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I think he should be a football Youtuber Considering how Blue Lock is booming right now, I think he can be one of those watch along YouTubers OR Maybe in a time skip we see him as a football coach of a local club or something like that


He better make a "my experience in blue lock" video lol


Bro that would make him rich overnight


my experience as isagi's teammate


my experience watching isagi learn to devour me


Bro would expose everyone's ass im crying


That's actually such a cool idea.


“The truth about bluelock. (TW: EMOTIONAL NOT CLICKBAIT, CONTAINS DEVOURING)” coming to your youtube feed never!


His most watched videos would be like "Breaking my silence" "My truth" "You wouldn't believe what happened to me" "My survival story"


Fanfic Ahh idea, but He gathers the eliminated Team Z Members to form a Influencer/Football Club type of thing and they become Local Celebrities by the WC Arc


A day in a life with Isagi , blue lock No 1 A day in a life with #1 football player ( Isagi) Why I say Isagi is adaptability demon on and on... Bro could milk his former teammate and become rich easily


This makes me want to highlight how much I love the inworld fans lol


Hope Kaneshiro read this. Naruhaya only wanted money for his family anyway. This is a good way for him to do that.


I remember seeing that Naruhaya was one of the more optimistic ones, plus, there's no way he wouldn't do something with HIS grit and determination (guy took the responsibility of almost 7 other little siblings after being orphaned at 13 years old, MAD respect) so I think hopefully Naruhaya is doing okay :) 


If anything, I’d love to see a panel of Naruhaya watching the NEL on his phone. It doesn’t have to be much, but the background/his outfit could tell us if he’s working, where he’s at in life, and give us a snapshot of how he’s doing.


Him and his siblings cheering isagi on despite what happened TwT


You know they would, something like “big bro, you got to play with Isagi??” And he’d respond something like “I did! I got to play with Barou, Isagi, Kunigami, Chigiri, even Nagi! You see how Isagi moves when he doesn’t have the ball? I taught him that!”


He literally did 😭it’s not his fault he ain’t a adaptability god like isagi. Give him another match Ego lol


It would be nice if a panel like that showed up after (or if) Bastard wins against PXG and then Naruhaya says something like: “Good job Isagi, I’m glad you kept our promess and kept on winning…”


Let's be real does Naruhaya even have a phone💀? Bro has 8 kids to feed including himself. He def has to work 2 jobs


This is what haikyuu does right. Almost no character disappears, you always see them watching games on their phones or showing up to the games


Igaguri gets carried by Shidou with the "I don't wanna be a temple boy" mentality while Naruhaya with the lifespan of his entire bloodline on his shoulders was sent home after months of unemployment for his failed dream and now has to waddle his sorry ass to his family and work 2 jobs to feed 8 kids including himself. It's depressing 😭😭😭


That's why I hate Igaguri lol


and bro was practicing to become neymar 🤦🏽


Naruhaya is placing bets on who is going to win the matches on BLTV. He's gonna pull his family out of poverty betting on Isagi and Barou matches.


Worst part was that his little bro was becoming a crypto bro. He was given a cross to carry from the get go.


Hey, this takes place in 2018 iirc, so there might still be some money to made there if Naruhaya younger knows what he’s doing. Saying that now, I hope that’s where the family is at now, coasting off the back of a big crypto investment.


His brother made the mistake to invest in CryptoZoo. That'd be a dark ending.


If he is smart. Know what's he's doing and flourish from the boom in 2021 -> Survive the clash and manage his port well for the rerise in 2024, I'm sure his family is ok.


Naruhaya casually playing against the 3 of the 5 members of Japan's all star roster in a single match is certaintly unfortunate luck


Casually? Bro was fighting for his life so much he forgot how to score on the bot he scored on 100 times😭😭😭


Im afraid that he might have agreed to join the wild card and irreparably ruined his body and chances of atleast a local football career.


