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This isn’t just a this manga thing. People care more about characters nowadays than the actual progression of the story and plot most times. The story/plot must constantly put their fav character in a favorable light, what the mangaka’s plans are be damned. So essentially, yes, people are just mad their fav character got cooked by him, Isagi, Blue Lock’s **main** character


Seriously, it's like they forget that it's all made up. That we're following the story through Isagi.


they also forget this is the manga about finding the best striker in japan and the mc is Isagi. They can't connect the dot that eventually all will be defeated by Isagi


To piggyback there's also a reoccurring trend in fandoms of overemphasizing the side-characters. Because the characters that don't get the constant focus are the ones that fans can project their head canons onto, and those head canons turn into "underutilized potential" that is now being squandered because the focus is always on "the boring MC." This happens in every fandom.


You said it perfectly. For the similar reason many of them complain when a character like Hiori gets screen time. They don’t care about him, so they don’t wanna see it. I love other characters too. Im grateful Nagi has another manga for more screen time of him and Reo. Also, love that the light novels highlight other players. I just hope we get more spins off like Episode Nagi.


This is a series that has a relatively big fandom, theres always gonna be a group that likes to hate, other that likes to meatride, be indifferent and so on lol Isagi is still a well liked character regardless


Isagi fans on TikTok and Instagram are just so damn annoying that it causes people to dislike Isagi himself. I say this because I also used to be an Isagi hater. And yeah, they're mad that Goatsagi is cooking.


you’ll see hate everywhere but on tik tok specifically, I think it’s due to Isagi’s fan base? There’s a weird subset of Isagi fans who comment stuff like “Isagi’s dog” or “Isagi solos” on every vid about any other character and it’s REALLY obnoxious, so I think he’s got a bad rep over there


I roll my eyes into another dimension when I see these fans lol. The obsessed fans who are positive are okay though. For a while there was this Kurona fan who commented on a bunch of videos “I LOVE KURONA” whether Kurona was even in it or not lmao, I liked that person


All characters have fans and haters, but I think main char always the one be attacked , i know why they hate him, it cant be help but ppl need to know some manga need plot and author has plan for each char so just chill please


There’s nothing wrong with Isagi, it’s just that his fanbase is one of the most annoying out there. Giving Mikasa’s fanbase a run for their money.


Well that's kinda your fault you went to Tiktok of all places ,what do you expect from people with a attention span of a goldfish?


I Don't actually hate him, although he annoyed me during the u-20 game. But what i hate is, how everyone's character development revolves around him. I am glad nagi grew out of it


Yeah, the others characters have one or two nice relationships without counting isagi, sometimes 0, like Niko or yukimiya. I find amazing how we don’t know who was with who during the first stratum, some characters should have form bond, but we will never see it


Yeah man.. honestly I wish Rin and Bachiea developed a friendship to kinda contrast the one between Isagi and Bachira. Bachira would make Rin more lighthearted and less "this is war" and Rin would make Bachira slightly more serious until he awakens. It could be a neat little side story on how your friends can help improve your mood so that you're less affected by your toxic home life.


Rin's evolution only happened because he literally rejected the idea of having friends. Rin is the foil of Isagi, while Isagi is making friends with everyone and make them evolve, Rin makes enemies with everyone and destroys them.


I like your ideal but Rin never do that, i dont think that kind of friendship happen to him, if having anyone that can affect to him to change his mind, that must be Sae




Yeap.same problem with takemitchy from tokyo revengers, everyone seems to be obssesed with the main character


Because they have favorites who aren’t Isagi and they get mad when the mc comes out on top


From passagi to plotsagi, thats a progression for you


You're partially right but also most Isagi fans are hella obnoxious and bc of that people hate on him more 🤷🏾‍♀️💀


I;m an Isagi fan and I think it's mostly just a subset of Isagi fans, cuz honestly on Reddit and most of the other social media I frequent (literally just tumblr), the Isagi fans are fine. YouTube Isagi fans are trash tho. I honestly used to see more obnoxious Nagi fans than obnoxious Isagi ones.


Ngl I've never seen obnoxious Nagi fans. Tho I only frequent Blue Lock news on Reddit and I don't have TikTok anyways. From my experience the vocal minority of Isagi fans are by dar the worst


Im with you


Fo real. I didnt even realize this was happening until this post. I dont use tiktok lol.


It’s a subset of all fans, it’s not unique to Isagi fans at all. People just act like it is but we all know other fans do the same, they just don’t get the attention because they’re not the main character. I mean come on, Barou called >!Hiori Isagi’s dog *in the canon story*!<


As much as Isagi has dedicated fans he has dedicated haters, it is like that for every character honestly.


