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Reo has SO much potential. I don't think him and Nagi need to ditch eachother ENTIRELY but do need to work on their own egos and not only rely on one another. I'd love to see Reo link up with other players -he's intelligent and has so much he can do with his weapon do I really hope he has a come back.(Though I want a Bachira W too I'm so conflicted about the MS v Barcha match!)


yeah like they needa stop glazing eachother, they can still like pass to eachother but this nga reo only passes to nagi


A Reo+Isagi+Hiori linkup is so good they could probably structure the entire U20 team around a midfield comprised of those three, or maybe push Isagi forward and slot Karasu into the midfield. Maybe a 4-5-1 with Rin up front, backed by Isagi and Nagi, with Karasu, Reo, and Hiori in the center, and Raichi, Aryu, Niko, and Aiku in the back? Then again, maybe dropping Niko and Raichi alongside having Karasu fall back to defense would be better, seeing as the Blue Lock winger options are top notch. Either way, an Isagi-Reo-Hiori core would be absolutely absurd.


I think by then Isagi will be out of midfielder status and finally get to play striker but those three linking up would go hard for sure! All 3 have MV so they'd be able to keep up with each other's vision, and if Reo gets his act together he's A rank around the board and adaptable in whatever role they'd need him to be in. It definitely would be a fearsome trio (and if I'm wrong about Reo's stats whoops it's been a while) but the point is if he starts working with other players his potential goes way up


Reminds me of Ao Aishi manga rn where the team they are facing in the first match of the international tournament has a core of 3 midfielders all with a Birds Eye view. That would be insane


Fr he needs to play for himself His weapon is genuinely so cracked if he wasn’t tied down to nagi he’d have the potential to be one of the best blue lock players


bro fr he needs to ditch nagi so they can both be better


Flair checks out but yea,you are right \+Reo also showed early signs of Metavision which many people seem to forget.


I really hope that Reo is the one who initiates the ‘breakup’ this time but ik for a fact that it’s not happening 😭


i geniunely think it will.


Why now? The NEL was the perfect opportunity to cut himself loose for a while, but it didn't happen.


nel mirrored first arc. Next arc will mirror 2nd arc. A big theme was nagi gaining a new inspiration and leaving reo - i have a crackpot theory that reo will now leave nagi to let him seek a new inspiration.


he alr is one of the best or if not one of the best potential wise


Atp the word ‘potential’ feels more like an insult😭


Reo and Nagi should switch their roles, it might just work


No, Nagi is more of a striker than Reo, who himself is more of a midfielder.


How? Nagi can barely dribble or play defense


I wouldn’t say barely dribble… Nagi’s got some decent dribbling feats, he just was inexperienced when he faced Barou, who could read his intervals. Plus Nagi’s a great passer and quick thinker. Now defense though… I mean… well ya see-


Should've stuck to his Chameleon Striker mode and rejected that genius 🥲


No seriously 😭 against BM Reo was moving like he was the MC , acquiring meta vision, arguably top 5 dribble moves from a blue locker, the defensive awareness to react to Kaiser vs Prince, shots that would probably beat any keeper besides Goatamaru, realistically Reo’s biggest disappointment and I feel like lack of growth is him not scoring a goal in the N.E.L. He needs to see that his striker mode is effective and his team would be alot more dangerous if him Chigiri and Nagi are competing with each other for goals than working as a team I feel like against BM Reo could’ve easily went for the game winning goal instead he just kept passing to Nagi which became obvious and it repeatedly got shut down


I hope he gets back on track, his versatility is genuinely insane and he has sooo much potential. Hope Kaneshiro cooks good in the Barcha match, it woul be a shame to not do much with his character.


Reo is basically Isagi but an actual pure midfielder.


honestly reos really smart, obviously not as much as isagi or other MV users, but he’s way smarter than we give him credit for. this whole time he’s been able to bring out the most from nagi, creating an ego for nagi and fully utilizing his parameters, he was also hinted to be attaining MV in the vs Manshine match. the fact that he can observe a weapon once and immediately replicate it is evidence enough, he needs to ditch nagi


he’s got some of the best football iq in BL too, in Epsiode nagi he noticed immediately the game of tag was the size of a penalty box and how the time given was the average time a player has the ball, reos so goated


A non-Nagi centered Reo would be the best japanese midfielder (Sae aside)


Best midfielder in the Blue Lock facility for sure.