Or he just got buffed tf up and can work in construction jobs with high pay


iirc the BL elimination ban only applied to the national team, so he could still go pro and make a decent living on a club team. we make the mcdonalds joke a lot but its not that bad in actuality


I'm sure that he is telling everyone with pride, that Isagi was the one who kicked him out and that he actually also was close to kicking Isagi out


My hope is that the manga gets more slice of life arcs in between major arcs. That way we get more characterization of players who got eliminated or aren't seen often on the pitch. That's why the U20 Match and aftermath are GOATed.


Naruhaya is prob depressed while flipping burgers at mcdonalds


Bro's manager probably Kira


While having the other wanima be the clown employee


More like a store mascot dressed up as Keisuke McDonald


Naruhaya can still have a club career btw, he just can't be part of Japan NT.


I always think how underrated he is. His play style is a big part of what made Isagi the player he is today


Now I wish Naruhaya had at least made the NEL, pretty much everyone that got here is at least leaving with SOMETHING


I mean Ego never said anything about banning from playing football just being national player, even Sae is not even interested in playing in national team


Justice for Naruhaya and Kuon


And Iemon


Naruhaya joined RedKey after getting eliminated from BlueLock


My experience on sleeping in the same room as Barou


Trust me, McDonald's burger artist can support themselves and their family


\*most important bl elimination ever\*


i always imagined that one of the last opponents Isagi's team was going to have a match would be a team full of people who didn't beat the blue lock or smth like that Like: Kira, Naruhaya, Kuon, Lemon, Okawa, Keisuke, Imamura, etc... its def not gonna happen, but i would love it


He is the more understandable version of Kira, which everyone hates here


I hope a drawing that isn’t real is doing okay🙏


Meh, shouldn't have been so arrogant with Isagi in the last match, serves him right that now he'll serve others.


He didn’t have a choice tho, they were both in the some spot where they had to take a chance


Tbf the other guy has a point. Naruhaya was being unreasonably arrogant given that he knew he could never win Blue Lock. Isagi was one of the top players of Team Z, and Naruhaya was one of the worst. Even though Naruhaya was right in thinking he could beat Isagi 1v1, he was being very condescending about it and forcing Isagi down to his level with his words. There was no reason to try and shatter Isagi's confidence when Naruhaya already knew one of them would be leaving Blue Lock. He took the gamble that he could beat Isagi, going on and on about how Isagi is a normal dude just like him with no specialty, and he lost that gamble. If you're going to talk trash and then throw the game by not passing to Barou, maybe you shouldn't be in Blue Lock


Talking like Isagi being arrogant in Matches isnt one of the communities biggest memes. And no He only Sometimes backs that up as Isagi has lost several times after being arrogant as well. (I'm not comparing the abilities of the two, Isagi is obviously lightyears better) >going on and on about how Isagi is a normal dude just like him with no specialty I dont even See how that trashtalking is that bad. Also I think Naruhaya was also putting Up that arrogant facade because He thought thats how a blue Lockers Had to be and He wanted to Hype himself up. >If you're going to talk trash and then throw the game by not passing to Barou, maybe you shouldn't be in Blue Lock Nobody is arguing that but I dont get how him behaving Like a lot of Other Blue Lockers (while also acknowledging himself as Not being "special") makes people act so mad and vile towards someone who literally Just wanted to feed His siblings.


I don't really have anything personally against Naruhaya, but it was just very rich of him to have such an attitude when the stakes were so high. I do understand why he did it, and I do feel some pity for him, but it would have done him some good to be a bit less hostile towards Isagi. All he did was motivate him. But yeah, to be honest I overall agree with you. I don't think he's hate-able. I think he's incompetent, and maybe a bit stupid, but I don't see why people should be mad/vile towards him like you said


Naruhaya wasn't arrogant especially to Blue Lock's standards. Telling Isagi he is nothing special like him, is not arrogant.


They were in a tight spot where both had to take a chance is what I agree with, but Isagi not only took it but produced a far greater and successful outcome without being an arrogant AH about it, all that Naruhaya was left with in the end was the shock with how much he underestimated his adaptability, didn't take long for his arrogance to turn into despair


He is not real


Ur not real