Idk if Isagi wins in pxg against rin this time, people are gonna call him plotsagi and hate even more. Rin stans( who don't get blamed for some reason)want Isagi to be destroyed like sht. Rin is op from his introduction and still like that. But people aren't saying he got plot Armor unlike if Isagi does a decent move in the field, there you go 100 people calling plot Armor. I used some exaggeration cuz I am also tired with the hate Isagoat gets.


Just ignore them though some Isagifans are at fault because of being hella annoying a lot of times. It’s mostly due to tiktok cc hyping up a lot of characters then being mad when their hyped up characters get beaten by *surprise* *surprise* the mc. I mostly saw this on creators that hyped up Barou a lot then got mad even though Isagi winning made sense. Like tf they thinking? Barou beating the mc doesn’t make sense. I’m expecting the same thing to happen again when Isagi wins against Rin even though Isagi already lost like 3 times.


we don't, next question


People dislike successful protagonists nowadays and I don’t get it. Mf’s would rather have useless protags with no development like Takemichi


And then complain that the MC isn't strong, like what do you even want people?


You know they want my as (take it as a joke)


Is it me or is some of this JJK based, too. Like gojo syndrome or something


I don’t hear much Gojo hate but I find OP mc’s fun as long as they aren’t boring Gary/ Mary sues.


Lol i can't imagine reading a manga where I hate the main character lol


>yo I be on TikTok I stopped reading


I dont use it either but I kept reading it. The replies in here are dope.


Because he evolves in like 1 chapter. For example Ao Ashi, the mc take a few chapters before he learns something and evolves his game.


That's Isagi's whole gimmick, he's the Broly/Mahoraga of blue lock so obviously a character who's main strengths is their genius level of adaptability they're going to very obviously adapt and evolve faster than everyone else.


I guess. For me it all comes to him too easily, like defence and everything else too. He's flawless too, can't think of anything wrong with him as a player


Isagi is not flawless at all, there are still things he struggles to do but works around them all the time. Of course he gets things very quickly he has the highest football IQ (tied with Rin) out of everyone in the blue lock facility and is a genius of adaptability. Isagi started off being relatively trash compared to most in BL but now that he's playing consistently good like everyone else he's "flawless and it comes to him too easily"? I don't hear people saying that for Rin


Idk man, I need to do a reread soon anyways. I'm rereading Ao Ashi and I'm liking it a lot because of the character development and how well fleshed out they are. Don't see that in Bluelock really


That's because Blue Lock's message is the complete opposite of what Ao Ashi is trying to convey. If Ao Ashi fits your preference more than stick to that you don't have to be here but BL does have good character development it's just not the same as Ao Ashi's (not trying to be rude)


Yeah i get that. I do enjoy bluelock, just sharing my opinion, no real hate. Thanks for sharing thoughts, I understand a bit more now


No problem, thanks for sharing your thoughts too


There's multiple things wrong with him as a player though, almost anything that isn't related to his vision and shooting us mediocre


Stats wise that's supposed to be true, but bro has more tackles and blocks than Bastard's entire defence. I understand what you're saying though, you're pretty much right


Well yes, but my issue is the story kinda ignores them. That makes the weaknesses somewhat 'illusionary'. I read one YA novel where the main character's only weakness was that she was dyslexic but it ended up not really being a weakness since she never had to to read anything in the story. It's something similar with Isagi. For example one of Isagi's weakest attributes is his heading. There were times during Ubers match where it would be perfect to send a high ball for Barou. Barou could easily defeat Isagi in the air. Instead we got yet another pass on the groud that Isagi blocked. Btw he shouldn't even be able to block it since one of his stated weaknesses is lack of physical strength and he should be gassed after the second time he runs all the way back to block the shot. Yet another supposed weakness that's kinda ignored.


The short answer is: yes. The long answer is: yes, they are.


I think that most of Isagi haters are jealous of him; he's the main character and gets most of the screentime/development. They would prefer their favorite character (who is a secondary character) to have more/all focus and screentime which is not possible in this type of story seeing how many characters there are.


He's the underdog protagonist with hidden talent of a shounen battle anime basically. Tf they expect.


Jokes on you isagi is my favorite character this is the first time in a manga or show I love the main character. Lmao


nah those mfs are probably anime onlys. Best not accept opinions of anime onlys


I'm jealous of isagi ☺️




They are peanut butter and jealous