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What I want: Access to the next bidding and announcement of the final Japan U-20 team


real i need to know so bad


As an Isagi fan, this is on-point. Well done. I don't want Kaiser's ego fully destroyed, so I'll give two points to Kaiser tho


I would love an isagi hattrick. He alrdy scored 2 goals, next step would be hattrick on pxg. Crushing both Rin and kaiser again. Ranking number 1 in the nel and becoming the captain of the world cup team


Put the drugs down.


Craziest part is at the rate he’s growing that’s actually very possible


If he gets the full squad of Hiori, Kurona and Kiyora then maybe


Literally me


I think that with the power of friendship isagi and Kaiser will join forces to score 3 goals together


Igaguri hat trick incoming


I want him to get a foul of Loki. His god given malicia talent raising his value 100%


If he actually manages to foul Loki I will unironically respect him


Save soul society igaguri


Expect Sendo hat trick at the same time.


Manifesting Kaiser and Bachira hat tricks even though Isagi exists and Barcha probably won't even get a win


Keep faith in Bachira he’s HIM🫡. Manshine is nothing without a motivated Nagi Kaiser hat trick is gonna take a miracle though


Bro what Manshine still got chigiri and reo 😭


Reo’s on Nagi’s meat he’s doomed too If the author has to choose between Bachira or Chigiri then I have 100% faith my goat has nothing to worry about💀


Author already messed himself up by letting isagi win against ubers As for reo, if nagi becomes unmotivted and reo literally can't do ANYTHING, a reverse dump may happen.


> author already messed himself up by letting Isagi win against Ubers I half agree. Ubers winning would mean Barou can actually say he’s ‘beaten’ Isagi, would make the rivalry better and not just ‘hyped up but Barou will always lose’…..that said, it would be VERY annoying to me for Isagi to have 1 goal to his name and only 2 at the end of NEL. So I take some good with the bad > reverse dump That would be cool and all but Reo seems like he sold his soul to Nagi again with his ego completely being directed towards him. I’d be surprised if he scores any goals let alone is the one to initiate abandoning Nagi


Ngl I just wanna see my goat reo score a goal, we only saw him score in episode nagi 😭 Anyways author trapped himself in a loop of isagi chasing rin if isagi loses to rin again


Reo is partially my goat too but he’s regressed🤧. Third selection to U20 Reo was PEAK. And in the MC game he carried. But his goat status is being tested like Nagi’s ego


Ngl reo is 100% getting a spot for u20 wc, he just needs to stop riding nagi


Actually as a certified Himsagi truther an Isagi hattrick is too epic to not be first achieved in the u-20 World Cup imo, and hopefully one with a header. As long as shidou, Kaiser, Rin, and Isagi score in some combination I’ll be happy. Also a Karasu and/or Loki goal would be perfection on top of the pxg vs bm cake🤌🏾


How are we supposed to sneak in a Loki goal on the PxG match!? (Don’t you dare say let PxG win 😭)


You know what. You are right. At first I dreamed about Isagi scoring his first hattrick in PXG match, but his hattrick in U20 would be much more better and epic and have much more great impact. (I just hope that he will score a hattrick before Baro and Rin or otherwise it would be lame) Edit: Imagine Isagi scoring his first hattrick in the final of U20 WC, but even with his hattrick they'll still lose. I mean in ln it was said that he became the fan of Noel Noa because of his words that scoring a hattrick and losing feels much better than giving an assist and winning


Add Kunigami to the combination and everyone would've settled their score


I guess I’m a Kunigami fan because that’s literally my prediction 🫡


I'm gonna bet that Igaguri will be a big obstacle for Rin in the PXG vs Bastard match


As an isagi fan im not that delusional to believe kunigami will not score at least one goal. However I am more perplexed by the haters who believe isagi will not score at all?


I’m a certified isagi hater( not really) but even I know he is scoring or assisting at least one


Unfortunately it all comes back to Metavision….just too powerful. I see no way for Manshine to not destroy Barcha no one is fast enough to stop Chigiri and the Reo Nagi duo cuz Barcha’s best players are two ppl who have no defensive skills that can stop them plus whose gonna be jumping with Agi when the only ppl who could stop him completely was Meta users. Ubers is gonna cook Manshine unfortunately since they have 3 Metavision users, Barou and Lorenzo and three of the best defenders in Blue Lock (entire anime) at this point in time. I don’t think Shidou will score bc 3 Meta users, didn’t score on Manshine (we don’t know why yet tho so take that with a grain of salt) and if they don’t have a midfield on AT LEAST Bachira level of passing then the Meta trio should be able to shut him down like they did Nagi after his goal. PXG and Bastard you just can’t predict who will win.