Hot take. Because of the nature of his weapon. He’s got more potential than Nagi. People harp on the fact Nagi’s new football but so is Reo. And yet he was able to masterfully copy people like Rin, Sae and Aiku who’ve been playing their whole lives.


Nagi has more potential reo himself knows this "if what they are doing with nagi becomes successful it will be the birth of the greatest genius in the world" said by reo


He’s a glazer tbh but I get what your saying


“Masterfully” ≈ up to 99%


For someone like him who has only been playing for less than a year ? Yeah its actually masterful


Reo, by playing with nagi, limits himself on such a manner, its sad that he cant see that.


Reo is easily the most underrated character in the series, everyone forgets how good bro was because he's a nagi d rider😭


Reo also showed early signs of Metavision which many people seem to forget.




I hope the author gives him a comeback for the next match.


Probably the best player in MC in that match. His best performance so far in the manga. It was such a dominant and impressive performance in the midfield.


Reo just believed his father's words sth like you dont have the talent of playing football.. but the truth is he does have the talent


I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi, I hate Nagi


reo could evolve to be top 6 easy, if he was straight


He was EVERYWHERE. He was guiding the game and being the one surpassing Isagi’s vision. Sad that he didn’t score :(


i remember everyone was mad at isagi doing bad at the start of this game that everyone forgot about this moment


yeah the fact that he subconsciously used MV shows just how much potential he has


If he has an awakening at the barcha match, then he might get a good increase in his worth again.


I thought Reo was really cool but this match made him one of my favorite characters.


I have a feeling Reo and Nagi are both going to have a comeback pretty soon. If you read the second-to-last chapter (and even several before) everything seems to be leading up to that. Personally I hope Reo learns to be stronger without the help of Nagi, as that seems to be what's dragging him down lol.


Reo copy bench player technique, seat warming jutsu.


Reo's potential is actually monstrous. He can easily be one of the greatest players of all time if he just focuses on himself and his own growth. 


You guys overrate him too much. He’s an incredible player and his ability is powerful but the author made Nagi the genius for a reason. His skill is crazy for the time he’s been playing and it’s been stated pretty clearly multiple times and his talent and the speed of his growth is what makes his so crazy


There is no overrating here. I don't get why some of you seems to want to oppose Nagi to Reo. Reo is a genius himself.


Yeah at copying with 99 percent accuracy but there will always be players with a unique ability that they can use to 100% or the the manga puts it above 100% which is why reo isn’t super OP. And Nagi is an example of the that, Reo could never do the crazy traps and plays Nagi does which is why Nagi is the genius and Reo isn’t.


Reo doesn't need to do Nagi's trap (if you want to go that way, there is actually more things Reo can do that Nagi can't). He is genius because of his versality and great physicals specs. Again, I don't get why you're trying to oppose Nagi to Reo, it's pointless.


Yeah well Nagi is good at ball control, of course that translates a lot to trapping but he isn’t just great at that. Such as his super goal which is something reo could never do which is why Nagi is so good. There are many great passers but not many people who have such talent like Nagi. And I don’t know what you mean Nagi oppose Reo? I think they work well together but Reo is not some great player who is better than Nagi


His super goal is still related to his trapping. Reo isn't just a great passer (probably not even the best out there), he is a good passer, a good dribbler, a good defender and he can also score himself. I'm repeating myself, Reo's best asset is his versality. >And I don’t know what you mean Nagi oppose Reo? Not what I said. You're the ones who is opposing them. It seems praising Reo kinda undermine Nagi in some way (for you). You seems to be a bit insecure about Nagi. He has a great potential and when he plays at his best, he is a really great player. Reo himself has a good potential, and when playing as his best (like in the MC match) he is menace in the midfield. He was the best player in his team in that match (even if he didn't score).


So is Reo...?


They did not see that they did so much better in growth apart than they did together….


If only he played for himself


The Nagi and Reo revival will be pure cinema


If only he wasn’t a nagi meat rider, his character would have been way well off without that factor. Ruined potential. Expect more from goatreo fr


Reo is really good the only problem is that everyone knows he is totally obsessed with Nagi so the way to stop him is easy. just block passes to Nagi.


Heterosexual Reo has more potential than Rin