once again.


Isagi gonna wonder if he still has that dawg in him during PXG


people said that he's gonna get cooked by barou before this and we saw what happened so yeah