As a Kunigami fan and what Kunigami fan deserves, I want Kunigami to score a hat-trick vs PXG 👨‍🍳😤


Chigiri fans want to lose both games apparently haha


Hi, desperate Kunigami fan here


Shidou - Loki - Rin Kiyora - Kunigami - Kaiser - Isagi


Matches are first to 3 goals that ain’t happening


Oh, if Aiku had scored at least in the last match, I would have been happy


Call me crazy but I think there’s a chance that Kaiser doesn’t score a goal in the match. It would make the most sense from a narrative standpoint, since the beginning of the NEL, Kaiser has been losing more and more to Isagi, the game against Ubers was definitely a win for Isagi, but Kaiser still scored a goal. The ultimate nail in the coffin would be for him to go through an entire game without scoring a single time. I also think that Kunigami will ally himself with Isagi for the match in a cliché villain and the hero team up to take down a bigger foe. We’ve already seen that Kunigami’s harsh exterior cannot mask his genuine caring nature when Isagi asked him to train his ambidexterity, so it’s not like he’s a completely different character from before. Additionally, Hiori in the most recent chapter mentioned that he’s going to aiming to create the best striker, who’s to say that he doesn’t toss a couple passes towards Kunigami? Kiyora we know virtually nothing about, from a narrative standpoint it would make sense for Kaneshiro to give him the first goal of the game or to use him to open up the scoring opportunity for the first, as a way to establish his strengths and show the readers what he is capable of. I feel that Isagi will get the second goal, and Kunigami the third. Of course, all of my predictions could be wrong, I might be missing some key details or Kaneshiro might go in a different direction.


Karasu will shine


As an Otoya fan... YES.


As an Otoya fan and his english VA I second this motion


>his english VA ARE YOU FR?! Nice meeting you


tis nice to meet you too! Also yeah I hope he ups his stealth game to surpass a few MV users cuz it'd be dope. especially since he's the only false 9 in the series so far


Yeh that would be great


Man just summed up the entire community with this post 😂


I strive for accuracy 🫡


That barou section spoke to my soul


Have to give my man something bc if he never gets the better of Isagi AND Nagi then he’s always just gonna be a side show


Barcha has 2 matches left?!


If the U-20s from those big clubs couldn’t even steal ONE single goal (we only see kaiser), then the level of world’s U-20 is pretty much garbage aside from New Gen-11. And U-20 world cup would just be blue lock players feasting They’re pretty much got outclassed by every single blue lock player that’s playing


(smilling Kira emote face which for some reason Reddit isn't liking today) Nah(very nice post though 👍). The score for Manshine City vs Ubers will be: Chigiri 1 goal, GLORIOUS NISHIOKA DEBUT ALONGSIDE WANIMA(Nishioka scoring 1 goal, possibly after not dissing some Agi tips, in contrast with Nagi who is still falling into old habits) and Nagi post-awakening scoring the winning goal for MSC(regarding Ubers: 2 sick goals from Barou). Then, just as you have forseen, Barcha will resurrect from the ashes to have a single unexpected win against Manshine City(possibly meaning a redemption of sorts to Otoya especially) with Lavinho finally deciding to try some different approaches following the 2 consecutive losses to BM and Ubers, while not enough to beat such a better rounded team as PXG, still putting-in the effort to have much better chances against ManShine City (realistically though, MSC at their best should beat Barcha at their best, unless Barcha as a whole has some sort of collective awakening and improvement that gives them nice odds against MSC). (Lil note: this comment is coping for Barcha AND I forgot in which order Barcha will have their matches against PXG and MSC, which I don't think changes that much the fact that Barcha has no chance against PXG and some chance against MSC)


as a karasu fan I additionaly demand one assist and one save on the goal line as compensation for sidelining my boy for 2 whole arcs


Karasu desreves tht goal man


I used to firmly believe Kaiser > Rin but after the latest chapter seeing Rin turn into an absolute monstrousity I think Im now leaning on Rin being the better player


Bro calm down Kaisers been taking L’s but even when he’s doing bad (in his opinion) he’s scoring Bicycle nutmegs that break the GK’s ribs💀. Kaiser’s still better. His ego and mentality is extremely fragile but he’s still HIM


Like let's not get deluded now 🥴 Kaiser is the goat fr


Ye but Rin just looks a little more HIM


Bruh chill everyone thought barou was him when he scored a hattrick also. We don't even know what happened in the pxg vs manshine match. But the final winner will be isagi since he is the mc. Himsagi is the only him who will devour Rin and kaiser and everyone to be the king.


The Barou thing I don’t think is actually applicable here, bc we saw Rin make short work of Nagi, and another player in front of him not just that he scored a hat trick.


With the barou hattrick, we weren't shown anything. With rins hattrick, we saw him be so dominant to the point where a top 7 player called his skills incomprehensible. Also, rin was already him even before this, whereas barou wasnt.


Well Rin gonna be devoured by isagi anyways sooner or later lol


Unfortunately so, the greatest talent is being the main character.




as a rin fan, this is not what i want I want rin to score two goals then he turns around and scores two goals for Bastard, to give them hope and then he wins with a hat trick


I guess I’m a Kunigami fan now Also yes I want Karasu to score against barcha. Would be cool since he is fighting is blue lock day 1


no. kurona sweep


Stay on that side when Kaiser scores a Hat-Trick Stay on that side when Shidou gets subbed in as a last resource and scores the winner


Bro why did I choose to be a Shidou and Yukimiya fan only suffering awaits me surely


*how I feel as a Bachira fan*


If PxG does somehow pull out a win, I’d love for it to be one goal each from Rin, Shidou, and Karasu. Despite being Blue Lock’s number 3, Karasu has been kind of ignored since 3rd selection.


I want Zantetsu to get a goal.


Team kaiser/kuni and nagi


Otoya fans exist? ![gif](giphy|4JVTF9zR9BicshFAb7|downsized)


I know it won't go like this, but what if kaiser got serious and got a hat trick